Burger King ... you are kidding me..



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am NOT SURE who ever thought that feeding a family FAST FOOD was cheaper than feeding them at home!

    When people say that fast food is cheaper than healthy food, I always wonder if they know so little about eating healthy that they actually think it's true, or they are simply trying to justify their own bad habits. My guess would be half and half.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    That meal sounds like a challenge. Bet I could eat it all if I tried but, i want the boy toy in the kids meal
    We could have a timed race. Bet I would win.....................

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I have McDonalds or Wendys or Burger King once a week (and I'm talking about a real burger here - quarter pounders and whoppers) and I'm just fine lol Once in a while is fine, it's the people who can't cook and rely on it as their staple that have the problem.

    I see what you mean but honestly, you can't call anything from CrapDonalds, BullsheitKing etc... "real" burgers. If I'm cheating with a burger, I want a gourmet style burger. This isn't a crack on you btw. Just my opinion about burgers.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Dear Runfrommygenes,


    Burger King™
  • wildcata77
    I have McDonalds or Wendys or Burger King once a week (and I'm talking about a real burger here - quarter pounders and whoppers) and I'm just fine lol Once in a while is fine, it's the people who can't cook and rely on it as their staple that have the problem.

    I see what you mean but honestly, you can't call anything from CrapDonalds, BullsheitKing etc... "real" burgers. If I'm cheating with a burger, I want a gourmet style burger. This isn't a crack on you btw. Just my opinion about burgers.

    I'm with you...does anyone else have Cook-Out where they eat? Not as good as homemade, but damn it hits the spot.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I have McDonalds or Wendys or Burger King once a week (and I'm talking about a real burger here - quarter pounders and whoppers) and I'm just fine lol Once in a while is fine, it's the people who can't cook and rely on it as their staple that have the problem.

    I see what you mean but honestly, you can't call anything from CrapDonalds, BullsheitKing etc... "real" burgers. If I'm cheating with a burger, I want a gourmet style burger. This isn't a crack on you btw. Just my opinion about burgers.

    Picking on pedantics?? By real I meant big ones not little kiddie ones. I don't get it though - is it FAKE meat? What is it? Maybe in the US it is, where you're allowed to put all kinds of crap in your food/cows.. luckily I'm north of the border
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I wish my local BK was replaced by an In-N-Out Burger.

    But nooooooo...

    Because there are none in PA.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I am NOT SURE who ever thought that feeding a family FAST FOOD was cheaper than feeding them at home!

    When people say that fast food is cheaper than healthy food, I always wonder if they know so little about eating healthy that they actually think it's true, or they are simply trying to justify their own bad habits. My guess would be half and half.

    I think it's cheaper when you live alone? For a family healthy food is cheaper, but a lot of healthy food goes out of date really quickly, to get your monies worth out of fresh fruit/veg/dairy you need a few people to eat it quickly.
    I'm not saying it's impossible, but as a student I find it hard on a strict budget to buy myself veg and meat and stuff when I know for half the price I could be filling up on £1 ready meals/pizzas, or even super cheap food like noodles/tinned stuff for like 20p a pop!
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Lol. That is a good question. When i worked at mcdonalds the box said 100% american beef.... But i wonder what the definition of american beef is?
    When i read your post originally. I knew what you were referring too.
    I have McDonalds or Wendys or Burger King once a week (and I'm talking about a real burger here - quarter pounders and whoppers) and I'm just fine lol Once in a while is fine, it's the people who can't cook and rely on it as their staple that have the problem.

    I see what you mean but honestly, you can't call anything from CrapDonalds, BullsheitKing etc... "real" burgers. If I'm cheating with a burger, I want a gourmet style burger. This isn't a crack on you btw. Just my opinion about burgers.

    Picking on pedantics?? By real I meant big ones not little kiddie ones. I don't get it though - is it FAKE meat? What is it? Maybe in the US it is, where you're allowed to put all kinds of crap in your food/cows.. luckily I'm north of the border
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I am NOT SURE who ever thought that feeding a family FAST FOOD was cheaper than feeding them at home!

    When people say that fast food is cheaper than healthy food, I always wonder if they know so little about eating healthy that they actually think it's true, or they are simply trying to justify their own bad habits. My guess would be half and half.

    I think it's cheaper when you live alone? For a family healthy food is cheaper, but a lot of healthy food goes out of date really quickly, to get your monies worth out of fresh fruit/veg/dairy you need a few people to eat it quickly.
    I'm not saying it's impossible, but as a student I find it hard on a strict budget to buy myself veg and meat and stuff when I know for half the price I could be filling up on £1 ready meals/pizzas, or even super cheap food like noodles/tinned stuff for like 20p a pop!

    I don't find this to be true (the part about living alone v. family). You don't need to buy veggies/fruit for the whole month at a time. Just go shopping more often. Dairy doesn't spoil that quickly if it's in the fridge.
  • LalLewis
    I go along with everything everyone has said. Problem is - IMHO - is that here in the UK, people have forgotten how to cook! It is SO easy to get take out meals, and no dishes to wash. I live on a limited income here in the UK (I'm retired) and I cook every meal from scratch. That's not saintly, its pure economics. For the cost of a take out BK or a KFC here, I could feed us both for three days and then some! I came to the conclusion long ago that fast food is a treat, not a staple. I hear friends telling me that their kids have happy meals at McD two or three times a week - what are they teaching their kids? Isnt it a lot more fun to cook with Mama and eat together at home than to stuff kids with high fat and nutritionally void food? We could rant on and on - however 'nuff said. Im with you all on this one!!
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I am NOT SURE who ever thought that feeding a family FAST FOOD was cheaper than feeding them at home!

    When people say that fast food is cheaper than healthy food, I always wonder if they know so little about eating healthy that they actually think it's true, or they are simply trying to justify their own bad habits. My guess would be half and half.

    I think it's cheaper when you live alone? For a family healthy food is cheaper, but a lot of healthy food goes out of date really quickly, to get your monies worth out of fresh fruit/veg/dairy you need a few people to eat it quickly.
    I'm not saying it's impossible, but as a student I find it hard on a strict budget to buy myself veg and meat and stuff when I know for half the price I could be filling up on £1 ready meals/pizzas, or even super cheap food like noodles/tinned stuff for like 20p a pop!

    I don't find this to be true (the part about living alone v. family). You don't need to buy veggies/fruit for the whole month at a time. Just go shopping more often. Dairy doesn't spoil that quickly if it's in the fridge.

    I go shopping at least once a week, and veggies are expensive. I could feed myself on supermarket junk food for like £5 a week or less, but if I wanna make a salad it's like £1 for lettuce, 60p for a pepper, maybe £1 for a few onions and so on...and thing like fruit usually only come in bulk (or cost a lot to buy individually), and they don't last very long. And again, lighter cheeses such as light feta come in fairly big packs but only last 2 or 3 days after opening...
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I have McDonalds or Wendys or Burger King once a week (and I'm talking about a real burger here - quarter pounders and whoppers) and I'm just fine lol Once in a while is fine, it's the people who can't cook and rely on it as their staple that have the problem.

    I see what you mean but honestly, you can't call anything from CrapDonalds, BullsheitKing etc... "real" burgers. If I'm cheating with a burger, I want a gourmet style burger. This isn't a crack on you btw. Just my opinion about burgers.

    Picking on pedantics?? By real I meant big ones not little kiddie ones. I don't get it though - is it FAKE meat? What is it? Maybe in the US it is, where you're allowed to put all kinds of crap in your food/cows.. luckily I'm north of the border

    I'll I'm saying is this. If I'm going to cheat, it will be with something like this pics_barneys-gourmet-hamburger.jpg
    Not this

    Just personal opinion. Nothing more / less.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I agree that it is an excuse. That $1 lettuce could last you 6 meals. Also, you could freeze the cheese, right?
    I am NOT SURE who ever thought that feeding a family FAST FOOD was cheaper than feeding them at home!

    When people say that fast food is cheaper than healthy food, I always wonder if they know so little about eating healthy that they actually think it's true, or they are simply trying to justify their own bad habits. My guess would be half and half.

    I think it's cheaper when you live alone? For a family healthy food is cheaper, but a lot of healthy food goes out of date really quickly, to get your monies worth out of fresh fruit/veg/dairy you need a few people to eat it quickly.
    I'm not saying it's impossible, but as a student I find it hard on a strict budget to buy myself veg and meat and stuff when I know for half the price I could be filling up on £1 ready meals/pizzas, or even super cheap food like noodles/tinned stuff for like 20p a pop!

    I don't find this to be true (the part about living alone v. family). You don't need to buy veggies/fruit for the whole month at a time. Just go shopping more often. Dairy doesn't spoil that quickly if it's in the fridge.

    I go shopping at least once a week, and veggies are expensive. I could feed myself on supermarket junk food for like £5 a week or less, but if I wanna make a salad it's like £1 for lettuce, 60p for a pepper, maybe £1 for a few onions and so on...and thing like fruit usually only come in bulk (or cost a lot to buy individually), and they don't last very long. And again, lighter cheeses such as light feta come in fairly big packs but only last 2 or 3 days after opening...
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    I like your post alot...haven't heard that commercial and would roll my eyes in disgust if I did

    and I'm going to offend some people...but IMO fast food should NEVER be viewed as a treat
    I think if you're going to eat that you might as well drink diluted bleach...the chemicals that are added to that "food" is revolting
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    I'll I'm saying is this. If I'm going to cheat, it will be with something like this pics_barneys-gourmet-hamburger.jpg
    Not this

    Just personal opinion. Nothing more / less.

    As long as that meat is organic, I would have to agree 100%
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am NOT SURE who ever thought that feeding a family FAST FOOD was cheaper than feeding them at home!

    When people say that fast food is cheaper than healthy food, I always wonder if they know so little about eating healthy that they actually think it's true, or they are simply trying to justify their own bad habits. My guess would be half and half.

    I think it's cheaper when you live alone? For a family healthy food is cheaper, but a lot of healthy food goes out of date really quickly, to get your monies worth out of fresh fruit/veg/dairy you need a few people to eat it quickly.
    I'm not saying it's impossible, but as a student I find it hard on a strict budget to buy myself veg and meat and stuff when I know for half the price I could be filling up on £1 ready meals/pizzas, or even super cheap food like noodles/tinned stuff for like 20p a pop!

    I would have to disagree. I lived alone for many years between when my kids flew the nest and I remarried. I found it much cheaper to eat healthy food than to eat fast food, even when choosing from the "value menu". But then I can't just eat one of those tiny little value burgers or one taco and be full. I like a full plate of food.
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    i dont think it was for saving money as a dollar stretched WAY FURTHER back then, then it does now it was more as a treat, a piece of pie as you will, versus money saving.

    we RARELY at out when i was younger, it was always home cooked meals and maybe once a week we went out ot eat pizza or burgers.

    treats turned into convenience, convenience turned into restaurant chains, restaurant chains turned into food watering holes, food watering holes turned into fat bomb gatherings, fat bomb gatherings turned into America!!

    i'm glad my mom kept that crap away from us when i was younger...
  • wildcata77
    I like your post alot...haven't heard that commercial and would roll my eyes in disgust if I did

    and I'm going to offend some people...but IMO fast food should NEVER be viewed as a treat
    I think if you're going to eat that you might as well drink diluted bleach...the chemicals that are added to that "food" is revolting

    I like your horse...it's very tall and also shiny.

    ::waving from below where the commoners stand::
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am NOT SURE who ever thought that feeding a family FAST FOOD was cheaper than feeding them at home!

    When people say that fast food is cheaper than healthy food, I always wonder if they know so little about eating healthy that they actually think it's true, or they are simply trying to justify their own bad habits. My guess would be half and half.

    I think it's cheaper when you live alone? For a family healthy food is cheaper, but a lot of healthy food goes out of date really quickly, to get your monies worth out of fresh fruit/veg/dairy you need a few people to eat it quickly.
    I'm not saying it's impossible, but as a student I find it hard on a strict budget to buy myself veg and meat and stuff when I know for half the price I could be filling up on £1 ready meals/pizzas, or even super cheap food like noodles/tinned stuff for like 20p a pop!

    I don't find this to be true (the part about living alone v. family). You don't need to buy veggies/fruit for the whole month at a time. Just go shopping more often. Dairy doesn't spoil that quickly if it's in the fridge.

    I go shopping at least once a week, and veggies are expensive. I could feed myself on supermarket junk food for like £5 a week or less, but if I wanna make a salad it's like £1 for lettuce, 60p for a pepper, maybe £1 for a few onions and so on...and thing like fruit usually only come in bulk (or cost a lot to buy individually), and they don't last very long. And again, lighter cheeses such as light feta come in fairly big packs but only last 2 or 3 days after opening...

    Maybe the difference is in diet preference. Personally, I rarely eat salads. Too much trouble to prepare and not very filling.