Determined December challenge : P



  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    It's finaly starting to warm up a little here.

    1. Log calories - yes
    2. Eat less than burn. hmmmm pretty close - may be over by a smidge
    3. Exercise - yes - 1/2 hour walk with the dog.
    4. Enjoy holiday - Christmas shopping.

    All is well. Today needs to be a good calorie day, so the scale doesn't start to move up.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Good afternoon everyone !!!!!!! My Best Bud spent the night and we are crocheting then we will go for our walk The excersize I did yesterday logged for today when I have a chance I will have to change that :wink: See you all later we have a pizza party tonight still have a housefull :bigsmile: But I love it my girls, grandson and BB . Have a great day everyone !!!!! see you tonight.
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Hi, I haven't forgotten you all. Sorry for not checking in, just been so busy with work and Christmas concerts this week. Not doing so well with my December goals but I have still been logging my foods everyday - good and bad days. I may just allow myslef to fall off the wagon for the rest of this month and then get back to it on Jan 1st?

    Hope everyone else is doing better than me
  • amsw1275
    amsw1275 Posts: 50 Member
    Elimay- sounds like your having a nice visit. Sammylc- kind of in the same boat. Treat each day as a new one. For me, there are two more weeks before we have holiday company, so I'm holding out that I might be good till then. Today didn't pan out, and we're joining family for dinner tomorrow night. However, I'm not yet ready to give up for the month. Tempted, but still chugging along.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    So I pretty much failed at all of my goals today. I am ready to go to be again-10 hour day. Came home and I wanted pizza so that pushed the calories into the red and I have no energy to work out. Only good thing was I got 90 minutes on the bike before heading to work this morning.

    My good habit was to work on taking some time for myself..obviously that has not been happening as work is all I think about lately.

    Hopefully I can get things back on track tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Hi all, I am beginning to feel the way everyone else is feeling. I am trying to stay positive and keep going. It is very hard when there is food everywhere. Still logging and drinking water. Everyone morning I wake up with good intentions but by the end of the day I have thrown in the towel. Too bad my clothes are not feeling any looser. I do not want December to be a wash. I find that I really do not want anyone to be disappointed in me. I know I am doing this for myself but you all are my support system and I do not want to disappoint you. Will keep trying.
    Elimay loved the song and glad you are getting to spend some quality time with all of your peeps.
    Sammylc do not give up, don't EVER give up. (That's what my son says all the time).
    Hope everyone else is doing better than me. Love reading everyone's entries. Keep it up, makes me smile.
    See you all tomorrow.
  • TheAnonGit
    I feel so proud of myself for today! I was offered treat after treat, and I refused all of them. I knew I wouldn't have time to exercise, and I didn't want to be over in my calories. I refused two doughnuts, a cookie, a pop, and some candy. Saying no actually feels really empowering! I think I'm going to have to do it more often. I wish I had been abe to squeeze some exercise in, then this day would have been perfect. It was still a good day either way though.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    I am so proud of you too Anongit That is empowering :bigsmile:

    Hang in there everyone !!!!!!!

    Hawk eye "ONLY" 90 mins Wow That is awesome.

    I am starting to train this month to do a half marathon with my girls and my hubby this summer .My daughter told me what to do to start im excited, Something big to work towards.

    Thank you everyoneI am having a great weekend not a succsses with my goals , my girls go home tommorow so I will get back to my goals and being determined .

    Goodnight !!!!!!!!!
  • corkey8806
    I did a little work out at my desk yesterday at work it gave me something to do since I wasn't busy. I have gained 2.8lbs since last saturday :frown: I gotta work harder then what I was my calories seem like they are staying in the range they are suppose to be in. I'm hoping I can do some kind of exercise when I get home if I'm not to tired from work. Just sitting at work can be a little boring and makes me tired.

    Well I hope everyone has a nice day
  • dooberbug
    Joining late, but this will help me for the rest of the month!

    My Goals:

    1 : Cardio 30+ minutes at least 2x/week (gotta start somewhere!) and PT 3x/week
    2 : Continue to log everything. Been at it for almost 40 days and haven't missed a day yet!
    3 : 60+g protein/day
    4 : Stay under 1500 net calories 6/7 days per week

    ...and here's a good one:
    5 : When (not if) I give in to temptation, DON'T bag the whole day, week, or month. Acknowledge (log it), put it behind me, and get right back on track.
  • jenergy_20
    Logging in for Fri- day 5
    400/ 560 oz water
    2/7 days stay with in my calories - no over 390
    22/28 serv fruits & vegs
    215/200 work out mins
    65,127/70,000 steps
    5/7 days log in everyday good or bad.

    I have some good and bad going on here for Friday. Water good, over cals (but made my 80 grams protein), short .5 on f and v. Did a 30 min dog walk and 1.5 hrs. raking leaves, steps 14,197.

    Welcome dooberbug!
  • jenergy_20
    :smile: So today I signed up for a weight loss challenge in my department at work our first weigh in is Dec 30th and it ends in Feb. I hope this really gets me movitated I really need it

    I did one last yr with my DD at the local community rec center it was lots of fun, but didnt like the weigh-ins. Were planning doing it again this yr. Have fun!
  • jenergy_20
    Found this challenge yesterday. Super Hero Challenge. ( 8 Weeks) If your interested? Last day for sign-ups are TODAY.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Way to go AnonGit!

    Log Calories - yes
    Eat less than burn - yes
    Exercise - yes
    Enjoy holiday - Using Christmas dishes, got out some Christmas dish towels and paper towels to use.

    Elimay it's nice that you have had such a long visit with your daughters and grandson.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodmorning !!!!!!!! thank you clover it was awesome :bigsmile: We had my sons graduation party last night over 50 people it was vey nice .

    I am ready to get back on tract today :angry: I will do my jog\run in just a bit and I will make good choices food wise felt pretty gross last night .

    I am loosing weight in my hands, my rings I have to wear on different fingers and my wedding band is getting loose it slides around .

    Wow looks like you had a pretty good day Jenergy and clover good job :happy:

    Welcome duberbug. :flowerforyou:

    I will check bac with days results tonight :wink: Have an awesome saterday :bigsmile:
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. Eaten well today and managed to stay under - just. Walked to and from the shops for my exercise today, hope to get some cardio done tomorrow.

    You are all great :drinker:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello Sammy proud of you you had a great day :happy: Thank you you are great too :smile:

    I reached a huge goal of mine today I am so excited I jogged our whole lake 3.5/8 I can not believe it. I didnt feel like ive made much progress but my goal for 3 months is to workout 30 mins a day is what helped me reach my goal of jogging the whole lake.

    I dont think my girls realize how much I have been working out, last night they set me up with the goal of doing our lake jog/ walk 3 or 4 times a week but not push myself it will take time , I did not start out today thinking I was going to do it but once I started I just kept going. I would have never thought at 52 I would become a jogger........... but I am wow.

    You dream it you CAN achieve it !!!!!!!!! My girls will be so surprised :bigsmile: They are seriously doughting my ability to be a jogger ,like trying to protect me or something ,they dont say that ,but thats what im thinking by there comments .
    Now I am seriously working toward a marathon.
  • spiritwolf13
    spiritwolf13 Posts: 67 Member
    Hello All would like to join in here are my goals

    1) to stop eating after 7:30pm this is a big one for me I am a night time snacker
    2) go through the massive amounts of papers i have piling up ( this will probably take sometime LOL)
    3) to try to cook more I hate to cook both my sisters love it. i will try a recipe either saturday or sunday.

    OK that is my goals for December may change how/ when do I report in? somoen please send me a message Thanks
    Good luck to everyone.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone!

    Much better day today.....had a lot more energy which really helped! I did the bike trainer, walked and did elliptical for 2.5 hours. Hopefully that will help to get the weight moving. I did adjust my weight loss goals and having more calories to work with made it easier to stay in the green. I didn't really cook but I did buy some groceries and plan to cook something tomorrow.

    Hope everyone had a great day!
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Hi all. Hope everyone is doing well. Trying to get motivated to get some Christmas shopping done. Just do not like the crowds at all. Last year did all of it on the Internet. Did not meet any of my goals today except got in my exercise. Eating was not good, drinking water was not good. No excuses, just having trouble getting it together.
    Going to really get on it tomorrow. Beginning of a new week and I have three weeks until the new year. Would like to be down at least 5 pounds by the end of the year.
    See you all tomorrow.