Worst Dates you've ever had



  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Hehe always love these threads.

    I do have a question, though... ElementalMoe, you said not having a car set off warning bells. I don't have a car. Does that mean I'm a loser? :indifferent: Could that be my problem?
  • fudog
    fudog Posts: 16 Member
    That's some funny sh** right there now...
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    I might have posted this a few months ago... Anyway my worst date was when I was going to UMASS Amhearst, I was 21, and had a part time job, no car. I took the bus to go to work at a 'rest home' Anyway the nurse that worked during the dat was very pretty and we talked alot, but she was married.. She told me she had a friend who was sweet, pretty, and she wanted to set up a date. I was reluctant because I had no car and she was 'older'. But she said, no problem, she would pick me up in her car. So I talked to my date and found a landmark she would pick me up and the time , etc. We would go out for drinks

    So my date arrived, She was wearing a plaid shirt and work pants, like ****ies or something, she weighed about 300 pounds.. I thought "Oh God", but I am not a mean person, I figured we could have a few drinks and part ways.... So I was a a junior in college, we started talking, she told me she was a janitor at the elementary school... "Oh that's nice" I was trying to find a way to start a conversation, We ordered drinks and She told me "I just want you to know I have 3 kids" and was telling me about them... I was in no way interested at that age... Then she told me she went to this bar, because her ex was violent and was stalking her, and he probably wouldn't check this bar for her tonight....I think I was halfway through my first beer.. I then said, "hey I need to use the bathroom" I went past the bathroom out the side door and booted 4 miles back to my dorm.. I was a little mad at my work- friend... That was the only time I did a chew and screw at a restaurant.
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    OMG. I WIN!

    I met this guy online and he seemed super cool so we decided to meet up. I already knew he wasn't really my type (blonde hair, ok) but I know I need to broaden my horizons.

    I spotted him across the street in head to toe baby blue, cap, matching jersey and shorts. His blonde frizzy hair was sticking out of his cap and I already knew it was all bad.

    During lunch he started talking bout all the beautiful women he has dated and how he met them on myspace. So I play along and ask him to rate these women on a scale of one to ten. I was having a good time. (mind you, he was NOT good looking at all)

    He then told me he dated a millionaire, so I asked him how he knew and he said , "Well...she spent money like a millionaire." lol I asked him if she was pretty and this fool said,

    "It's hard to eat hamburger helper once you've been dining on Fillet Mignon"


    We asked for the check and I took the bill and said, "Oh, I'll pay for my half."

    He said, "Thanks so much" and DID NOT put his card in. He handed the bill back to the waiter and the waiter left!

    I paid for the worst date of my life! The guy was such a jerk. He wouldn't even tell me where he worked because he said he thought I might show up there to check on him. eeeew!

    I had one refuse to tell me where he worked too... he thought I would start stalking him because another girl he met did. He tried to convince me he collected cans for a living:huh: . If he was so worried I would be a psycho chick why did he bring his 4 year old daughter on our date?? :noway:
  • I broke up with this girl cause she really cared about money. Money came FIRST for her. She dint care if the guy worked his *kitten* off to achieve. So I broke up with her was really torn up about it for almost a year. On being relentlessly persuaded by a friend i went out for date with a girl. When i went out for drinks with her. One of the first few question she asked me in the beginning was.."Hey! How much is your salary?" And obviously dint see her again after that.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    my ex boyfriend took me to mcdonalds one valentines day.... pathetic...lol
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    This was way before I was married..so I went to the movies with this guy,and I had to pick him up last minute,which wasnt a problem,but for some reason,he brought his friend with him.he paid for the tickets,n made me pay for our popcorn n drinks.he then fell asleep thru the movie and was snoring.Afterwards,i had to drop him off first,and he made me drop off his friend home.his friend was a better choice,and dated him for awhile.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I met this guy online... we decided to meet up at 7 for coffee.. I brought two friends who sat a few tables over.. He walks in... Dirty baseball cap hair a mess dirty shirt with holes in it and grungy jeans... We talked and he seemed okay... Came back to my place tried to make out with me in front of my roommate then told me I should come with him back to his place and put my hand on his crotch so I could... Sense what was going on? Ugh oh and his feet stank
  • A co-worker set me up on a blind date . . .

    I meet the guy in a restaurant (but not Applebees, lol!) and we ordered our drinks and our meals and we're sitting there talking while waiting for our food. Pretty normal. The conversation is interesting, especially since we're talking about technology, which I love. It was right around the time that smart phones were coming out and he decided to show his off . . .

    . . . by pulling out his phone and showing me "TWO GIRLS ONE CUP" . . . 20 minutes into our first date?!?! I stayed for the meal but when it was time to leave I turned him down for returning to his house. And when he asked me if he could have a good night kiss, I told him I couldn't because my newly pierced tongue might get infected from his saliva!!
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    this isnt so bad but i'll share anyway......

    so just this summer i decided i should start dating again, i hate dating i like being in relationships, but anyways i met this guy on a girls night out, he was kinda cute and very nice and polite and all so when he asked me out i was still reluctant but my friends convinced me to go cuz you gotta start somewhere right.

    well it started off nice, he texted me and offered to pick me up, but i was running late and didnt know him that well so i wanted to drive and meet him there. well that and he mentioned the AC in his car was broken, (red flag #1). I didnt think anything of it so I just met him anyway. it was a nice place, and he had already ordered an appetizer (he knew i had just come from working out) so that was sweet. i was wearing a cute little black dress (not extra fancy but pretty nice) with sandals (it was summer) but i expected him to atleast wear a nice jeans, polo and shoes. he was wearing plaid shorts, converse and a tshirt (yikes!) keep in mind he's almost 30. I was a bit thrown off by that but i was trying to be nice anyway. the bar was getting kinda loud so it washard to have a conversation so we decided to go somewhere else...he was very attentive and kept asking if i was ok and what i wanted to do where to go which i thought was nice, but we walked over to another restaurant he looked at the menu and he didnt like it so we went somewhere else, kept walking, got to this other place also very nice (i noticed the menu looked pricey this time) and he again said he didnt like what was on the menu. to make a long story short it felt like he was just looking for a cheaper place and we ended up at a pizza joint at the end of the block where almost no one was there except for the ppl that worked there (kinda creepy) but i figured at least it wud be quiet and we could talk. well we did talk and i found out we were very very different. he went to school for some kinda natural healing mumbo jumbo and now is working as a bartender ( i knew that when i met him so thats ok) but the fact that his future plans involved working at a "healing center" and he believed in natural healing and all this crap made him sound like a hippie witch doctor, not to mention he was staying on his sister's couch, he kept mentioning he wasnt in a good financial place rightnow and had been a bartender for the past 3 yrs - UMMM NO! :huh:

    he did not get a good night kiss, and he did not get a 2nd date.

    Hippie witch doctor - I will be laughing all night - thank you!!!
  • lisablueeyes
    lisablueeyes Posts: 213 Member
    All I can say is OMG you poor poor people....

    I'm married to my first date....... 28 years we've been married now!
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    I had a couple dates with this really attractive and charming girl, and her 21st birthday was coming up soon. So instead of doing the usual 'lets go out to eat" I thought I would do something more personal and real special. We were at my place and I was making stir fry when all of a sudden she starts freaking out because I put RAISINS in it....


    I've been waiting for someone on here to be 'the other half' of one of these nightmare dates LOL
  • RawkChick
    RawkChick Posts: 24 Member
    Blind date...he talked about his World of Warcraft character most of the time and then said that the last girl broke his heart because she held his hand for an hour and then never talked to him again. Not even kidding. I didn't even make up an excuse to get out of there, I just got up and left.
  • Worst date I had... YEARS ago - I have currently been marrried for 12 years!

    This guy asked me out - over and over - I always said no. I then finally decided to go out with him.

    He goes through the drive through for Jack in the Box and asks me for money after he orders.... uhm... hello you asked me you are suppose to have some money?????

    That was just strange. He then came back to my apartment and just sat there staring at me! It was so weird. Wouldn't talk. to me at all.

    After a long while. I called my friend from the other room, and had her come over and say there was an emrgency and we had to go!

    Finally got the loser to leave!

    Now I laugh about it! - actaully hadn't thought about that date in years, this post just made me think of it!!
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Kiwiburger needs to get in here. I think that was him that had a date with a girl dressed like a snake?

    My worst so far was a guy that was an HOUR late. I get crap happens sometimes, but I stupidly agreed to go out with him a few more times and he was 15-30 minutes late every single time. Not to mention a bunch of other weird and generally stupid stuff.

    For example, smoking. I met him off okcupid which has these questions and a few asked about smoking and I pretty much said smoking is gross. It's not a total dealbreaker for me, but if I were him I probably would not have lit up within 10 minutes of our first date. Absolutely terrible kisser... UGH I really wish I would have just gone home never to speak to him again the first time he was late. Just a lot of little things like that, and I was not attracted to him and he was the lazy entitled sort. Never again will I give someone the benefit of the doubt if the first date doesn't go well! I finally just stopped replying to him, couldn't be bothered.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Kiwiburger needs to get in here. I think that was him that had a date with a girl dressed like a snake?

    I think you summed it up just perfectly actually.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I once met a guy from online,half way through dinner he starts talking about militas and his weapons,and about how he would like to overthrow the government.Then he started going on about jewish conspiracys,somewhere in between all this he offered to take me to a sex shop to buy me toys,then he showed me his swastika tatoo at which point I started talking about my pierod,my flow,what kind of tampoons I enjoy,I also told him when I see roadkill it makes me hot,he ran out so fast there was smoke

    ETA that was my way of making sure he did not try to contact me again

    Reminds me of when a pervy guy is staring at me (talking about the creeps that are licking their lips looking at me up and down like I'm a t-bone) and I scratch my crotch with vigor. They stop staring after that!!!! haha My sisters hate when I do that.. they get mortified but it works!!!

    This is hilarious.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    My worst date was with a guy who was so obsessed with comics and superheroes he spoke about nothing else! He wore a ring that matched his favourite hero and showed me photos of his room where he had ripped out comic pages and stuck them up as wall-paper and he had superhero bedding....dont get me wrong, i love Sci-Fi films but this was quite extreme!! Everything i said he would back up or quote some comic!!! I politely made my excuses and thankfully never saw him again!!

    I think I used to know this dude. He creeped me the hell out.
  • Cheryl_66
    Cheryl_66 Posts: 68 Member
    Several years ago, I met this chick online. I described myself to her and was honest about my weight. She didn't seem to believe me for some reason. After talking to her for about a month, she convinced me to make the 90 minute drive to her house ( mobile home) for dinner. When I got there, she looked shocked and disgusted that I was fat. She actually said " since you drove all this way you might as well come in". She was extremely rude to me. After the quickest dinner ever ( spaghetti with catsup?) I couldn't wait to get out of there. Suddenly we were having a huge thunderstorm and tornado warnings. I was stuck there for a while. She did not even talk to me and spent most of her time on the phone with her friends, and didn't even stay in the same room as me, leaving me to play with her two kids ( the only good part of the night). When the storm finally past I was getting ready to leave and she yelled at me for making her kids wired before bed by playing with them. Several months later, a friend told me she met this same girl online and was planning on meeting her. I told her what happened and of course my friend called her out on it. She emailed me a lame apology and asked me to put in a good word for her. Yeah right.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    My worst date, I guess was kind of my fault, well it was my cousins fault. I was 16 and my cousin set me up with one of her co workers sisters.

    So, me being rico suave I took her out to a nice outdoor patio restaurant ordered food, we talked, we hit it off really well. We talked about our future aspirations and what we wanted too do.

    At the end of the date she asked If I would come over to her place, and I said "I would love too but I have school in the morning"

    "Oh, I see"

    Oh no its not you, I seriously do have school in the morning.

    "Which school UCR?"

    Then it occurred to me...

    No ....high school-

    The look on her face was priceless.

    Yeah I was 16 she was 27.

    I had a goatee at 16 so I always got passed off as mid - late twenties.

    That would have been hard to explain the next morning if I would have come over, needless to say I never got another phone call.
  • Mountain_woman
    Mountain_woman Posts: 229 Member
    Nothing as horrible as the baby funeral date and neither involved AppleBees, but...

    Date 1:
    We went out for sushi and the conversation was friendly and flirty enough, but then it shifted to him asking me to critique his muscles and body form. He was an ex-military dude and any further time we spent together involved him often asking what I thought of his traps and if they looked bigger. *eye roll*

    Date 2:
    Years ago, my father set me up with this guy who was one of his students. I thought, "He's going to be a teacher, how could he be a bad guy?". The dude took me out and our date consisted of driving around in his jeep while he talked about his racist views. (Um, what?) Then he enthusiasticly showed me his handgun which he kept in his glove compartment to protect himself from "the blacks in his neighborhood". I was so offended and freaked out (guns make me nervous) by someone who had zero problem being a gun weilding, racist piece of garbage. Between the racist retoric and the handgun, I was grateful there wasn't any dinner involved. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. The date ended early after I told him that I had school early the next morning. Thanks, Dad!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I might have posted this a few months ago... Anyway my worst date was when I was going to UMASS Amhearst, I was 21, and had a part time job, no car. I took the bus to go to work at a 'rest home' Anyway the nurse that worked during the dat was very pretty and we talked alot, but she was married.. She told me she had a friend who was sweet, pretty, and she wanted to set up a date. I was reluctant because I had no car and she was 'older'. But she said, no problem, she would pick me up in her car. So I talked to my date and found a landmark she would pick me up and the time , etc. We would go out for drinks

    So my date arrived, She was wearing a plaid shirt and work pants, like ****ies or something, she weighed about 300 pounds.. I thought "Oh God", but I am not a mean person, I figured we could have a few drinks and part ways.... So I was a a junior in college, we started talking, she told me she was a janitor at the elementary school... "Oh that's nice" I was trying to find a way to start a conversation, We ordered drinks and She told me "I just want you to know I have 3 kids" and was telling me about them... I was in no way interested at that age... Then she told me she went to this bar, because her ex was violent and was stalking her, and he probably wouldn't check this bar for her tonight....I think I was halfway through my first beer.. I then said, "hey I need to use the bathroom" I went past the bathroom out the side door and booted 4 miles back to my dorm.. I was a little mad at my work- friend... That was the only time I did a chew and screw at a restaurant.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I dont think he'll check this thread...:wink:
  • StrongerJess
    StrongerJess Posts: 185 Member
    I had a guy take me out to eat at Applebee's. We were having a really good time getting to know one another. I had met him in my church group. He walked me out to my car and said that he felt bad for me because most men date me because I have "porn star tits." BUT not him of course. I slapped his face twice and drove off. NEVER talked to that *kitten* again! I can't help their size, but I was mortified!
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    WOW! It's no wonder some guys have easy pickins, and some guys are eternally single.
    I'd just like to say thanks to all the creeps and jerk offs, you made my life that much easier.....lol.

    One date sticks out in my memory.
    A girl I met when I was 18 and she told me she was 17. Picked her up at her house but she was waiting out front.
    Go on the date, something simple like dinner and a movie. Head over to a party I knew about after the movie and a friend of mine says some people are looking for us. Like who I say. Her parents.....uh oh.
    Turns out she was 15. Went in her room telling them she was going to sleep for the night, locked the door and snuck out the window to meet me out front. That was interesting dropping her off, the dad wanted to rip my head off but she explained how it was all her and I didn't know anything about it.
    We ran into each about 3 years later, laughed about it and then dated for a few months....she was crazy but in a fun kinda way.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    I had a guy take me out to eat at Applebee's. We were having a really good time getting to know one another. I had met him in my church group. He walked me out to my car and said that he felt bad for me because most men date me because I have "porn star tits." BUT not him of course. I slapped his face twice and drove off. NEVER talked to that *kitten* again! I can't help their size, but I was mortified!

    Ha!!! I had something very similar happen in the Red Lobster parking lot but he actually asked if he could see them! First date and all! Ugh!
  • I have never had one...I'm sure the guys I've dated though think different, cause I can be rude to guys....Idk why they all like me though....
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    Not nearly as bad as everyone else's, but my ex, for my first birthday while we were dating, took me out for dinner. He picked the restaurant. He knew I didn't really like sea food, but really wanted to try this restaurant's mussels... really should have figured him out then!
  • brunzella92
    brunzella92 Posts: 46 Member
    Let me start off by saying going into this date i've already been through online hell.........

    Met this guy on Match, turned out to be really nice, always checked up on me to see how things were going! After 16 MONTHS of talking, he asked me to meet up for a drink. Knowing he wasn't my type and had no interest, my mom and friend pushed me to meet him for a drink. Remember in all of this he's the father of 3 small boys!

    I meet him on a Sunday afternoon for a drink near both of our houses. I walk in, first of all he's not my type, VERY short and what not. I sit down, he immediately watches golf and isn't talking to me! I make small talk here and there, he's very different than online now. A few minutes later, his buddy's happen to walk through, never introduces me and is rude. So after about 40 LONG minutes i tell him i gotta go. He takes money out ONLY for his beer on a $10 tab and now i'm paying for my own drink, he takes off. I'm soooooooo infuriated at this point that i fly home and send him an email saying how dare you treat me that way for no reason, and it was like you were embarassed of me and i've never paid for my own drink you cheap *kitten*...... You know what he said because i called him out, he said, "i was embarrased by you from the moment you walked in". I could have reached through the computer and killed him!!

    So about a few months later, i see him at Walmart with a complete nasty of a thing and i start to laugh as we are faced turning the corner towards each other!! Going forward to now, 2 years later, i'm happily living with my wonderful bf and the loser just hit my friend up on Match not knowing she's my bestfriend!!!! LOOOSSEEERRR!!! karma my friend, karma!!!!

    Now i'm all fired up again lol!!!! Great role model for his kids !!!
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    Two words: Octopus Hands. Seriously all throughout dinner and bowling he could not keep his hands to himself. It was even more annoying because I didn't want to go out with him in the first place and had told him no. My friends kept telling me to give him a chance because he was a "nice guy." I finally agreed and then go the pleasure of his cushy, damp hands pawing at me all night. It was horrible. To make matters worse, he would then show up at my house unannounced at random hours between 4 - 11 pm and thought it was "sweet." Um no. It's creepy.
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    My very first date...EVER! I was a sophomore in high school and I had a HUGE crush on a Junior. He was so cute, but he was dating someone. They broke up and a few weeks later he asked me out to a movie. I happily accepted. When the movie was over we leave the movie theater and walk out to his car when I heard him say "Oh SH*$". I look up and his ex-girlfriend and two of her close friends are standing next to his car. He walks me up to them and LEAVES me with her friends to go talk to this girl. I was scared to death as these girls were giving me the evil eye. About 15 minutes later he comes back and tells me he has to take me home so he and Rhonda can talk. They ended up getting back together that night.
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