Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011



  • paulandrea
    paulandrea Posts: 120 Member
  • paulandrea
    paulandrea Posts: 120 Member
    So exited to heard about Heather!! i hope everything goes well.
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131

    I really feel the urge to be a hermit and not leave my house when it gets like this! Too bad for having to work everyday lol

    you and me both!!!! winter is sooooo tough for me...little motivation! but i am trying so hard to not get into that routine!
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    BIG CONGRATS to Heather!!!! So glad everything went well and Charlee is finally here! Enjoy every second!!! :flowerforyou:
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    Congrats, Heather!! :)
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I'm wondering whether I just woke up the little bun or not. She was very quite (may be sleeping) earlier. Then I started put my headphones on and listening to music (blocking noise from nearby cube). Now she's jumping around, kicking away.

  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Woo hoo for Heather and Miss Charlee!!! Yay!!!!!! Came just in time!!!!! Charlee we've all been waiting to meet you.
    Heather!! You're AWESOME!!! Way to hang in there.
    Elce 28W4D
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    atomdraco that frog cake is adorable!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Can't wait to hear from Heather! That is great she came on her own a day early. Nothing like making you wait till the last minute!

    AFM, I had my exam yesterday and I PASSED! I wasn't expecting immidiate results so that was nice. Now I can just relax and take it easy through the holiday and finish getting ready for the baby. Since I was on the road all day yesterday I ate crap - Waffle House for lunch (I did have my hashbrowns steamed, but I also got chili on them), and then I rewarded myself with a dark Milky Way after my test. So I didn't log a thing yesterday and didn't get any exercise in. I'm not sweating it. 6 hours of travel and 2 hours of testing on top of 2 hours of studying was a long day. Today is our Thanksgiving luch at work so I'll try not to gorge myself too much. I think staying in and hermitting tonight sounds pretty good to me too. Then next week is only a 2 day work week and then I'm off for 6 days! My goals this weekend are to get some walking/running in, paint the changing table, and do laundry. Hope you all have a great Friday!

    30 weeks today!
  • Ashley- Dontcha love those preggo hormones? I've had a few little moments already I went, "Wow what is this teary eyed feeling for?" Since nothing had really happened. My family jokingly bugs me about just becoming like my mom more every day since she is the SUPER emotional one pregnant or not ha. Awesome job on the workout!

    Rosanna- I'm glad you are willing to take charge in the birthing process if your not guaranteed which doctor will be delivering your baby. I hope if something like that ever were to happen to me that I would have the same strength. I hope to even out our board a little with a boy but I won't be able to find that out for another 8 weeks or so. :)

    Stellcorb- I'm so jealous of the American early ultrasounds. In Canada they typically don't do any until 18-20 weeks in. As for the V-BAC, my opinion is a vaginal birth (when possible) is much better for both mom and baby. I've seen MANY V-BAC deliveries with no complications. That's not to say there aren't complications that do happen but if they do at least you were able to try. I would have to agree on the doctor's dislike being a liability thing since it's been proven time and time again vaginal birth is healthier for all involved. I know unless I absolutely have to have a c-section there will be no way. I have been in the OR watching a few and they definitely are NOT for me. Hope you are able to figure out what's best for you and have your doctors support!

    Jenna- I know a couple who just had the same thing happen. They had a baby boy the first go around and a baby girl the second and no one threw them a party because her family is pretty against a second baby shower. So instead she just hosted a "Come meet baby Piper" party and those who wished to bring gifts did and those who didn't just came and met baby.

    Babeed- I'm a little jealous you are getting to see Breaking Dawn at the premier. My husband is a little sad that a bunch of girls from work are going and he doesn't want to crash the girls party so he won't get to see it in the theatre unless he goes with someone else. I agreed thinking it would be no big deal...guess I need to learn to ask and ensure first ;)

    jchecca- Sorry to hear your feeling down. All you can do is what you can do. I've found it harder then expected(since I'm so exhausted all the time) to keep up as much exercise as I would like as well. Just keep your chin up and work towards a more positive trend in the future!

    Kristy- Glad to hear everything is going well! And I must agree getting to watch Jacob makes the movies oh so much better ;)

    Rayna- Good luck on your midwife search! I didn't realize they were such a hot commodity in Alberta. I'm with you on the hermitting during this weather. I'm about an hour south of Edmonton and we got about 15 cms of snow yesterday. I'm not looking forward to the blistering high of -25 (-10F) plus a wind-chill today. I'm glad you had such a productive night!

    Taldie- Yay for feeling baby movements. I can't wait for that!

    Roobean- Welcome!

    Heather- YAY, YAY, YAY, YAY!!! I'm so glad things progressed the way you wanted them too! Congratulations!!! Enjoy every minute of her! :):):)
  • Well I had a massage and another chiropractic adjustment yesterday and I am finally able to stand up straight again. Still not moving with a great deal of speed but it's definitely improving. Not sure if I should attempt to go to work this tour or not. I'm a Paramedic so my job isn't really one I can just take it easy and be alright so I guess tomorrow I will make my final decision.

    I'm 12W1D today and still not gaining any weight. I've gained back some of the weight I've lost but not all of it. I was down over 10 pounds lost in my first trimester but I've settled in at about 5-6 pounds lower then my pre-pregnancy weight. Food seems to have become the enemy. I'm not feeling nauseated as much anymore but the thought of eating is not appealing. I'm having to force myself to go eat something because it's time not because I'm hungry or want something. This is a very new phenomenon for me since I usually love food and have the opposite problem. I've been trying to make healthier choices when I am able to make myself eat something but it doesn't appear to always work. I will eat the toast and leave the yogurt or fruit on the plate. I am also getting full A LOT faster then before. Has this happened to anyone early in their pregnancy? I can barely eat half of what I was eating prior to pregnancy now without being absolutely stuffed!

    I have my ultrasound today to ensure that there isn't something on or in my bladder that shouldn't be there and to make sure I'm not having twins since I'm still having a fair bit of pain urinating. I'm very excited but also extremely nervous for it. I'm so afraid there will be something wrong and I'm going to be a complete mess. I know there is no sense worrying about it because it is what it is but I will be glad when 11am is here and I can finally hear our baby's little heart beat for the first time.

    Anyways I hope everyone has a great Friday and an awesome weekend.

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Babeed- I'm a little jealous you are getting to see Breaking Dawn at the premier. My husband is a little sad that a bunch of girls from work are going and he doesn't want to crash the girls party so he won't get to see it in the theatre unless he goes with someone else. I agreed thinking it would be no big deal...guess I need to learn to ask and ensure first ;)

    Girl, my hubby was the only male in the middle of 22 women!! Until another friend brought her husban and he made sure he TOLD everyone that he was only there with his wife because my hubby was there!! Too funny!!

    it was fun seeing it with my DH, he was supportive and he was great at packing me some healthy snacks to boot!! Love that man! :smooched:

    And if you go STAY AFTER THE CREDITS!!! There's more to the movie!!!!!!!!!!! :wink: :laugh: :happy: :love:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. I just got this in an email and thought it was interesting and that you all would enjoy. It shows what the weight gain really is.

    Baby 6 1/2 to 9 pounds

    Placenta 1 1/2 pounds

    Amniotic fluid 2 pounds

    Uterus 2 pounds

    Heavier breasts 2 to 3 pounds

    Additional blood volume 3 to 4 pounds

    Increased fluids 3 to 4 pounds

    Fat storage 6 to 8 pounds
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi everyone! Happy Friday! :bigsmile:
    We got a HUGE dump of snow yesterday and it's like a winter wonderland much snow! It's supposed to get down to -25 or so today with the windchill :noway: brrrrrr I'm so ready for the weekend though! WOO HOO
    My husband and I got the room all cleared out last night! Finally! :drinker: it is completely empty. All I have to do tonight is vaccuum it and then the furniture comes tomorrow morning! So exciting, we're now just trying to decide on the tree for the mural and hopefully we can get painting soon! :bigsmile:

    AND I got my hair cut last night, it feels SO good. I got more layers and side bangs and got my hair thinned out quite a bit so it's not SO thick anymore...feels great!

    Anyway - hope everyone has a fantastic day and a great weekend ahead!
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    super tired today because my girlfriend and i decided to go see the breaking dawn midnight show last needless to say i am totally trying to push myself through the day!!!! it was definitely worth it - enjoyed the movie and you only live once rite!! hahaha!

    babeed - that is SO cute he packed that! my hubby definitely doesn't do the whole twilight thing but loves that i enjoyed the books/movies :smile:

    really happy its friday...had a good sized breakfast so i am going to take it easy on lunch because we're planning to go out for dinner tonight (my little brother is staying the night and then we're going to NYC tomorrow just the two of excited!!!). and i plan to get a good workout in after work!!

    hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    omg 16 weeks, Im huge! heaven help me
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Amanda- Good luck on your appointment and hope hope you feel better!

    Babeed- Kudos to your DH for your healthy snacks. I might watch Twilight on Sunday so i will stay for the credits, thanks for the heads up on that.

    Ashley-Congrats on your exam!

    Rayna- nice pix, I wish my hair was a little thick but it is so thin without volume. :ohwell: It's been 2 yrs almost 3 yrs that Las Vegas got about 3 inches of snow. lol

    Taldie-Cute belly bump! I think we all think we look huge, i keep saying that about myself. About your earlier question on stool softeners: I have to thank Babeed for suggesting prune juice and it has helped me. I drink some before bed as needed.

    Jessica-Have fun in NYC!

    Everyone else have a nice day!

    AFM: It was a brutal day at work so last night I was mentally drained that I feel like i have a hangover and didn't sleep well. I didn't even go see the Twilight Midnight release and here I am :yawn: .

    ~Brenda~ 25 wks 3d
  • Amanda -wishing nothing but good news for you and baby at your appointment.

    Rayna - how exciting to start on the baby's nursery.

    Brenda - hope you get some good sleep tonight!

    AFM - *BARF* pretty much sums it up. Oh and I got up and then about an hour later went back to bed for a nap. :tongue: I've been packing slowly because we are moving into our house in about 2 weeks (what a pain!), but I am excited to be in full NESTing mode.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Yay, it's Friday!! Another busy week down. Im a little behind at posting back to everyone, I've been checking in here and there though.

    Roobean 33 - Welcome!!! Don't worry about the weight gain in the first few months, it's most likely water weight. The bloat will go away soon. Congrats on baby! My doctor said to just eat small meals, mostly snacks through out the day to help with the morning sickness and it helped a lot. Just something small, like a granola bar or something like that made me feel better.

    Rayna - glad you got the baby's room cleaned out. Isn't it a releif just having that much done? I was so glad to get it cleaned out. The baby's room was our office/computer room, where we also stored tons of STUFF. Just random things that I could put aside always went in there.

    Ashley - CONGRATS on your exam!!!! Ashley - It's so weird you posted that breakdown of the weight gain. I just read that in a book last night. It's interesting to know. 6-8lbs of fat storage isn't much and the rest of it should be gone quickly after delivery is what I keep telling myself.

    Amanda - Good Luck at your U/S.......hmm TWINS it's exciting, but I think I would be a bit overwhelmed. We have twins in our family too, one baby at a time is enough for me, so I'm glad we just have one! We were super nervous, it's my husbands generation to have twins, but I had a twin that didn't survive so it's not likely I would have twins, I guess. LOL Good Luck again, can't wait to hear and I hope everything is going good with baby, think positive!!!!!

    Jchecca - Your lucky!!! I wanted to go to Breaking Dawn so bad last night, but no one wanted to go at midnight. I would be so tired too, seems like I can't stay up past 10:00 these days. I think me and my son are going to to watch it this weekend. For some reason he likes the Twilight movies. LOL

    Taldie - Your not huge!! You look good. We all feel like we look bigger than we do to other people, so don't judge yourself, it's always worse that what other people see you as.

    Brenda - Hope your able to catch up on some rest this weekend! My week has been busy too, I've been ready for Friday since Wednesday!!

    AFM: I have my glucose test tomorrow. I'll be 28 weeks tomorrow and I'm supposed to do it between 26-28 wks, so nothing like waiting til the last minute, but tomorrow's the day. It's my nephew's 4th B-day today!!! We wil be going to his party this evening, then headed out in the morning for shopping and my glucose test, then hopefully to the movies tomorrow night! Should be busy, but Sunday will be an at home day. Plan to officially finish all the painting in the nursery on Sunday and catch up on things around the house. Glad I have yoga videos and a treadmil, because it's WAY too cold to walk outside!!! Still have no clue when DH will be home, hopefully by next Wednesday at least! So excited next week is a short week!!!

    I hope you all have a great weekend!!!
  • Hi everyone! I am new to MFP. I am 26 weeks pregnant and so far Ive gained 15 lbs...which I thought was great but since I started out over weight my Dr. wanted me to END at 15-20 lbs...oopps. So I decided it was time to start tracking all those snacks throughout the day. Ive been keeping it healthy but maybe too many of them. So I put in my CURRENT weight and did 'maintain" and it gave me 2300 calories a day to eat. Do I add 300 to that amount? Or would it have been 300 to the amount of calories to maintain my ORIGINAL (pre 15 lb weight gain) weight. I feel like 2300 is a ton of calories...but Im still so hungry. Little Jaxson is sucking all the calories right up ;o) My goal is to end up at a total of 20 lb gain. Seeing as I still have 3 .5 months to go Im thinking maybe thats not realisitc. Any help or advice is appreciated!! Thanks! Kelly