To the ladies who are 5'4"....



  • 5'4"
    I am a small build
    160 lbs in a size 10-12 pants
    Goal weight is 125 or 20% BF
    32yrs old have 2 kids both by c section also
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    Hi, I'm a little shorter but have lots in common (2 C-sections, kids are 3 and 1 and a half years old)

    I'm 5'2.5" and 125 pounds medium build
    size 4-6 (cut of manufacturer makes a difference)
    Heaviest was 167 pregnant, 140 after prenancy
    would like to stay at 125 or so, I was down to 117 but lost some of the curves that I love.
    My belly pooch is pretty much gone, and feel comfy in a bikini.... all thanks to logging my food/drinks and exercise on MFP
    37 years old
  • Lizmhoughton
    Lizmhoughton Posts: 92 Member
    Hello there.

    I am 26 and I am about 5'4, maybe .25 in shorter who knows
    I think I am medium build, and pear shaped as someone else said. I am mostly bottom heavy and my hips/saddle bags give me a weird triangle shape.
    Current weight: 132
    Size: 2-express or 4- dress pants, levis supreme curve, sometimes 6 or 7- juniors but I don't feel like it's right. In my mind, I think I am a 6
    When I was 170 I wore a size 11 at Old Navy
    My goal weight is 120, but I don't know if I can reach it with a healthy method. I'd be happy at 125. Reason is, I was 128-131 in high school but I did heavy lifting. I feel like I could be less than that since I don't have the muscle I once did. I was 121 freshman year of high school before I gained all of my muscle.
    Oops, almost forgot- no kids. I hope to be in the best shape before I get married and pop out babies! :)
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    To you ladies who are 5'4", some questions :)

    - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    - what is your goal weight and why?
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)
    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) )

    I am medium build
    My current weight is 142, I wear a size 9
    My goal weight is currently 125 but I am considering changing that if I am happy once I get to 130...I was always quite slim (averaged 120 to 125) and pretty lean until I hit the age of 40...then all hell broke loose!
    I'm 50 years
    I have two grown boys - 25 and 27!
  • To you ladies who are 5'4", some questions :)

    - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    - what is your goal weight and why?
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)
    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) )

    I'll answer my own questions too :)
    - I am medium build
    - I am 153 and in size 12 pants
    - right now my goal weight is 140 mainly because I have no clue last time I was below 150 (my pre-babies weight) and its considered a healthy weight whereas I am considered overweight currently
    - I am 30
    - I have had 2 kids, both by c section, so have the below the belly button pooch and clothes that fit me at this weight pre kids don't fit me or don't fit the same, kids have defintely changed my body, especially in the hips/belly area

    (and anyone that wants to add me as a friend, feel free to :) )

    - I am a small to medium build. Not really sure which one.
    - I am 160 and in size 12 pants but they are still tight. Before I started losing weight in July I was at 178 and wearing the same size 12 and they still fit the same even though I am 18 pounds smaller. :( very frustrating
    - My ultimate goal is to be 120 but would be happy at a heavier weight if I look good.
    - I am 31
    - I have 3 kids, Naturally but I carry my weight in the tummy. I got the pregnant belly look going on. No I am not pregnant.
  • lysa4
    lysa4 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 5'4...

    - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)

    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    I weigh 205 and currently in a size 16

    - what is your goal weight and why?
    160, only because I dont remember weighing that ever

    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)

    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) )
    I have 1 kid, c-section
  • luvinlaurakate
    luvinlaurakate Posts: 145 Member
    - I am large build, with an hourglass shape so I've always carried my weight well.
    - I currently weigh 202 or so, and wear size 18-20 pants.
    - My goal weight is 150. I weighed 170 in high school, and I've looked into what I should weigh for my height and build, and feel that 150 would be a great weight for me, but anything less I would start to look gross.
    - I am 27
    - I have 4 kids, but only had 3 pregnancies. The twins are the one that did a number on my stomach. I see surgery in my future :(
  • Kimblesnbits
    Kimblesnbits Posts: 321 Member
    -Im 5'4" and a half to be exact lol.
    -Small framed
    -I currently weight around 120 and size 4
    -Goal weight is 113-115 (since Im pretty small) That is what I was at for the past 3 years but for some reason my weight has gone up this year. I need to fit back into my clothes because I don't wanna spend the money on new ones!
    -Im 28 years young
    -No kids

    To you ladies who are 5'4", some questions :)

    - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    - what is your goal weight and why?
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)
    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) )
  • jbreilly
    jbreilly Posts: 53 Member

    I think I am small-medium build.

    Age: 32

    Current weight 137; Current size 6

    My ultimate goal weight would be 120 but I would definitely be happy at 125.

    I have one son (20 months old) and I had a C-Section.
  • lalzamora
    lalzamora Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ladies. I really believe frame size makes a difference.

    I am 5' 3.5" tall
    I have a small frame with the classic pear shape. I really do not have much muscle tone and never had.
    I currently weigh 120 lbs and am a size 4 or 6 (in jeans) if I can zip them up.
    My goal weight is 110 or less to fit back into my clothes which are mostly size 2-4.
    I am 46 years old with 2 kids via C section 10 and 12 years ago.
    I wouldn't mind weighing more if I could build some muscle.
  • missymoga
    missymoga Posts: 217 Member
    - what kind of build are you? Medium
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear? 155lb size 9
    - what is your goal weight and why? overall 130, but first I am aiming for 140. Just because thats where I wanna be :)
    - how old are you? 21
    - and have you had any kids? 1
  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    To you ladies who are 5'4", some questions :)

    - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    - what is your goal weight and why?
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)
    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) )

    -im 5'3'' medium build
    -I currently weigh 190 and im a size 14/16
    -my ultimate GW is 130-140(healthy weight range) but my 1st goal is by Vday 2012 weigh 160 lbs
    -21 years old
    -1 son(almost 2!) and ive got the "mommy battle scars" and the lower tummy pooch :/
  • jj1983
    jj1983 Posts: 146 Member
    - what kind of build are you? medium

    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear? 152.6 size 10

    - what is your goal weight and why? ultimate goal weight is 127 - that's where i felt my absolute best before. but i'll be happy with 135

    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing) 28 years

    - and have you had any kids? 2 - one c section and one vbac they are 6 and 3 respectively
  • JMazi
    JMazi Posts: 3
    what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    I'm a small build.

    How much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    Current: 140 lbs, and I'm a comfortable 6

    - what is your goal weight and why?
    120 give or take a pound or two, skinny but still have enough meat on me to not look sickly.

    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)

    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;)
    No kids.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Medium Build
    158 size 10
    140 (been there before and liked it)
    50 yr
    2 adult children
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    I'm medium build/ borderline large.

    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    I weigh about 180lbs and I wear a 14. They are loose though, so I could probably wear 12s now.

    - what is your goal weight and why?
    I don't really have a 'goal' weight. I just want to feel good, be healthy, and look better. I think I'd like to get between 130 - 150lbs.

    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)
    I am 23, but not for much longer! I'll be 24 on Saturday.

    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) )
    Nope. I haven't had kids.
  • flisafakto
    flisafakto Posts: 143 Member
    I'm 5'3'' but I was reading and thought I should share :smile:

    - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    Small, but it obviously doesn't show. The only way I know it because I still have skinny wrists and ankles. Also I am pear-shaped.

    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?

    Currently I'm at 232 lbs, and I dont wear pants much, but the last time I bought some, they were a size 18.

    - what is your goal weight and why?

    My current goal weight is 170 lbs because that's the last time I felt remotely comfortable in my body. Ultimately I would like to be at 140 lbs.

    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)

    I'm 27.

    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) )

    No kids.
  • what kind of build are you? medium
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear? I weigh 151
    - what is your goal weight and why? I want to be 140, which is my WW goal weight, but would love to go to 135
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing) I am 37
    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) ) No children yet
  • what kind of build are you? medium
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear? I weigh 151
    - what is your goal weight and why? I want to be 140, which is my WW goal weight, but would love to go to 135
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing) I am 37
    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) ) No children yet
  • - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    - what is your goal weight and why?
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)
    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) )

    I am large build
    270 (just starting out!) size 22 pants
    my goal is 150 because I think women should have curves, and be healthy!
    42 last Sunday
    I have nine children ages 18 yrs to 7 months. two c-sections.

    People never believe I am as heavy as I am. I was a size 12/14 at my smallest as an adult, and would love to get back there.
