Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011



  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    To all the newcomers, welcome!

    About the calorie discussion, I’ve been horrible at tracking. Mine is still set at maintenance but I haven’t been logging my food, so that’s useless. I’m going to add that to my weekly goal, but based on being used to logging, I’d say I’m still eating maintenance or 100 or so more. I don’t think I’ll add more cals until I start feeling my body wanting more.

    I’d love to do a 3D ultrasound too, and so would Bobby but may only do it 25-30 weeks. I’ve been told that if you do it earlier the baby doesn’t look so good (too skinny) and afterwards the baby is too squished. So if you want goo photos, to do it around that time. So I guess I still need to wait till 20weeks to find out the sex, and then decide if its worth spending the extra money on a 3d photo.

    Heather, sorry to hear the bad news. If it makes you feel any better, the Dr.’s here only deliver you if you happen to go into labor while on their shift at the hospital, otherwise you get the Dr. on staff that day. So I already know I’m not likely to have my Dr. deliver me. Its not that bad, just be sure to have a written up birth plan that the Dr. can skim through (they don’t always read carefully so don’t elaborate, make it dummy proof), and remind Al that he may have to be your voice in this, just incase you’re not in a state of being able to have the conversation with the Dr. Hopefully you will go into labor earlier and all this worry is for nothing.

    Oh and I’m so happy that I made it to my body toning class today, but sad that the class seems to get harder and harder every week instead of easier like it used to.

  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Mitsi ~ I also still have mine set to maintenence....but I think it's at something like 1800 calories? Which seems like a lot to me. I haven't been good at logging it lately though. Really need to get back into it!

    SV ~ I swore I felt something at 15 weeks. Then for sure at 16 weeks & ever since. The last couple weeks, he apparently has been kicking pretty hard b/c I've been feeling it on the outside as well.

    Heather ~ I hope it all works out for you!!!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Forgot to mention...hubby seem my belly move about a million times last night. (first time seeing it) She is so active between 8-9:00 pm. He said can you feel that too, I said well yeah she's inside me....he just kept watching and watching and said that would drive me nuts. LOL. I love it though, it's so cute.
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hey ladies, only got ina 30 min walk yesterday. Was already to take my lil peanut out trick or treating and she wanted to daddy to go instead :(. I handed out candy instead. She came home and was pretty excited about her candy... we werent allowed to touch it....She wasnt feeling good and ahd a fever all night, I was going to stay home with her but nana came over to watch her so I wouldnt miss work. I did well with not eating much candy. My appetite has dropped alot lately, Im still feeling morning sickness but not as bad. It was all good up intill we decided to go to town on a bag of All dressed chips, bad bad bad.

    I have aquasize tonight ya!

    The question on leaving your lil one at 8 weeks, it will be hard for you to enjoy yourself cause your mind will be preoccupied. I remember the first couple of times leaving my daughter and it was really hard to jyst relax.

    Rayna, are you gonna stop by in Airdrie when your here????
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hey Ash--you were talking about middle back pain. Is it in the middle or off to one side? I would get these searing pains...felt like under my rib cage near my back, but off to one side---turned out it was my gallbladder. Some women have more trouble with it during pregnancy. If you google something like "gallbladder during pregnancy" I'm sure you can help determine if that might be it. A low fat diet helped me keep from getting "attacks" while pregnant, and then it stopped for me after I gave birth. Just something that popped into my head when I saw your post.
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    hi coming from fit for future families forum

    Just found out 4 hours ago, BFP

    ok guys i wont say i have very actively working out. last month i was doing leslie sansone walk away the pounds and winsor pilates. since i had knee pain and durring TTC i was always aprehensive of what if i overdo and damage my conception..tht was a myth coz this october i worked out after a long time and i conceived.

    ok guys let me is this forum for me coz i dont know how active were u guys, if u think im not that active refer me to lazy bums thread

    let me wht kind of workouts u ppl do? im love yoga n loved winsor pilates

    since my lower body is more problem, refer some good workout for legs
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Happy November Mamas!!

    Thanks Heather!

    Better_Balance_20 and kristy_estes21: My understanding of the calorie bumps goes like this...1st trimester, no additional calories...2nd and 3rd trimesters 200-400 additional calories. But I don't believe you are supposed to bump up your caloric intake an additional 200-400 with each trimester. I believe the 2nd and 3rd trimesters are all one big bump. So throughout your entire pregnancy, your body never needs more than 400 additional calories/day. I think that's right...

    Better_Balance_20: When I eat a clean diet, I don't usually make it through all of my calories. If I allow myself some cheating, then I do.

    kristy_estes21: Awesome job keeping yourself moving even when you're not feeling it!

    babeed854: So glad you've got our appetite back!

    ♥Rayna♥: Thanks for the info on SPD, but I had never heard of it. Try not to freak out though, just make sure you speak to your doctor. When is your next check-in? Do you have any resources nearby that you can attempt some water aerobics? That will likely help alleviate some of the pressure in those joints.

    Welcome shellgib and praymond17 and dexters_dexterity!

    Heather: The news about your doctor is a bummer, but its good to hear that you're not allowing it to throw off your birth plan. Is there a way that you can meet any of the doctors that will likely be 'on call' during your doctor's trip? That might make you very comfortable with the idea of your doctor possibly not delivering your little one...And if I may say this...poo on your doctor for not telling you until the last minute and adding an unnecessary stress to your last beautiful days being pregnant.

    svgarcia: I started feeling baby move at 18-19 weeks.

    baisleac: Congrats!

    millionsofpeaches: So excited for your ultrasound!

    mistibergman: I have the EXACT same story to the T about my husband. He asked me the same question. It was so cute.

    Getting back in the groove this week. Halloween party was great! Felt amazing even after being up for 22 hours! But needed a couple of days of recuperating Sunday and Monday. Last night my mother and I did a practice run on the food we'll be serving at my Baby shower, and that went well. A few things to tweak but very happy with the results overall.

    Goals for the week:
    Log diet daily
    Strength 2-3x
    Yoga 2-3x
    Walk pups 5x
    Eat out Max 2x
    Going to take the pups for a walk tonight. Planning for a round of strength training in the morning.

    Happy November again!
    Weekly goals:
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Happy November 1st all. Just got back from Zumba and I feel like I am doing it with a 20 pound weight, haha. I am finally rocking a support band and it definitely helps. It's crazy to feel change from week to week. It will be interesting to see how long I can still do Zumba. My favorite is the looks people give me when I walk in class:)

    Heather, hang in there. That stinks about your doctor. You may want to ask to meet the other doctor just encase. Discuss your birthing plan with them too and get a feel for what you would be in for if you do have to use them.

    dexters_dexterity: You are too funny. This group is very supportive, so welcome:)

    taldie01: How was aquasize?

    mistibergman: That's awesome that your hubby saw the baby move. The first time my husband saw it he was a little freaked out, hehe. I told him he should be me:0) I love it though, it's so amazing and comforting to feel your little one.

    Love everyone's goals for this week.

    My goals:
    Tuesday - Zumba
    Wednesday- Zumba
    Thursday- Walk my fur baby
    Friday- Treadmill
    Saturday- Walk my fur baby
    Sunday- Walk my fur baby
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks Karen for that, I looked into it and I don’t think it is that. I have it on the left side (and they say it’s more common on the right if it’s the gallbladder), plus they aren’t really attacks. I have an annoying pain in the back in the morning that gets progressively worse throughout the day to the point that it starts hurting in the ribs, but it’s definitely constant. A friend of mine had a problem with her sciatic nerve during her pregnancy and went to a chiropractor for relief, and so she’s sending me his info. I have a feeling that it is a nerve to is being pinched because some positions are worse than others (sadly sitting is the worse and that’s what I do all day at work) where as lying down doesn’t hurt as much. The only temporary relief I get is from stretching, so bring on the yoga!

    Welcome Dexter and congrats! This thread is for women that want to remain active during their pregnancy, so regardless of your fitness level, if your goal is to stay active then you are in the right place. There are all levels of fit women on here, from women that are still running in their third trimester to women walking and doing yoga. We are all here to support a healthy active lifestyle while preggo.

    Nichole, I’m starting to get those looks too in class (cause now it’s a little more obvious that I’m pregnant and not just fat in the tummy), the best is in the middle of a class and someone is struggling and then they look at you and see that you’re pregnant and still doing it, all of a sudden they have more energy lol.

    So yesterday I did both my body toning class (during my lunch) and hour walk 9with a friend), and tonight I have Zumba! I started off this week not so great but I’m not letting that ruin the rest of my week!

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. The weather in KY is gorgeous so I took advantage of it last night. Eric, Sydney (my doggie) and I took about a 20 minute walk. I had planned on a longer run/walk so I went and did an additional 25 minutes of mostly running after. It felt good but I felt like I had to pee the whole time and the rest of the night my hip hurt. It felt like I had done a long distnace run and I maybe logged 2 miles. I hadn't run in a couple weeks and I can tell my body is responding differently. My lower back is still hurting a little this morning. I am going to keep at it as long as I can. Tonight I will probably take another walk or maybe ride my bike as the weather is going to be nice again. I was supposed to go help dog hunt with my friend but after 9 DAYS "in the wild", my friends got a call at 2am from a nearby house saying they had their dog. What great news.

    Question - anyone have slight dizziness when they wake up? I got up this morning and sort of ran into a wall and it took me about 30 minutes before I felt normal. Felt a little like when I would drink too much and wake up still a little tipsy. :drinker: Obviously that was not the case this morning. I'm better now but it was strange.

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning ladies! So sorry I didn't have time to catch up and comment for everyone like I try so hard to do every day. I just want to say that I appreciate all of the kind words and words of encouragement. I hope I have been as supportive of you all as you are of me right now! Too bad MFP isn't "real" life and we aren't all gym buddies lol...


    Nichole just keep on rocking it until you feel like it is too much. You are doing awesome! :)

    Ash I would HIGHLY recommend going to the chiro. I LOVE mine and have been seeing her on a weekly basis this last part of the pregnancy. Without her I feel like I'd be in much more pain/discomfort than I already am. Make sure you find out if your placenta is anterior (in the front)...if so then I wouldn't recommend a 3d. It was hard getting good pics of her cause her head was down and my placenta is in the front. Otherwise it is a really cool experience and to have pics to actually see their little face is so awesome.

    Rosanna your goals are awesome! And about my doc...her mother just died of brain cancer a few months ago and she has had a very trying time in her life. I am bummed that it might be a possibility that she won't be there, but she is human and has to do what is best for her too. So that's why I'm trying to stay positive and just go with the flow...and hopefully good things will happen.

    dexter Ash said it perfectly. My goal for this board was to bring women together that wanted to stay healthy and fit during their pregnancies. I don't care if you do zumba class, run a marathon, or are a yogi....just as long as you value the importance of having a healthy body for you and baby during and after your pregnancy :) So welcome!

    Hope your little peanut feels better soon Taldie!

    Misti isn't that awesome when our hubby's get to take part? Hope your appt went well!

    Millionsofpeaches glad your vacation went well and keep us updated on the u/s!

    svgarcia Ash is right that you should wait until the baby has body fat before doing the 3d. I waited until 32wks I believe and she had adorable big chubby cheeks :) As for coffee...higher amounts of caffeine have been linked to miscarriage and problems with fetal development. On the same note I've known women who have drank several sodas every single day they were pregnant and their babies have turned into amazingly smart children, and I have known people who cut out every bit of caffeine and had a I believe you should decide what is best for you and go with that.

    Welcome praymond and shellgib! Jump right in!

    Rayna I'd talk to your doc but my best friend had the same kind of thing as you. Especially her pubic bone aching. I only felt that when the baby first dropped but the chiro did some adjustments and I haven't felt that in a while. But basically that bone will begin to stretch out and separate to make room for baby. For her it hurt really bad all the time and even now her baby is 5 months old and it is coming back together and it hurts her. So I think it can be something totally normal. So don't freak out until you've discussed it with your doc :)

    Kristy glad baby girl is letting you know she is okay :) It is normal to feel those crampy feelings from time to time. Just that uterus making room for baby like you said. Oh and love the costumes!

    babeed the costumes are super cute!

    Holly thanks for keeping me on the straight and narrow! I totally understand where you are coming from and agree that I need to be grateful for this time cause there is that possibility this will be the last time I ever feel this. I just wish it didn't include quite so much pain on a daily basis! But I'm staying positive and just trying to keep my mind and body occupied while I wait. Thank you again. :)

    To anyone I missed I'm sorry. I will try and stay caught up from this point on :)

    I'm off to go workout. An hour of Tracy Anderson and then off to the gym to do an hour of cardio. Hope you all have an awesome day and stay fit and healthy!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    New month, new thread, new members! Welcome! :happy:

    Those asking about maintenance calories - I changed my settings to maintain and that for now I'm sedentary, and it still gives me a 1750 calorie goal, which i almost never hit unless I've splurged on a favorite "naughty" food that day. Some days I have a hard time hitting 1200-1300. Bed rest certainly doesn't help me work up an appetite, but I am glad that I am least still logging my foods, because it is an eye opener sometimes that I need to eat more for the baby's sake! Either way, I am maintaining my weight at this point, so I suppose that's good.

    Hoping this is my last day of laying on the couch. Nervous but ready for tomorrow's appointment. Haven't had anymore heavy bleeding in over a week, but still spotting every day. Really have no idea what we will find out tomorrow - really hoping to see that heartbeat on the ultrasound and that everything is okay, but also trying to prepare myself for anything. :frown:

    If nothing else, it will be my first trip out of the house in 9 DAYS! :tongue:
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I have totally been MIA for the last week or so.

    My number one goal for this week is to make sure that I am stretching daily. I can already feel my body getting stiff!

    Last night was my first time of getting sick. It was horrible and I feel so bad for any woman that has to deal with morning sickness on a normal basis. I thought maybe I had waited too long to eat but it had only been 3 that really too long? Hopefully it isn't something that happens too often. With my first I never got sick so I had my fingers crossed for the same thing.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    I have totally been MIA for the last week or so.

    My number one goal for this week is to make sure that I am stretching daily. I can already feel my body getting stiff!

    Last night was my first time of getting sick. It was horrible and I feel so bad for any woman that has to deal with morning sickness on a normal basis. I thought maybe I had waited too long to eat but it had only been 3 that really too long? Hopefully it isn't something that happens too often. With my first I never got sick so I had my fingers crossed for the same thing.

    Bmfrazie- I never got morning sickness per say....but I was naseaus ALL I made sure that I had snacks/small meals to cover me approx every two hours. The longer I went without something in my stomach, the sicker I would get....

    I also had kept almond packs/raisins in my purse for those cases when I felt it come on....

    hope you don't have to go through that!!
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Hi ladies!!! I'm so EXCITED its November. Yay!! I LOVE fall, although in Texas we're still in the 80s most of the time still. However, it'll get colder tonight and Thursday, so we'll enjoy colder weather soon. :D

    Welcome on new mommies to be!!!! YAY!! How fun. :D

    I had my doctor's appt on Monday and I was bummed out for sure. I step on the scale and a whopping 7lbs!!!! GEEZ!!! As much as I try not to stress about it, it is hard to swallow. Especially when I see all the posts on everybody who just gained 1 or maybe 2. I know that I have done nothing since Nike and I guess if finally caught up to me. Plus I'm not one of those that's like, " I don't know what happened" I know I've been drinking way too many soda pop's because I've been craving them. So that contributed to the 7lbs. I had stopped eating out a lot and was a little surprised that I gained that much but hubby said that he has noticed my portions getting bigger. :( I know that my appetite has gone up some but geez!!! So, last night I did the whole, I'm going to wait 20mins so my brain can get the message. If I'm still hungry I'll eat a little more. :) I'll be doing this more often I guess. So, I thought Monday, I'm starting over and re-doing EVERYTHING the RIGHT way. I started off on Monday by walking an hour and was going to go back to my Zumba classes this week but I have been experiencing a lot of pelvic pain. OUCH!!! Not to mention lower back pain. So, I decided to rest yesterday, which I think helped some because today I don't feel it as much. I had my husband stretch me out last night and massage my lower back and that helped a lot too. LOVE him for this!!
    I also booked my first Chiro appt because the lower back pain is a little overwhelming and so first appt is next Tuesday. I'm hoping the adjustments work. I have gone back to about 130oz of water a day and so far this week, NO pop's!!! That's a start! I have also stoped picking up the ocassional candies around work!

    Also, last night as I'm playing classical music for baby, he starts kicking the speaker on my belly!!!! I thought, hmm, I wonder if its just coincendence, so I decided to move the speaker and he starts again. How FUNNY!!! Don't know if he was like, turn that thing off or he was liking it. :) I LOVE it!!!

    Heather- what a complete bummer. :( I'm sorry for this. You're handling it the right way, I would've been a drama queen probably about this. However, that's why I did decide to do the birthing center this time around. Too many of my friends that have had kids all have been induced. Not cool. But you are right, baby is going to come when SHE is ready. It'll all be GREAT in the end. Hopefully this weekend. ;) I'm praying for you and baby girl.

    Rayna- feel you on the pelvic pain, I don't think I have it all day long though. I feel mostly when I walk. Yes, VERY annoying. Makes me feel OLD!! :( We will get through this though. :)

    shellgib and dexteres- congrats!! and WELCOME!!

    Misti- how much FUN!! I know I love when baby is bouncing around in there. That's why I guess we were picked for the job of carrying them!!! HA!!

    If I missed anyone, I'm sorry. I'm sure I'll catch you next time I respond. :)

    Goals this week:
    Monday: walked an hour
    Tuesday: Rest
    Wednesday: walk for an hour
    Thursday: FIL will have open hear surgery, so not sure if I'll get anythign done. :)
    Friday: Walk for an hour
    Saturday: Yogay and walk for about 30 mins
    Sunday: walk for an hour

    Will eat slower, to signal my brain that I'm full.
    Not drink any pop!!! :)

    Have a GREAT week everybody!!!!
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    just found bfp yesterday. so when its safe to excercise as first few weeks r considered risky

    if i can pls let me some good workout dvds

    and should i change my calorie goals to maintenance with sedentary activity level
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I did some yoga stretches last night and my pelvis/hips are feeling a lot better today - I think the pain for the first two days this week might have been from overdoing it a bit this past weekend.
    I have my next Dr appointment on Wednesday next week so I will definitely talk to him. I'm really thinking about doing some aquasizing - I just have to find the time! lol

    Last night was a good night, I met my friend at Costco (she's due in April) and we shared a poutine there (I don't know why but their poutine is AMAZING!) and we shopped a bit, I got a cute onesie and really cute super soft micro fleece owl blanket for the nursery, then we just sat and ate our poutine and talked for awhile, it was really nice.
    Then I got home and convinced the hubby to stop watching tv and help me get started on the computer room because our nursery set is coming on Nov 19 - so we started packing up our MASSIVE bookshelf, it felt really good to get something accomplished last night! Then I did some yoga stretches for my pelvis/hips/lower back and it really helped alleviate some pressure and pain - and I actually ended up having a great sleep last night! :bigsmile: I feel really good today! YAY

    I'm sipping on a decaf reduced fat egg nog latte from starbucks this morning! YUM - Holiday drinks are here! I'm such a nerd but I just love holiday treats so much, especially from starbucks! lol

    Anyway, busy day ahead just wanted to give a bit of an update :happy:

    I have yoga tonight and tomorrow night because I missed one class last week, so I am definitely looking forward to it!

    emrogers - don't beat yourself up too much - I'm starting to learn that everyone gains weight differently in their pregnancies and just try to take it in stride, if you know there are things you can do better with (I know there is for me...ahem...candy!) Then you can control that, but otherwise we are growing tiny lil humans and we have to give ourselves a break sometimes :wink: easier said than done I know! I have my next appointment next Wednesday and I'm trying to not stress about what the scale will say lol
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi all! I just bumping quickly so I can come back later. I am in CT, and we lost power due to a freak snowstorm on Saturday (about 10 inches). There were still leaves on the trees, so the limbs (when combined with heavy snow) were so heavy that they fell and knocked out tons of power lines. Over 800,000 were without power in CT. We are one of them! My Sister in Law got power last night so we were finally able to get a shower (I was sooo gross!) and my work got power today, so I finally have access to a computer. We are supposed to get power at our house on Monday (ew!). That will be 9 days out for us, and in CT it is hovering around the 40’s, so I am one cold girl!

    So we ended up in the ER on Monday. I started bleeding (not spotting) that evening, I called my on call doctor, and the service could not get a hold of him. They told me to go to the ER, where they did a vaginal ultrasound and bloodwork. Good news was that my quant was 5670 but the bad news was that they couldn’t see anything definitive in my uterus. They said at that level of HCG that they should. I was 1300 this past Friday and 75 the previous Friday, so I am progressing well in that since, but they want more bloodwork tomorrow to make sure I still am, and I have another ultrasound on Monday. My husband and I aren’t sure what to think, but we are praying super hard! Did any of you ladies experience this?
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hello Happy Wednesday!

    I got my 20 min walk last night, it is definitely chilly out and I am always cold. Tonight is cleaning night, this Cinderelly needs to tidy the place up for mom's visit. :laugh: Tomorrow is my big day U/S, I'll update most likely at night or Friday morning.

    Heather-Glad to hear your appt went ok. Good job you are still getting your cardio in.

    Rosanna-Yay your babyshower is coming up. Post some pix.

    Nichole-WTG on Zumba, I miss it!!!

    Ash-Awesome double workout.

    Ashley-Yay for your friends getting their doggie back. We have 2 & I can't imagine how we would be without them now.

    Amy-Hope you appt goes well and you get to hear the heartbeat. Best thoughts.

    Bmfrazie-Hope you feel better.

    Elce-Hope that you feel better after your chiro appt. I think you've done great working out, and pat yourself on the back you have done 5K and preggo. If you've gained more than expected, you still have time to make some adjustments just don't starve your lil guy. How cute on the classical music. I am looking for some rockalullabies, my coworker mentioned she found for her baby.

    Rayna-Glad to hear stretching is helping ease the pain and yes def mention it to your dr. Enjoy your yoga!

    Misti-How awesome your hubby saw the baby move!

    Andrea- Please don't freak out and think that this is your case. I did experience something similar where the dr couldn't see anything in my uterus earlier this year and ended up being an ectopic pregnancy they removed my left ovary. I hope you have a good outcome and your baby is ok. Best wishes!