DG - Thanksgiving Countdown (CLOSED GROUP)



  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @loveme - Thanks for the support!!

    Wednesday's goals:
    fitness: 30 minutes exercise - not met
    diet: within MFP calories - not met

    Thursday's goals:
    fitness: 40 minutes exercise - met
    diet: within MFP - met

    Friday's goals (tomorrow):
    fitness: at least 40 minutes exercise
    diet: within MFP calories
  • jenniferjgayfield
    Okay, I'm officially back, been super busy with some licensing tests and work stuff, but so glad to be back, miss ya'll too much already. Quick Goals for today and tomorrow:
    Food: Stay under cals!
    Fitness: Try out my new workout DVD...i have several to choose from, just want to make sure and put them to use!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Jen-Welcome Back! What DVD did you try yesterday?

    Everybody-Hope everyone is doing ok. Have a Good Week!

    FITNESS: JM DVDs (for yesterday & today)
    DIET:Stay Under Cals, Under Sodium, 5 Fruits/Veggies & Drink 15 Cups of H20
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: In a lazy mood today
  • wendyc122005
    Sorry I dropped off while mom was visiting. Totally abandoned my calorie counting, though I didn't go overboard. Definitely didn't stay under, but not too far over.

    Back to counting and keeping myself under today! I am actually looking forward to some healthy eating! No exercise planned for today though with Trick or Treat with the kiddies planned. Although I will be walking. Keeping the youngest on track be a bit though. :smile:

    Anyone stuck in all that snow?

    Diet: Track everything, stay under cals, carb, fat. HARD AT IT UNTIL TG!
    CHALLENGES: With trick or treating not sure what or when I will have dinner. Although I think that I just came up with a plan,

    Happy Halloween!
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    There is not way that I'm going to lose the weight that I wanted to by Thanksgiving. However, I am not giving up, and plan on losing at least a pound a week between now and then.

    Yesterday's goals (Sunday) --
    Fitness: reached - great walk along the river
    diet: did not reach

    Today's goals (Monday) -
    Fitness: at least 20 minutes exercise
    diet: stay within MFP
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you had a great Halloween! I ate some sweets but I was able to stay under cals

    Wendy: Glad you enjoyed your mom's visit!....Are you still doing 30 Day Shred?

    Lana: Good Job still sticking with your goals with your hectic school schedule! I dont think I'll met mine either. I'll join you with trying to lose at least 1lb a week (if you dont mind). I weigh in on Fridays so I'll let you know how it goes in a couple of days.

    Fitness: Ripped in 30 & C25K
    Diet: Under Calories, Under Carb Goals & 12 Cups of H20
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    Loveme - That sounds like a great idea! I could use the extra encouragement. It has been a frustrating couple of weeks.
    Yesterday's goal (Monday)
    Fitness: 20 minutes exercise (not met--too busy in class/work)
    Diet: not met (the donut yesterday didn't help---plus, hard to meet when not exercising)

    Today's goal (Tuesday)
    Fitness: 20 minutes exercise (this will take some extra effort!!)
    Diet: within MFP calories
    Challenges: 13 hour day between work/school (plus, driving time)
  • jenniferjgayfield
    So I have been doing JM No More Trouble Zones, but not as often as I should. I definitely need to start toning.
    @Lana Donuts are terribly difficult to resist, you could call it your Halloween treat maybe? Hope between school and work you are able to find time to work out...life is busy and it doesn't seem to ever slow down, so it is hard to find/make the time to work out. Also, even though you may not meet your challenge goal, it is definitely good to keep going and do what you can, good luck!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Fitness: Ripped in 30 & C25K~Done!
    Diet: Under Calories, Under Carb Goals & 12 Cups of H20~Done!

    Fitness: Ripped in 30 & 4 miles of Exercise
    Diet: Under Calories, Under Carb Goals & 12 Cups of H20
  • wendyc122005
    Rene and Lana sticking with it is the most important thing!

    Rene - I am going to start the 30 DS again this week. I didn't do it at all when mom was here and this week has been crazy with Halloween and All Saints Day church stuff yesterday. Today I have to get my son caught up on his homework. So I am going to commit to starting again on Friday. :tongue:

    Jennifer - Welcome back! With you in the toning department. When I was swimming it was a great way for me to tone, but the pool is waaay to cold for me now. Keep telling the hubby we need to get the heater cranked up!

    Goals for today:
    Stay under cals. Won't lie and pretend that I am even going to try for exercise today.
    Challenge: The jar of candy that some saboteur has put at the receptionists desk! Evil!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Wendy~I'll be checkin on your friday to see if you started 30 DS. Hope you stayed away from that candy. :smile:
    Fitness: Ripped in 30 & 4 miles of Exercise~Done!
    Diet: Under Calories, Under Carb Goal & 12 Cups of H20~Done!

    Fitness: Ripped in 30 & Couch to 5K
    Diet: Under Calories, Under Carb Goal, Under Sodium, Protein at every meal/snack & 12 Cups of H20
  • wendyc122005
    Rene - So far so good! My willpower is withstanding the temptation! Haven't even delved into the 20lbs of candy the kids got from trick-or-treating!

    Weighed in this morning (a day early . . . I couldn't resist :wink: ) and found that I am less the 1/2 lb from my Thanksgiving goal! Also found that the new pair of jeans that I bought last week are too big! Of course, I wore them last week so now I can't take them back. :grumble: I am going to try to shrink them tonight.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Wendy~Thats great! Im sooo happy for you.:bigsmile: Im no where near my Thanksgiving goal. :grumble:

    Fitness: Ripped in 30 & Couch to 5K~Done!
    Diet: Under Calories, Under Carb Goal, Under Sodium, Protein at every meal/snack & 12 Cups of H20~Done!

    Fitness: Ripped in 30
    Diet: 15 Cups of H20
  • wendyc122005
    Rene - So what! You have come so far! It will just take a little more time. You are sticking with it and that is what is important!

    I have to tell everyone about a new snack that I found. I found it at Sam's, but I bet you can find it in the grocery too. It is a Greek Yogurt Dip with cucumber and garlic. It only has 35 cals, 2.5 g fat, and 2 carbs in a 2 T serving. I ate with 1oz of Flat Out Edge 4 Cheese Crackers (taste great and lots of fiber so the net carbs are like 10). Oh my goodness! It is soooooo good. Paire with the crackers or veggies my new favorite snack!

    Happy Friday Everyone!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member

    Fitness: Ripped in 30 & C25K
    Diet: 15 Cups of H20, Under Cals & 5 Fruits/Veggies
  • wendyc122005
    Good Monday Morning Ladies!

    16 days until TG and my plan is to make every one of them count!

    DIET: Need to prepare some snacks and meals for the rest of the week.
    CHALLENGE: Monday and one of my 2 busiest days. Already behind on day 2 of my week's obligations following ER visit for son's broken finger last night.
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    I’m ready for a productive week!! This weekend went pretty well b/c I got plenty of exercise and ate o.k. If anything, I didn’t eat enough on Sat. and Sun.

    Today’s goals (Monday)
    Fitness: at least 30 minutes exercise – I will be touring a facility, so this is probably possible. I’ll also try to fit in some stretching/yoga on my breaks.
    Diet: within MFP calories
    Challenges: MTW are 13 hour days again this week and for the next 4 weeks.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Fitness: Ripped in 30 & C25K~Done!
    Diet: 15 Cups of H20, Under Cals & 5 Fruits/Veggies~Done!

    Fitness: Ripped in 30 & 4 miles of Exercise
    Diet: 15 Cups of H20, Under Cals & 5 Fruits/Veggies
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    Good job, loveme!!

    Yesterday's goals (Monday)
    Fitness: not met (got in about 10 minutes exercise)
    Diet: met

    Today's goals (Tuesday)
    Fitness: 20 minutes exercise
    Diet: within MFP calories
    Challenges: My schedule is still the challenge. I may get more exercise in today due to the activities that I will be doing in lab class.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Lana~Good Job! Its great that you keep pushing through everything with your hectic schedule. How was your weigh-in?

    Wendy~ Have you started 30 Day Shred?

    Jenni~ How are you doing with No More Trouble Zones?

    Fitness: Ripped in 30 & 4 miles of Exercise
    ~Not feeling good so no RI30. I did get in 4.25 miles of walking
    Diet: 15 Cups of H20, Under Cals & 5 Fruits/Veggies~Done!

    Fitness: Ripped in 30 & C25K
    Diet: 15 Cups of H20, Under Cals & 5 Fruits/Veggies