Intermittent Fasting Support Group?



  • pork_belly
    I am just wondering if people use LG to lose weight or use it to when they are lean to bulk up the muscle and to get leaner??

    I am not only seeing LG to lose weight, but to have it as a healthy lifestyle. I have been told that it is mainly used for the latter, not to lose weight.
    I am doing it strictly to lose weight. It's like an eating strategy for me and so far it works better than a traditional breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks schedule.

    At first I used it to lose weight then to help me get leaner. It accelerated my weight loss and helped me get leaner when I reached my goal weight.
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    1. no problem. Do whatever works for you. (I have become used to being able to smash large meals on LG though :tongue:) And having one meal post workout and then another a few hours later would still be considered a "post workout" meal IMO. No anabolic window BS.

    2. Nope. eat whenever hungry during eating window.

    3. Can't help you on that one sorry.

    Did you have strawberries & protein powder in your eating window or not? *confused* If it's not in your eating window then that is definitely breaking the fast.

    I had the strawberry protein powder smoothie at 11:00, so it broke my fast. I worked out at 12:30, so it wasn't a fasted workout, but I'd only had a couple hundred calories. I need to get some BCAAs this weekend!
  • Alloranx
    Alloranx Posts: 51 Member
    Well I have done my first fasting, was going to be 24 hrs but started later in the evening so i didn't feel like eating so late the following day so went to bed and its turn into 36 hrs but i feel great, no probs doing it just hope that was ok to go 36hrs on first try ? Just wondering do you have what ever MFP gives you on your cal intake (i. mine is 1280) on all the other days? I would think so but just checking :-)

    Hey Moby77,

    Congrats on your first fast! 36 hours is OK, no worries. I do 36 every so often with no issues. As for the calories, that's what I did when I was using IF to lose weight. I set my calorie intake to -2lbs/week and just ate that much between fasts. For me it was in the 1500's range, I think, but I'm a fairly big guy. You'd probably be OK to set it a little higher, actually. I lost a little *too* fast...about 2.4lbs per week. Just keep track of it and adjust as needed, whether that be calorie intake, exercise amount, fasting frequency or fasting length.

    EDIT: And on that note, do be sure to exercise so you will keep as much muscle as possible! Science shows that doing resistance exercise preserves your lean mass, so at least do some 3 times/week, I would say.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Does anyone here fast more than once a week? And by that I mean, more than one full day a week.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    Does anyone here fast more than once a week? And by that I mean, more than one full day a week.

    I plan on doing another 24 hour fast Thursday to Friday. I read you can do 2 24 hour fasts a week.
  • Alloranx
    Alloranx Posts: 51 Member
    Does anyone here fast more than once a week? And by that I mean, more than one full day a week.

    I did previously do 9 weeks worth of a 24 hr fast every other day. I know that sounds like a huge amount of fasting, but if you add it all up (being careful to include the fasting you do on your eating days while sleeping), it averages out to exactly the same amount of fasting as Leangains, just divided up differently. It wasn't hard, really. It's hard to recommend it without qualification, because Brad Pilon of ESE says not to do more than two 24hr fasts/week, but then again he doesn't really give an reasons why you couldn't do more except that it's "less flexible/convenient" and it may make you burn out and give up. Didn't happen for me, but this is kind of "off the beaten path" of IF, so experiment at your own risk.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    LOL at off the beaten path :tongue:

    I would think that if you were doing 2 24hr fasts a week that you would eat closer to maintenance cals on your regular days because your weekly deficit would be coming from the fasting days. e.g. MFP set to 1.5lb loss per week, cal intake 1250, maintenance 2000.
    M: 2000
    Total cals for the week 10000. TDEE for week: 14000. 4000cal deficit.

    I'm no ESE expert though :tongue:

    And saw this awesome link for LG/Fast 5/Warrior diet people.

    And here is my plan that I came up with from the above
  • Alloranx
    Alloranx Posts: 51 Member
    I would think that if you were doing 2 24hr fasts a week that you would eat closer to maintenance cals on your regular days because your weekly deficit would be coming from the fasting days. e.g. MFP set to 1.5lb loss per week, cal intake 1250, maintenance 2000.
    M: 2000
    Total cals for the week 10000. TDEE for week: 14000. 4000cal deficit.

    It's not quite like that, because if you do it ESE style, you never go a day without eating. You fast from dinner on one day to dinner the next day, usually.

    Also, I went back a few months and looked at my logs, and my calorie intake was all over the place during this little adventure. Sometimes it was a little over 2000, other days a little under 1500 (My TDEE is 2600). Fasting days could be as little as 700 to as much as 1500. That was an insane month at work, lol. So anyway, my calorie deficit could have been as little as 5,700 (~1.6lbs of fat loss a week) to as much as 10,900 (~3 lbs of fat loss a week). That's with 3-4 fasts per week. My actual deficit was probably somewhere inbetween, which is consistent with what I measured at the end of the 9 weeks: 2.4lbs/week on average.

    I only logged my calories for a little over 2 weeks. I probably ate more when I wasn't logging, lol.
  • pork_belly
    @chrisdavey - Thanks for the link!!! Its pretty cool!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Alloranx: aah yep, forgot about that.

    and no probs. I thought some people would find it handy.
  • moby77
    Well I have done my first fasting, was going to be 24 hrs but started later in the evening so i didn't feel like eating so late the following day so went to bed and its turn into 36 hrs but i feel great, no probs doing it just hope that was ok to go 36hrs on first try ? Just wondering do you have what ever MFP gives you on your cal intake (i. mine is 1280) on all the other days? I would think so but just checking :-)

    Hey Moby77,

    Congrats on your first fast! 36 hours is OK, no worries. I do 36 every so often with no issues. As for the calories, that's what I did when I was using IF to lose weight. I set my calorie intake to -2lbs/week and just ate that much between fasts. For me it was in the 1500's range, I think, but I'm a fairly big guy. You'd probably be OK to set it a little higher, actually. I lost a little *too* fast...about 2.4lbs per week. Just keep track of it and adjust as needed, whether that be calorie intake, exercise amount, fasting frequency or fasting length.

    EDIT: And on that note, do be sure to exercise so you will keep as much muscle as possible! Science shows that doing resistance exercise preserves your lean mass, so at least do some 3 times/week, I would say.

    Thank you, was easier than i thought thankfully. Will try an stick to 24 hrs next time so I eat something every day. Thanks for the info, I go to a curves gym 5 times a wk which has lots of resistance equipment in the circuit you do, plus I walk a lot and have a treadmill at home so do some every day.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    refresher...what does TDEE stand for? I also filled in my info for that table abover chrisdavey and it will take me until April of 2012 to lose 10 lbs but go from 24% body fat to 18%. Is it normal to take thatttt long. Seems like forever to me. Hope I'm understanding the chart right as well.
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    Alloranx: aah yep, forgot about that.

    and no probs. I thought some people would find it handy.

    That is really interesting! Love how you can adjust the dials to see how different calorie intakes will affect weight/fat loss!

    So - it's only been two full days of LG-style IF, and I got on the scale this morning. I'm down 4 lbs. from Monday morning! Crazy, and I know it's water, but hey! I'll take it!
  • boilermakerblaw

    And saw this awesome link for LG/Fast 5/Warrior diet people.

    Thanks for the link! I really like how this breaks everything down and presents it!
  • janiedoe111
    janiedoe111 Posts: 161 Member
    I am fasting for 24 hours once a week. Anyone else on a similar plan?
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    refresher...what does TDEE stand for? I also filled in my info for that table abover chrisdavey and it will take me until April of 2012 to lose 10 lbs but go from 24% body fat to 18%. Is it normal to take thatttt long. Seems like forever to me. Hope I'm understanding the chart right as well.

    Googled it,

    When I entered my stats and entered 0 workouts the schedule showed me losing 10 lbs by Jan with body fat of 18%. The april 2012 was when I entered 6 workouts. When I went to 0 workouts it showed my losing 1 lb a week. Soo my question is am I not understadning this correctly that the workout set at 0 means I'm excercising everyday and setting it at 6 means I'm resting 6 days? Seems backwards. Not sure if you can see at the link below:

    TDEE says 1599, Rest Cals 1119 and workout cals 1439. Soooo like today I worked out and burned 377 cals. Mfp set me at 1200 but I upped it to 1300 so should I set it at 1439 and ignor the excercise cal thing? Or go by MFP and I should eat 1677 cals? Why am I always so confused?
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    I am fasting for 24 hours once a week. Anyone else on a similar plan?

    Me! :)
  • janiedoe111
    janiedoe111 Posts: 161 Member
    LOL at off the beaten path :tongue:

    I would think that if you were doing 2 24hr fasts a week that you would eat closer to maintenance cals on your regular days because your weekly deficit would be coming from the fasting days. e.g. MFP set to 1.5lb loss per week, cal intake 1250, maintenance 2000.
    M: 2000
    Total cals for the week 10000. TDEE for week: 14000. 4000cal deficit.

    I'm no ESE expert though :tongue:

    And saw this awesome link for LG/Fast 5/Warrior diet people.

    And here is my plan that I came up with from the above

    Chris: This is awesome. Any tips on how to best use this information?
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    I am fasting for 24 hours once a week. Anyone else on a similar plan?

    Me! :)

    Me as well although lately I have not been doing it for various reasons, I am back to it now with a fast today. It has went well overall, probably because I got a good nights sleep. It seems when I am tired I have a very hard time maintaining the fast, and end up eating way too much when I do break it. Today, so far so good.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Read this re your minimum protein & fats required. Then I'd use the preset cal targets based on if you want to lose, gain or recomp (rest/workout split) . (See how my protein is the same both days, & fats higher on off days (as per LG recommendations))

    JeanineSchumm: This calculator is for everyday fasting like leangains not ESE. And remember the following.

    Thinking fat loss is a linear phenomenon and setting a weekly weight loss goal (ie. I will lose 1.5 lbs per week every week and if I don't I am failing and might as well give up) for yourself is a short path to frustration. Don't set numerical goals. Set behaviour/program compliance goals and with consistency, the outcome will take care of itself. Fat loss is not, and never will be, linear. Ditch using the scale as the sole barometer of your progress and pass on the setting of a weekly weight loss goal. It's just another added source of potential stress.