Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Haha!! I am the same way! I want to work out in the morning so that I don't feel as bad with all the eating I do :laugh:

    I also totally get the program mentality. I love just getting up and doing what the calendar says. There is nothing to thing about, nothing to question. I just get up and do it. It is also great to step back and have a clear starting point and see the progress you have made in 60 or 90 days. I was excited to get back on a program with the Supreme 90 Day program. I do think that once I finish my first round I might do some of my favorite lifting videos combined with the C25K program. I too would like to run a 5K (and not kill myself like I did the last time :laugh: ). If that isn't possible I might do another round of the S90. It is much more enjoyable for me than Insanity so I could do it longer term. Today was 41 so I still have aways to go to finish my first round, but you know me, always thinking about the next thing!!

    We have a big turkey trot here in Dallas but it is nuts!! My boss used to go all the time but it starts downtown and it is crazy to get down there and because it is so crowded you really can't run it, you have to just walk unless you are at the front of the line (which of course everyone is trying to get to).

    I am so excited! When I twisted a certain way I very clearly saw a 4 pack this morning. I am hoping it wasn't a fluke and I can catch it on camera tomorrow :laugh: Knowing me though it will be as ellusive to get on camera as bigfoot. :wink:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hope you caught those abs on film!!

    Busy day today tying up things at work before the long weekend. Just wanted to wish you a happy TURKEY DAY!!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh I got them on camera and I was so proud I had to post the pics on my blog!!! Have a great Turkey day to you too!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Maintained through the holiday. Stuck with a decent plan over the past week. Just been so friggin' busy haven't been able to get on here. Work is always nuts during the holiday season, my uncle's in the hospital, and all the regular Christmas time maddness...makes logging on more difficult!

    I think I'm still recovering from Black Friday shopping. We left at 915pm Thursday and got home at 845a Saturday. Then I turned around and drove 2 hours to look at a new (to me) car with no sleep. Yes, I'm still recovering. LoL.

    Hope you and those killer abs are still rocking it! I did Butt Bible (hehehe) and my buns are hollaring! :laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Wow that is nuts!! Congrats on maintaining! I hit a huge milestone on Thanksgiving day (abs plus under 130) but I then proceeded to eat tons of crap and not work out for 4 days. I thought I would work out like crazy starting on Monday and hopefully just maintain as well. Yeah well it was all well and good on Monday but then I started getting sick Monday night. I have the cold from hell and haven't been able to work out since. Most likely I am out the rest of the week. My eating has been good but I don't have high hopes since it will be a whole week without workouts and 4 days of crap eating. Here is to miracles happening!! :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I hope you are feeling better. Seems like just as we get over these things we get hit with them again!! Pain the butt!

    I was told we need to get a Christmas tree ASAP from my children. We do a real tree though, so I've got to distract them from this thought process for another week ATLEAST!! LoL.

    It's been a good eating week for me though I've been sucking at drinking water lately. So I'm sitting her typing with my huge jug filled so I can start making up for that slacking. Scales staying them same and I'm good with that since Thanksgiving was only a week ago. And I did enjoy a piece (or two) of pumpkin roll. :happy:

    With it being the beginning of December, and my finally about finishing up shopping, I'm hoping things will slow down a bit so I can get back into the habit of actually COOKING food. :laugh: It's been a lot of micro meals and quesdillas since I just got a quesidilla maker. Boy are those things convenient. LoL.

    DH told me last night that because of coaching he's going to have to start getting up at 5 to get his workout in at the gym. I'm hoping he does because it'll make getting up in the cold, dark mornings alot better (even though he'll leave for the gym) I'll get to have a little company as I prepare for the morning workout!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Well being sick, not working out for a week and the Thanksgiving gluttony has come back to haunt me. I was up over a pound this morning and back in the 130s. Sigh! I had a feeling that wouldn't last long. haha. Getting better but still feeling too crappy to work out. I think I might wait it out over the weekend. I usually workout too soon and then backtrack and get sick all over again. So I think I am just going to wait until Monday before I start again. Annoying setback but it is what it is!

    We have our fake tree up and Josie just sort of looks at it. She does like the train underneath though. We had to move the tree from our regular spot in the family room to the front room since the family room is where she is able to run free. Last thing we need is her tearing the tree apart or eating something off of it!

    It was so funny. We took Josie for her 1 year appointment this week and she was 80th percentile on height and 15-20th percentile on weight. I seriously have no idea whose genes this child has! haha
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    So I stopped at a Dollar General today to pick up a few stocking stuffers. Sitting on the shelf for $20 was Supreme 90. I picked it up, looked it over, and then realized...I NEED TO PUT THIS BACK! :laugh: It looks awesome though! If it was Christmas and I wasn't being honest that I have ENOUGH would have ended up on my shelf at home!!

    We went grocery shopping yesterday for a few odds and ends, restocked some of the 'good stuff'...but forgot to pick up my list for more of my soup. I am already craving another week filled with nothing but soup. With light flurries outside, it just seems right to eat soup all the time! LoL.

    DH and I are finishing up night workouts for the remainder of this week (thru weekend) and on Monday we are both going back to morning workouts. Night workouts have been easier to keep me on track since when he goes to the gym and the kids are in bed..what else do I have to do?! But I prefer the AMs for sure. Done and out of the way!!

    I'm sure you'll be back out of the 130s after this cold. Glad you are taking the weekend off. It's great to be motivated but a few more days of rest will give you the boost to start fresh Monday!!
  • quickfin
    quickfin Posts: 81 Member
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    You so should have gotten the Supreme 90 Day!!! I love it :laugh: But I know what you mean about having too many DVDs already. I felt that way too but when I saw it on sale for like $13 I couldn't resist since there was no way I was paying for P90X.

    I totally know what you mean about the weather too. It has been nasty here lately. Just cold and wet. Warm food is so nice when it is cold outside. So is hot chocolate but I digress :laugh:

    I still have the remnants of this cold (going on over a week now) but I decided to do some weight lifting and see how I felt. It is now mostly just post nasal drip that I making my throat sore with some random tireness but you know how quickly this crap can turn on you. I definately felt a little weaker and wasn't pushing as hard as I normally would but it was nice to get back to it. Hopefully it didn't set me back any with this cold. I am eating my clementines as we speaking hoping the vitamin C will work its magic :wink:

    I can't believe Christmas is in 2 weeks! Its crazy!!
    Take a look at my result


    Just used _h_t_t_p_://
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    It was nice that we got a little 'bump' :laugh:

    I hit up JM today. My Insanity DVDs aren't working well lately, a couple of them so until I get them either cleaned or copy someone else's - I've decided to utilize my Jillian Michaels DVDs and create a 'program' out of them. It was kind of fun putting it together and it felt great to get up at 5am to get a workout in. I had to laugh though because today was supposed to be day 1 of both DH & my early morning workouts. I was the only one that got up. :laugh: He'll get it in later, no doubt but it made me laugh that as soon as his alarm went off, he hit 'off'. He's never been an early riser, but unlike me, he'll find time later to get it in.

    I'm also sticking with calorie cycling instead of counting exercise calories. It's pretty much the same process but I just like the rigidness of the calorie allotments for the day with having been off the wall for the past few days (week..month, whatever!). So I'm just putting in what my workout was in the exercise calorie but adding my 'extra allotment' for calorie cycling as the 'burned calories'. Lot of mumbo jumbo but I need concrete plans to get me through Christmas. I was up way too much this morning, and though I'm sure alot of it has to do with PMS and water still shouldn't be up THAT much! Back on track before I lose the track!

    We actually had a nice weekend (weather wise) and it led into a decent morning so the two lazy dogs were appreciative when I took them out for a walk after my workout. They may have ripped my shoulder out of socket but I figured they needed a little 'burn' too.

    2 weeks! I know! I picked up that Hallmark Christmas countdown ornament for the kids. And since we dont have a tree yet, I have it sitting in my kitchen. Every time a day goes down, I think...WOW! Am I even ready this for?! Shopping wise..yes, I'm done but all the hustle and bustle, cooking and baking, visiting and's all coming so fast! Not to mention by the end of March I'll be the Mom of a 3 and 5 year old. Where does the time go?!

    Glad you were able to get back into the swing of things, even if it was not 100%. Hopefully a couple more days and you'll be back in top shape! These bugs just linger around for what seems like eons. I praise you've got such motivation and dedication that once it's gone, you are right back at it. That's awesome!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    It was a nice little bump :laugh:

    Sorry to hear about your disks! For the price they should work always!! I have a little tip though. Lindsay Brin is lauching her new portalon and she is offering a free 4 week trial (which includes 4 full length free workouts). It is supposed to be customized by the goals. I typed that my goal was to be superfit and the workout that I got looked crazy! Haha.

    Oh I have not looked at the scale since we had our epic battle last Friday. I have been working really hard to get off that extra 1.2lbs that I gained during Thanksgiving. If I am not back under 130 on Friday I am going to be PISSED!!!! I am avoiding the scale until Friday to try to get back down before I go nutso. haha

    I do have still have congestion and post nasal drip but I do feel so much better now that I am back to working out. I am just focusing on lifting and core work right now and not attempting the tabata crap until I feel 100%. I know I will be hacking up a lung if I try that while I still have congestion. Can't wait to be back to 100%!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Jennie, I'm going to make you hold out your hands so I can hit them with a ruler. smh 1.2 pounds, really??? *insert not pleased face*
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Haha!! I was so mad!! I finally went under 130 and it was right before my daughter's 1st birthday then BAM! I blow it all on Thanksgiving and all the surrounding festivites :grumble:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Or maybe you didn't blow it at all! How do you feel? Is the number that important? I've stopped stressing myself out with #s - just body composition. I'm back to lifting. I think you were doing lifting programs too, right? And you know the saying about muscle weighing more than fat. :-) Look at yourself in the mirror, woman. You are AMAZING.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Aww are awesome. Love your comments, and you are right on. Way to tell Jennie!

    Jennie- She's right, it sucks to see it on the scale but you saw those epic abs, you know your right there. And you haven't faltered, you are still on this path to getting fitter and fitter. You amaze me every day. I struggle weekly lately, and being able to come on here and see all my girls (and Ed!) kicking butt -gets me going right back at it. I love the motivation from all of you! It's inspiring for sure.

    I've been being a good girl and it feels good. Still calorie cycling, still working out, still counting calories. I'm going to look into the Lindsay Brin thing, she's so upbeat I'd love to check it out. Also got bummed because I looked up the exercise tv you used to see about a free trial since we can stream internet to our tv now (thanks to a xmas present I bought DH that he OPENED!) but they are no longer doing that. SUCKS!!

    Keep at it, drink up that water, and report back on Friday. And even if that scale is still what...look at that tiny waist of yours. Just keep kickin' butt!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Thanks guys. I know it is hard not to get wrapped up in the numbers. I don't really care about the numbers but I do get worked up because though I am building muscle and I am very pleased with my progress there, I still have some very stubborn fat deposits that are hanging on for dear life (mostly saddle bags but i feel liek I could get some more defination all over including legs, stomach and arms). So when I see the numbers going up or not changing I feel like the fat is still hanging in :laugh: No matter what though I am going to take measurements this week (I haven't in a few weeks).

    I just saw about the exercisetv going down!! What is that????? Totally sucks! I loved that site :frown: Well if you want to try out your cool new toy, here are some nice internet workouts:
  • dleevee
    Lindsay Brin is offering 4 free workout downloads this month. I have done some of her Boot Camp, Shed 5 Fast and CMJ and they are all good and not too difficult. I did the HIIT download last night and I am so sore, it is more intense than a lot of her other videos. Just thought I'd pass it along to other Moms into Fitness followers. Free is always awesome.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Thanks for the assistance with the 'online/tv' workouts. I'll check those out!! I love a good free workout. I sent an email for the Lindsay Brin thing, so I'll be excited to see what comes out of that.

    I did peek at the scale, and breathed a breath of relief. The weight I'd put on was just, apparently, water weight because I'm back down to the 153. Thank goodness. I did eat well (aside from the 'cake cakes' my sons baked for me last night!) this week and drank a lot of water. Just got to stay on top of it.

    I picked up some cute new Reebok workout capris and a top when I ordered my Mom's Christmas present. I'm excited to get those on and get a good burn on. I was too lazy this morning to get them out of the box so I just went with what I could easily find at 5am. LoL.

    Thanks to dleevee for the info. too!