Half The Man I Use To Be!!!! Next stop 300 lbs. Lost!!!



  • Incredible work! You look amazing and your dedication is inspirational!
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    wow!! you look transformed!! Absolutely Amazing, you must feel great now too
  • mronda32
    mronda32 Posts: 35 Member
    Wow! Absolutely amazing! I truly appreciate you sharing your story with us. Very inspirational! Keep up the great work in your journey to meet your goals.
  • I just want to say I love you. You didn't make anything an excuse to stop working hard and for that I give you a standing ovation. I myself am 20 and weighed 235 when I started Mfp and I weigh 222 now and i wanted to give upwr but your story has really inspired me. Good luck on your next goal and thank you.
  • samantha0176
    samantha0176 Posts: 67 Member
    wow! i showed your picture to my 10 and 7yo boys and they were amazed..good work!
  • copykatnjesus
    copykatnjesus Posts: 82 Member
    Half the man is awesome!!

    You must be so proud. But, I know there's a lot of head games
    still going on when you lose a lot of weight. As you know it's a
    whole new life. But, isn't it an amazing life? You can enjoy so
    much more of it. I'm soooo happy for you!!!

    God bless you for sharing!!!
  • bpdai
    bpdai Posts: 46 Member
    God Bless you for your inspiring story - and your extraordinary efforts. I am so glad that it is working for you, and wish you the best in your continue journey.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    congratulation...and HIGH FIVE.

    another reason to love mfp:)

    im going to show this to my sister bec she is also in the same boat that you were in , a shut in, depressed,abt the same weight you were when you started and has not left her room/home in abt 23 plus years, she is a candidate for wl surgery but has recently deceided not to go thr with it, she had her "ah hah" moment (about 3mos. ago) and has begun to "move her body" on her own as best she can, she still needs assistance walking and uses oxygen daily but she's doing it, i have been telling her for years, you have got to get out of this room,start eating healthy,excercising and begin living a life that you deserve.

    thr a lot of soul searching and tears she has begun her journey, to leave her room she can now get to the living room daily,the kitchen and around her home more than ever before,shes taking it literally step by step, i thank god that she does not have life threating issues like some morbidly obese people have and she is not even 50 yrs old yet, still im so excieted for her and she tells me abt the excercises she CAN DO with the help and support of her aid everyday she "works out" 15min but now she can do 20min and is loosing inches that i notice in her face and clothes.

    so since were buddies so im going to print this out for her and we are going to put it on the fridge so she can "walk to it" and get even more inspired that yes he did this on his own with no surgery and she can do it too.

    thank you so much for your story we truly appreciate it.

    LOL my sis & me.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    congratulation...and HIGH FIVE.

    another reason to love mfp:)

    im going to show this to my sister bec she is also in the same boat that you were in , a shut in, depressed,abt the same weight you were when you started and has not left her room/home in abt 23 plus years, she is a candidate for wl surgery but has recently deceided not to go thr with it, she had her "ah hah" moment (about 3mos. ago) and has begun to "move her body" on her own as best she can, she still needs assistance walking and uses oxygen daily but she's doing it, i have been telling her for years, you have got to get out of this room,start eating healthy,excercising and begin living a life that you deserve.

    thr a lot of soul searching and tears she has begun her journey, to leave her room she can now get to the living room daily,the kitchen and around her home more than ever before,shes taking it literally step by step, i thank god that she does not have life threating issues like some morbidly obese people have and she is not even 50 yrs old yet, still im so excieted for her and she tells me abt the excercises she CAN DO with the help and support of her aid everyday she "works out" 15min but now she can do 20min and is loosing inches that i notice in her face and clothes.

    so since were buddies so im going to print this out for her and we are going to put it on the fridge so she can "walk to it" and get even more inspired that yes he did this on his own with no surgery and she can do it too.

    thank you so much for your story we truly appreciate it.

    LOL my sis & me.

    God bless you and your Sister and let her know that it is possible. I remember when I started, I would kick my computer chair in front of me(in case I needed to sit down) while I walked from the living room to the kitchen slider door and then having to sit down because I was winded and couldn't make it back out to the living room without resting. I added alittle distance everyday (baby steps) and over time I was able to do more and more. I also remember the first time I attempted to walk outside. I had worked up the nerve to walk to the culvert (which is about 100 ft. from the front door.) I remember getting to the culvert and turning around and having a complete panic attack. I didn't think I could make it back. I couldn't sit down cause back then I could never get back up off the ground without something to grab onto to pull myself up. I winced and choked and cried but made it back to the front door. I was so elated of my accomplishment... (Baby steps) 28 months later with braces and 281 less lbs, on my body I am sitting here with Ice wraps on my knee's after just finishing up my 2nd round of exercise at the YMCA. All by taking those first baby steps, You just have to want it for yourself, believe in yourself, and tell yourself that you are worth it!!
  • OMG that is so great! You look awesome!!!!
  • pixiesx3
    pixiesx3 Posts: 172 Member
    Super amazing! Way to go! That is awesome! :) Thanks for the inspiration!!!!!!!
  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
    Truly amazing. Good for you!!!!
  • sittoojo5
    sittoojo5 Posts: 42 Member
    God Bless You on the rest of your journey - Amazing!
  • Tears in my eyes while reading your story.
    Thanks for sharing. You're an inspiration.
  • pearlymae
    pearlymae Posts: 100 Member
    You are AMAZING, it took a lo of courage, hard work, determination, and you are doing it the right way.


    Thanks for sharing.
  • shellimus
    shellimus Posts: 158 Member
    You are an inspiration to me! Thank you for sharing your story.
  • WOW! amazing progress!!!!
  • budgetqueen79
    budgetqueen79 Posts: 310 Member
    Great Job! AWESOME! You are giving so many other hope!
  • KathyEarhart
    KathyEarhart Posts: 94 Member
    Absolutely amazing! Great job, you look great!
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