Senior Golden Sneakers............November



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Just want to share this with all of you. This is one reason everyone in our family feels so blessed, and thankful for every day!

    At 9 months, Avery's liver failed her, and she eventually received a transplant. The adjustments were sometimes tough for her as well as her family. Today she is thriving, and she is a source of joy for anyone who is priviledged to know her. Avery is our great niece. This is an email from her mother.

    I know that this is short notice but we didn’t find out ourselves until last week! Lisa Anderson (LuLu) at Dr. Sprayberry’s office nominated Avery for a project that they do through her church(New Life Aposlotic Church in Watkinsville). They have a ministry that was started by The Clack family whose teenage daughter was involved in a horrific car accident last year and survived only through miracles. Her family wanted to do something to give back so they started this ministry of building “crooked” playhouses for children who have been through serious illnesses. So with that said…LuLu nominated “her baby” and they contacted us and met with Avery last Friday night at ChickFilA. Avery doesn’t know what is going on and will be completely surprised Sunday!! We will go to church in Watkinsville Sunday a.m. where they will present the playhouse to her and they will follow us home and set it up that afternoon at our house. We would LOVE for everyone to come to our house Sunday afternoon around 2:30 p.m. to celebrate a dream come true with Avery!!

    Here is Avery’s dream of her own playhouse: “I would paint it blue like the sky and let it dry and then paint clouds on it. I would then paint a rainbow on it with a pot of gold at the end but not with gold in it but food for my giraffe. I would have my sister paint my giraffe on the door because she is a good artist.” (Those are her two favorite things…her favorite color is always rainbow and giraffes are her favorite animal!) We are SOOOO excited that she was chosen and grateful to everyone involved to make her dream come true!!!

    Love y’all and look forward to seeing you Sunday hopefully!

    Here is Avery's dreamhouse

  • piquilter
    Last day of my 5 day holiday and I am sad to have to return to school tomorrow. I wonder if I should retire. I seem to like the days off better than the days teaching. Surely after report cards and parent conferences are past I will feel better about my profession.

    Phyllis, I've been retired from teaching for almost 3 years (in February) and I highly recommend it! I was beginning to feel the same way about my profession, elementary librarian, and with my back issues just couldn't keep up with the pace or the performance to the standards I'd always done. I can't tell you anything negative about retirement, I'm way too busy to be bored :laugh: :laugh: and have friends that are extremely jealous:blushing: Report cards and conferences were a stressful time though, maybe you'll get your "mojo" back :wink:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    :glasses: Sandy: Sorry to hear about your knees. Sometimes we just have to give in so we can feel pain free.
    My girlfriend is coming along fine with her knee replacement. Her brace is off after 6 weeks and she walking with
    one cane now. Now she just has pain in the other knee which will be done end of March.
    I hope you come to an conclusion soon so you too can be pain free. :sad:

    :glasses: Marie: Sounds like you had a wonderful dinner for your B-day. The food sounded awesome.

    :glasses: Kat: 13 kids, really? More power to you and patience of Jobe. :tongue:

    Weather here today is high of 68 degrees and did my afternoon lunch walk with just a sweater.

    If you noticed, my exercise ticker has disappeared. They have taken the Signature portion off of this site.
    That was my exercise ticker and my goal for November. :ohwell:
    I stated my case in the forum with Mike but I have a feeling it won't do any good.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just a quick one as my eyes were dilated this morning and I can't see a thing still, so the spellung might be crazy! Just wanted to thank KAT for being my friend; and SANDY, ouch, but you are such a good sport about your own problems, and right now they are many! Do what is best for you, dear friend! And since most of these problems do not disappear on their own, just call on us anytime you need support!
    Phyllis, teachers should recognize when they no longer feel the dedication for teaching. I imagine it's as hard to give up as recognizing when to dtop driving, but both become necessary after a certain time. If teaching feels more burden than challenge, retirement can feel wonderful! Piquilter said it all! PHOEBE, hope your awol baby returns! ANd loved the story about your g/niece and the "house" is super! Likewise JERI's g/daughter!.
    MARIE, your birthday BBQ sounds delicious and fun, and so happy for you! GAYLA, nice to hear from you, and I forgot to do this on a separate page, and can barely make anything out anyway. By the way, when not dilated, my vision is 20/20! Forgive me if I missed you today, puh-lease!
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good afternoon fellow seniors ( the best group ever).

    Marie, sorry I missed wishing you happy birthday but I was under the weather yesterday and I didn't get on the computer. It sounds like you had a wonderful day. I love the singing phone call, we do that to all our family. They now have been doing it back to us. Your dinner sounded wonderful, I love bbq. So I will shout out a HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU so everyone can hear it.

    Sandy, you know I had both knees replaced and a 10 hr back surgery last year. I am better than I was before and recommend you doing it when you feel comfortable doing it. The recovery is slow but worth it. I just did everything the doc told me to do.

    My day today:
    Slept in until 7am, I am still getting over my cold. I was so sick yesterday. I made egg whites, canadian bacon on a eng muffin for breakfast and it was good. Then we met friends for coffee and I had to go to the sewing store. We came home and had a nice lunch, BLT on a low cal bagel, hummus with carrots and celery with grapes for dessert. Then went on the stationary bike for 15 min, and work out with weights a little. Dinner will be something with roasted turkey.

    Our weather is cold, sunny, and snowy, go figure. I think I will sew a little today, after I make a apple crisp for tonights dessert. The apple crisp is low calorie and since I have so many apples left, I might as well keeep making them.

    So ladies, sit down and sip a cup of tea with me today.:drinker:

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,104 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :bigsmile: It is going to be hard to catch up with everyone but I will try. Before I do, if you have time check out my husbands niece's daughter on YouTube. She is amazing and I expect she will go far in this world.

    Chris, I do know that I want to do it, it just a matter of when. Hope you are feeling better today.

    Buzz, hate that feeling when my eyes are dilated, it is like being without control. Steak Diane used to be my all time favorite dinner to order when I was "dating" my hubby. The thinner the better and flaming it in front of me superb.

    Shirley, I am not happy with the signature link gone, it was the way to remember every one's name and be connected to the birthday link.

    Jeanne, I like you, love retirement and when asked what do I do with my time, I have to say what ever I want.

    Phoebe, you know I cry at the drop of a hat and this story about your great niece touched me. Now I know why you are such a kind person who is always willing to do something for someone else. Can I send anything to Avery or at least help with the soldiers, just tell me what you need and I will be there.The funny thing is the knee that is not bone on bone is the one bothering me more, the doctor said probably because the nerve in the other once has been compromised.

    Phyllis, I think you really do enjoy teaching but when you get a few days off it is so nice to be home it is hard to get back in that work routine. These jobs interfer with every one's social life.

    Gayla, as long as you don't forget us and keep checking in we will forgive your absence.

    Jeri, happy you are done with radiation and can return to your hectic life. Your grandchildren are so beautiful, both pictures are great but that strawberry pulled at my heartstrings.

    You are one amazing lady with an amazing life. I give your credit for being a daycare provider, I love children but not so many at one time. Doing your own remodeling, impressive,three acres sounds wonderful, three dogs best news yet.

    Marie, hope your special day was as special as you are.

    Jackie,you are another lady who not only keeps me smiling with your accent, but with all your stories about your chickens and bees.

    Barbie, you must be busy since you haven't been around much, I know that feeling and hope you don't ever leave us.

    Becky, where are you today?

    I think I have covered everyone, if not is because you have not posted on the last few pages.

    Going to see my nieces son perform at a little local bowling alley with some friends tonight, such talent in my family, I wonder what happened to me. And oh yes, my sister is still feeling good, I call her everyday and will see her when I am 100% well.

    Love you sneakers!!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Shirley wrote:

    If you noticed, my exercise ticker has disappeared. They have taken the Signature portion off of this site.
    That was my exercise ticker and my goal for November. :ohwell:
    I stated my case in the forum with Mike but I have a feeling it won't do any good.

    I wondered why everyone's names weren't being shown at the bottom of their posts. I've come to rely on that as I have a terrible memory and this is the reason. I'll start typing my name at the bottom of each post. Hope everyone else will do it too. LOL

    I went back through old posts looking for people's names and thought I must have been going nuts. Apparently not.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Phoebe - What a nice story and a fabulous post. Thanks for sharing.

    Thanks, Phyliss. I retired quite some time ago and enjoyed it so much that I wondered why I hadn't done it years ago.

    Chris - get well soon.

    Sandy - Thank you so much for the nice comments. How do you manage to keep up with your busy, busy life and still post your very nice comments. I very much appreciate it and I am sure lots of the other ladies do too.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    bigsmile I've read all the posts but probably won't comment on them individually. My visit with my friend was fabulous and exhausting. She's a late riser and was staying in a motel so I was able to get up early and walk the dogs for an hour and half as usual which offset all the sitting and talking we did the rest of the day. We have talked on the phone once a week for years so we keep track of each other's lives but spending all the time face to face was a blessing

    noway noway noway we are always asking how the extra weight could pile on in a weekend and take four weeks to go away.:noway: :noway: :noway: I'm wondering that now. I'm still fighting with the two pounds from some excesses in September and this weekend of restaurant meals and a gigantic turkey dinner potluck gratitude dinner on Saturday has caused the scale to have a higher number every morning.:explode: :explode: :explode: I'll wait a week before I adjust my ticker

    :sad: :sad: Jake leaves tomorrow morning to for a weeklong trip to go turkey and duck hunting with a friend so I will be able to exercise more, eat less, and cook hardly anything. i hope that will be the chance to get my weight back where it belongs or at least get on the road back to my old structured eating

    :heart: :heart: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: It was so much fun to talk to Marie and sing to her on her birthday. and if you were wondering, she sounds like Texas.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I was very busy with my friend for four days and didn't log my food or post on the message boards (I did log in so I wouldn't lose my log in streak) :laugh: then last night the internet went down and was still down in the morning so I called the cable company and they got it going in time for Jake and me to vote for our favorites on Dancing With the Stars. You Sneakers are part of my family and I won't be gone for long.

    :flowerforyou: Phyllis, When I was in my 40's I thought I'd keep teaching until I was 75 :laugh: :laugh: When a friend of mine retired from teaching at age 55 seemingly out of the blue, I asked her about it and she said that someone had told her that one day she would know that it was time to retire. A few years later at age 57 I walked into a staff meeting in February and realized that after over 30 years of feeling like I could meet any challenge, i was suddenly ready to let the younger people do the work and it was time for me to retire. it was a great decision and I've not regretted it for a minute. You will know when it's time.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie from NW Washington


    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • piquilter

    Jeanne, I like you, love retirement and when asked what do I do with my time, I have to say what ever I want.

    I also tell them I go to the bathroom whenever I want AND I have privacy :laugh:

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,104 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :bigsmile: Sunny warm day in the 60's, but really windy. We had a great time last night listening to my great nephew play jazz guitar with his college group at at local bowling alley. My friends met me and it was a great night so the next time he plays we will meet again.:love: These are my friends who I used to play bingo with so not seeing them for a while it was fun to be with them once again. My great nephew is so talented as is my husband's great niece.

    Jeanne, it is a hard question to answer when people ask me what I do. I know I spend an lot of time on the computer and it seems I am running all the time but I have no set thing I do, I just keep busy.

    Barbie, I know you wouldn't dessert us, you are our role model and inspiration. To tell you the truth I am a little happy that you struggle with those extra couple of pounds, it makes you human.:laugh: I am happy you had such a good time with your friend, we are truly blessed.

    Jeri, I too counted on those names and hope I remember to add mine to my posts. Are you feeling better after your treatments and getting stronger every day?

    I have added two pounds to my ticker and will not touch it again unless I continue to gain. Since I asked my knee doctor if it was okay to ride the bike and/or walk and he said you can do anything but fall down, I have no excuse not to exercise pain or not.
    Stress is an awful thing to make you want to eat junk food and I know better so I have to get back on track as of today. Unfortunately I am going with friends to an over night stay at a casino in East Indiana tomorrow to celebrate a birthday. Please keep after me once I return, I worked so hard to get to goal and even though I am there I can see how easily those pounds can sneak back.

    Time to call my sister and tell her how wonderful her grandson is, that will make her so happy. I took some video and put it on her face book page so she could see him perform. God I love my sister.

    Have a great day!!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Jeanne, lol, at the privacy in the bathroom!! I have often thought that things go much easier for me when I am at home, lol, TMI, I know!!

    Maddie, where are you, this is where you would usually chime in with bells on!!

    Barbie, so glad you had fun, and your timing and hers coordinated so well. I hope Jake has fun on his hunting trip.. do you keep what he brings back, or do you tell him to do something with it before he gets back? lol.. I have so many memories of my father emptying his big pockets on his hunting coat. yuk..

    well, sign our names we must, what a strange thing to remove!! I thought it gave us all a little insight into each others personalities.

    I'm off to BJ's wholesale club, leaving home late, as ever.. getting soldiers gifts and trying not to get any for

    it is getting cloudy, and the temps will be dropping a bit, not so bad as many of you, and I really am not complaining, it is tolerable.

    No Buzz, our little awol kitty did not return.. my husband thinks the worst, but I prefer to think of him as in a cozy home.. he is such a sweetie, he would be irresistable. He is my husbands favorite of the kitties, so it is hard for him. As for me, I just feel like I let them down by making the decision to allow them their freedom to come and go while we are traveling. They all know how to use the pet door, and they come inside at night. However, we risk more missing kitties if we continue to allow them to come and go..They will be fine indoors, just a bit messy, and they have all the food and water they need. We shall make a decision when we leave.

    ok, here I go....

    yep forgot to sign it,
    Phoebe Waleska GA
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Aw, PHOEBE, I think I'll stick with your feeling! Off to a happy hunting ground!

    No time now, but thought I'd mention ...and paste, a couple of seasoning mixes I make. I use the 2nd one for everything including my favorite spinach omelet! Salt free, of course, and better than anything I could buy! I added them to our recipe forum.

    Greek Seasoning -2 versions
    1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano
    1 teaspoon dried mint
    1 teaspoon dried thyme
    1/2 teaspoon dried basil
    1/2 teaspoon dried marjoram
    1/2 teaspoon dried minced onion
    1/4 teaspoon dried minced garlic
    Store in an airtight container in a cool dry place for up to 6 months.

    Ingredients----This one is my FAVORITE Sodium free Greek Seasoning!
    2 teaspoons dried oregano
    1 1/2 teaspoon dried mint
    2 teaspoon dried thyme
    2 teaspoon dried basil
    1/2 teaspoon dried marjoram
    1 teaspoon onion pwdr
    1 teaspoon garlic pwdr
    1+ t paprika
    1/4 t cinnamon
    1/2 t black pepper
    (1 t cornstarch) - if you want to stick better
    I mixed this in a grinder to make a very fine mix, and use it on everything, from my morning spinach omelet to steaks, turkeyballs, really has become my favorite seasoning! The cornstarch keeps it from sticking, and it pours beautifully from an original Greek Seasoning container obtained years ago, but using huge amounts of salt...and sugar! I emptied that, and now make this mix about every 6 weeks and love it! Great on vegetables. couscous, rice, poultry, lamb, name it
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Hello Sneakers,
    Our weather is sunny but only 40 degrees outside. When I finish here I am going for a walk.
    My day today was really good, got up early, read the paper, played with the dog and then met our son for breakfast. I had a egg and english muffin and coffee. We stopped by the casino and we all won some money today. Then we all went swimming and enjoyed the hot tub. Since it was almost 1pm we decided to stop at Wendys and get a grilled chicken wrap and 4 oz frosty.

    Today will be an easy day, not much planned.

    Sandy, just want to say a speacial hi to you.
    Marie, you will have a good alone time while your hubby is away.
    phoebe, Hope you find Kitty.
    Everyone please have a great day.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    chris It wasn't me that has some alone time. Sure could used time tho.
    WSent to the dr. today and I lost 4 lbs. My doctor was proud of me. But it should have been more. If I haven't got in the carb eating mood. got to get back on it.
    How is your quilting coming alone?

    I am starting on a another crumbie quilt.. It is just the thing for an almost blind great Granny and Soon to be Great Great Granny.
    Why did they take our signature off? Think I will g and put my 2 cents worth in!!!!!!!!!!! Then I got some 1/4 inch buttons to sew on a quilt block. I try the machine but could not do it. Now to see if I can find a needle and thread.PhpebeTh i think you Kitty will come back. They have wonderful radar. If someone has not gotit in their house.

    See you guys later

    Had to come back and sign out
    :heart: :heart: Marie
  • katcoleesp
    katcoleesp Posts: 33 Member
    Good Evening Ladies,

    Thank you all for the nice comments, I have not begun to write everyone down on a paper and go back through to learn all about you, your family, where you live etc. It would be good for me to do this in my SPARE ( lol) time!!!

    Today was nice but a brisk chilling wind, so I had 3 layers on, seems the older I get the colder I feel??

    When I remarried 4 yrs ago I worked 70+ hrs a week in retail management and never got to REALLY organizing my crafts, sewing etc. I was so lucky today. I found a guy that has large storage cabinets, made out of real wood and super cheap. We are going down to look at them Sunday and hopefully buy 4 of them so I can get all my fabric, lace and sewing stuff organized, all my scrap booking together, all my wood carving tools out and organize all my items, very excited...!!! then I am going to tear down a wall downstairs in the basement, winter remodeling, my favorite.

    I want to learn how to draw but have not applied myself, after an 11.5 hr day with 10 kids, I am exhausted. I need to be more organized with my

    Well ladies, the Country Music Awards are coming on, I am going to get my jammies on and go relax a little, hope everyone has a marvelous evening.

    Kat ( Katherine) Topeka, KS
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'm like Sandy, I can't exactly explain what I do, but I'm busy all the time. Of course, dog walking does take a lot of my time.

    :flowerforyou: Jake got off safely on his hunting trip. This is the first time he's been hunting since we've been married. He went fishing a few weeks ago and brought home two salmon (gutted and heads removed before he came home). He is hoping to get a turkey and maybe a duck or goose. I'm not a fan of hunting but as long as he doesn't ask me to go with him, I am OK with him going.

    :flowerforyou: I don't know why Mike took off all the parts of our signatures except for the MFP weight ticker, but a lot of people are really annoyed by it. there are at least two threads full of comments about it. I made a word document with my signature that I can copy at the bottom of my post.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie from NW Washington


    November goal----walk for an hour with the dogs every morning even in the dark and cold

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Barbie - I know what you mean about those 2 lbs. I have 1 1/2 - 2 lbs. that continue to plague me. Go away I say. LOL I always have to watch DWTS too.

    Sandy - I was doing pretty good and starting to feel perky again when I started to run into some other problems. I think a urinary track infection or something else along that line. I'm squirming as I type. Another, go away I say, for sure. However, I don't feel anywhere near as tired as I did so I am very pleased about that.
    Sandy, you are so right about stress. I don't know how many times I've lost a lot of weight and then something very stressful would happen and then I'd gain it all back and then some. I am determined that this time that will not happen. I WILL NOT GAIN BACK MY WEIGHT. Want to make a pledge with me about that? Your sister sure wouldn't want you to gain those pounds back. I did that when my Dad got sick and I think how much he would not have wanted me to do that and yet I did. This time, it's me with cancer and I sure the heck don't want those extra pounds around or on me. LOL This group of ladies is such a good motivation to me. Thanks everyone!!

    Phoebe, I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. Hugs to you.

    Buzz - another good recipe. I must try that.

    Chris - sounds like a good day. Hope you enjoyed it.

    Marie - good for you with the 4 lbs. Your doctor should be proud of you. We are!!

    Kat - no wonder you are exhausted. Whew!!

    My dh and I had another busy, busy day. We drove the twins to kindergarten, did a bit of shopping, tried to get my husband's music synchronized on his ipod and his computer and then went over to my Mom's to play a couple games of cards. I lost!!! What a day.

    Hope everyone has a terrific day tomorrow. I am taking my Mom to the doctor tomorrow am for the results of an ultrasound. Wish us luck that everything is okay.

    Bye now.

    Calgary, Alberta
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,104 Member
    Just to let you sneakers know that I am leaving in the morning for my overnight stay at the casino with friends. Will check in Friday, hopefully by posting this I won't lose my days. Have a good Thursday and Friday.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Ok Sandy, don't hock anything you can't live without!! lol.. have a ball and win a bundle of money!!

    well, time to go to work, got to make kitty litter money, it used to be food, but we are using quite a bit of both.. lol, jk!!

    have a great weekend ahead..the leaves are really falling now, it rained yesterday, and there were so many fallen leaves on the lesser roads last night, I could only see a little bit of the pavement!!

    talk to you all from 'the road'

    Phoebe in Waleska GA