Shape Up with the Daily HEET, April Thread (New Members Welc



  • hazelmichling
    Cindy, you are just soooo awesome! Good job on the walking. My DH just got back from his daily walk. Wish I could get myself out the door with him. That would be great and that is something I should work on for myself.

    Your mini meatloaf is such a cute and clever idea. yes, I can see the lbs melting right off of you. Go, go, go, Cindy. I am here cheering you on. Go, go, go, rah, rah, rah. You can do it! We are all so proud of you and your accomplishments just like your DD and your DH as well.

    Here's to Julie ...;. praying for you and DH. We are all waiting to hear from you. May you have the peace of Jesus with you as you are going through this trial.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    Yea! Thanks Cindy! By jove, i think me got it! Love you all.

    After all, old dogs can learn new tricks.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Heeters,
    Hazel each time you post it will automatically show in your post, and as you change your lbs. lost, it will show on your ticker that is from this site. As for the tickers in ticker factory we have to update them ourselves and cut and paste to our signature and remove the old ones. Yours looks good, glad to be of help.

    Anyone hear from Julie, sure hope her hubby is okay, been a bit concerned. All is well here on the homefront. Had tacos for dinner tonight and now just catching up on the happenings in the msg. boards.

    Well take care everyone, might bbl, Debbie
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    awwwww Hazel, You're so sweet ! Thanks a bunch! I think the mini meatloafs will make it easier to have portion control. Hazel you should walk with your husband! I love walking with my dh . We have such nice talks on our walks. :smile: I hope you have a great night! Cindy :heart:
  • blackchick38
    goodevening guys hope all is well,im doing major house cleaning and YES its great to have my home and space back.and i will continue my walk in the am,i missed it so much,also the house is empty no food at all,so starting over resh will be great.mosquitos are killing me so i better gat some bug spray and its so hot tonight.
    julie hop everything is ok and we all are praying for you :flowerforyou:
  • hazelmichling
    Hey there gals. Debbie, thanks so much for your help. Always informative and knowledgeable about many things. Guess cause you also read a lot. I don't read like I used to as my eyesight isn't that great, it sort of discourages me. I'm glad I can see on this computer screen. Sometimes I have to make the print larger to read, but it works. You are doing well on your journey and by your encouragement, I know I can too. Thanks again for the help with the ticker. I had been working with it and couldn't get it to work so finally had to ask for help. Not too computer literate.

    Cindy, the reason I don't walk with DH is that his stride is too long for me. I have to take 2 or 2 1/2 steps to his 1. So I don't want to keep him back from his comfort zone and it's best I let him go alone. He is doing sooo good. Speed walking now for a couple of days and his blood pressure sure has come down a lot. Dr. Pivnick is going to be surprised and pleased for DH. Since I had not been exercising like I had been, my blood sugar reading has been a little higher than it had been. I just figured it out tonight. So, back to the gym tomorrow and we will see if blood sugar comes down again. It will be interesting.

    For dinner tonight, I had chicken fajita compliment of jenny craig. It tastes good but I add an extra corn tortilla since too much filling and not enough tortilla. Then I made a pineapple bread for dessert tonight but don't like it. I used Splenda granulated as substitute for the sugar and it just doesn't taste good like it would with the real sugar. Maybe that is good for me, huh? It counts as 132 calories per slice but I gotta add butter to make it taste better. Tried this recipe for the first time since I had a lot of fresh pineapple that needed to be used up. Have any of you experienced this different taste with the sugar substitute?

    Cindy, looks like I may actually drink my 8 glasses of water today. I am finishing off the 7th glass now. Evening is still early. Okay, will go settle in my recliner and get ready for American Idol results. Wonder who will be sent home tonight? I predict, Matt G. TTFN. :smile:
  • blackchick38
    DEBBIE so happy to see you back and you will lose weight no matter what comes you way,so if its slow then so be it,i know you can do it just because who you are,a dedicated stern loving person,all of us have our times and want to give up,you helped me when i almost did,so i know you can beat anything.
    hazel lovely numbers on your ticker there,good jod
    cindy and you to keep up the good work you are going places and so are thoes pounds
    lucy love how are you,busy with sch work,dont wrk to hard
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hazel, Way to go on the h2o :smile: That's great about your husbands blood pressure! I wish we lived closer to each other. I would love to be your walking buddy. Bebe, doesn't it feel graet to have a clean home ! Keep walking and darn those mosquitos ! Has anyone heard from Julie yet? Hazel I love American Idol. Adam is my favorite ! Who's yours? Ok gals, I better get my dd Avery ready for bed. She's got the cold that I just got rid of. :frown: I feel so helpless when the kids are sick. :cry: When dh gets home in 10 minutes he'll eat and we'll go walk. See ya all tomorrow ! nighty night- Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    So early in the morning but I couldn't sleep. So, I took my shower and now am wide awake.

    Debbie, regarding your slow weight loss, I know the feeling. I have the same problem battling diabetes and that insulin. I noticed my evening reading was much higher than it had been and I was perplexed as to why and figured it must be because I had not been exercising like I had been. So back to the gym today for sure and we will see how the pm reading of my blood sugar goes. Don't give up because like Cindy's motto ":inch by inch, it's a cinch". keep on plugging, Debbie. It will get there.

    Cindy, I wish we lived closer too, but oh well, that is the way it goes eh? Just being in the same state is good because I think of the day that we will meet. it will be sweet. I'm sorry to hear that you shared your cold with DD Avery. Hope it won't keep her down for long.

    I did it! Drank my 8 glasses last night before I went to bed. Hooray! already started counting towards my 8 for today.

    AI, boy, did I call it or what? But, the judges decided to SAVE Matt. For another week, at least. next week two goes home. Perhaps the same bottom 3 and either Matt and ??? will go. It's getting towards the end so it's not like they are not good singers..... just someone has to go and if they don't get enough votes from the public, well, that's the way it goes. Not everyone can win huh? I think Adam will be the winner. He has the boldness, drama, knowledge of music and does sing nice. What a voice!

    Speaking of voice, did you gals see that streaming of that Susan Boyle from Scotland? She is on Britain Got Talent. Awesome voice. 47 yrs. old and such an ordinary looking face, but when she opened her mouth and out came her voice .... she awed everyone, if you haven't seen it. Look for it on uTube.

    Don't know what is on the menu for today. So, perhaps I need to put on my thinking cap. DH asked what's for dinner tonight since he had 3 nights of that turkey meat loaf, poor guy. I may cook fish again tonight. Don't know for sure, however. Need something simple since I would like to check out that water aerobic class tonight at 6:30 p.m.

    BBL. TTFN. Hazel (checking and watching for Julie)
  • blackchick38
    hey there heeters,hazel looks like we both cant sleep,what a BF working the grave yard shift and i walk the floor all night hearing all kinds of stuff.atleast i will get a early start on house cleaning before walking at 7am.hope that julie and hubby are doing fine,prayers goes out to them both.
    cindy continue to do well,i wish i had you guys stamina to walk in the evenings,im an early bird and one day i will walk both am and pm,yeah rite.
    also hazel my BF walks faster than me and at times i notice him slowing down the pace to have me catch up which i dont,i just tell him to coninue his pace and he sure does,we dont talk at all on our walks,between trying to keep up with him and running from dogs keeps me out of breath.yeah you are right about susan,that lady can a few she will be a lovely song bird,someone is gonna grab her and fix her up soon.and for me i dont watch american idol or the biggest loosers,im a very boring gal ya know.
    debbie,lucy ,julie and cindy hope you guys come and join hazel and i am party soon,have a great morning all will chat later
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good Morning Heeters, waving to cindy, hazel, lucy, bebe, wonderland, julie, yari, kathy, and all that follow...............
    It is a dreary day here again in Ohio. Can feel it in my bones. The arthritis really kicks in when the weather is damp so I have really been hurting all morning and moving rather slowly.
    Thank you Hazel and Bebe for your loving words of support and kindness.
    Well going to get off here for now, DD is getting ready for school and we've then got to get going. BBL
  • suzinpb
    suzinpb Posts: 8 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    How many walkers do we have here? Cindy, how many miles do you walk a day and what is your goal to reach 1000.. Weeks, Months?

    I'm a walker. My friend and I do 3 miles every morning and my hubby and I do 3-5 miles on Saturdays. My friend suggested that we try to do the Disney 1/2 marathon next March... We would have to do 16 minutes miles or better for the entire race. We are going to try the 5k on 4/25.

    I need to tell you a little about myself for those who don't know me... Julie may be the only one.. I meet Julie when she first started the Daily Heet on MCC over a year or so ago.

    Well here goes.......... I live in Florida on the east coast..I'm married to Dennis and I have always been a stay at home mom. We have 3 grown kids, Kim (28) who got married in July and is expecting in October, Denny (30) and single and Melanie (21) who is in 3rd year at the University of FLorida. I joined MCC because I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic and it was a great tool for counting carbs and losing weight. I went from 180 to 140 but gained back 18 pounds last summer . Guess it was all the wedding planning and getting off track. I really need to get back to counting carbs..... Where is my willpower.

    I will try to find a pix of me and update my profile later

  • lucyfan2009
    Hi everyone,

    I started off with a banana this a.m. and some coffee. I finally got my pedometer from Avon yesterday and I now need to figure it out.

    Hazel - you sound like you are doing great! Keep up the good work.

    Debbie - I'm sorry about the arthritis. We are having some nice weather here today and I'm looking foward to walking on the track during my lunch break.

    Bebe - are there lots of dogs in your area? Wow, what a pain, having to run from them.

    Anyway, ttyl
  • hazelmichling
    A very good morning to all my HEETERS sisters. The sun is out for me this morning and I LOVE it! I am a sunshine kinda person and it makes me :smile: .

    Bebe, you are an early bird. Too bad we didn't live closer together to walk together at 7:00 a.m. Do you walk on the beach? I used to when Iived on the Island of Saipan in the Northern Mariana Islands. It was such a beautiful time of the day with day break, quietness, me and my Lord Jesus walking along together. Enjoy your early morning walks for me too, okay?

    Debbie, sorry to hear about your arthritis. I know some others who suffer from it and I am thankful I am not one of them. My mom used to run her hands under hot water first thing in the morning to get them going. With the warmer weather coming, do you think that would help you in your joints? You are a positive one and I know you will overcome your challenges. I still didn't make it to the gardening center but that is on my mind so will go there this weekend. I am sure there must be a window for planting season. I can't wait for harvesting my own home grown vegetables.

    Suzi, how nice of you to introduce yourself. Nice to getting to knowing you better. I am sure your daughter's wedding went well and it was beautiful. I will soon be involved in wedding arrangements and plans for my daughter's wedding. She has scheduled it for January 9, 2010 and the chapel has been booked. She has her reception place set up too so now it is all the little details like shopping for her gown, ordering cake, makeup and hairstylist, favors and etc. Maybe you can give me some hints as to what made this chore easier for you. I can sympathize with you for that weight gain. I had gained less than 10 lbs during the holiday but it seems like it is taking forever to take it off again. So discouraging but it has been one of life's lessons for me, I hope. A second on the lips is forever on the hips. How true! But, don't give up. With all your walking and having a walking partner will help. Seems like you have good goals set and that sounds like fun. Good luck on your 5k that's coming up soon. You can do it.

    Better get some early lunch as I want to check out the Silver Sneakers club at the gym today.

    Breakfast was half a papaya, Yoplait light yogurt with some flax granola cereal, lunch will be Italian wedding soup with some unsalted saltines, dinner chicken pot pie (homemade). Found the recipe in my diabetic cookbook and it seems very simple to prepare and I do believe I have all the major ingredients so no need to run to the store.

    That pineapple bread I fixed last night was a flop. I substituted Splenda granulated for the sugar and it tastes horrible plus, it deflated after getting cooled. So, guess that will be going in the trash today. I told myself I don't need those extra calories for something that don't taste good. Hooray for me! Patting myself on my back since that is the very first time I have said that to myself. :bigsmile:

    BBL. Hazel
  • hazelmichling
    Lucyfan!!!!! Good to hear from you, girl. I know you are so busy with school and studying and soon your finals. But, you gotta eat more than a banana for breakfast. Don't starve yourself as your body will start going the other way..... storing fat. We definitely don't need that. Eat, eat, drink your H2o and get your walking in. I know you are going to enjoy your new pedometer. I need to find mine and put it on too.

    Gotta run but so good to hear from you, my sister.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • yari
    yari Posts: 25
    Hi all, How is everyone doing today?? Its beautiful here in NYC..and we are supposed to be hitting 70’s tomorrow woohoooo!!!!!....I packed my gym bag and will be hitting the gym this afternoon and after work for a spinning class.. I haven’t been doing to good this week and ate 592 calories this morning (I know I know) so I figured I need to hit the gym, no darn excuses and keep it really light throughout the day and the rest of the week….I need to show a loss!!!!

    Hi~~Hazel~~Bebe~~Lucy and everyone else I might have missed…

    I am off to get a smoothie and then hitting the gym….

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning Heeters. Suzi- nice to meet you. I walk 5 miles 4 days a week and 4 miles 3 days a week. I'm going to bump the 4 mile days up to 5 miles in a few days. I don't have a time goal for my 1,000 miles. I just wanted to see how long it would take me. That Disney marathon will be a blast! How fast do you walk a mile now? I can do 14 minute miles but that is realy pushing it. 15-16 minute miles is my norm. I think I'm going to change my weigh in days to Sunday morning instead of Monday. I think if I decide to eat that birthday cake on Sunday I want a whole week to burn it off. :smile: No realy, I was thinking whay do I weigh in on Monday? Sunday morning makes more sence to me. Yari, I'm glad you are having nice weather. You go girl! I wish I could join you for that spinning class. :smile: Hazel, You bet your bippy someday we'll meet each other ! Has anyone heard from Julie? I am doing my 3 mile workout in a few minutes. I have no idea whats on the menu today. I had my fiber one cereal w/ 1% milk for breakfast. Lunch may be a muffin meatloaf, baby carrots w/ 1 tbs light ranch and a cup of light & fit yogurt. Dinner is up in the air. Snacks will be a fiber one bar, an apple, strawberries, maybe a banana. I eat fruit for my snacks or I just can't seem to eat them. I will drink 1 gallon of water and walk 5 miles today. Hazel- GREAT JOB ! I know you can drink that water! Avery seems to be feeling better. In wish you could all be here with me watching all the birds in my yard right now. I have 3 feeders and 2 hummingbird feeders and 2 bird baths. I have 100 + birds in my yard all day long. I :heart: them! Hazel, I think Adam should win American Idol too. He's my favorite. But , Allison is great for being only 16. I think it will be Adam & Allison at the end. Ok Heeters, make it a GREAT day ! Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    Hey there girls! Just got back from the gym for my first Silver Sneakers class. It was 1/2 hour of cardio and 1/2 hour of strength. Nice class for us seniors. LOL. Imagine, I never thought I would be in this kind of class but here I am and I loved it! Of course, it looked like I may have been amongst the youngsters in that class. Ha. Ha. Someone told me I had to be 65 to be in that class. Little did they know.

    Yari, it is good to see you. You are allowed those kinds of meals from time to time though you do work hard in those spinner classes too. You are young and you can burn off those calories in no time. Just enjoy yourself and focus on the healthy lifestyle. You can do it.

    Cindy, I can only imagine having 100+ birds in your yard all at the same time. No greckos, I hope. I think those birds are such nuisances making such mess here in Dallas. And, I mean, mess! But I enjoy watching the humming birds, cardinals, blue jays, yes, even doves. I am sure you have more out there in the open country. It's so good when the young can bounce right back after being sick eh? Glad to know that Avery is feeling better. With a good nurse/mother like she has, she can't stay down long.

    Off for now to see what else I can do. Oh yes, lots to do. TTFN.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hazel, Way to go on your Silver Sneakers class! I am so proud of you! :flowerforyou: We get doves, sparrows, these big black birds that have a bluish tint to their feathers and a black bird that has red & yellow on the tips of it's wings. We have a roadrunner that comes in our yard looking to eat a smaller bird. :grumble: We don't have cardinals or blue jays. The last 2 days a couple Orials have been fighting the hummingbirds at the feeders. I'm sure there are other birds that come too. What are Grecko's? We have these darn birds in town in Odessa that hang out in the trees outside Walmart and other stores and make such a loud noise at night. I have no idea what they are. They are loud and noisy though. Yes, I am so glad Avery is feeling better,. Thanks for the well wishes. :smile: Are you drinking your water? ok better run. Have a great afternoon. Cindy :heart:
  • blackchick38
    how the heeters this afternoon? for breakfast i had fish and mango,strange aint it.i didnt feel hungry and i had to eat something.the fish was from dinner and the mango dropped out of the tree while i was doing the laundry.i darnks lots of diet o and plenty of h20.this is my 2nd day without any alcohol and i wanna make it to a week atleast so pray for me.
    hazel i wish we were living near by so we can walk together,i really wish i had a female here in nassau to work along with,it will help a whole lot.tried to get my neices involve but they dont feel the way i do about weight losing,so im so happy to have you guys.
    sue welcome to our wonderful group,during the holidays i gained about 20lbs also,so lets do this together,cuz we can i feel it coming out of me,a thinner person.
    cindy how do you manage with all thoes birds?do your cat look up the tree at them?and congrats on he miles walked,you are very dedicated,i really need to tighten up my lacens and get a stepping.glad to hear avery is doing much better.
    lucy is that pediometer the one that counts calories from curves,i was surpose to order one of thoes,hope you get it working and let me us know how it goes.and like hazel says you need more than a banana for breakfast.
    yari your such a sweet heart always going to the gym,i have a few machines here at home and dont use them much,but im getting there baby steps.
    will be back later,dont know what dinner will be as yet,i need to get back into tha habit of planning,last few months that is what helped me with my weight lost.well the house is full of healthy stuff now and its cleaned from top to bottom.