support group for losing those last 10 lbs.



  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    I am so glad I am not going insane!

    I have been stuck at 149-150 for the past couple months and unable to budge (except up). I have been wrestling with my calories on and off and to lose 1lb a week MFP says I only get 1250 cals a day...sad panda :( I have been eating that much for so long and nothing.

    Changing goal to 1/2 a pound a week and will see what happens.

    I also need to work on being more regular with my diet and exercise...but that isn't life for me : )
  • drsteph01
    I lost 0.2 pounds this past week. Not the best, but in the right direction. :)
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    yay! Definitely success!
    I lost 0.2 pounds this past week. Not the best, but in the right direction. :)
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    I lost 0.2 pounds this past week. Not the best, but in the right direction. :)

    Awesome! I would love this!
  • Ruthann2
    Ruthann2 Posts: 232 Member
    It seems that when I upped my calories to 1450 I am now losing the weight:happy:

    May I ask how tall you are? I am 5'2" and am trying to adjust cals as well.

    I am 5'6"]
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    Okay. Took my measurements today. What I need help on is determining which of these %'s is correct. My former PT's BF scale said I was 23.9, my weight scale that has a BF included (I wet my feet and enter my stats) says 21.6% (w/ TBW 60.3, whatever that means, I think water weight). I purchased fat calipers awhile back but never knew how to use them. Well I took 3 measurements and I am anywhere from the low mm of total 46mm (20% BF) to the average of total 49mm (21% BF) to high of total 52 mm (22%). So which is right!!!! UGH. I'm assuming everyone will say 21%.

    Today my measurements are below and have no clue how that compares to someone my height 5'2" and weght of 114.4 -116.8. I just want to lose the flab.

    neck: 12"
    Bust 35"
    waist 28.5"
    belly 30 1/2" (biggest part below belly button)
    hips 34"
    thigh 20 1/2"
    mid thigh 18 1/2"
    calf 13 1/4"
    bicep 11 ish"
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 245 Member
    I entered my weight on the spreadsheet, which shows a net zero change. However, I usually have one "free" day a week...I don't go nuts, but I DO eat treats like pizza, ice cream or baked potato, etc. This week I had two planned free I actually went up 2.2 and lost it again.

    I really think the eating extra calories is helping! I only upped mine about 150 per day. I also am on week 3 of the couch to 5k, which may be helping also.
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 245 Member
    I know it can be frustrating, but does knowing the actual number matter? I'm legitimately asking. Wouldn't the measurement be whether or not you feel like you've "lost the flab" when you look in the mirror?

    That being said, it sounds like 21%. I've always heard calipers are not as accurate.

    Also - you look fabulous. :smile:
    Okay. Took my measurements today. What I need help on is determining which of these %'s is correct. My former PT's BF scale said I was 23.9, my weight scale that has a BF included (I wet my feet and enter my stats) says 21.6% (w/ TBW 60.3, whatever that means, I think water weight). I purchased fat calipers awhile back but never knew how to use them. Well I took 3 measurements and I am anywhere from the low mm of total 46mm (20% BF) to the average of total 49mm (21% BF) to high of total 52 mm (22%). So which is right!!!! UGH. I'm assuming everyone will say 21%.

    Today my measurements are below and have no clue how that compares to someone my height 5'2" and weght of 114.4 -116.8. I just want to lose the flab.

    neck: 12"
    Bust 35"
    waist 28.5"
    belly 30 1/2" (biggest part below belly button)
    hips 34"
    thigh 20 1/2"
    mid thigh 18 1/2"
    calf 13 1/4"
    bicep 11 ish"
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    I know it can be frustrating, but does knowing the actual number matter? I'm legitimately asking. Wouldn't the measurement be whether or not you feel like you've "lost the flab" when you look in the mirror?

    That being said, it sounds like 21%. I've always heard calipers are not as accurate.

    Also - you look fabulous. :smile:
    Okay. Took my measurements today. What I need help on is determining which of these %'s is correct. My former PT's BF scale said I was 23.9, my weight scale that has a BF included (I wet my feet and enter my stats) says 21.6% (w/ TBW 60.3, whatever that means, I think water weight). I purchased fat calipers awhile back but never knew how to use them. Well I took 3 measurements and I am anywhere from the low mm of total 46mm (20% BF) to the average of total 49mm (21% BF) to high of total 52 mm (22%). So which is right!!!! UGH. I'm assuming everyone will say 21%.

    Today my measurements are below and have no clue how that compares to someone my height 5'2" and weght of 114.4 -116.8. I just want to lose the flab.

    neck: 12"
    Bust 35"
    waist 28.5"
    belly 30 1/2" (biggest part below belly button)
    hips 34"
    thigh 20 1/2"
    mid thigh 18 1/2"
    calf 13 1/4"
    bicep 11 ish"

    I know its a number and yes I see flab in the mirror and hate it therefore I want my BF to go down or I guess lose 10 lbs of fat is what I need to do. Thankyou for the compliment. I always heard calipers are the most accurate next to water weighing. ???? I entered my measurement on the army fat calc and it spit out 30%!!! I'm only 114 lbs at 62". I didnt think I was had that much fat.

    Also my waist to hip ratio is .82 saying I have a high risk od coronary disease.

    Here's what I got on another site and yes I carry most my fat at my navel area:

    Body Fat Estimation:


    According to your measurements of a 28.5 inches waist and weight of pounds your body fat percentage is estimated to be 24.40 %. This method is not as accurate as a water displacement test, but is usually within 1-3%. Some people with an especially small waist may have a negative number. If you carry all your extra weight around your middle you may have an elevated percentage. Please note that this middle weight is a high risk factor for heart disease and stroke. The waist to hip ratio calculator can give you more information.

    The average body fat percentage for U.S. females is around 32%, with the ideal at 22%. Athletic females should be around 15-20%. You could have an eating disorder if you are below 10%. Remember these are guidelines; your physician should help you determine the ideal weight and body fat for you.
    Then there's this calculation on the same sight:

    Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculation:


    According to your height of 5' 2" and weight of 114 pounds your body mass index is 20.9. This calculation is solely based on your height and weight.

    The recommended weight range for your height is between 107 and 136 pounds. In this range, your BMI will be between 19.5 and 24.9, which is recommended by health professionals.

    This calculator only applies to adults ages 18 and up - it should not used for children, adolescents, or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Please consult your doctor before attempting to make any significant change in your weight.

    If you are an athlete with a low body fat percentage (click here to calculate your body fat %) your BMI may be in the 27 to 29 range. While this is above the recommended score, the strength of your cardiovascular system may offset the risks of the higher weight. Your physician can give you the best guidance on a proper weight.
  • Caro239
    Caro239 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, please can I join this group. I have lost 34lbs since june, eating 1200 cals per day and eating back my exercise cal. I am now 139lbs and would love to be 125lbs. I now eat 1330 cals and do 1 hour bootcamp twice a week.
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi ladies....

    Well I've been a bit in limbo. I haven't weighed myself in a few weeks. I just don't want that number to affect me the way it my goal this week is to continue to eat healthy, exercise and live a full life. I have many festivities this week..but I am not going to let it stop me from enjoying my bday ..

    Im going to eventually get my body fat tested and go by how my clothes feel. I am not going to weigh myself for another few weeks.
    Hang in there everyone and remember at the end of the day..if you have your health and people around you that love you...then does the number really matter?
    :heart: :smile:
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Hope you have a fantastic week celebrating your birthday! Happy Birthday!
    Hi ladies....

    Well I've been a bit in limbo. I haven't weighed myself in a few weeks. I just don't want that number to affect me the way it my goal this week is to continue to eat healthy, exercise and live a full life. I have many festivities this week..but I am not going to let it stop me from enjoying my bday ..

    Im going to eventually get my body fat tested and go by how my clothes feel. I am not going to weigh myself for another few weeks.
    Hang in there everyone and remember at the end of the day..if you have your health and people around you that love you...then does the number really matter?
    :heart: :smile:
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    the spreadsheet link got buried:

    i am down 0.4 from last week. but overall lost a pound from my weight 2 weeks ago so i think i'm right on track. it just is going to go slow for a little while until i reach my goal. i think that's healthy anyway.

    decided to just weigh on saturday morning. i think it is better for me to not weigh multiple times a week. it hurts my self esteem to see not even a loss of 0.4 or so. too many fluctuations during the week.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    Hi ladies....

    Well I've been a bit in limbo. I haven't weighed myself in a few weeks. I just don't want that number to affect me the way it my goal this week is to continue to eat healthy, exercise and live a full life. I have many festivities this week..but I am not going to let it stop me from enjoying my bday ..

    Im going to eventually get my body fat tested and go by how my clothes feel. I am not going to weigh myself for another few weeks.
    Hang in there everyone and remember at the end of the day..if you have your health and people around you that love you...then does the number really matter?
    :heart: :smile:

    I forgot to mention to you before that yes the scale number makes or breaks my day as well. I agree 100% with everything you are saying. I posted a topic earlier on losing BF and of course received some rude comments and the like so just need to focus on my like minded friends on here. We can do this. :)

    I lost 20 lbs "accidentally" 8 years ago (I was actually fine with myself then) before my becoming pregnant with my third child. But this is exactly what I did Amy was live life and not stress about it and voila it melted off. I ONLY did pilates at that time. Then again I was 30 not Now its tough again to get that same mindset.

    Have a blessed weekend everyone! :)
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    Hope you have a fantastic week celebrating your birthday! Happy Birthday!
    Hi ladies....

    Well I've been a bit in limbo. I haven't weighed myself in a few weeks. I just don't want that number to affect me the way it my goal this week is to continue to eat healthy, exercise and live a full life. I have many festivities this week..but I am not going to let it stop me from enjoying my bday ..

    Im going to eventually get my body fat tested and go by how my clothes feel. I am not going to weigh myself for another few weeks.
    Hang in there everyone and remember at the end of the day..if you have your health and people around you that love you...then does the number really matter?
    :heart: :smile:

    I forgot to mention to you before that yes the scale number makes or breaks my day as well. I agree 100% with everything you are saying. I posted a topic earlier on losing BF and of course received some rude comments and the like so just need to focus on my like minded friends on here. We can do this. :)

    I lost 20 lbs "accidentally" 8 years ago (I was actually fine with myself then) before my becoming pregnant with my third child. But this is exactly what I did Amy was live life and not stress about it and voila it melted off. I ONLY did pilates at that time. Then again I was 30 not Now its tough again to get that same mindset.

    Have a blessed weekend everyone! :)

    Thank you for the birthday wish!
    Jeanine: isn't it funny how weight loss goes...that is definitely going to be my mindset..Ill have to check out your topic. It's usually the ones that are so critical that are the most unhappy with their life and who they are....take care...have a great rest of the weeken!:-)
  • versuga
    versuga Posts: 130 Member
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    I'd like to join too. I'm currently at 161.5, and my goal is 150. I also have an ultimate goal of 145. I'm soooo close, and it's getting harder to get rid of these last few pounds. I'm glad there's a support group for this!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hi ladies....

    Well I've been a bit in limbo. I haven't weighed myself in a few weeks. I just don't want that number to affect me the way it my goal this week is to continue to eat healthy, exercise and live a full life. I have many festivities this week..but I am not going to let it stop me from enjoying my bday ..

    Im going to eventually get my body fat tested and go by how my clothes feel. I am not going to weigh myself for another few weeks.
    Hang in there everyone and remember at the end of the day..if you have your health and people around you that love you...then does the number really matter?
    :heart: :smile:

    this!!!! I have been eating at what MFP is calculating as my maint. for the past 2 weeks and feel "fat". I am coming up on TOM so i am sure that is part of the reason, and I am just plain bloated. I hate getting on the scale at this time because I am certain I have not been having a surplus at all!! In fact even at "maintenance" I am still at a defecit most days due to exercise!! I am staying away from the scale until after period and continue to try to hit my macros and focus on fat lose and muscle gain!!!
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    We must have a lot of Scorpio's in this group. My bday was the 1st but we celebrated it tonight. No weight loss this week. I've had a lot of stress going on so i'm sure that won't help any. I think i'm going to start mediating or doing yoga to help relax my mind as well as taking care of my body. I'm also adding another running day on to my plan. Good luck all!
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    This looks like an awesome place to post! I also am down in my last bit to lose (I weighed in at 135 today and am trying to get in the neighborhood of 128-130). I have a goal set to have that last bit of weight off and be on maintenance by Christmas. I usually eat anywhere from 1300-1400 calories a day, I keep two firm rest days a week and on my workout days I do C25K, 30 Day Shred, and Bellydance. I'm very much interested in joining your support group! :flowerforyou: