Intermittent Fasting Support Group?



  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    Alloranx: aah yep, forgot about that.

    and no probs. I thought some people would find it handy.

    That is really interesting! Love how you can adjust the dials to see how different calorie intakes will affect weight/fat loss!

    So - it's only been two full days of LG-style IF, and I got on the scale this morning. I'm down 4 lbs. from Monday morning! Crazy, and I know it's water, but hey! I'll take it!

  • And saw this awesome link for LG/Fast 5/Warrior diet people.

    Thanks for the link! I really like how this breaks everything down and presents it!
  • janiedoe111
    janiedoe111 Posts: 161 Member
    I am fasting for 24 hours once a week. Anyone else on a similar plan?
  • refresher...what does TDEE stand for? I also filled in my info for that table abover chrisdavey and it will take me until April of 2012 to lose 10 lbs but go from 24% body fat to 18%. Is it normal to take thatttt long. Seems like forever to me. Hope I'm understanding the chart right as well.

    Googled it,

    When I entered my stats and entered 0 workouts the schedule showed me losing 10 lbs by Jan with body fat of 18%. The april 2012 was when I entered 6 workouts. When I went to 0 workouts it showed my losing 1 lb a week. Soo my question is am I not understadning this correctly that the workout set at 0 means I'm excercising everyday and setting it at 6 means I'm resting 6 days? Seems backwards. Not sure if you can see at the link below:

    TDEE says 1599, Rest Cals 1119 and workout cals 1439. Soooo like today I worked out and burned 377 cals. Mfp set me at 1200 but I upped it to 1300 so should I set it at 1439 and ignor the excercise cal thing? Or go by MFP and I should eat 1677 cals? Why am I always so confused?
  • I am fasting for 24 hours once a week. Anyone else on a similar plan?

    Me! :)
  • janiedoe111
    janiedoe111 Posts: 161 Member
    LOL at off the beaten path :tongue:

    I would think that if you were doing 2 24hr fasts a week that you would eat closer to maintenance cals on your regular days because your weekly deficit would be coming from the fasting days. e.g. MFP set to 1.5lb loss per week, cal intake 1250, maintenance 2000.
    M: 2000
    Total cals for the week 10000. TDEE for week: 14000. 4000cal deficit.

    I'm no ESE expert though :tongue:

    And saw this awesome link for LG/Fast 5/Warrior diet people.

    And here is my plan that I came up with from the above

    Chris: This is awesome. Any tips on how to best use this information?
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I am fasting for 24 hours once a week. Anyone else on a similar plan?

    Me! :)

    Me as well although lately I have not been doing it for various reasons, I am back to it now with a fast today. It has went well overall, probably because I got a good nights sleep. It seems when I am tired I have a very hard time maintaining the fast, and end up eating way too much when I do break it. Today, so far so good.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Read this re your minimum protein & fats required. Then I'd use the preset cal targets based on if you want to lose, gain or recomp (rest/workout split) . (See how my protein is the same both days, & fats higher on off days (as per LG recommendations))

    JeanineSchumm: This calculator is for everyday fasting like leangains not ESE. And remember the following.

    Thinking fat loss is a linear phenomenon and setting a weekly weight loss goal (ie. I will lose 1.5 lbs per week every week and if I don't I am failing and might as well give up) for yourself is a short path to frustration. Don't set numerical goals. Set behaviour/program compliance goals and with consistency, the outcome will take care of itself. Fat loss is not, and never will be, linear. Ditch using the scale as the sole barometer of your progress and pass on the setting of a weekly weight loss goal. It's just another added source of potential stress.
  • janiedoe111:
    Read this re your minimum protein & fats required. Then I'd use the preset cal targets based on if you want to lose, gain or recomp (rest/workout split) . (See how my protein is the same both days, & fats higher on off days (as per LG recommendations))

    JeanineSchumm: This calculator is for everyday fasting like leangains not ESE. And remember the following.

    Thinking fat loss is a linear phenomenon and setting a weekly weight loss goal (ie. I will lose 1.5 lbs per week every week and if I don't I am failing and might as well give up) for yourself is a short path to frustration. Don't set numerical goals. Set behaviour/program compliance goals and with consistency, the outcome will take care of itself. Fat loss is not, and never will be, linear. Ditch using the scale as the sole barometer of your progress and pass on the setting of a weekly weight loss goal. It's just another added source of potential stress.

    As always, good advice chrisdavey!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I am trying the every other day fast approach. Supper to supper is the window so about 24 hours. This will be the second fast day. I used to do two fast days a week, so other than the proximity to my previous fast day (I would normally leave a 2 day gap) this is not that different. When I hit Sunday with fast day number three, then I will see if it is something I can do. Now to drink lots of water and tea to keep my stomach satisfied.
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    I am trying the every other day fast approach. Supper to supper is the window so about 24 hours. This will be the second fast day. I used to do two fast days a week, so other than the proximity to my previous fast day (I would normally leave a 2 day gap) this is not that different. When I hit Sunday with fast day number three, then I will see if it is something I can do. Now to drink lots of water and tea to keep my stomach satisfied.

    Jim, that's what I've been doing and it works great for me. On average, I lose about a pound every day that I fast, but more than that, I just feel like I have more control over my eating habits... I guess I just feel like I don't have as much to keep up with. I still eat really healthily, but on my eat days I don't have to freak out over sticking to a 1200 calorie diet. Then on my fasting days, I eat breakfast and I'm done until the next day.

    Weekends are the kicker for me though because we have so much going on, it's hard to fast... Especially when we're eating dinners out with family, so I usually do try to stick to 1200-1500 calories on those days.

    Fasting, at first, was brutal. I'd sit there and think "okay, one skipped meal down, one to go!", but now I don't even think about it. I knew I was hungry last night because my stomach was growling, but I didn't feel ravenous. It does get easier!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I am trying the every other day fast approach. Supper to supper is the window so about 24 hours. This will be the second fast day. I used to do two fast days a week, so other than the proximity to my previous fast day (I would normally leave a 2 day gap) this is not that different. When I hit Sunday with fast day number three, then I will see if it is something I can do. Now to drink lots of water and tea to keep my stomach satisfied.

    Jim, that's what I've been doing and it works great for me. On average, I lose about a pound every day that I fast, but more than that, I just feel like I have more control over my eating habits... I guess I just feel like I don't have as much to keep up with. I still eat really healthily, but on my eat days I don't have to freak out over sticking to a 1200 calorie diet. Then on my fasting days, I eat breakfast and I'm done until the next day.

    Weekends are the kicker for me though because we have so much going on, it's hard to fast... Especially when we're eating dinners out with family, so I usually do try to stick to 1200-1500 calories on those days.

    Fasting, at first, was brutal. I'd sit there and think "okay, one skipped meal down, one to go!", but now I don't even think about it. I knew I was hungry last night because my stomach was growling, but I didn't feel ravenous. It does get easier!

    I've been intermittent fasting the ESE way since December of 2010. It works well, but with recent knee problems and a very busy schedule with lots of special events, I fell out of the habit of one or two fasts a week. So far today is going well.

    I agree the best part is being able to no longer have this daily looming calorie count to worry about. I still count calories and will continue to do so, but it is much more freeing this way in my opinion.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member

    I agree the best part is being able to no longer have this daily looming calorie count to worry about. I still count calories and will continue to do so, but it is much more freeing this way in my opinion.

    I just had a PB&J sandwich at 7:30 pm, NEVER could have done that without a morning fast. IF ROCKS!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I broke my fast with a two egg omelet with pressed cottage cheese, red peppers and onion, half of the shrimp in a shrimp ring with some seafood sauce and a piece of lemon bundt cake. I am nice an full now. Maybe another snack before bed, but overall it was a good fasting day. Tomorrow we have a family thanksgiving meal as it was the only time family members from distant locations could make it, so I will be eating a lot. Then a fast day again on Sunday. That will be the test for every other day fasting for me. If I can do that, I can maintain it for a while. If not, then I will go back to the ESE twice a week.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I broke my fast with this :tongue:

    Mini snack wrap challenge (10). Down in 11mins.

    ‎1700cals, 127g protein, 158g carbs, 55g fat
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Nice video btw Chris. I'm half tempted to go do this challenge, but those bacon pancakes are still calling my name....decisions.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Mmmm Snack wraps, but double mmmm bacon pancakes.
  • Vodkha
    Vodkha Posts: 352 Member
    Ive fasted now 20 hrs with a 4 hr feeding window for going on 3 days now and Im down 2 lbs in a couple of days. Ill really try to keep this up. In doing no snacking, eating clean as best I can and exercising every day.

  • I agree the best part is being able to no longer have this daily looming calorie count to worry about. I still count calories and will continue to do so, but it is much more freeing this way in my opinion.

    I just had a PB&J sandwich at 7:30 pm, NEVER could have done that without a morning fast. IF ROCKS!

    LOL..I AGREE!!!!! :drinker: I also have been drinking my glass of wine more enjoyably.
  • Ive fasted now 20 hrs with a 4 hr feeding window for going on 3 days now and Im down 2 lbs in a couple of days. Ill really try to keep this up. In doing no snacking, eating clean as best I can and exercising every day.

    Hmmm...maybe I need to do this. How many cals do you consume in that window? I have IF'd 16/8, 18/6 and 2 24 hour fasts and really havent moved the scale, inches or my BF %. :(