What is the rudest thing someone has ever said about your we



  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    This happened when I was around 8 and colored my self image for decades:
    My mom took me to ballet and tap lessons at a local park district. After the first series of classes the instructor told my mom, in my presence, "Don't bring her back she is fat and clumsy." I Still tear up when I think of it and I am 61 now.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    My mother-in-law offered to take me dress shopping because I'm so big that they didn't sell my size in many stores. You know, I can't think of a store that doesn't sell a size 14, but that's just me...

    Most stores in Canada are max 13, but you won't usually see it, 11's maybe. Size 14 would only be found in fuddy-duddy stores like Sears and Talbots. Old Navy when it came to Canada many years ago was one of the first stores to carry XL and they actually have 2-3XL sometimes, usually on the clearance racks.
  • mwright24skinny
    mwright24skinny Posts: 122 Member
    I had a friend one time that was mad and she wrote to another friend who showed it to me. That sloppy fat *kitten* redheaded *****. Ok I get the fat part but when your redheaded why do people tend to add that part it???? When I am mad I dont refer to hair color. what gives?
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    This whole post is making me cry. Considering I've been overweight since I was about 8 or 9...I've heard all of them I think.

    Someone congratulated me one time on being pregnant and asked when I was due...I told him in 12 or 13 years. He apologized. What I didn't know at the time was 12 years later I'd have my daughter.

    "You've got a pretty face"...yeah...well...thanks for inadvertently pointing out that you find the rest of me repulsive.

    Had kids just say "wow you're fat"...well you're an impolite *kitten* who is going to end up doing time one day if you don't straighten up! Momma should teach some manners.

    I have learned over the years to learn to ignore most of it.

    On the other hand, now that I'm dropping pounds and inches I have had people who recognize the effort and the changes...I do NOT like being the center of attention and it kind of scares me! I'd like to be healthy and invisible if at all possible.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Man, these are depressing. I guess since everyone else can laugh and post their insults, I can do the same.

    Incident 1: Dad: "You're looking less Peter Griffinish these days" -referring to my double chin-

    Incident 2: I bet if you lost 15 pounds, guys would break down the door to get to you. Don't get me wrong, you're pretty.. but you're just so.. so damn big. There's so much of you! (Said to me between the ages of 15-24)

    Incident 3: You've gotten rid of your double chin.. well there's still some more left that you need to work on but it's not nearly as much as it was before.

    Incident 4: -Said to me JUST last night- Dad: *Stares at her* You need to work more on this *pats her belly* before the rest of this *points to legs* get any smaller. You're big in the belly, but your legs are small.

    Um...is Dad skinny?

    He's between the weight of 185-195... I don't call that skinny per se, but I'm not sure just where that fits.. He has a pot belly is all I know.
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    I have a couple.

    I told my grandma I didn't really like spaghetti and probably wouldn't eat very much of it---to be nice and not make her feel bad. She responded back by saying "Glad you told me, you look like the kind of girl who would clean your plate even if you didn't like the food." I was about 10 at the time.

    I had a good friend (no longer friends) who I had a crush on for a long time. When I get sad about not finding a good last relationship he told me I'd find a guy if I just lost some weight.
  • DawnB86
    DawnB86 Posts: 99 Member
    I forgot one but this just made me laugh!
    Someone said "your sister weighs about 100lbs, your mom is 100 lbs more than her, you dad is 100 lbs more than that and you're 100 lbs more than him! You need to lose weight!" I was like wtf?! You know that means I would weigh over 400 lbs right? Where did you go to school? I was 15 years old and 210 at the time.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I find most of these posts upsetting. People are just awful. I hope everyone that suffers these insults, especially by family members, can work through it and not let it ruin their progress. I don't understand how people can be so cruel with their comments. When I was a teenager, my best friend and I went through school being nicknamed "Laurel & Hardy". I was tall, and very very skinny (people insult skinny people too) and she was short and overweight. I was more hurt than she was, so go figure.
    Hugs to all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • marielladear
    "shut up you fat ****, why are you even breathing?" from some person on the bus
    "yeah, i'd hate yo have love handles and a body like yours, i would just kill myself, it's pathetic and disgusting" - my friend (we're still friends)
  • BigRedgw2010
    BigRedgw2010 Posts: 127 Member
    My ex-girl told me that I was losing too much weight and I looked like a crackhead.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Man, these are depressing. I guess since everyone else can laugh and post their insults, I can do the same.

    Incident 1: Dad: "You're looking less Peter Griffinish these days" -referring to my double chin-

    Incident 2: I bet if you lost 15 pounds, guys would break down the door to get to you. Don't get me wrong, you're pretty.. but you're just so.. so damn big. There's so much of you! (Said to me between the ages of 15-24)

    Incident 3: You've gotten rid of your double chin.. well there's still some more left that you need to work on but it's not nearly as much as it was before.

    Incident 4: -Said to me JUST last night- Dad: *Stares at her* You need to work more on this *pats her belly* before the rest of this *points to legs* get any smaller. You're big in the belly, but your legs are small.

    Um...is Dad skinny?

    He's between the weight of 185-195... I don't call that skinny per se, but I'm not sure just where that fits.. He has a pot belly is all I know.

    LOL! Irony.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    A lady doing a pay internship under my supervision, humiliated me infront of my co-workers. She said that I have boxer's arms, and that she would not go out anywhere with me because I was too fat. I went home, got severly depressed, but the next day I fired her for being so disrespectful to my persona.
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member

    There seems to be a lot of "daddy issues" here. I only noticed those because that's where mine came from.

    Funny thing is though when my dad made a comment about my weight I was 17, 5'6 and 125 lbs on a "bad" day.

    He seriously looked me up and down, then looked me in the eyes and said "you're getting fat and you're going to look like your aunt (his sister - 400+ lbs) if you don't watch out".

    Seriously, dad? I'm fat and I'm 5'6 and 125 lbs?!?! I told him to "f*&k off" and hardly ever speak to him outside the cursery "hi, how are ya? bye" still to this day.

    I didn't get big until about 5 years later after I'd had my first child. Things just went downhill (up on the scale, though) from there.

    Now he's not even a factor in my weight loss motivation.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Man, these are depressing. I guess since everyone else can laugh and post their insults, I can do the same.

    Incident 1: Dad: "You're looking less Peter Griffinish these days" -referring to my double chin-

    Incident 2: I bet if you lost 15 pounds, guys would break down the door to get to you. Don't get me wrong, you're pretty.. but you're just so.. so damn big. There's so much of you! (Said to me between the ages of 15-24)

    Incident 3: You've gotten rid of your double chin.. well there's still some more left that you need to work on but it's not nearly as much as it was before.

    Incident 4: -Said to me JUST last night- Dad: *Stares at her* You need to work more on this *pats her belly* before the rest of this *points to legs* get any smaller. You're big in the belly, but your legs are small.

    Um...is Dad skinny?

    He's between the weight of 185-195... I don't call that skinny per se, but I'm not sure just where that fits.. He has a pot belly is all I know.

    LOL! Irony.

    Verymuchso, Yes. I usually call him out on his stomach, but he gets all defensive and yells 'That's not fat!!" and then struggles to suck in his gut so to appear slimmer... but you can only hold your breath for so long, old man. ;D
  • can_tastic
    can_tastic Posts: 28 Member
    Once in the 8th grade (super awesome time for self-esteem) my dad told me I needed to start walking around the property more because I was getting a "NBA rear end" (read: basketball butt). Nevermind that I have been "gifted" with both the fat girl gene and the food addiction gene, and a mother who embodies both of those. By the next year I had a full blown ED, the first of many to come.
  • can_tastic
    can_tastic Posts: 28 Member
    Oh yeah, and wrestling one night with my then-boyfriend (a trainer, the last of THOSE that I will ever date) - he pins my legs up and says "Are those stretchmarks?". Speechless. I was 140 lbs at the time (I'm 5'9").
  • dreamjo
    dreamjo Posts: 104 Member
    I went to my mom's church (the church I grew up in) a few months ago and one of the elders of the church (who happened to be my old Sunday school teacher) asked if I was having a boy or a girl and put her hand on my stomach..

    I know she didn't know and meant well, but it was disheartening.

    I was humiliated but laughed it off. Secretly I wanted to cry though.
  • abazooday727
    Mine usually came from my grandfather who is not a small guy himself...
    ---As I am coming back from the restroom at a movie theater--"Holy Sh** I THOUGHT IT WAS AN ELEPHANT COMING AFTER ME!!" I was 12..
    ---EVERYTIME he hugs me--"Now turn around and let me get the other side!"

    My husbands grandmother is also very good with the soul stabbing comments..."I JUST DON'T KNOW HOW SHE IS STILL TEACHING SCHOOL AS FAT AS SHE IS..HOW DOES SHE MOVE AROUND?" She is hard of hearing so this was said very loud and repeated twice so that she was sure it was heard...

    Another time she stated to me and my husband, "Yall take up the whole front of the van..." I said, "Yeah, we are pretty tall.." She says, "AND WIDE! You two are gonna have some fat kids!"
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I was 12 and my mom was fitting me for dress she was sewing. She saw stretch marks on my breasts and said I had them because I was so damn fat. I was 5'3.5" same height I am now and weighed 120 lbs. I wore a "C" cup by 5th grade so no wonder I had stretch marks.That still makes me cry. My mom and I are not best friends.

    I can relate to this one a bit (not the mom part - I had a great mom), but when I was in 5th grade they marched all of the kids thru the nurses office to me weighed. Most of the 5th graders weighed in the 70s. The nurse made a huge deal about moving the weigh bar to 100 on the scale and said very loudly to the person writing down the weights "WOW, she's 105" all of the kids laughed and called me fatty from that day on. I was 5'6". How on earth is 105 lbs FAT for 5'6"? That's when the emotional eating kicked in and it became a self-fulfilling prophesy.

    Oh my god - this happened to me too. They actually made me on the scale twice because one of the nurses said "she can't possibly be THAT fat"......in front of all the girls in my class.
  • julieclaussen
    I have a sister that is 18 months older then me and 2" taller. She has never worried about gaining weight or had issues loosing "baby weight". When we were children, our birth mother used to refer to her as her skinny daughter. She would refer to me as the fat one. Several times birth mom would take food portions off my plate and feed the dog saying my fatness was embarrassing to her. When I was in the 9th grade, I went from 5', 120# to 5'5", 110#. I have heard that birth mom is 5'5" and almost 300#. How's that for karma?!?!