Merry Christmas to You! new group *not closed*



  • saphfireangel
    saphfireangel Posts: 438 Member
    Alright got in 25 push ups today I however didn't get much of anything else done.
  • TexasDarling09
    TexasDarling09 Posts: 210 Member
    Am really depressed =( I gained weight and don't want to weigh in on wednesday. My exercise video was left at my moms so I wont get it for a few days and now I've pretty much lost all my motivation. ( a lot of things have gone terribly wrong in the past couple days)
    Was very bad this weekend, though I stayed under my calories. I'm just really upset that the weight isn't coming off like I hoped.

    I honestly understand girl. Reading your post, though, made me realize that I can't give up, because I dont want YOU to give up. Today & yesterday were bad days for me. I'm so tempted by all these treats around me, and I have no support system. It's really difficult to keep going with stuff like this going on. But I have to think of the end result, whenever that result may come, and so do you. IT might take longer than we want, but we can do it. We are STRONG women. :)
  • meganepreston
    meganepreston Posts: 487 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Just checking in- I drank 8 glasses of water today and did my pushups. I suck at upperbody work, so I managed only 12 girly ones. I know I can more if I work on it more. Hope everybody else is on track too! :)

  • Yesterday and today weren't great calorie wise. I didn't get my twenty pushups a day done but I did ten yesterday and thirteen today so I haven't missed a day of at least SOME exercise. Ordered some running shoes on Saturday :) 2 more pounds and I'll have lost my first ten pounds! Can't wait to weigh in Wednesday. We're doing it girls, don't give up!
  • jesstguidry
    jesstguidry Posts: 3 Member
    I want in! Starting weight 175lbs. Hope to be 155 by Christmas!!
  • cschmidt42
    cschmidt42 Posts: 190 Member
    my trainer suggested no carbs after 2. so i finally listened to him after 2 years and lost 5.4 pounds in 2 days. good luck

    That is a awesome idea, I have a friend who works out with a trainer and he told her the same thing, I had forgot about that, I am with you and will start doing that as well today! Thanks and good luck! We will see how it goes!:wink:

  • cschmidt42
    cschmidt42 Posts: 190 Member
    Happy November everyone! This thread is awesome, I think I lost 2lbs this week, we will see tomorrow! I hope everyone is doing well! Good luck and we can do this! Can't wait till Christmas! :smile:

  • mom2lyla
    mom2lyla Posts: 123 Member
    Ok, I couldn't wait and so I weighed myself today. 196--that's 3.5 lbs down from last week and 11.5 lbs down since my start date! Yay :bigsmile: Can't wait to see everyone else's great results this week. Keep up the good work, friends! Christmas will be here before we know it and we will be looking and feeling fabulous!
  • Ugh, I am so mad at myself. I went away for the weekend and did not do very good on my diet and did not excercise and I weighed myself this morning and I have gained weight and the last thing I want to do is have a plus and set me back on my chart for this. I am so angry with myself. I should have made better choices over the weekend. All I can do now is do better everyday and in the future :(
  • Liluth
    Liluth Posts: 84 Member
    Ugh, I am so mad at myself. I went away for the weekend and did not do very good on my diet and did not excercise and I weighed myself this morning and I have gained weight and the last thing I want to do is have a plus and set me back on my chart for this. I am so angry with myself. I should have made better choices over the weekend. All I can do now is do better everyday and in the future :(

    Don't beat yourself up too much :). I think it's good for your body to fluctuate a little in calories. You'll be better off in the long run., even with weight gain.
  • mom2lyla
    mom2lyla Posts: 123 Member
    Ugh, I am so mad at myself. I went away for the weekend and did not do very good on my diet and did not excercise and I weighed myself this morning and I have gained weight and the last thing I want to do is have a plus and set me back on my chart for this. I am so angry with myself. I should have made better choices over the weekend. All I can do now is do better everyday and in the future :(

    Don't beat yourself up about what's already done--just focus on today and make it a good one! Your gain may just be water retention from lots of sodium, etc. Who knows what tomorrow will look like? :happy:
  • I too weighed myself this morning and was not happy at what I saw! I'll officially weigh in tomorrow morning, but now I'm nervous. I'm off to the gym for what I'm determined to make a great cardio workout because I really don't want to record a gain tomorrow!

    Thank you for the suggestion of not eating carbs after 2pm. I'm going to try to at least cut-back and eventually get to that goal.

    I love the idea of the next challenge being about mindful eating!

    Have a great Tuesday everyone!
  • sunflowers8
    sunflowers8 Posts: 83 Member
    Hello all. cheking in my 100 girly pushups.
  • AliceIsRunning
    AliceIsRunning Posts: 220 Member
    I'll admit that this week's push-up challenge has been difficult. I managed my 20 last night - just barely :)

    Happy November everyone!
  • icklecyberfairy
    icklecyberfairy Posts: 56 Member
    Weigh day. it wed morn here.

    Xmas GW: 199
    LW: 209.2

    lost: 1.7
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member
    Its Tuesday night here in little old Ireland. Working all day and then shopping. Didn't get to do push-ups.
    Will weigh in in the morn.

    Good luck all !!!!!
  • ziesergirl_66
    ziesergirl_66 Posts: 1,010 Member
    evening all! another busy day. feel like have abandoned you and not being able to get on here like I want. leaves are raked into piles and need to get them picked up. Rain is forecast for tomorrow. put some brick on our front step. can do touch up's if we get a warm day, mostly done otherwise.

    now...the bad part. I have not been prioritizing ME. I have not done my regular walk since last week. eating has been kinda out of control..and slacking big time on the push ups. doing ok with water.

    gotta get back on track here. 2 full weeks done and it's Nov 1st. this is going fast....I want results. gotta do the work!

    don't forget to post your weights tomorrow. keep up the great job...I'm inspired by all the exercising being posted on the news feed. You people are some real machines!! don't ever stop!
  • meganepreston
    meganepreston Posts: 487 Member
    Hey all! Got in my 8 cups of water today and managed 15 push-ups, 2 more than yesterday. :) Since I've only been in the challenge for a couple days, I don't think I will have lost weight, but I'll weigh in tomorrow morning and let you all know. :)

  • TexasDarling09
    TexasDarling09 Posts: 210 Member
    I did pretty good today! I did weigh in a day early & found that after gaining 1lb earlier in the week, I've lost half a pound again. Hoping by tomorrow I'll be breaking even on last weeks weigh in. I always get so discouraged when I gain, & feel like giving up. It feels like it takes SO MUCH WORK to lose but so LITTLE to gain it back. So I got really depressed yesterday, then today I"m back on it! <3 I can't wait for NEXT Wednesday's weigh-in!
  • azachery
    azachery Posts: 45 Member
    I am so very happy to have joined groups on mfp.I just joined this group and I just bought a scale today! Wow! I was surprised. I gained 17lbs since my wedding on 7/5/11! I was 197 lbs. I can't believe it! So, started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and also attempting ripped in 30. I am determined to get to my goal of 155lbs. I haven't been that weight since a teen. Thanks everyone for your posts, they are motivating.