Friends on MFP with poor food diaries?



  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I was lurking through on my MFP friends diaries. Some had very very very very poor food choices but stayed below the calorie intake.

    Do you ever approach them about it and tell them that they aren't making the best choices for their body?

    I know that you can loose weight eating poorly by staying below your calorie intake but I don't think eating cookies and chocolate for breakfast is right for their body nutritionally and in the long run for loosing weight (carbs+fat = no extra benefits vs a well rounded breakfast consisting of protein and fiber).

    I'm not saying its bad to have cheats, I have a nice sorbet for dessert most nights or sometimes a biscuit here and there...but never 500 calories worth of 'junk food' for breakfast D:

    I made the same mistake you did about posting a topic on these boards like this. It's pretty fun the same rude creepers come out to play and be all harsh about "it's not your body." whine, whine, whine. . . blah blah blah, there's innocence in your question, and it's a legitimate one to ask.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    And this is why I keep my diary private. :noway:

    no doubt...
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Bump to read later.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I only do this if they are grossly undereating and I'm concerned for their health. If it's something that really bothers me I'll drop them.

    I did make a mistake of posting something similar a few months back and got bashed left and right. At the end of the day it's their decision what they eat and your decision who yo have as mfp's.
  • rockytu
    i hate that.didnt eating cookies and doughnuts get u here anyway?:sad:
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    I have my diary pulic for this very reason. If I'm making bad choices, or someone has a suggestion on how to make something healthier or a new food to try instead I WANT them to speak up! And yeah, I will do the same for them also. Wont be rude about it, but also if I'm going to critique something, I'll try to share some ideas. I need the help and support. I obviously wasn't getting done on my own, so I'm not gonna hide everything on here.
  • millionsofpeaches
    Their bodies... Their choices for what they put into it. I wouldn't offer unsolicited advice. If someone asks... that is different.
  • millionsofpeaches
    Their bodies... Their choices for what they put into it. I wouldn't offer unsolicited advice. If someone asks... that is different.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    i hate that.didnt eating cookies and doughnuts get u here anyway?:sad:

    yeah, that's the other thing that I figured out, you don't know what got them here to begin with. Eating cookies and doughnuts didn't get me here, neither did fast food or soft drinks. Over eating every single meal got me here to begin with. I figured out that for me it wasn't what I ate but how much of it. I have an affinity for wine and ice cream, if anyone tried to take them away from me I'd have some serious choice words. I can still eat chick fil a, or french fries, or whatever. I think at this point most people would be pretty disgusted by what they saw in my diary, but it's none of their damn business. If you want something and I can make it fit into my macros within reason, rock on. If I started getting random pms about my diary when I wasn't asking for advice I'd be pretty jacked.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    And this is why I keep my diary private. :noway:

    Mine is private too, no need to share
    Not private, but I did shut off the little notifier that pops up in the newsfeed and tells everyone when I've completed my diary.
    I generally don't comment on food diaries, because I don't usually have time to read them. I prefer to comment on losses and fitness posts or other general comments posted by friends.
  • CharityEaton
    My diary is open to friends for the pure purpose of getting meal ideas. I try to eat balanced healthy meals but I also want crap food once in a while too. It is nice to look through someone elses week and get a new idea for something to try.
    For me once I get the ball rolling and start to see results I get scared to try something new because I don't want to deviate from the comfort of what I KNOW is working.
    To me the only real and practical way to lose weight is to not limit yourself from everything. Everyone likes to indulge in something from time to time.....for some it is alcohol, for some it is salty snacks, for others it is sweets. Whatever it is it is no ones place to judge unless that person is continually complaining about how they just don't know what they are doing wrong. Then and ONLY then does anyone have the right to make a suggestion to that person and even then you need to tread lightly. Everyone has different metabolic rates, nutritional needs etc. On a side note too how many people REALLY log EVERY SINGLE thing they put in their mouth???
    So, how do you really know how healthy or unhealthy someone is?
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    I have taking a few steps in changing my diet to feel better about myself, but it is what makes me happy. If I have a candy bar, or some cookies or something it is my choice. I feel that people should make their own choices. Suggesting ideas is nice, but when it comes down to it it is what they want to eat, what makes them happy. One might view it as a bad thing, but another might view it as a good thing. What works for some might not work for others. I tried to cut out bread and use different things and I cannot do it, it made me extremely sick. I always taking what is said to me into consideration, but I also do what I know my body can handle. I would rather eat what my body looks for instead of starving myself to change my complete diet and make me sick...I feel like I am just rambling now. but that is my two cents!
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    I have been under a crap load of stress and being busy and making some bad (really bad, as in yesterday I ate a whole package of oreos bad) choices. I already know its not good for me and that i'm eating like crap and struggling with it. They are probably already beating themselves up about it and wouldn't want a stranger adding to that. They might like some support though, maybe make a post on your wall about the healthy snack you just ate that was really yummy. They might try that as an alternative.
  • Jeanetta10
    Jeanetta10 Posts: 74 Member
    This is sure a hot topic.
  • thatlittlebit
    thatlittlebit Posts: 46 Member
    To be honest, there have been times when my diary looks pretty poor, as you said 500+ cals of junk food for breakfast, but it has because I have binged in teh night and don't want to shy away from logging it.

    I have more willpower at the moment and don't do it, but they might not be choosing to do it?
  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    And this is why I keep my diary private. :noway:

  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member

    I actually sent you a friend request because friends that will tell me when I'm eating crap is what I want. I'm not trying to lose weight; technically my BMI says I'm underweight, but I'm just looking to maintain (a little flux happens, but mostly just maintain) and the entire reason I track what I eat is try to eat real food, not overprocessed junk. From where I'm at (natural, real, animal and plant) fats are not unhealthy, but foods that come in a box instead of grow on a farm are.

    It's good to remember that different people are on here for different reasons. It's such a variable community that it should be easy to find the friends that will help individuals accomplish their goals.
  • Teeli
    Teeli Posts: 13
    No. It is THEIR body,THEIR choice andTHEIR system.People in a forum like this one, have usually got SOME idea on how things work- it would be hard not to have, with all the info there.
    I certainly would be offended if somebody told me I was wrong simply because I don't do it the same way as everybody else.
    After all- the proof is in the pudding!( or lack thereof) :):wink:
  • fatty2fit88
    fatty2fit88 Posts: 116 Member
    your intentions are good, but people often hate hearing it! i'd keep the thought to yourself...and be better example yourself...
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Yes it is peoples choices, but I personally believe if we dont offer advice (they dont need to take it, it is just advice) then how can we learn if people dont offer advice?

    One person was using about 500 cals, I spoke to him and he said he did not binge himself like some people! I mostly eat my cals... Bless..

    I always take advice offered to me, I might not use it, but I thank the person for taking the time to message me with a question. I also have given advice, people ask what they are doing wrong, then some people say, I am not showing my food diary? Their choice.

    I would say there are no two people who eat the same on this site, and I like the fact people offer advice when I mess up!! Thank you all who have xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    I am here to learn, if people get offended by a message from me, that is not my intention but it is their choice to be offended.

    I have managed to do amazing things thanks to people offering help and advice regarding my food diary xx