Completely irrational judgement



  • l00zrr
    l00zrr Posts: 109 Member
    I also look into people's carts & see people at the deep fried premade food part of the deli and they are all fat....seriously and I just want to yell at them. "AND YOU WONDER WHY YOU ARE FAT!!! LOOK AT WHAT YOU ARE EATING!!!! :devil:

    I also judge people who see the lane closed 1+ miles before it happens and still wait to the very last minute to squeeze in. These people think they are entitled & I cannot stand them.

    One thing I TRY not to judge is people's parenting & their family.
    LOL. This. I HAVE yelled at some. They always look at me weird with all my lean meats and veggies, with a cart full of fattening useless foods, and are like "You tryin to starve yo'self?"

    I judge people based on their makeup. If they have a little bit on, they're conciended. If they have a lot on, they're insecure. If they look like a clown.. Well. They belong in a circus! xD
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    I judge people who tailgate and swerve in and out of traffic without regard for anyone else on the road. It's like they think they're time is worth more than anyone else's, or that they're more important and everyone should make room for them.

    The swerving in and out I do, but not the tailgating. I do it because driving is boring, so this makes in more interesting.

    Sadly this thread is confirming that I am indeed a huge *kitten*.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I judge the contents of people's shopping carts at the grocery store.

    It's like WTF, some people don't use their stoves at all, everything is microwaveable.

    I don`t for the contents but for how they use one.

    People that park it on one side and then stand in the aisle beside it so you have to make an effort to pass or wait on them to move. machinegunsmilie.gif
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Oh, and I totally judge those "loud talkers" on their cell know, the ones that are talking loud on purpose in a restaurant because they're trying to act like a big shot (even though ever 13 year old in the US has a cell phone too).... I want to slap the *kitten* out of those people!
  • l00zrr
    l00zrr Posts: 109 Member
    I judge people who tailgate and swerve in and out of traffic without regard for anyone else on the road. It's like they think they're time is worth more than anyone else's, or that they're more important and everyone should make room for them.

    The swerving in and out I do, but not the tailgating. I do it because driving is boring, so this makes in more interesting.

    Sadly this thread is confirming that I am indeed a huge *kitten*.

    I spit out my milk when I read this. My fiance is too. Don't worry.
  • plagirl227
    Me- people that purposefully back their car into spaces instead of pulling in, are arrogant *kitten*. :angry: (don't know why.. but thats the first thing I think...)

    I do this, unless I can pull straight through into a spot that will prevent me from backing out. It's not because I'm arrogant, it's because I'm a dumb *kitten* and I don't trust myself to NOT hit something trying to back out.

    But how can you trust yourself not to hit something backing in? I feel more comfortable backing out than I do into parking spots. I drive a small car (Mini Cooper) but I don't trust myself to back between 2 cars. At least I have more room when I am backing out.

    I drive an SUV. You have more room to maneuver your vehicle when backing in. You have the whole lane to get into position. When you back out, you potentially have a vehicle on either side of you that may be 12" away. You can't cut your wheel too much until you clear those 2 vehicles. And if the lot is small, you have to gor forward and backward again to get out of the space. MUCH easier to back in...

    If you didn't guess, I'm a *kitten* too! Lol
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    LOL. This. I HAVE yelled at some. They always look at me weird with all my lean meats and veggies, with a cart full of fattening useless foods, and are like "You tryin to starve yo'self?"

    I once had somebody I knew at the grocery store say, "you're buying real food."

    I had no idea how to respond.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    I judge everyone who drives a crotch-rocket... Sorry... All other motorcyclists are completely fine! My hubs IS one!
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I judge people with poor grammar, spelling, and punctuation as being stupid.

    I know this is not true (my husband is a TERRIBLE speller and one of the smartest people I know. . .) but it's still my first impression.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    Women with fussy, high-maintenance hair (like weird haircuts that need trimmed every few weeks, or heavy highlights that need retouched every few weeks) or super-long, fancy nails...I judge them as women who must not need to do much real work around the house, have too much time on their hands, and are probably wusses.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I judge people who tailgate and swerve in and out of traffic without regard for anyone else on the road. It's like they think they're time is worth more than anyone else's, or that they're more important and everyone should make room for them.

    The swerving in and out I do, but not the tailgating. I do it because driving is boring, so this makes in more interesting.

    Sadly this thread is confirming that I am indeed a huge *kitten*.

  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    People with the pursed-lipped duck-face photos posted of themselves on social networking sites. It gives me the mental image like they are sucking on a straw, except then the straw sucked all their brain matter out!
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I judge the contents of people's shopping carts at the grocery store.

    It's like WTF, some people don't use their stoves at all, everything is microwaveable.

    Um yes sad to admit thats me too, I am always happy to go to a health food store and see tons of carts full of healthy foods... I will admit I am no angel but I still only buy one or two things that aren't that great for you...
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    People with the pursed-lipped duck-face photos posted of themselves on social networking sites. It gives me the mental image like they are sucking on a straw, except then the straw sucked all their brain matter out!

    This is my step-grandchild. And, I just LMAO at it because she looks like a fish... WTF is up with that stupid look?
  • airycha
    airycha Posts: 135 Member

    I do this all the time.

    Don't judge me bro.
    was totally drinking a Diet Coke from my mcdonalds lunch lol :blushing:

    My husband gets half regular and half diet, I totally judge him :tongue:
    I have tried the whole diet soda thing... it's just easier for me to drink water than diet soda.
  • Dlynndavis
    Dlynndavis Posts: 17 Member
    OMG. The backing in thing is really a pet peeve for me but ONLY if it's at the grocery store where the "baggers" have to load your groceries in your trunk! Really?? Why would you back in when you know someone has to squeeze between the cars to load your groceries...for a lousy $3 tip?!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Oh geez....the more I think about this..I'm pretty irrational and judgemental.

    I judge people who go out in public in their pajama bottoms, and also people who scuff (or drag) their shoes when they walk!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    See, most of these things I think are perfectly rational judgements!
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    LOL! Omg. I get a kick out of shopping at WalMart as I load up my cart FULL of stuff used to make things from scratch, fruits, vegetables, and NOTHING is boxed unless it is a quick cooker like cornmeal or a bag of precooked meat. People stare into my cart and I can see their faces as being like, "What do you do with those things?" It's also great when I get rang up because a full cart comes out to about 100 dollars or so even with non-essentials.

    I judge those that wear pajamas, have dirty cars, let their underwear hang out, or dress slutty. But it's nothing personal. Just in my though then gone the next second.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Also the people who talk on their cell phones and sit at a green light... drives me crazy! No offense but come on your driving!!!!