Biggest Loser Challenge - Team 3



  • Hi Ladies, Hope you all had a great weekend. My burn for Monday was 618.

  • Monday burn was 691.

    Here's to Tuesday..........Enjoy!

  • 611 calorie burn for Monday. (:
  • Tuesday burn was 691.

    I'm feeling strong yet anxious about Thanksgiving. Driving to see family in Illinois and haven't seen them since losing weight. Hopefully I can remain positive for both the good and bad comments that may come my way. I really feel very strong about how far I've come with my weight loss this time with MFP and all of you though.

    Good luck to the rest of you on this coming food holiday!

  • Tuesday burn was 891

    Sally you have come a long way already in your Journey and I am sure every one will be just as proud of you as you are of yourself! You will do just great over the holidays you have learned some great tools here at MFP and you will ROCK!!!!! this Thanksgiving.

    If you have a slight set back or make a poor choice its OK just dust yourself off and start again. You have had some amazing calorie burns these last few weeks hopefully you will be able to get a few burns in over the holiday.

    Have a great Thanksgiving everyone

  • 1288 was my calorie burn for Wednesday

    Have a great night ladies

  • Hope everyone Thanksgiving was great!

    My calorie burn for Thursday was 550

  • 2199 calorie burn total for the past couple days.
    Sorry I've been kinda MIA.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you guys. (:
  • Hi All,

    I shopped till I dropped today and I worked out 3 different times today so my burn was 1260.

  • Sorry I've been MIA........can't get the message boards on my phone!
    Wednesday burn 660
    Thursday burn 660
    Today Friday......only had time to get in a quickie so my burn was 485 of actual exercise, but I was on my feet and walking all day so I don't feel at all bad!

    Stayed on track food wise the whole time and am feeling great about it..........makes me feel better for the upcoming holidays!

    Hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving!

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Hi ladies.

    I know I have been MIA all week. Life is crazy at the Im sure you understand. I did not get any burn in this week except on Thanksgiving when I did my Turkey Trot 5k. which was 521.

    My mom got me a treadmill on Black Christmas Present :o)

    Its not here yet but hopefully in the next couple days and then Im really excited because then the weather and dark is no longer an excuse. Cant wait!

    FYI...for my 5k...I ran in 39:05...which is a little over 4 minutes off my best time! I was so excited. I busted booty....and it was my first official race. I usually just do it on my own. It was a lot different than I expected. I was doing bad mentally at first. I had to get into my groove. LOVED IT!
  • Saturday's burn was 693!

    Tomorrow's weigh in will hopefully be worth the sacrifices this past week!

    Good night all!

  • 730 cal burn total for yesterday and today.

    My roommate is bringing home a 42" tv from Black Friday for us, woo!
    I bought a dress for a Christmas party I have next week... I loved it in the store but as always it's not my favourite now that I'm home. Final sale though, so hopefully I'll work it out. (:

    Hope your weekends are going well!
  • Hi All,

    My Burn for Sunday was 551

    Have a great Monday

  • Sunday's burn was 682
    Lost 1 pound this week...........with the holiday I will take that!

    Here's to a great week Team 3

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    My burn today was 593 and I lost .8 lb this week.

    Feeling good about that
  • Hi All,

    My burn for Monday was 650!

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member


  • 1124 calorie burn today.
    I didn't get a chance to weigh in today, I don't have a scale of my own and I didn't make it to the gym...
    I'll try to weigh-in tomorrow morning but may not be able to as I have class.

    Happy Monday
  • Nasty cold, rainy, windy day.....didn't go out and walk but still did a DVD and burned 440 today... Monday.

    Have a great Tuesday team 3!
