
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Oh ok so this thread was a thread about nothing then....I like the one Shannon started better....

    Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner.

    :laugh: Thank you, Thank you...*bows*

    Well, if SHE gets the money, I quit!
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Oh ok so this thread was a thread about nothing then....I like the one Shannon started better....

    Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner.

    :laugh: Thank you, Thank you...*bows*

    Well, if SHE gets the money, I quit!

    Sore loser:tongue:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Now go eat some cupcakes! :wink: Because tomorrow is a new day :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Oh ok so this thread was a thread about nothing then....I like the one Shannon started better....

    Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner.

    :laugh: Thank you, Thank you...*bows*

    Well, if SHE gets the money, I quit!

    Sore loser:tongue:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,282 Member
    Oh ok so this thread was a thread about nothing then....I like the one Shannon started better....

    Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner.

    :laugh: Thank you, Thank you...*bows*

    Well, if SHE gets the money, I quit!

    Sore loser:tongue:

    Okay, but cover up! Geez. giggle.gif
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey, if ya got it, flaunt it, babeee.
  • burbuja
    burbuja Posts: 32
    To me, "tomorrow" is metaphorical. What it means is that this period isn't "forever". I don't generally give advice on those sorts of threads, but, in life in general, when I say, "tomorrow is a new day", it simply means, "this too shall pass." Not necessarily "tomorrow", but in the next year, month, week, day, hour or minute.

    I've certainly seen advice such as, "why not go out for a walk". I think you're focusing on something that annoys you personally.

    After all, tomorrow *is* a new day. It doesn't mean that someone can't take immediate action, but it doesn't mean that they must, either. It's simply something that people say. I'm more curious why it bothers you so much... you may certainly dispense any advice that you wish, including, "get off your butt and work out, then."

    People have lots of different ways of expressing support. You telling everyone that they are providing crap and not being supportive and are, rather, being enabling makes me more wonder what's going on with you. Why are you so angry?

    Can you make peace in yourself that other people have a different way of dispensing help? Must everyone give advice in the very same way as you in order for you to be happy? Or can you find it in yourself to realize that there are many paths to an ultimate destination, and that yours may work for some and others' may work for others?

    I feel that you will be angry for a long time, if you want everyone to change to your way... this isn't the first time that I've seen you complain about this very topic, and I've only been here for just over a month. People will always say "tomorrow". Will you always be annoyed by it? Or can you find peace in simply giving your opinion and allowing others to give theirs?

    I agree, I couldn't have said it better.

    I don't know why Dave is ranting about people ranting, I guess Dave has too much time on his hands almost 3,000 posts since Dec '08 makes you wonder. Dave maybe you shouldn't read them, ever thought of that? If they are such a waste of your time and you hate them so much then don't read them, PROBLEM SOLVED. You can't expect people to be perfect like you. Good luck, I hope you find happiness :bigsmile: .
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    wee bit hostile, Madam, dontchathink?-- :ohwell:

    Read again-- there was no rant. Simply pondering and making a query-- why do we enable?
  • burbuja
    burbuja Posts: 32

    Now I can't express what I believe, my opinion, what I think is true without having to think about if I am hurting someone's feelings? Didn't you write something about that? Everyone has a right to post anything they want, call it a rant about what a bad day they are having or how something is so annoying to them.

    You can't expect for everyone to think like Dave or yourself and to be honest his post was very hostile to people who try to find comfort and support, isn't that a part of what this web page is for?
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Now I can't express what I believe, my opinion, what I think is true without having to think about if I am hurting someone's feelings? Didn't you write something about that? Everyone has a right to post anything they want, call it a rant about what a bad day they are having or how something is so annoying to them.

    You can't expect for everyone to think like Dave or yourself and to be honest his post was very hostile to people who try to find comfort and support, isn't that a part of what this web page is for?

    just not worth it
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Now I can't express what I believe, my opinion, what I think is true without having to think about if I am hurting someone's feelings? Didn't you write something about that? Everyone has a right to post anything they want, call it a rant about what a bad day they are having or how something is so annoying to them.

    You can't expect for everyone to think like Dave or yourself and to be honest his post was very hostile to people who try to find comfort and support, isn't that a part of what this web page is for?

    Ummm-- actually, I don't think I did write that-- I think you're mixing me up with somebody--

    I find your tone hostile is all-- and what we think is true isn't always true.

    But that's a conversation for another day, I believe--
  • burbuja
    burbuja Posts: 32
    Well, my two cent investment to earn a $247.98 return is thus--

    Many people, women particularly, are LOATHE to say anything that will make somebody "FEEL" bad. Our society simply frowns on it. That's why little Johnny can spell cat K-A-T if he wants, and little Janie can think 2+2=5 as long as her wittle feelings aren't hurt.

    People can't speak the truth, even lovingly for fear that somebody may be offended. We can't joke. We can't criticize. We can't counsel. We can't cajole-- we can only say, "Oh, that's okay. I'm okay, you're okay. Try it again tomorrow, better luck next time, whatever makes you happy, whatever makes you feel good-- " Here, there, everywhere-- it's our society, Dave, surely you know that.

    I learned it very early on in these forums specifically when I ruffled feathers wayyy back when, when someone was whining about people being nicer to her now that she's lost weight-- okay, so what's your beef? They're being nice to you-- what's your problem? The discussion continued, I opined further-- black and white view of world, snap-out-of-it mentality-- oh my-- NOT received well. I also learned that the F word here was a very naughty word-- F-A-T. It was unreal.

    So, this is the way it is, here and everywhere.

    I sit and giggle as I read your posts knowing that I'm not going there anymore-- people gather around them others who will tell them what their itching ears want to hear. They don't want truth. They want to feel better-- it is what it is.

    Now, where's my money?

    Madam, lol

    Everyone has a right to their own opinion and what they believe to be true what I don't understand is why it isn't respected
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    is there a point here? Not getting the connection between what I posted, your initial post and your current post.

    Guess I've been working too hard today-- I'm missing something.
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    Obviously, I'm a few days late in reading this. I have been steering clear of the boards lately, and mostly for two reasons. The first reason is the sheer volume of repeat questions. The second reason is the negative tone. The constant bickering, pleas for an easy way out, and struggle for popularity drive me nuts. (I'll go ahead and say it - hate me if you want - it's soooo irritating when people post a "whine" and then 10 minutes later, post another "whine" about how no one answered their first whine)

    I still log my meals and exercise, but have backed off posting.

    We all have our reasons for being here. My reason is no more or less valid than the next person's.

    Keep in mind, everyone, that if you require a more intense or less intense environment to help you on your road to health, there are such places on the internet! It's a big Web!! If you're not happy (people are too easy, people are too hard) here, I encourage you to explore your options. It's just one of the many reasons America rules!!

    Good day!
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Like Dave or not, agree with Dave or not, you have to admit he gets people talking, debating and thinking. Perhaps...just perhaps THAT was his point. He asked a simple question in a complex manner. He doesn't deserve personal insults as he has handed none out in this thread.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    if you guys won't play nicely, I'll drop the "O" word and get this thread locked....:devil:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    if you guys won't play nicely, I'll drop the "O" word and get this thread locked....:devil:

    *thinking-- thinking*

    O word?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Obviously, I'm a few days late in reading this. I have been steering clear of the boards lately, and mostly for two reasons. The first reason is the sheer volume of repeat questions. The second reason is the negative tone. The constant bickering, pleas for an easy way out, and struggle for popularity drive me nuts. (I'll go ahead and say it - hate me if you want - it's soooo irritating when people post a "whine" and then 10 minutes later, post another "whine" about how no one answered their first whine)

    I still log my meals and exercise, but have backed off posting.

    We all have our reasons for being here. My reason is no more or less valid than the next person's.

    Keep in mind, everyone, that if you require a more intense or less intense environment to help you on your road to health, there are such places on the internet! It's a big Web!! If you're not happy (people are too easy, people are too hard) here, I encourage you to explore your options. It's just one of the many reasons America rules!!

    Good day!

    LOL Bri, check this Out, I guess I was prophetic! This was my post for why I decided to leave the first time, notice my second reason for leaving. LOL! This was like 6 or 7 months ago I think.
    And NO I'm not leaving again, I've learned to just skip over those threads, it took a while, but I did.

  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    if you guys won't play nicely, I'll drop the "O" word and get this thread locked....:devil:

    Ostrich? Organization? OhmyGaw?
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hi! :bigsmile:

    It is true. I mean, one mistake or treat does not mean a day is ruined. Just get back on track immediately and keep on, keepin on! It's allowing those treats or "every so oftens" to take over and derail everything we have worked so hard for. Just not worth it!!

This discussion has been closed.