Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011



  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    kspool ~ I started out overweight as well, and my doc is the same. I went in and manually changed my calorie goal to be 2100 cals a day. So far that's been working for me. If I eat the maintenance cals plus the extra 300, I gain like no tomorrow. There was a couple weeks of unexplained weight gain, but I figure that's just little man going through a growth spurt or something. LOL.

    Heather ~ So glad it all went OK! Welcome to the world Charlee!!!!!

    Luna ~ I've been doing good, just taking it day by day. Little man is starting to beat the crap out of me every night and morning. Love those little kicks though!

    AFM: I had a spurt of about 3 weeks where all I did was gain weight. UGH. 15 lbs in those 3 weeks. Then it was stable for a week, then I gained another 5. Now I'm losing weight. I haven't changed my eating habits so I have no idea what the heck is going on.

    I miss exercising!!!! Oh how I miss it! Tried to go out for a walk last week. Lasted all of a couple of days before I started spotting again. Now I'm suffering from pain that feels like I accidentally did a split, but it's constant. It makes even walking painful! I think it's just my hips spreading but, omg does it hurt!

    Little man is doing great though. DH and I are still working on a name for him. It's deceptively hard. We have it narrowed down to 3 first names, Kaiden, Jayce and Drake. I was so thrilled last night because I actually felt a hand or foot bump into my hand. Was sitting on the couch watching DH play Assassins Creed and had my hand on my belly cause LM was kicking up a storm. Then I felt something small, hard and roundish bump into my hand. So Amazing how strong he's gotten in just the last week.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I'm totally stalking you ladies. I remember a lot of you from when I was in the group before, you are all doing well and look great! Can't wait to see a picture of Charlee! Hope to have a success story myself next year. :smile:
  • Bump for later.

  • MIdnight : Thanks for the help. Im going to try the maintenance calories for a week and see what happens and then adjust. I gained 4 lbs last month bc I caved to my donut cravings! Hopefully just writing everything down will help keep me accountable :o)
  • gisele246
    gisele246 Posts: 57 Member
    Kspool- my dr actually told me not to eat more than maintenance for the entire pregnancy. But I gained 1 pound this week so I'm starting to wonder if that is too much. It's a big change for you this far in the pregnancy but you might find you feel better and have more energy when you cut back.
  • EK2828
    EK2828 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello :) I'm kind of re-joining MFP... I never officially meant to quit, but I'm 10.5 weeks pregnant and it's been rough so far eating anything or functioning all day, much less counting calories & actually being active. I just found this group/topic... hopefully getting involved & seeing all of your successes/advice/etc. will help me get myself back on track!! Hope it's okay if I tag along... :)
    We had our first baby 15 months ago, and I managed to lose 70 pounds (45 I gained with her, and an extra 25 that just needed to be lost) before I found out I was pregnant again. I was about 10-15 pounds from my goal weight, and I know I'll get there... just a little later than originally anticipated. :) For now I want to focus on 1) starting to eat normally again (something other than toast & peanut butter), 2) getting off of my butt most days to do SOMETHING active, and 3) not gaining 45 pounds again!

    There's a lot in here to read, so I'll go try to catch up now. :) Happy Friday night everyone!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Hello ladies! Hope all is well with you all. We just got home today from the hospital and I wanted to check in while hubby is holding sweet Charlee and I have a little energy to post my birth story....

    Tuesday I woke up and decided to go through and clean absolutely everything that could be cleaned...floors to linens and everything in between (nesting much?! but not the first time I have done this in the past month that's for sure). That day I also went and got acupuncture and adjusted for the 4th time since trying to induce my own labor. Hubby and I gave it one last "go" to try and jump start things too since I was feeling extra desperate with the impending induction on Thursday. That night I ate dinner then took a long warm bath (again, not the first time I've done all this routine). We went to bed at about 930 and my body was so sore and tired from the days activities. I woke up at 11 with contractions but just went pee and went back to sleep. At exactly 1247 I sat up in bed with a pretty strong contraction. I tend to get them at night and they usually are caused by a full bladder so I got up to pee and nothing came I laid back down and had 3 more in less than 10 minutes! So I got up and went to the living room cause I didn't want to wake Al, especially if this was false labor like the past few times. I sat down and started to time the contractions. They were 3-5 minutes apart and lasting 60-90 seconds long....this is where we had talked about that we would go to the hospital. So I went and woke Al up and we got our stuff together and headed to the hospital. They continued to get stronger and stronger. I can only describe them starting off as the worst menstrual cramps with a lot of vaginal pressure. That's how it all started...

    We get to the hospital and check in and are brought into a preliminary room for monitoring. By this time is is about 230am. My bp was really high, I was still only 2 1/2cm dilated 90% effaced and her head was still really low. After an hour of monitoring I was given the option of walking the halls for an hour or going home....I knew this was it so I chose to walk. By 45 minutes of walking my contractions were very painful and 1-3 minutes apart and 90+ seconds long. I got checked again and was 3cm at that point. They went ahead and admitted me due to my high bp, my strong contractions, and the fact I was overdue...I guess they want you to be at least a 4 before admitting. Glad they did because almost immediately I went from a 3 to a 7. I used to jacuzzi and did several other positions to get through the most painful thing my body has EVER experienced. I was very vocal, which I would have never guessed but it is something my body just did and I had no control over. Without the support of Al and my nurse I couldn't have done it. I had a lot of back labor which was really hard to handle as well. The tennis ball and lots of back rubs from Al, the nurse, and my mother was what helped a lot. By 1050am I was complete and ready to push (thank goodness!). Within 3 contractions I pushed out the most beautiful angel on earth (in my opinion of course :) )... She was born at 1103 weighing 7lbs 13oz and 19" long. She has a head full of beautiful dark blonde hair with light blonde highlights (she is already a diva and high maintenance lol).

    We are doing really well. I was up and around immediately, which was nice and everyone was already singing my praises of how strong I was to endure natural labor and now I was up and around. They kept calling me "superwoman" which I don't feel like it but it was nice to hear. I didn't do it to prove anything, but it did feel so good to accomplish what I set out to do even though it seemed hopeless and I at times begged for it to stop and for pain meds.

    Charlee was born with gas so we are dealing with that obstacle. We are also learning together how to nurse. We have some obstacles to overcome but I am staying calm and patient and know in a few weeks it should all fall into place. She is a good sleeper though...which is a wonderful thing :) I'm pretty exhausted but definitely in baby bliss. Life is good and I am so blessed

    Thank you all for all the words of encouragement and the congratulations. You are all wonderful and I pray you all have as wonderful as an experience as I did....maybe a lot less pain, but definitely a successful outcome :)
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hilarious video!!!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    That's amazing Heather. Congratulations! Charlee is adorable. I am so happy that everything worked out the way you wanted it to. I love your profile pic!
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Congrats Heather! It's great that you were able to stick to your birth plan. And nursing will get easier, it's definately worth the struggle.
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    congrats heather,so here comes a new chapter of your life
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    Heather that's an awesome birth story!! So glad you were able to accomplish your goals!! :flowerforyou: Good luck with the breastfeeding...PM me if you need anything!

    Since I have been reading along everyday but not keeping up with commenting I will just say you are all doing great and are all inspirations to stay active and healthy!! Kudos to you all!! :drinker:

    AFM...just got done with two 12 hour shifts and now I am off until Thanksgiving. I was a bit moody :devil: at work yesterday with a bit of stress at the beginning and just being tired didn't help. But I managed to not snap on anybody :happy: And I was taking care of a baby that was born at home to a very young mom (not her first either) and her little sister actually caught/delivered the baby!!! (she was standing up waiting for her ride and the baby just started coming out! She said she wasn't pushing or anything, she just felt something between her legs, pulled her pants down and there was the head!!) :noway: They were all doing well though.

    I will be 20 weeks on Monday and am going for my 2nd u/s and will hopefully be able to find out the sex :happy: I am excited to take my 6yo so he can see it too. He is so into this pregnancy, it's so sweet. My parents will be in town for the holiday for the week too, so I am taking my mom along as well. She was "giddy" with excitement when I told her she could go with us! Then I think I wll stop at the store and buy either blue or pink iced cookies to bring home to announce it to my dad and my sister and her kids who will also be visiting.

    I have been trying to stay pretty active on the days I don't work (not much time to do anything else when you work 7a-7p) I did a Billy Blanks TaeBo workout the other day and it was nice for a change-up but not my favorite. I am hoping to be able to cont' even with a houseful of company next week! Today will be a lot of cleaning so that might be my only "exercise"...we'll see. I gained another pound over the last 2 weeks, so I am pretty happy with the rate of gain so far.

    The baby seems to be sitting very low still, which seems to be different from my 1st. I feel kicks/bumps way down in the suprapubic area still. Feel like Al Bundy most of the time sitting with my hand down the front of my pants to feel it :laugh: :laugh:

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!

    Shelley ~ 19weeks ~
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    OMG Heather what an amazing delivery, I was teary eyed (joyeous) reading your post. luv your profile pix. I am so excited for your lil family, and the addition of your blessed beautiful Charlee.

    Shelley-Yay for your halfway there mark! Good job on your workouts.

    We picked up our crib & dresser but will not set it up until I get the carpets cleaned, projected to happen in Jan. I had to work some hrs today so I am here, getting some work done. :grumble:
  • Heather - congrats on your little one! You are a superwoman! She is just in time for thanksgiving!
    Shelley - I bet you are excited to find out. Are you hoping for a girl this time?

    Gonna try to get in exercise at least 5x this week. I walk my dog everyday but she stops to sniff so often it's hardly a workout lol. So that's the plan. And logging too. Everyone is doing a great job, keep it up!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Heather, what a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing and loving your picture. Good luck at the breastfeeding and enjoy the best time in the world with your new born!

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Good morning ladies! Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. Just wanted to check in real quick while Charlee is passed out in a milk coma on my lap (life is so good! :) ) I'm still feeling sore but strangely enough would love to pack up Charlee in the stroller and go for a long walk....but considering I hobble still walking around the house and it is 30* outside definitely isn't gonna staying in pj's and relaxing with Charlee is exactly what we both need. We are getting into a routine and I oddly enough feel a lot better with limited sleep then I ever thought I would. She is starting to nurse better and it is my favorite time with her...I can't even imagine giving her a bottle now that I have breastfed her, it is such a bonding, beautiful time.

    I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to physically start working out again...I'm hoping in 2 weeks but I'm definitely going to listen to my body and not try and push it. I'd like to start an after baby board at that point but there are several new "Groups" so we will have to figure out what works best for us all. :)

    Stay motivated ladies! I think I feel so good because of all the hard work I put in during my pregnancy. You are all doing so great so keep up the good work! :)
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    Congrats Heather! I am so happy that you had the baby the way you wanted. Enjoy your little bundle of joy and relax for a few days.
  • gisele246
    gisele246 Posts: 57 Member
    OMG congrats Heather ! Good for you for sticking in there and doing it your way :-)
  • AmandaR321
    AmandaR321 Posts: 68 Member
    Hey I hope I can join! I'm 23 and pregnant with #4, 24 weeks. I'm on bedrest/restricted activity so basically my diet is all I have control over. I've gained an awful amount of weight, so I'm just going to put my calories on maintain and hope for the best. <3 I'm mostly going to focus on the TYPE of food I'm eating and getting 12 glasses of water a day.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    Tuesday I finally have my first doctors appointment. I am 12 weeks and can't wait to see the doctor and ask her any questions I might have. My main question/worry is about my weight (not like it is huge numbers)
    Can anyone weigh in on if this is kind of normal? When I found out I was pregnant I was 132. Over the next few weeks I dropped to 128 and have slowly climbed back up to my 5 week weight. I have lost 1.5 pounds this week though. I am not trying at all to lose weight. I can clearly see my body growing though since I have been in maternity pants for about 2 weeks and I have a noticeable should I worry about the fluxation in weight?