support group for losing those last 10 lbs.



  • aussiesarah
    aussiesarah Posts: 68 Member
    Weighed in this morning and I am still exactly the same as 2 weeks ago. Arrrrrrgggghhhh!!

    I've been really good this week and have hit my new Net goal of 1400 per day every day give or take about 50cals so I really don't know what more I can do! I think one more week at 1400 and then I might either zigzag or go back to 1200 again to see if that has mixed things up enough. . . .

    Oh well, I can't forget that I'm 2 stone lighter than when I started and at least the new jeans are still looking good ;o)

    You should try this with some of us, maintenance cals for 2 weeks. I realized I have basically been on a "diet" for years and my body needs a break. Read this as another posted posted.

    Thanks, I'll check it out. Happy to try anything at the moment :o)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
    Thanks for the b-day wishes.

    Despite PROMISING myself I would NOT step on that scale, yesterday, I DID. And, I'm now up to 159.0 lbs. (After dropping 3 lbs., last week to 157.2 lbs.)

    booo hoooo hoooooo

    Anyway, I blame it on b-day stuff - and them's the breaks. But, I ALSO know, for sure, that I weighed 154 lbs. last year on my birthday (because I was at the doctor's office that day). So, I am even MORE committed to getting down to 148 lbs.

    Onwards and upwards.
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm definitely curious about this method as well. Sounds very interesting! Keep us posted on how it's working, please:flowerforyou:

    "It's just something I'm trying. For a while I was thinking I might have a thyroid condition because I had all of the symptoms - body temp of lower than 97.6 is supposed to indicate a thyroid condition. But when I spent 2 weeks at maintenance, my body temp was a solid 98.6. I know I don't have a thyroid condition, but certain things can stimulate your thyroid, and the thyroid hormones are responsible for metabolism and your bmr. Body temp lower than 97.6 is a "starvation mode" detector for me, so I'm trying to eat more calories when it gets too low. I just use a regular thermometer, but I find the low body temp and resting heart rate (with heart rate monitor) go down at the same time, and go up at the same time.

    It's a little experiment I'm doing. We'll see if it works :) "
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    This is the first day I decided to eat maintenance for 2 weeks (link onw of you provided about full diet break). I have had alot (my food diary is open) its 4:45 pm and I'm stuffed. I have only netted 800+ cals. This is actually hard and to get my mindset away from feeling like I'm going to gain 10 lbs. I don't like this. LOVE the eating but my mind is making me depressed.
  • alanaosu
    alanaosu Posts: 85 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want support. I'm not very good at following the threads on here!
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    Glad I found this thread! I haven't read everyone's post, I plan on going back so I apologize if this has been said.

    I'm about 10 lbs from goal and my frustration comes in with people offering me food (like at work or whatever) and when I say no and they are insistent and I finally say "I'm watching what I'm eating, trying to knock of a few pounds" or whatever, then I get the "Oh, you look great, what are you talking about...." blah blah blah....

    For me, it's a number. I know what number I feel good at and I'm about 9 pounds from that number so SHUT IT! I don't think I'm obese or "fat" I'm just not at my number....grrrrr

    Hahaha, agree with this! Yes, I do look pretty good, thank you. But I'm still trying to lose a bit more so if you could kindly NOT try and shove cookies down my throat it would be much appreciated! Trust me, I promise you I will look even better when I'm a few more pounds down (but that chocolate does look pretty tempting...)
  • Ruthann2
    Ruthann2 Posts: 232 Member
    It seems that when I upped my calories to 1450 I am now losing the weight:happy:
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    Okay...I started my TOM this morning so I am happy about being up just a pound! I am trying not to weigh every day, so I don't know what I weighed yesterday. I knew I would be up because of the day of the month!

    I have set a goal of 100 miles to run in the month of November!

    I am 15 miles in and right on track.

    With the holidays approaching, I hope this will keep me on track, I hope!

    Seems like everyone is doing GREAT!!!! Keep it up!
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    It seems that when I upped my calories to 1450 I am now losing the weight:happy:

    May I ask how tall you are? I am 5'2" and am trying to adjust cals as well.
  • jjhanlon
    jjhanlon Posts: 74 Member
    I'm at 119, saw 117 before my wedding (briefly) - goal is 110 (I've been there once within the last 6 years)... Heck, I'd be happy with 115 but I just can't seem to get there! So close, yet SO far away. Stepping up my workouts, been slacking lately. Hopefully it will help!
  • jjhanlon
    jjhanlon Posts: 74 Member
    Glad I found this thread! I haven't read everyone's post, I plan on going back so I apologize if this has been said.

    I'm about 10 lbs from goal and my frustration comes in with people offering me food (like at work or whatever) and when I say no and they are insistent and I finally say "I'm watching what I'm eating, trying to knock of a few pounds" or whatever, then I get the "Oh, you look great, what are you talking about...." blah blah blah....

    For me, it's a number. I know what number I feel good at and I'm about 9 pounds from that number so SHUT IT! I don't think I'm obese or "fat" I'm just not at my number....grrrrr

    People do the same thing to me and I hate it!!!:explode:
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Weighed in this morning and I am still exactly the same as 2 weeks ago. Arrrrrrgggghhhh!!

    I've been really good this week and have hit my new Net goal of 1400 per day every day give or take about 50cals so I really don't know what more I can do! I think one more week at 1400 and then I might either zigzag or go back to 1200 again to see if that has mixed things up enough. . . .

    Oh well, I can't forget that I'm 2 stone lighter than when I started and at least the new jeans are still looking good ;o)

    You should try this with some of us, maintenance cals for 2 weeks. I realized I have basically been on a "diet" for years and my body needs a break. Read this as another posted posted.

    I am doing this also. Not sure if its working, but hopefully it will reset my metabolism. I am almost 2 weeks in, and my weight is about the same, but coming up on TOM so I am continuing with maintenance for another 2 weeks and then maybe try zig zag.
    I am not actually quite at maintenance, but I have increased my calories by about 300-400 more per day!! In theory, I should still lose, but since I wasnt losing with a 500-700 per day defecit, I dont really expect to with a 100-200 defecit...
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    Okay. Wasnt sure if I should message someone or post. I feel so wishy washy on what I want to do. I have 3-4 things going on in my head and feel like everyday I find out something "new" by researching or on this site and then I think "OH! This is what I should do". Hence yesterday's revelation to do a full diet break (if you saw my posts).

    I need your help. I have worked out for the last 20 years more at the first part of 20 then slacking and now these past 35 days on this site I have gotten my butt out of bed and worked out 6 days a week for 45-90 minutes. This is also the first time I have ever logged food and am eating more clean than ever in my life. I started at 120 went down to 118 then 116 then 114.4. Had TOM and went back up to 116.4. This morning I weigh 114.8. I really would love to be at 105 BUT would rather drop my body fat. My PT's (who I see only to get measured) scale says I am 24.9% BF (this was when I weighed 120), my scale 21% and then my calipers measure 19.9%. Talk about a difference. I made another appt with the PT for this Monday to see how far I have come along, if any, in inches and BF in the last 35+ days. She will be using the more accurate calipers by request.

    So. Do you think what I've been doing is working ( MFP goal is 1200 but with my height other sites calculate 1100, I have zigzagged and IF'd) and should continue another week or two to see what happens or should I just go full straight ahead into this full diet break like I thought I was going to start yesterday? Orrr try to lose fat 0.5 - 1 lb a week and do the full diet break during the Holidays but also making good choices at that time.

    Frustrated and wish washy Jeanine
  • daytonafitmom
    daytonafitmom Posts: 29 Member
    Me too! I have 7 left to hit my goal weight (had a baby 8 months ago) and have been working out, eating right, losing baby weight and getting my muscle back:) I also do p90x and Insanity too. I have been eating off of Michi's ladder, just tiers 1-2, and that has helped. Logging my food in here as well helped in October too (that's when I started tracking it).

    I like this support group! Let's go everyone and we can do it!

    PS....I was 138 before baby (135 when really fit though), and down to 143 now (was 182 when pregnant-had a big :)
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I have been going from 163-166. But lately its been more 166-164. But today it finually paid off. 162. I broke my pattern. YEa!!! I hope it keep goes that way.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I have been going from 163-166. But lately its been more 166-164. But today it finually paid off. 162. I broke my pattern. YEa!!! I hope it keep goes that way.
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    :heart: :wink:
    Okay. Wasnt sure if I should message someone or post. I feel so wishy washy on what I want to do. I have 3-4 things going on in my head and feel like everyday I find out something "new" by researching or on this site and then I think "OH! This is what I should do". Hence yesterday's revelation to do a full diet break (if you saw my posts).

    I need your help. I have worked out for the last 20 years more at the first part of 20 then slacking and now these past 35 days on this site I have gotten my butt out of bed and worked out 6 days a week for 45-90 minutes. This is also the first time I have ever logged food and am eating more clean than ever in my life. I started at 120 went down to 118 then 116 then 114.4. Had TOM and went back up to 116.4. This morning I weigh 114.8. I really would love to be at 105 BUT would rather drop my body fat. My PT's (who I see only to get measured) scale says I am 24.9% BF (this was when I weighed 120), my scale 21% and then my calipers measure 19.9%. Talk about a difference. I made another appt with the PT for this Monday to see how far I have come along, if any, in inches and BF in the last 35+ days. She will be using the more accurate calipers by request.

    So. Do you think what I've been doing is working ( MFP goal is 1200 but with my height other sites calculate 1100, I have zigzagged and IF'd) and should continue another week or two to see what happens or should I just go full straight ahead into this full diet break like I thought I was going to start yesterday? Orrr try to lose fat 0.5 - 1 lb a week and do the full diet break during the Holidays but also making good choices at that time.

    Frustrated and wish washy Jeanine
    Hey Jeanine:
    I undestand your frustration...Im there with you. If you are losing fat and weight by eating 1200 and working out in the should continue with what is working...why change it if it's working?
    If in the next few weeks or so you start to see you aren't losing bfat or weight then think about mixing it up a bit.
    It sounds like you are doing great so far...keep it up and revisit what you want to do once you see a stall or plataeu.
  • kitkat415
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I lost .4 this week, which puts me at 123.6. Huge victory for me. I have been over a year trying to get here after gaining from WW changing, (so I left) and then having issues with gluten, and just the normal struggle with being close to goal.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    I just want to say CONGRATS to everyone!!!!!!!