200+ Sheddin' the Stuffin



  • jessicae1aine
    Karen - Good luck with the job!! :D Definitely keep us updated!

    KiKi - What is an ezekiel tortilla? And your breaking up lunch sounds like a good plan, really - maybe I should try something like that.

    It's midnight. I FINALLY finished knitting my diaper cover, and am started on hopefully what'll be the last test. Unfortunately, as awesome as the yarn is, it's quite splitty so I think it's going to take a while.

    Monday, I start C25K! :D Yay! I have a friend who's starting it with me, even though she's in California. I was kind of hesitant to commit at first, because the definition of "jog" is difficult for me to grasp. Same friend enlightened me: "Jog" is for leisure. "Run" is for zombies. YES! And now, I feel confident in my ability. :D
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Dude! It's 7 am and I'm drinking my coffee, trying to get rid of the headache I went to bed with (and woke up with). Grrr. Happy Friday, indeed!

    Jessi: An Ezekiel tortilla is a sprouted grain tortilla: http://www.foodforlife.com/product-catalog/sprouted-grain/ezekiel-49/whole-grain-flourless-tortillas. They are flourless, whole grains, have fiber and protein and taste great while not impacting your blood sugar as much as refined grain (containing flour) does. I can't get the tortillas here but I eat the Ezekiel bread every day. I have a T-Shirt that says "Zombies hate fast food" and I would kill to get to run in one of those zombie races, I love the idea of improving my cardio to better be able to run from the living dead (yes, I am a bit odd - I know). I want to learn to knit, is it something one could teach themself??

    Kiki: Maybe you're seeing a slight gain because your muscles are retaining a bit of water due to the new exercise?? Are you very sore?

    Lacey: Those pancakes sound totally worth trying, thanks for the recipe!

    Karen: When are you applying for the job? When will you find out if you get it? Good luck!!!!

    Bobbie & Megan: Hiya ladies!!!

    Crystal: I'm happy to see you back. We all have gone through times where we gained and it was hard to own it here on the thread. It happens. But don't stay away because it's really easy to slip back into bad habits and gain everything back.

    Keshia: One of my favorite professors ever was a Humanities professor that conducted class like her own little story time. My not-so-favorite part was that anything she said could end up on the final (even if it seemed like an afterthought or totally random). But my degree is in Humanities, so I must have liked it!

    Did I mention that The Hubbs has decided to put the kibosh on the winter cruise?? We're flying my niece (and maybe my mom) out to visit us next summer and he said we should save the money we'd spend on a cruise to take them all over Germany. He's right...but that doesn't stop me from being bummed.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Amy: slam - pack of cards, half to each of two players, each turn two to face up (four upturned cards between two downturned piles, between two players). Each player takes two cards from their own pile and can place on upturned cards if same colour and number or same colour and number each side (i.e. 5 diamonds up turned could place 4, 5, 6 of diamonds or hearts on top). If neither can place turn single card from down turned pile onto each upturned pile. Each player always has two cards in their hand to be trying to place. When someone places their last card both players have opportunity (to the cry of 'slam') to cover two of the upturned piles which will make their new starting 'pack'. Aim, therefore, to slam onto the smallest piles on the table, cards get fewer, more likely to be able to 'slam' first at the end of the next turn.
    As numbers decrease end up with only two cards in hand which are gone when starting the new round (i.e. when placing cards upturned to make initial four upturned piles), therefore have no cards to 'play' with so are the winner.
    Well - that made sense in my head as I wrote it - hope there is some clarity when you read it!!!!! Feeling very jealous about your probable christmas present - I am angling for a pair of walking trainers for when I walk (and train for) my 26 miles!!! (no comparison in that then):laugh:

    Pam: not heard of banish fat, boost metabolism - is that a Jillian one too?

    Time to go already - will come back to reply more later

    Have a great day xxx
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Hey ladies!, living the high life in a 5 star hotel with my amazing man! we've been so flat out today running around town that we decided to stay at a hotel tonight instead of having to socialise with people.

    Well, that and it's as though the man is suddenly 16 again :wink:

    We'll be home by sunday, I'll try and catch up with everyone then :smile:
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    All morning i've had that song that starts off with "Can i get a witnessssss?" because when i stepped on the scale this morning it said ********************************************************* 207.5 *****************************************

    Today is going to be a great day because of that number! I gained weight in the last challenge so this is the first time in over 8 weeks that I have shown a loss!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Whoops, I forgot to check in for yesterday: 2731 cals burned/ 1816 cals eaten/ 915 calorie deficit.

    Megan: Yipeeeeee!!!!!

    Hosanna: I am so glad you're having such a great time!!!!

    Annette: "Slam" sounds kind of like a game I played called "war" - I'll have to check and see what the differences between the two are.

    I just spent the last hour and a half on the phone with someone I haven't talked to in 10 years. We were both Vietnamese linguists for the military (me in the Air Force he was in the Navy) and we've been facebook friends for forever but I haven't really talked to him in ages. It was nice. And now on to advanced biochem - yuck. :frown: Have a happy Friday!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142


    Finally, I'm over that dang 232.1 plateau I seemed to hit. I was gaining and losing the same two pounds for weeks and was almost convinced I would never weigh less than 232.1. This morning, I had planned to step on the scale and just get it the heck over with. Its TOM. I had pizza on Wednesday...you know the drill. Thank. Goodness. I lost! I did get to the gym last night as well, so I at least got 2 days of running in. I know that makes me sound like a total lazy a s s, but I promise you girls I am literally that busy. I quite honestly have no down time unless I'm sleeping, which is rare in itself.

    On the topic of my trip to the gym last night...It was an absolute train wreck. I took my sister with me. Got all the way to the gym before I realized I forgot my phone. I really wanted to be able to log my run in my c25k app, so I turned around and went home for my phone.

    Got on the treadmill, start the warmup, walk for like 3 minutes before realizing I never started the timer on the app. I finally get my times synced and start my run. I increased my speed on my warmup and my run to try to gain some ground. 10 minutes into the running portion I accidentally hit the stop button on the treadmill with my flailing arms. Lovely. I lost all my progress and became so frazzled. I quickly tried to read the outputs for my calorie burn and distance. I restarted the treadmill and resynced the app and started running again. At this point I was so frazzled, I couldn't focus on running. I took a quick walk break to compose my self the jogged some more. I was still fuming angry over this ( a bit overboard, I know), so I slowed down again. Then I busted into a 5.0 run for the last 5 minutes. Then I did a cool down. It felt like the most disjointed, ineffective workout of my life. I still burned 390 calories and covered 2.3 miles, but I felt like a huge failure and was so stressed about the whole thing. No bueno. Oh well. I will continue doing my re-do of week 7 throughout the weekend.

    In other news...I'm uber excited for NEXT Friday. Hubs and I are going on a 3 day weekend getaway for our anniversary. Its on Friday (Veteran's Day), and this year is our 5 year wedding anniversary (8 years of being together) and it falls on 11-11-11. We are going to a couples resort that has lots of in house activities, comedy shows, etc. Our room is a huge suite complete with a round bed, in room private heated swimming pool, dry sauna, heart shaped whirlpool tub to name a few. It should be a really good time and we are both so excited. We never went on a honeymoon, and not that this is super extravagant but it will be nice. Its only about an hour away from where we live, which is perfect, as we didn't want to go far if we were leaving the baby behind. So anyway...I'm stoked for these next 7 days to fly by!!

    I don't have much to say as far as replies except:

    Sarah: Rest girl. Rest. Even God took a day to rest. You are a wonderful and kind person, but you need to take care of you, okay?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Rain- I think we've all had a similar experience when trying to work out. I'm also very OCD about syncing up my running program and the time on the treadmill. I don't even like it when they are off by 2-3 seconds, but that's always gonna be there for me, so I just have to deal with it.

    I feel like I've been hit by a Mack truck. My throat has been very scratchy the past several days, I have a runny nose and now I have a slight cough. UGH. Mr. Reunion cooked an amazing dinner last night and bought some Nyquil for me. I have one of those pull out couches, so we pulled out the bed and cuddled while watching the last Harry Potter movie. I slept hard, but I still feel really tired today. I backed out of some of the overtime hours I had volunteered for, and I may still back out for this weekend but I don't know.

    All I know at this point is I REALLY want to go back to sleep.
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Megan - Thanks for remembering! Yes, I have not had a cigarette since September 30th so that puts me at 35 days smoke-free today. :happy: Congrats on the loss this morning!!! That's so exciting, especially after being stuck for a while.

    Amy - I try to tell myself the same thing. The problem is, when I "lose it" and start straying from my diet/exercise, I don't even wanna own up to it to myself, much less anyone else. I gotta get over that. Everyone screws up sometimes and you ladies have been the biggest help so if I want this, I just gotta do it.

    To everyone else, HI! I'm slowly reading everything from the Hot for Halloween thread that I missed to catch back up to this point... :laugh:
  • KatheryneLynne
    Happy Friday all,

    I'm in the middle of the first snow of the season here. We have two to three inches so far. i havn't heard what the total is expected to be. Now I have to go to Walmart tonight and get my shoe claws. I refuse to slip and slide my way through the winter.

    Hossana---ohhhhh, enjoy the hotel.The last really really nice hotel I stayed in have really soft pillowtop matresses, egyptian cotton sheets, and down comforters. It was like sleeping (and not sleeping :happy: ) on a cloud. I hope yours is just as nice.

    Karen--grats on the house, now go get that job. :flowerforyou:

    So, last night i made a pizza roll, and sliced it in a way that i would be able to have my single serving heat-ups for the next couple of days without going over cals or sodium. we ate a bit for dinner. I went to take a shower, my husband ate some more. i went to put the laundry in the dryer, my husband ate another piece. i was in the bedroom talking on the phone to my mom, my husband ate another piece...the good news...i won't be tempted to eat pizza, 'cause there is none...the bad news...there is none. Well...at least I know he enjoyed the meal.

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    While it isn't my official weigh in, I'm still holding out at 206.4. yeay! I will get back on here later.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Day one of a Well-Balanced life: Awesome. I cleaned my living room and kitchen. (The bedrooms will have to wait.) Dinner was in the crock pot, so I had time to read books with Twinkle and build a Lego helicopter with Wiggle. I did all three levels of JM Shred and got a shower before my husband got home. Dinner with my family...at the table...together. Bathtime for the kids after dinner with squeals and giggles. Early bedtime for all. :wink:

    Day Two is turning out just as well. Leisurely coffee and snuggles with my kids. Laundry going. Dinner for friend's family in the crock pot (previous commitment, but not a 5 star production.) I am still in my jammies, and headed for a second cup of coffee.

    The scale is stuck at 171.1. I am fairly certain that is from not sleeping. We'll see what it does by Monday.

    Lacey: You are less than 6 1/2 lb from Onederland. By Christmas, it's yours.

    Hosanna: I am green with envy on your hotel stay! Any news on the house or did I miss it?

    Rain: I'm sorry, I was laughing so hard at your treadmill story. It just seems like something I would do...but the point is...YOU DID IT. And that makes you a rockstar.

    Amy: Thanks for the thumping. I know I need to just BACK OFF, but I am so scared someone is going to go without something they need, so I fill it. It just makes them dependent and me demented. I'm done. in fact, I am in the process of setting up kid-free time for myself every single week. I'm kind of weird about dropping my kids off with other people, since I really like having them with me, but I'm going to have to get over it. It will make me a better mommy.

    Katheryne: Snow is my all-time favorite. I want to live somewhere where it snows for real. It pretends to snow here once in a while but never a really good, stay at home and don't go out - snow.

    Kendal: Sorry you're sick, girl. If you need to sleep, you need to listen to your body. Do you have the time you can take for sick leave?

    Karen: Congrats on the house!!! Yippee!!

    Ok. Off the computer, time with my kids scheduled...and another cup of coffee. (because I can...and I have TIME)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    FM....my poor dad. He took a new job at a new trucking company like three weeks ago at the most. Monday he was in a hurry and he knocked the "b!tch" bar off the bumper of a guys ford F150. And now apparently he got into a pretty bad wreck last night in his big rig but must be okay...but probably won't have his job when he gets back to the office. I feel so bad for him.
  • KatheryneLynne
    Lacey--Sorry to hear about your dad's job, thank God he wasn't hurt in the wreck. I'll be thinking good job thoughts for him today.

    Sarah--Unfortunately, since i live in Alaska, there is no such thing as "Stay at Home" snow. They don't delay or cancel school or work here. In fact, every winter I've been here I've had to walk to work in two plus feet of snow. What they do, when cleaning the roads, is plow up a lane in each direction. The end result are "divided" roads with the snow piled up in great big mounds, one on each side of the road, and one right down the middle line.

  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    Grrr.....the scale is stuck at 255... I know it's from stress so I can't wait till I leave tomorrow for a much needed vacation with my hubby. My goal will be to maintain my weight while out of town and then push through this blah attitude and get the scale moving again. I hope you all have a great week!
    :smooched: Marie
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    I'm going to weigh in on Sunday, tomorrow is my rest day from Ripped in 30, so I am hoping that will get some of this weight I'm holding onto off :) I know when I took a rest day from the Shred weight started moving.
    Hehe, apparently I haven't been working my bum enough, because my entire rear is killing me (must be the dead lifts and good mornings!) but my abs, thighs, biceps and triceps are all good. I like it though, it must mean it's doing some good haha.

    Jessi - Amy already answered your question - but I just wanted to say give them a try if you can find them :) They're yummy and so healthy! They do English muffins as well :)

    Amy - I'm sorry to hear about the cruise :-/ But yay for catching up with old friends!

    Hosanna - that sounds so fun!

    Megan - CONGRATS on the weigh in!!

    rainvc - Woohooo for getting over that plateau

    Crystal - GREAT JOB on quitting smoking!

    Katheryne - I am intrigued by "pizza roll" what is it? :)

    Sarah - I have to seriously salute you for doing all three levels of the Shred at once!

    Laceylala - Ugh, I'm sorry for your dad too, that just does not sound like a good time :(

    Marie - have a wonderful vacation!
  • KatheryneLynne
    KiKi-- What i do to make a pizza roll is: take one container of pillsbury pizza dough (it comes out in a rectangle) and roll it out onto a cookie sheet. Tap the dough with a fork five or six times to add holes so it doesn't bubble (not that i'm sure it will even bubble, but that's why my mom said she did it, and i'm not willing to waste a pizza to see if she's right). Then I put some pizza sauce (I use Ragu pizza sauce) and some Tillamook Italian Cheese blend and all of my fav pizza toppings evenly over it. Then I roll the whole thing up Jelly Roll style and wrap it with aluminum foil and bake at 400. When it's done i slice it.

    I had a friend in high school whose mother did something similar in a bundt pan. I tried it that way once, but after i ruined my mom's bundt pan she was a little miffed. I think I was about 16 at the time. I haven't tried that one again.

  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Katheryne: I could totally live in Alaska if you get 2 feet of snow AND you have Tillamook cheese. Move over, I'm movin' in.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Katheryne- your pizza rolls sound awesome! Friday is pizza day here and I made my pizza with red sauce, feta cheese, bell peppers of all colors, marinated artichoke hearts and broccoli and it was freaking fantastic! We don't have "stay home" snow here in Germany either.

    Kiki: I found that weighing in the day after a rest day can be good for my numbers but either way, I'm crossing my fingers for you!

    Marie: Enjoy your vacay, where are you going?

    Lacey: I'm so sorry about your dad's accidents but I'm glad he wasn't injured.

    Sarah: I'm glad you're getting some family time and some rest. Keep at it!

    Kendal: Feel better soon! Drinks lots of water to help flush the funk out and make sure to snuggle up next to Mr. Reunion (I'm sure it will help you heal faster).

    rain: Congrats on breaking your plateau! Also, you anniversary vacation sounds super-fun!!!

    Pam: I made this butternut squash casserole today and I totally thought of you while I was eating it (straight from the casserole dish) http://www.evilshenanigans.com/2010/11/roasted-butternut-squash-casserole/. It was freaking fantastic and you can lower the fat by using cooking spray when you roast the squash and you could probably cut the amount of butter down too (but I didn't).

    I am so proud of me (and grateful to Ms. Lacey) for not running to the kitchen to inhale some leftover Halloween candy when I was confronted with a messed up and stressful situation with my mom and brother. Instead, I vented to Lacey and I eventually got over the need to stuff my face with junk. So - thank you Lacey for being there and yay me for not eating crap I don't need!!!
  • kmturtle3
    Just a quick pop in to weigh in... holding steady at 158.. and by that I mean I busted my bootie this week to get down from the chaos of last weekend.

    My week has been nuts, sorry I've been so absent. Love to all and will full on post soon hopefully. xoxo
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