

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good evening, All,

    Birdie, Thank you for your kind thoughts & prayers for my friend, Judy. I can't imagine how you managed losing your first husband with such young children. So, you can really relate. I just can't imagine being without ANY family. And thank you for your wonderful post about JUST ONE DAY. That is such wonderful advice and helpful no matter where you are on this journey!

    J.Judy: Thank you for taking the time to let me know what you did about your increased blood sugar and I hope that the changes that you made do pay off. (Let me know!) I will check out that book. I am not as worried about the cholesterol, and neither is my Dr. since my good number is so high. Still, I would think both would improve with the healthier changes!

    Marilyn: Good to see you back and you too, Faye!

    Spent the day in Charleston with DH getting new phones and other errands...it rained so we also went to a movie. Got home late so only exercise was my walk around Charleston between shopping. Need to get a bit more in tomorrow!

    Have a good evening, everyone:heart: Kackie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :bigsmile: Kathie, you are so right about portions in the US…..my first year on MFP I rarely went out to eat because of that………when I first started walking my dogs, it was in a less interesting neighborhood. What helped was listening to music on my mp3 player with earphones. Music is very motivating to me. It was a blessing that I didn’t anticipate when we moved to the new neighborhood in August…….I have had weight loss goals all along since I started MFP along with behavioral goals that I could control (like drinking water, logging food, exercising, etc.)…I weigh myself twice a day and record the weight so I know where I am compared to where I want to be.

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, if I haven’t said it before
    congratulations on stopping smoking and staying stopped for so many years….the only things I iron are the cotton napkins and placemats that I use on my giant dining room table….if hubby has clothing that needs to be ironed he irons it himself.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, my frugal soul won’t let me throw food away, thus I am extra careful about what I buy and what I prepare

    :flowerforyou: Judy, my step-daughter just called and told us that her six year old niece had taught her two little boys how to sneak ornaments off the Christmas tree. She wanted some advice on how to get them to leave the tree alone……I suggested not having a tree, but that’s easy for me to say since we don’t celebrate Christmas.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, I am so glad you are back. I missed you so much.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Jeannie, all that shoveling should be a great calorie burner.

    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, the only way I can respond to more than one person at a time, is to write my post in a word document and go back and forth to the thread to see what each person said, then copy the response onto the thread.

    :flowerforyou: Mary, thanks for the reminder about logging every bite. Hubby bought raisins and walnuts and they are so easy to snack on mindlessly.

    :flowerforyou: Faye, I’m glad you are back safely with a good report about all the butchering….that is an amazing skill.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, I love your emphasis on JUST FOR TODAY

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn, it’s good to hear from you again

    :explode: :grumble: :noway: after doing yoga three days in a row, we seem to be skipping it again for the third day in a row.:grumble: :grumble: that's one of the bad parts of doing something with someone else.......they aren't always cooperative....:laugh: yes, I know I could do it by myself and maybe tomorrow, I'll figure out how to do that :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    December goals:
    *keep walking the dogs for at least an hour every morning no matter how cold, wet, or snowy.
    * do yoga five days a week

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Okay, I remembered another thing. I used to get panic attacks but I didn't realize what they were because I was never in a situation that was causing me anxiety. What I realized is that panic attacks are when your body's "flight or fight" response gets invoked and that sometimes its because your body is out of whack and the simplest thing will invoke that response.

    It's kind of like when you have an over active bladder and your bladder spasms for no reason.

    So maybe those guys out there will be more willing to admit they have them if that realize its not that they are actually scared about something, but it's more that their nervous system spasmed.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning from a cold and frosty London. Defrosting the car at 5:30 this morning was not fun, but it was worth it to get toasty cuddles from my gorgeous grandtwins. We had decided not to go out today, but I'm spending all my time keeping them away from the twinkly Christmas tree. What with them and DD's 2 cats - well, you can imagine what fun it is! Definitley going to take them to the park after lunch! (the babies, not the cats).

    I am trying to walk as much as possible, despite my knee problems. I can't take anti-inflammatory meds and try to keep away from painkillers if I can, although I do have to resort to them sometimes. DH was busy on the computer last night, so I went for a walk around the village for an hour and a half. We are lucky to have the wonderful Barnes Pond, plus the River Thames, the Wetlands and a local reservoir all within a couple of minutes walk, but I tend to stick to the Pond for late night walking if I'm on my own.

    My grand babies have just decided that I shouldn't be typing - so I'm off to play with them before lunch.

    Love to you all.
    Amanda x

    PS - good to see our very own Sister Veggie Queen back x
  • beth535
    beth535 Posts: 31 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    It sure takes a few minutes to read everyone's posts! You are a wonderfully inspiring bunch of women.

    I, too, try to practice ONE DAY AT A TIME. Also EASY DOES IT. If you recognize where those slogans are frequently repeated, send me a private message.

    Quitting smoking is HUGE! I did that with the help of Nicotine Anonymous. One of their slogans is "the weight can wait." I took that to heart and did end up gaining 15 pounds, and I was already obese. But quitting had been a 10-year struggle for me and so I did whatever I needed to do to stay quit. It's been almost 10 months (on Friday). I'm SO glad I did.

    Ironing? What's that??? Remember when our mothers used to iron the sheets and handkerchiefs? When I buy something that ends up coming out wrinkled from the dryer, it ends up going to the thrift store. Glad to hear I'm not the only one.

    Running late for work now because of the posting, but I know it's worth being part of the community.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Morning,
    Great to read the posts this morning! Now I feel ready to start my day. Its a busy one and that is good. I tutor one student in his school this morning then come back to teach my yoga class. Our group goes out for tea after that. I am tutoring a new student this afternoon and then I will go to my Weight Loss Challenge meeting. Later tonight, my husband and I are going with our grandniece to her photography show at her elementary school...feels like a good day.

    I am trying to get Christmas stuff going but it is tough this year. The tree is sitting in its bag in the room where we will put it up but I keep hoping that the elves put it up during the night...so far that hasn't worked. Shopping is another story. I am really convinced that I need to stick to our budget and that is not something I usually do. Small presents this year and scaling back a lot. Its all good.

    Good to see you all.
    Have a wonderful day,
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    I am having what use to be a normal morning for me: sitting with my coffee logging in what I intend to eat today. It feels good to be doing something so laidback.

    Have a great day all,

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,523 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies!

    :laugh: Kackie YOU made MY day, thanks! Retirement practice is how I'm viewing days off from work. Until the past year I've always feared retirement, partly cuz I define myself so much by what I do, partly cuz without the external discipline of having to be at work from 9:30-6 I tend to stay in my bathrobe reading trashy novels and eating bonbons. :sick: But lately I've been looking forward to being free to do what I want when I wish. SO retirement practice is to get in the habit of getting dressed and doing stuff every day. Fun activities. Progressing on long postponed projects. MOVING. :bigsmile:
    :cry: Jipsy-Judy Alas, even my LLBean no-iron shirts need a touch up out of the drier. I avoid knits and other iron-free fabrics as too clingy over the Michelin-man-middle. I catch up on episodes of biggest loser and enjoy smoothing the wrinkles out of the clothes, while asking God to smooth the wrinkles out of my loved ones' lives. Sounds hokey but its meditative for me. OH how I miss the Bay Area and Northern California... as it was 30+ years ago. The beach was at Yachats Oregon, where we stayed in a wonderfully funky log cabin whose floor sloped down toward the stone fireplace. Alas the cabins have been torn down to be replaced (when times improve) with condos.
    :love: Welcome home Mimi, SMVQ! I'd turn cartwheels too if I could, so glad you're back. Yeah its a victory to start fresh at +12 instead of +100. A Tenfold victory!
    :noway: Jeannie, between shoveling snow and shoveling out stables, don't see how you could need any more exercise! Travel safe when you return to work, and enjoy your morning!
    :happy: MacMadame, thanks much! I'm going to make tomorrow a Fat Talk Free Day, too late for today.
    :wink: MaryMSH If I were teaching high school seniors, I wouldn't walk away for 10 mins, I'd RUN away and never turn back!:laugh:
    :flowerforyou: Faye I am so impressed with your butchering skills. Not something I'd want to do, but admire your family's self-sufficiency. Do you make venison jerky too? What do you do with the hides?
    :heart: BirdieM, "Just for today", "be kind to yourselves", "Power of the moment" and "attitude is what has changed my life..." How wise and how timely. Needed to hear it all. Many many thanks.
    :flowerforyou: Marilyn welcome back. Hope you get your strength back and have a dream come true too!
    :smile: Pam3 Amen!
    :tongue: Barbie Were the snuck-off-the-tree-ornaments candy canes and popcorn garlands? Don't suppose your niece would dab them with bitter apple :P I AM the wicked auntie but like with dogs, think its more effective when the tree corrects the kids, rather than the mom.
    :noway: Amanda Hope the Barnes Pond is safe and well lit. I'd be terrified to walk by myself late at night nowadays, though I used to love it back when I was in college... until I got streaked...
    :flowerforyou: Beth 10 year struggle, boy can I relate! Joe and I had to practice 4 or 5 times to get good at quitting. It finally took pneumonia, 8 days in hopital, and 5 weeks of oxygen for me to finally stop. Joe quit on his own for good the following year. YAY US!
    :smile: Sally photography show at grandniece's elementary school? WOW!

    Another chapter in the Stupd Scale Story: despite WAY over indulging LATE last night the scale was DOWN .7 lb this morning. :noway: Yesterday's retirement practice was a very mixed bag.
    -calls: dermatologist, vet, chiropractor= 2 of 3
    -laundry mountain=FLATtened, ironing=3prs slacks, 10 tops & 1 jumper, about half way.
    -almond crescent batter=not yet
    -Wal~Mart & Co-op=nope
    -Scottish Dance Class=YAY and...
    If my SIL does NOT come over for a spa day: -no alcohol, BUT if she does, hold it down to 2 glasses of wine and NO MORE.=ptthhhbbbtt
    and Get UP and start some strength training dadrabbit! yah no

    Today's Retirement Practice: finish yesterday's, roast beets/celeriac, make hummus, line dance class and NO HOOCH.

    And now it IS time to get dressed and GET MOVING!

    Hugs to ALL,

    animal-emoticon-0064.gifBarbara, who WILL be size 10 one day
    December 2011: dance more, bark less, hit that protein goal, HoliDAY not HoliWEEKEND and CHECK IN!!! :)
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good morning all! I did not manage to log my dinner out last night. I simply could not figure out how to remember what I ate, and then look it up, not knowing for sure what was in it! There was a large variety of food, and I took a little bit of everything. I had saved over 700 calories for the meal, and I am sure that I probably went over a little, but it will be fine. I thought about whipping out my phone and taking a picture of my plate for future reference, but figured that my dinner mates would be a little freaked out by that! :laugh:

    Anyway, I have been for my first ten minute walk of the day, and have logged my food. Today will be difficult, as I came to school early to tutor, have class all day, then have detention/tutoring after school. That would be manageable, but then I have to immediately go to sell tickets at the basketball game, so my best estimate is that I will be at school for about 14 hours today, with one 25 minute lunch break. When I sell tickets, I am across the room from the concession stand which could be a problem. I will allow myself popcorn, and we will see what else happens! Everyone have a good day!
    Grandson ETA countdown: 5 days, 22 hours
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I am struggling a little. Still no motivation to exersize. The penicillin is making me feel yucky and I am glad I am almost thru with it. I am bloated and constipated from it but this too shall pass.

    I just wanted to say how much I really love you all.:love: this family of women means so much to me. I am really glad to see so many friends come back after a little bit of time away. :happy: (Macmadam, Mimi, Birdie, AuntieBK, Jeannie and more) When I am feeling lost and alone:indifferent: I come here and realize I have freinds from all over the world that care about me and it makes me smile.:bigsmile: Thank you all so much.

    Much love to all,

    :heart: Robin and the Bodi pup
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,523 Member
    Barbie and all,
    I apologize for the Bitter Apple and tree correct the kids cracks.
    Out of line.
    Truly sorry,
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,523 Member
    Barbie and all,
    I apologize for the Bitter Apple and tree correct the kids cracks.
    Out of line.
    Truly sorry,
    Barbara, who WILL be size 10 one day
    December 2011: dance more, bark less, hit that protein goal, HoliDAY not HoliWEEKEND and CHECK IN!!! :)
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Mary - a lot of my FB friends take pictures of their food when they go out just for fun to show us what they are eating. I bet no one would bat an eye if you had done it! :laugh:

    So yesterday I was talking about panic attacks and last night I woke up in horrible pain that reminded me of when I had these attacks back in the 90s. Except I could always get them to go away by loosening my bra and I was in my PJs so I couldn't do that. I think I may have passed a small kidney stone as the way the pain came in waves reminded me of when I did that once before.

    It was very scary though. I was going to wake up my DH and ask him to take me to the emergency room but it went away before I could do that.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    I just wanted to say how much I really love you all.:love: this family of women means so much to me. I am really glad to see so many friends come back after a little bit of time away. :happy: (Macmadam, Mimi, Birdie, AuntieBK, Jeannie and more) When I am feeling lost and alone:indifferent: I come here and realize I have freinds from all over the world that care about me and it makes me smile.:bigsmile: Thank you all so much.

    Much love to all,

    :heart: Robin and the Bodi pup

    Thank you Robin. I do tend to not post as much as before but try to stay connected to all you lovely ladies. :bigsmile: No matter how well...or how tough things are....we will always need each other!:love: Hang in there!

  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    We are such a verbose group, aren't we?? I cannot believe how quickly we grow - Welcome to all the newcomers that I have not met :smile: I look forward to getting to know you.

    I wanted to let those of you know, who gave me such good advice, that I called my DIL and I realized that she did not make plans to be away for Christmas on purpose, if that makes sense; she only has 2 weeks off work and has to optimize her time off since my son has been posted away since early October. While speaking to her, I realized that I would set the tone and I realized I do like her very much and we will have a Christmas, just a few days late - she planned to come here and stay a few days on Jan. 1st. I got myself upset for nothing :happy: I don't want family strive; I don't talk to my 2 sisters and have not for almost 20 years and that is not good and I don't want that for my family unit :smile:

    Joyce - congrats on the new great grandbaby :drinker:

    I am putting myself in the Christmas mood more and more; well, at least I am trying :wink:

    I have my little grandson turning 4 on Sunday and he is very excited about that and he is having a big party :laugh:

    There were so many posts and I cannot seem to remember them - why??? I so enjoy reading them too, but I am drawing a blank:grumble:

    Well, I guesss I will go then and start to do some more wrapping of gifts.

    Take care, all of you, Talk again soon.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I'm from Long Island. I curse a lot and I say "yo" often. I know what real pizza tastes like and I know that a bagel is more then a roll with a hole in the middle. And its a hero, not a hoagie, a sub, or a grinder, and i wash it all down with soda, not pop or cola. 4 am is an early night out and all good nights must end at a diner. a beer can be known as a cold one and we can get it at all hours o...f the day and night. yea ill cawll you later so we can tawlk ..get over it .. don't go down to the shore, its called the ****in beach and i have one 20 mins away in every direction. i know that 55mph really means 90. when someone cuts me off they get the horn and the finger...they expect it. i can hold my own in a fight and im not afraid to curse at anyone. ..I'm from Long Island and what???
  • asugar
    asugar Posts: 181 Member
    I'm from Long Island too! I sure miss NY pizza and bagels. Im going up to see my family soon and I cant wait.
  • kathiemcn
    Hi Ladies,

    Just saw a set of digital scales on sale that also measure body fat, BMI, etc. Should I buy them or will the change of scales change my progress, as all scales measure differently? I would like to know the body fat %.

    BTW, I'm scared to ever go to Long Island now......lol.

  • nanhick
    Hi, I haven't been doing this for long but I am really glad I tried it again and hopefully this time I stick with it. I've done the WW plan for so long I guess I got so I wasn't paying attention any more. Been getting lots of surprises since getting back on MFP and most of them have to do with how many calories certain foods have. I'm determined to do better so I can keep up with my great grandchildren and my hubby of almost 40 years. My goals for December are to keep track of everything I eat and drink and try to fit in some exercising when I can even if its just dancing to a song that strikes me just right on the radio. Some of the threads I've read are very inspiring. You are a great bunch of people. I hope all of you have a great Holiday, no matter how you spend it.
  • qofsheba
    Been gone for 10 days or so---lots going on at work and at home and lost motivation. Amusingly I lost a pound--after struggling for four weeks!

    Will try to get back into the posting,