support group for losing those last 10 lbs.



  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    Seems like everyone is doing well with checking in!

    I have been doing a juice fast (falling off the wagon a bit), but like it. I agree that I feel in control. Last wek while when I was really sticking with it, I was mentally in a different place. I was getting more organized and felt like a different person! I didn't even raise my voice at the kids while juice fasting!

    My goal of 100 miles this month seems doable (I've done 21 so far) and I think I can get back on track with the fast tomorrow. We have a family dinner on Saturday and I usually just give in and eat at those things. I'd like to be more in control this time.

    I better have a good couple of days since weigh in is in 2 days! I have been just eating and not really paying attention since Friday!

    Alos, I posted a recipe for an awesome homemade peanut butter bar earlier!

    Have a great night!
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    I've been just horrible keeping track of things the last week. I've been routinely above my calories, and not on good foods either. But this morning when I stepped on the scale I realized something... I may have finally learned how to manage my weight. My weight has bounced around up 10 pounds, down 5, up 15, etc every year since I graduated high school about 6 years ago, and in the end when I started losing weight last June I was about 40 pounds heavier than when I graduated.

    I've lost most of that but it's been a reoccurring worry that whenever I stop or break from counting calories I'll go right back to gaining weight. This last week I have to admit I haven't counted anything. I've logged it all after I was done eating, but I neither planned nor cared about the nutrition facts. Going back through my log this week I realized that through all the up and down days of eating exactly what and how much I wanted I've actually eaten exactly the amount it would take to maintain my current weight, and stepping on the scale showed me the exact same number as a week ago as well.

    I automatically assumed since I wasn't counting I would go up, but it feels great to know that even without reining myself in I can still do this. I'm going to give myself some leeway this month and not push to keep losing much since I have too much going on, but I will keep logging and aim to maintain at the least, maybe even lose an extra pound or two if possible. It's a good start to the middle of the week!
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    How do I join? I am new to MFP. I lost 42lbs 10 years ago on WW. I have pretty much maintained over the past 10 years. I want to take another 10lbs off and I just can't get there. I would love to join a group with people that have the same goal.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    How do I join? I am new to MFP. I lost 42lbs 10 years ago on WW. I have pretty much maintained over the past 10 years. I want to take another 10lbs off and I just can't get there. I would love to join a group with people that have the same goal.

    You can add your name and info to the spreadsheet on page 6. We weigh in on Thursdays and set goals for ourselves.

    I'm nervous about getting to the weight I was last Thursday in time for weigh in. I had a bad weekend and was up 5lbs Sunday. Today I'm down 4lbs luckily. I'd like to at least break even! I got it out of my system though and I'll be good for awhile. I haven't been working out as I'm still getting used to my new job and figuring out how to push myself. It's hard working during the day, cleaning when you get home, spending time with children you haven't seen all day, then make yourself work out! My motivation just isn't there yet. I've been staying within my caloric goals though.
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    Thanks for the information. I entered my info and look forward to the posts!
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Welcome! :smile:
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    I've been just horrible keeping track of things the last week. I've been routinely above my calories, and not on good foods either. But this morning when I stepped on the scale I realized something... I may have finally learned how to manage my weight. My weight has bounced around up 10 pounds, down 5, up 15, etc every year since I graduated high school about 6 years ago, and in the end when I started losing weight last June I was about 40 pounds heavier than when I graduated.

    I've lost most of that but it's been a reoccurring worry that whenever I stop or break from counting calories I'll go right back to gaining weight. This last week I have to admit I haven't counted anything. I've logged it all after I was done eating, but I neither planned nor cared about the nutrition facts. Going back through my log this week I realized that through all the up and down days of eating exactly what and how much I wanted I've actually eaten exactly the amount it would take to maintain my current weight, and stepping on the scale showed me the exact same number as a week ago as well.

    I automatically assumed since I wasn't counting I would go up, but it feels great to know that even without reining myself in I can still do this. I'm going to give myself some leeway this month and not push to keep losing much since I have too much going on, but I will keep logging and aim to maintain at the least, maybe even lose an extra pound or two if possible. It's a good start to the middle of the week!

    This is awesome and such a wonderful feeling!!!
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    Here's something I received through an email newsletter and it is sooooooo good. If you cant get to it from thsi link message me your personal email and I can fwd my letter with the link.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
    Thank you for the link, Jeanine. I will read the article. I am also skimming "Body for Life" today.

    I need to stay motivated. For sure!

    I am going to the gym after work, tonight. (But, I also feel a sore throat coming on!)
  • aussiesarah
    aussiesarah Posts: 68 Member
    Here's something I received through an email newsletter and it is sooooooo good. If you cant get to it from thsi link message me your personal email and I can fwd my letter with the link.

    An interesting article and very motivating. I particularly liked the quote at the end:

    “Do or Do Not...There is No Try” :o)

    It's got me focussed for the next week of plateau breaking and I'm going to try a 16:8 IF tomorrow!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Hey there! Sorry I wasn't active but I took a week off from exercise and logging (the scale shows it). But my body needed the break. I had constant soreness and felt fatigued. Unfortunately, during that break my weight went up. I'm at 136.2. I should get it back down again now that I'm feeling better and back into my routine.
  • pepperedmoth
    pepperedmoth Posts: 37 Member
    Hi all! I'd like to follow along, at least a little. I tend to be a lurker. ;-)

    I've lost 20 lbs. total (ticker is misleading; I lost 7 on my own before joining MFP) and have 7 to go before hitting GW of 125. Actually, in an ideal world, I'd maintain between 120 and 125.

    I plateaued for the entire month of October at 133.x as I was out of running with an injury. I'm back at it now and saw 132 on the scale yesterday... Oh, happiness.

    These last few pounds are ANNOYING. I could use a communal gripe space.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Thursday weigh-in was this morning and....drum roll...I am still at 147! This is week 9 of no progress! Since my latest plateau started, I upped my calories three weeks ago from a 0.5 lb/week loss (1600 calories) to what MFP considers maintenance (1800) with no change up or down in weight. I am not sure what my next move should be. I have been doing research into maintenance calories and looked at 5 other websites, all of which have me at about 2100 calories/day for maintenance. Being that MFP has me at 1800, I am thinking it may be wrong. My big question now is what do I do?

    Using 2100 as my maintenance, I am currently eating 1800/day, which would be a 0.5 lb/week deficit. According to MFP, the 1800/day I am eating is maintenance. I am lost. Do I reduce calories further, though I was still plateauing eating 1600/day, or do I bump them up higher? All I know is what I am doing now is not working. *sigh*
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    I weighed in this am at 141. That's down 1.2 lbs. Only 3 more to go!!!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Here I am for our Thursday morning weigh-in... Anybody else posting their Thursday weight?

    I am down a WHOLE pound! (from official Monday weight) 133.3 is the new weight!

    :flowerforyou: This is new territory for me and I won't be changing my official weight until Monday, BUT, Really pretty jazzed about this!! :flowerforyou:

    Encouragement for all working to lose those last 10 pounds...
    * Keep at it your body will respond to all the positive changes you are making!!
    * I was at my lowest weight of 134 in May of last year and slowly moved into the 138-140 range until last month.
    * Started using weights in September (about 2 X's per week) and took out a couple days of cardio.
    * Started using protein powder mixed in with my yogurt and coffee in July
    * Now looking to add more calories to find my maintenance range.
    * # Since joining in April of 2009 I had my calories set to lose a pound a week
    * # I upped my calories to lose .5 pounds/week sometime last year
    * # I have upped my net calories recently and am at 1540 now. (Plan to up again next week - feels weird!:noway: )
    * # I am always reading the "experts" and learning how this body of mine works. Thanks all you for your expertise!

    I cannot say why the weight is moving off now for me, but keep reading all the good information out there, apply the science on your own body and enjoy the journey!

    :heart: "We are fearfully and wonderfully made!"
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I'm still coming back from a horrible weekend, and I'm up a lb. Better than the 5 I was up Sunday! So hopefully by Monday I can undo the mess I made. Congrats on everyone's weight loss!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I will put my on there but i only weigh on saturdays now as not to discrouage myself. TOM now so i know it's higher than what is up there, but my hope is that it will go down soon.
  • MissGoHard
    MissGoHard Posts: 34 Member
    Hello Ladies! I've lost 35lbs and I am looking to lose my final 10lb, what a battle! I am completely committed to this and will not stop until I get there!

    Friend me if you wish! We will prevail ladies! LOL!
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I lost .5. I normally weigh in on Mondays, but am also weighing in Thursdays for this challenge. Hopefully it will be a bigger loss next week. I have been religously tracking and exercising 5-6 days a week. I have been reading all of your posts and I think I need to increase my calories, but that is a little scarry. Last week I did not eat my exercise calories. This week I am experimenting and eating at least half of them. We will see how it goes!
  • MissGoHard
    MissGoHard Posts: 34 Member
    Increase my calorie intake? Hmmm I guess I will have to take this into consideration.

    Currently I am sticking to 1200, I burn about 500-700 a day and always have about a 600-700 deficit...

    How did you determine how much to increase them by? Is there some sort of formula?