December-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN GROUP!!!



  • jimjam3782
    jimjam3782 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey all! I did the whole, "I'm doing good, now I go complacent" thing and am now back to my starting weight. I decided that this was unacceptable, so I came back to mfp recently and I saw this thread. I decided to join. Feel free to add me!

    Today's goals:

    1) Drink 10 x 16oz glasses of water.
    2) Park way far away from my workplace and enjoy the walk.
    3) Not drink a single soda for the entire day.

    I'm not going to overdo it on the goals. That's about the best I can do today.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Good Morning & Happy December!
    1. Today my 3 goals are kidding this time, to get laundry folded & put away. If I could shame myself and take a picture of my personal mountain of laundry then I would post it.
    2. Taky my dog for a walk this morning and then hit the gym to burn as close to 1000 calories as I can.
    3. Leave my house with my son's laptop & take it to him at school.

    WIshing all of you the best today and this whole month!
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    And...its Friday! I am happy to report that I achieved my goals for yesterday. And today is another day. My goals:

    1. Yes that walk doing errands was great. But you still need to do 15 minutes of exercise today.
    2. I got off to a bad start this morning...wasn't able to do my morning routine and I'm a little discombobulated. So my goal is to *not* eat crap for lunch. Just because things started out badly doesn't mean you can't finish well!
    3. Yeah, its cold. But you still have to drink 6+ glasses of water!
    .....4. I usually keep it to three, but I'm working from home today, so I need to remember: no mid-day napping!

    So far, I'm enjoying this group. Daily motivation is key.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: WELCOME to all our new members!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I'm glad you're here! This is a great idea and is something even I can do! (I get discouraged easily AND I'm an emotional eater--BAD combination!)

    My name is Kathy and I am the single mom of 3 grown children. I share a house with my son (the BEST son in the world!), my oldest daughter and her BF and baby (Isaac is 17 months old and a joy to be around!).
    We share to keep expenses down but it does get hard to resist some of the stuff the others bring into the house.
    My youngest daughter lives in Texas and is just out of Dental Assistant school and interviewing for jobs while waiting for an Hygienist class that starts in a year.
    I am currently unemployed and looking for work. I do have a seasonal job that will hopefully still be there in February but with the way things are--who knows? So, I keep looking for another job and hope for the best!

    I'm sorry I did not get here yesterday. I forgot (almost) about an early morning class at the local Worksource Office (an employment office) and then met a friend for lunch and just kind of hung out with her and didn't get much of anything done.
    It was a nice day, though, and I think I really needed the break away from home. She did, too, and we're going to try to do this once a week or so.

    Anyway, I didn't set any goals for yesterday but I did okay considering I was totally off my usual schedule!

    Goals for December 2:

    1. Water! Lots of it is needed to offset the DELICIOUS Mexican meal I had for lunch yesterday!
    2. Gentle workout or a walk for at least 30 minutes. I have hurt my knee and need to take it easy for a couple of days.
    3. Stay in my calorie goal!!!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hey all! I did the whole, "I'm doing good, now I go complacent" thing and am now back to my starting weight. I decided that this was unacceptable, so I came back to mfp recently and I saw this thread. I decided to join. Feel free to add me!

    Today's goals:

    1) Drink 10 x 16oz glasses of water.
    2) Park way far away from my workplace and enjoy the walk.
    3) Not drink a single soda for the entire day.

    I'm not going to overdo it on the goals. That's about the best I can do today.

    A special welcome to you, jimjam!:drinker: I think you are the first man we have had in this group! YAY!
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    I completed my goals for yesterday!
    Today will pretty much be the same
    1. Do workout
    2. Log everything
    3. Drink 6 glasses of water!
    Have a GREAT day everyone! :happy:
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    Good Morning All!


    Worked out yesterday morning and this morning will get in our more tonight. I DID 500 juming jacks yall!
    WATER was low so today I plan to increase on 2 set of 3 glasses now
    Was over in Carbs yesterday and my protein is getting up there all the peanut butter to counteract all the cravings I am having
    I log it and its there....:blushing:

    December Goals will remain the same all month.....

    1. Workout Schedule consisting to no less than 5 workouts a week. If I get more that is a plus!
    2. WATER WATER and more WATER! The life juice....12 or more glasses a day :drinker:
    3. Calorie and CARB count under required daily allotments (HARD FOR THIS SEASON)

    Have a blessed day and Good Luck on your goals! :bigsmile:
  • Just a warning to some of you mentioning 10-12 glasses of water. There is a point of too much is not a good thing. I caused major problems for myself a few years back. You can actually drink too much water and flush all the good out of your body not just the toxins. Trust me it wasnt fun.

    I have completed all my goals besides 3 of my waters! Exercise, Green Tea, House Clean, Christmas decorations in house UP!!!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • annemama
    annemama Posts: 245 Member
    Well, yesterday was good. I met my goals... actually ate more than half of my exercise calories back (most, in fact). Today I am going to try to burn 800+ calories, eat clean, and drink all my water. Have a great day everyone!
  • jimjam3782
    jimjam3782 Posts: 13 Member
    I did good yesterday! I'm going for the same 3 goals today:

    1) No soda.
    2) Park far from work and enjoy the walk.
    3) Drink 8-10x 16oz glasses of water.

    And as a #4...I'm not eating fast food today. I'll pack a bologna sandwich and some bottled water instead. Maybe a healthy sweet, like a Smart Ones dessert or something. I'm also trying to reduce my own spending in place of the holidays, so this lifestyle change helps.
  • jimjam3782
    jimjam3782 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome, pmjsmom! Also, thank you Penny for the heads up! I'm going to stick to about 8-10 glasses today. I think I almost made myself sick of water yesterday, lol.
  • audreyscat
    audreyscat Posts: 4 Member
    hello everyone - I just joined today as even though I have been trying to lose weight since the summer, I have actually gained a lot of weight and am now the heaviest ive ever been! I really like the idea of daily goals, because I do tend to give up when I set myself all or nothing rules. It's nice to read everyones goals as well :)


    1. To enjoy the walk into town to meet my friend - we're going to the cinema
    2. To get fruit to eat in the cinema
    3. Afterwards - meal-chose the healthiest option and stick to single vodka/gin and slimline tonic and lots of water
  • This is a group that I am going to love! I can do this!

    My goals for 12//3

    drink my 64oz of water
    to get a short walk in before work
    pack my lunch today
  • pbear1
    pbear1 Posts: 42
    Thanks PennyChallenge for the welcome and the encouragement! Ok did well yesterday stuck to calorie goal and drank 2 litres of water. Today I am to do the same and go to the gym.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for December 2:
    1. Water! Lots of it is needed to offset the DELICIOUS Mexican meal I had for lunch yesterday!--Yes, but need more!
    2. Gentle workout or a walk for at least 30 minutes. I have hurt my knee and need to take it easy for a couple of days.--Yes.
    3. Stay in my calorie goal!!!!--No.:grumble:

    Need to really work om my mindless eating--too many treats around! I had my daughter take their candy, etc, up to their room so it is not down here any more. That should help!

    My knee is feeling better. One or two more days of taking it a bit easy and I should be fine.

    PennyChallenge--You don't need to worry about me! LOL! This time of year I have a tough time drinking even 8 cups. I do tend to drink a decent amount of tea, though. It's very cold outside!

    Today I am also going to finish the decorating and get these boxes put away!

    Goals for December 3:
    1. Water!
    2. Gentle workout or a walk for at least 30 minutes.
    3. Stay in my calorie goal!!!!
  • pammy0505
    pammy0505 Posts: 2 Member
    Congratulations on your amazing success! I am a 59 yr old grandmom, as well, but the scale has completely stalled on me! My dr. said to up the fiber so do you have any tips on what to include? More apples, salads, Metamucil? Ha! Have a great weekend :):)
  • pbear1
    pbear1 Posts: 42
    Woohoo went for a run/jog, kept to my calories and drank loads of water - good day for me!
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Well, I got 2 of my goals in yesterday. And, as always, today is another day.

    My goals for today are:

    1. Go to the gym. I don't have to stay more than 15 minutes if I don't want to. But, I want to GO!
    2. Eat a lot of (good) food. Whenever I make a switch to healthier food, I usually fail to eat enough of it. The quandry of 'what to eat?' usually stops me in my tracks, so I just stop eating. So, my goal is to worry less about the calorie count and more about the quality, and just eat up.
    3. I got on the scale this morning. My goal is not to get on it anymore today. I get a little obsessive when I first get going, and its ultimately not a good thing to do.

  • annemama
    annemama Posts: 245 Member
    Well, not too shabby! I DID burn more than 800 calories in exercise today, got in MORE than my goal for water.... but I didn't eat clean like I wanted to. I just typed my lame excuse, then erased it. No excuse. I could do it if I really wanted to. Well, I stayed under my goal... I'm eating about half my exercise calories back. Thinking of quitting that to see if it will help. Anyway, a pretty good day.
    So, tomorrow, December 4:

    1. Burn 900+ calories (workout plus housework...mop the house!)
    2. Eat fewer exercise calories
    3. Hit 100 grams protein
  • rhce40
    rhce40 Posts: 201 Member
    Hey guys. I'm a 20 year old Civil Engineering college student

    1. sleep at least 6 hours per night
    2. Do some form of physical activity for an hour, 3 times per week
    3. Reach my current weight goal by the new year