Senior Golden Sneakers............November



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I have been thinking about challenges and comparing. For awhile I compared my exercise plan to a woman who was 10 years younger than me and training for a triathlon. No matter what I did, I lagged way behind her with no likelihood of ever reaching her amazing standard of exercise and fitness. Sometimes people on MFP compare their progress to what I’m doing and sound discouraged that they won’t ever be able to do what I do. The real answer is to stop comparing oneself to anybody else and only compare what I’m doing today to what I did yesterday (or last week, month, or year) and see how I’m doing by comparison. My pedometer has companion computer software that allows me to keep track of my steps for as long as I’ve had the pedometer. I can compare my average steps this week, month, or year to other time periods and see if I am making progress.

    I have been inspired by the story of a man who was so heavy that he could barely get out of his chair who started his exercise program by moving his arms back and forth while seated, and of a woman whose weight affected her mobility and started her exercise program by pushing a cart in the grocery store because she couldn’t walk without support.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: We went to the neighborhood Harvest/Thanksgiving potluck this evening. Someone made turkey and gravy and everything else was potluck. I baked six yams, removed the skin, mashed them a bit and put them in a glass dish. They were a nice contrast to all the other stuff with creamy sauces and dressings. Someone even commented that it was nice that someone didn’t think that yams needed brown sugar and butter to taste good. I ate more than I usually do at supper but stayed away from the desserts and second helpings.

    :heart: :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. I did get to the Podiatrist today and apparently there is a fracture in one of the small bones in my foot. He says it is a classic presentation. He has taped it up with some padding under my foot to spread my toes apart. It hasn't made it feel much better yet but I am hoping it will soon. I kept it elevated most of the evening. I didn't think it was that swollen but I guess it is swollen underneath. He wants me back before we go away so he can retape it. We have waited all this time and now I am going away with a bum foot!! The reservations are made so we are going. The Podiatrist tells me that the fracture is a result of the bunion pulling my toes out of alignment and it is time to do something about the bunion. I will make an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon when I get back from our holiday. I did hobble in to the store and bought a bathing suit. I am not sure that I like it that much but didn't think it was a good idea to go to more stores and I really hate trying on bathing suits.

    Sandy -- Glad that Babe's surgery went well. I hope the healing process goes well. Your sister sounds like a fire cracker! Good for her for sticking up for herself. She made a good point.

    Marie -- You are so right, Neil will be fine. I told him today that we were going to take our little holiday and he didn't seem to blink an eye. He is going to a bull riding event this weekend so he is excited about that.

    Barbie -- You continue to inspire me with your constant focus. Sounds like the potluck was nice. I usually just bake me yams the same as I do other baked potatoes. People can add butter if they want at the table. I did do them with the marshmallows and sugar one year and our family wasn't too crazy about them.

    Time for bed. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Gayla, so sorry to hear that your foot is actually broken. Take care.:heart: I didn't realize that a bunion could cause a break. I have a bunion but have not had it looked at. It bothers me only at times.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, do you feel that some of us just have the tendency to compare ourselves with others? Could it be something in our personalities? I do it a lot. I need to print out your post and read it daily. Good job on eating healthy last night. I have never had sweet potatoes without the brown sugar and butter.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, pumpkin spice coffee sounds heavenly. Our local gas station is not featuring s'mores capp. It is so good and so fattening. My husband will buy himself one and I will take a couple of sips of it.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, congratulations on the quilt. So nice that you have something you like and are good at for a hobby.

    I am at work at this time but will be home tomorrow. I am taking a vacation day. Have to use the last few up before the end of the year. No, I will have to use them before the middle of December. We have the entire week between Christman and New Years off with pay.:bigsmile:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    :bigsmile: Barbie: I know what you mean about comparing your exercise regime to others.
    I used to be amazed about the calorie burn on some of the other people on this site.
    I couldn't do half of what they burn. 30 day Shred and such.
    I exercise everyday for 30 mins. and change it up with variety so I don't get bored.
    I may not be burning 500 cals. all the time but I am sweating and that's important.

    :bigsmile: Marie: Have fun at the tailgating party. :wink:

    :bigsmile: Sandy: I hope all goes well with your family :heart:

    I worked cleaning my upstairs yesterday for 4 hours. This was after my chiro appt. and dentist
    appt. in the morning. I never finished until 5:00 pm. I called Dave to pick up dinner I was too
    tired and sore to make dinner. He brought home two roasted chickens and two salads for
    $10.00. That's cheaper than Swiss Chalet take out which is $23.00 for two of us.
    So I ate healthy and cheap to boot. :smile:

    I took a break in the afternoon and got a coffee and the new Tim Horton cookie; chocolate, almond, coconut.
    It was delicious. So when I went to track it it was 260 calories. I nearly flipped.
    I guess I won't be getting that again.

    >>>>Give more freely Love more deeply>>>>
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Shirley, I have done the same as you. I bought a drink at McDonald's and then logged it in. I was shocked and upset that I would not be able to drink those again.:huh: Hang on to Dave. He sounds like a real keeper.
  • piquilter
    Marie that rag quilt is gorgeous :love: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I've made several but nothing even comes close to yours!!!! WOW!

    I did finally post a couple of pics of my placemats. I haven't been able to figure out how to put a picture in a post. Well, I need to get back to work & get stuffing and gravy made. I leave at 1:30 tomorrow for two days of basketball and taking pictures so I can't read all of your posts now. Will add a picture when I finally get the table set.

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    It's the week end for me. Yippee. Sunday is Parent teacher conferences. Yip we have school on Sunday for those of you that didn't know that. Our week end is on Friday and Saturday.
    Gave out the report cards today. One cute little boy came to me and asked if I had seen his report card? I am like " YES Of course I've seen it I wrote it!!!' funny kid. and then he wanted to know if it was good or if he should hand it to his mom and then run and hide.
    Kids are so funny. I get a kick out of all the funny things they say. any of you remember Art Linkletter? You'll have to go back in time to remember him and his show. I used to love it. Anyway He used to have a book out called Kids say the darndest things. I think I could write my own book now.
    Glad it is the week end and I hope you all have a FANTASTIC one!:wink::smile: :tongue: :happy: Phyllis
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeanne they are adorable. Where will you put he food? Now i should have done something like that. I have gobs of emboideryy turkeys desgns.. I just order a adorble white rooster I am going embroidery out tonight. Don't know yet just what I am going to put him on . In fact I haven't even look to see if it got ownlorded to my computer yet Going to be a busy week for you. Just have fun.
  • piquilter
    Thank you, Marie :smile: I have no doubt whatsoever that you will find a great spot for your rooster :happy: You accomplish so :noway: much, I am in awe :flowerforyou:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeanne I went and copy your table setting and going to attempt to put it up here.

    This is Jeanne table setting for Thanksgiving. Ist it lovely. She has really been busy ]
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good afternoon Seniors

    Well, we woke up to 4 inches of snow this morning, my DH was shoveling snow at 6am. Then it was raining and windy. Boy the weather just doesn't know what to do.

    My day: Our son called and wanted to go out to breakfast so we did, I had a english muffin and 2 fried eggs and coffee black. Then we went to the casino and my son won $45.00 and he was really happy as he needed a new pair of shoes. He is in the process of getting a friendly divorce and his cash flow is very low as he has custody of 2 teenage sons. We try to help him when we can, but he puts himself last and didn't tell us he had holes on the bottom of his shoes. Any way he has new shoes, by the way he won the money by only putting in $1.00.
    We went swimming and I swam laps for 30 minutes. Then we went grocery shopping. Came home and that's that.

    Take care, Chris
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    I remember Art Linkletter, but I can't remember WHY I remember him, lol! What did he do? Besides the book.
    Phyllis, it surely all seems normal to you, but Sunday and school would always be Sunday School for me. Id be so confused.
    What about the traditional American holidays, do you celebrate any of them?or would you have time, with all of your activities.
    Jeanne, you really have been busy and those placemats are so cute!! So much talent around here. Im looking forward to more from you and Marie.

    Barbie, you make a lot of sense. I wont try to keep up with your activity or your brain! Your yams sounded good to me.
    Shirley, tell me that was a big cookie! 260 is a lot of calories for just one.
    Becky, a long time ago,my cousin put a pinch of cinnamon in her coffee befor sit brewed. It was great, and much cheaper than the flavored coffees. So Im wondering if it would work with pumpkin pie spice? Yum? Or not?
    thank Birdie, I found the software for wii fit plus at

    Sandy, I hope you have had a good day. I wish everyone could have the nice doctors that my late mil had. They were so thoughtful. The waits were still sometimes long, but they were very nice about it. Never a rude person there. Sorry that your sis is not that lucky with her docs.

    Marie, I want to see your rooster too!

    Gayla, what a mess, and what a bad place to have a broken bone. Have you been tested for osteoporosis? I hope most of your trip is a sitting down one. Hope by that time, the worst will be over and done.
    I know your temps will soon be subzero there, but it was still a cold day here for us. It started out just cool then the wind began to blow, and it got cold. We are in KY. We just got loaded and are heading for CA.

    Chris, your son is independent, isnt he? Hopefully, he'll let you give him something he needs. For Christmas. Glad it is a friendly divorce. Too many unfriendly ones in this world.

    Buzz? And Maddie? Jackie is still away, I think. Who is tending to the chicks?

    Goodnight, Phoebe
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    P.s., Marie, are you starting to dream about coconut cake? Jim has already told his sister to tell the lady who bakes them that he wants one. He cant resist., we slice it up and wrap it well, then freeze it.
    maybe ill mail you a slice!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: speaking of not comparing ourselves to others, I do some crafts but they are nothing like the beautiful work that Marie does with her quilts or Jeanne with her placemats. I knit a few things but nothing as clever as what the two of you are doing.

    :grumble: :grumble: there is a possibility of snow here tomorrow and I have to drive an hour to pick up some friends who are flying in from California. Jake is going to a meditation retreat and I said I'd go pick up our friends. Right now it's raining.

    Barbie from NW Washington
    November goal
    walk for at least an hour every day with the frisky poodles no matter how cold, wet, windy, or snowy
    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Safe travels, phoebe
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,104 Member
    Happy Friday! :bigsmile: Cold windy day, but planned on staying in today to get some cards and things done. My sister got her port and chemo done yesterday and is feeling pretty good today. This time they gave her something to help her not get sick, so she is happy about that. She is going to look at wigs with her daughter so she looks good for Thanksgiving. :bigsmile:
    I had a repairman here today to fix my oven it was off by about 25 degrees which is why my food was taking to long to bake. :grumble: I didn't know I could try and fix that myself so he didn't charge me too much for his service call, although he hopes that is the problem and not the motherboard which would cost close to a $1000 to fix. :noway:

    Barbie, my zodiac sign of being a Pisces says I should be creative, but the stars must have been behind a cloud when I was born. I did sew when I was very young, even made my mom some outfits (she said they were nice) and am good on the computer but as far as quilts or painting forget it and never ever ask me to sing or for that matter dance. :laugh:

    Phoebe, I do hope you make it home for Thanksgiving to spend time with the kitties, I am sure they miss you. Art Linkletter had many shows on TV but he was always great with getting kids to say the darndest things. Look him up on you tube and it will refresh your memory.

    Chris, I am not ready for snow but know it could happen any day. I wish I was finished with my Christmas shopping before it comes, but since I only have one gift I don't think that is going to happen. :tongue:

    Marie, nice try on trying to get Jeanne's place mats on here, but photo bucket is so touchy lately. Is there any other program we can use to post pictures? Your quilt is beautiful just like you are. :heart:

    Phyllis, your kids sound adorable, I bet they love having you for a teacher. Enjoy your weekend, even though it sounds strange that Sunday is a work day. :ohwell:

    Jeanne, I know you are gone but hope you are having fun.

    Becky, I used to love Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino until I saw on the Internet how many calories it had and that was even before I started with MFP. :wink:

    Shirley, so far so good with my family, hubby is doing well and my sister is staying positive. :heart:

    Gayla, so sorry about your foot, I hope it feels better and doesn't put a damper on your trip. Wouldn't it be great to wake up in the morning without one single pain? Between my back, knees and sciatica I give up and will just learn to live with it. :glasses:

    I think I will go down and ride the bike for a while since I didn't exercise yesterday. :grumble:

    Have a great day!!
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good afternoon seniors,
    Today it's snowy and windy, but we went out anyway.
    My day today:
    My DH was shoveling snow when I got out of bed, not much only 1" or so. He is a fanatic with his lawn and driveway with snow. Sometimes he will do the neighbors too.
    I had flax organic cereal with light yogurt and strawberries for breakfast. Then we met friends for coffee. We went to the mall and walked for 45 minutes there. When we were done I went looking for christmas gifts but couldn't find the ones the grandkids wanted so I went to Target looking for Ja-Lo cologne for my grand daughter and couldn't find it either. So my Christmas shopping wasn't good.
    We went out for lunch and got a childs teryaki rice bowl and water. Then we stopped at the casino and I won $40.00 . Now I still have all my winnings from this week to use for christmas presents and can't find what I need.
    So now I will work on my large quilt and hopefully have the complete top done to day.

    have a good day,
  • katcoleesp
    katcoleesp Posts: 33 Member
    NEED ADVICE!!! help!!!!
    I am becoming upset with myself, not losing any weight... I have had all my blood work done, thyroid is great. I use a pedometer daily and do about 10,000-12,000 steps a day so I am on the go with all my daycare kids. I work on my Wii fitness plus almost every day for 45-75 min which burns 400+ calories , I eat 700-900 calories a day ( if I eat any more than this I gain weight) on avg 2 lbs a week when I eat my 1200 calories a day. I don't eat junk food ( too often) limit my sugar intake to just my coffee in the morning ( 1-2 cups), I limit my salt in foods to almost nothing..I log my food and I am always under my carbs and fat intake...I drink 100+ ounces of water a day...take my vitamins...and still, the scale won't budge ( almost a month now)...any ideas???

    Chris, google J-Lo cologne...they have it on the Internet if you can't find it at your local stores......

    sorry...didn't have time to read everyone's post today to reply to all ( sorry)

    Hope everyone has a BLESSED and wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!!!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    KAT, your question and problem seems exactly like the one that started me on MFP. I will try to look up the answer that worked for me for a decent while to get my weight loss moving! Unfortunately, I'mm now going in the wrong direction again, but I must grab hold!!! Yikes!
    Everyone, tired from ??? but will try to make up for it tomorrow!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I lost my long post Boo Hoo. So hello and good nite Marie