Determined December challenge : P



  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Trying to get motivated to get some Christmas shopping done. Just do not like the crowds at all. Last year did all of it on the Internet.

    LOL, I'm the same way - I refuse to go anywhere near a mall between Thanksgiving and New Years - all those people make me clautrophobic :laugh:
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Just got back in town, and I didn't particularly meet any of my goals today, but my calories are in the green, and I stocked up on fresh fruits and veggies and fish on the way home, so I'm set for a fresh start tomorrow! Hope everyone else is having a great weekend!
  • Well I didn't do much today. I way over slept today. Didn't wake up until 12. I did do a lot of work around the house and cleaned my car though. Played a lot of NHL Slapshot on wii. I played for about five hours. even with my inactive self today tomorrow should be more active and waking up at an earlier time. :happy:
  • Thank you Eliminay59 and Clover5!

    Today was my first Christmas party. I don't think I did too bad. I was able to control my portions for the most part. I probably should have drank more water, but oh well. I even got a little exercise in. All in all, today wasn't too bad.

    Have a great Sunday, everyone!
  • I didn't track, didn't exercise and probably went over a bit on my calorie goal, but I actually feeling ok about my day. I went to my husband's work party tonight and I made fantastic food choices. The rest of the day was pretty low key. My only food regret was eating on of my kid's quesadillas after I should have been done with lunch. Overall, I had a good day, but I need to get back to tracking and exercising tomorrow. :)
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodnight everyone :yawn: Have an awesome sunday :bigsmile:

    You are welcome clover :wink: and thank you !!!! you too :smile: good job you had a good day.

    Everybody needs a rest day, You must have needed it dream to play :smile:

    srp good job on planning ahead and staying in the green :happy:

    Hello DeeBear just keep trying some days are good and some days are not , just never give up :flowerforyou: You log in everyday and that is awesome you are committed , I didnt realise till today how much logging in and setting goals with the challenges was really helping ,but it is. And today I jogged for 58 mins if I had not been working out at least 30 mins most days which is my goal I would not have made my goal today so just keep trying I love seeing your friendly face : >

    Hawkeye good job you are just steady Im impressed and I love your posts, sometimes they crack me up {Your cooking or not cooking} Good job!!!!!

    Thank you everyone :happy: Oh welcome to spirit wolf :flowerforyou: great goals !!!!!!

    1. Excersize 58 min. goal 30 : >
    2. under calories : >
    3 . still working on water I dont think I will make my goal, try harder tommorow : >

    Healthy habit right before bed : > Im very pleased with my day !!!!!!
  • Good Evening Everyone! I have not been able to post from my phone, but the app did help me get through while my computer was fixed. Its here now and I am proud to tell you that I have stayed on track and Im dying to weigh in I have a feeling that its going to reflect my good choices. I have missed two waters over the past three days but that is not terrible, sometimes I feel like if I drink one more thing Im going to burst. LOL. I have been finding new recipes everynight and LOVING IT, so is my family.

    Goals for SUNDAY. (Im a huge football fan - Ravens) However, this is going to be the big challenge of the week. See we go to my in-laws and she is an amazing cook but not always the healthiest foods. I mean its like tailgate foods and snacks. She loves me though and is making her veggie soup that is delish. Anyway, Goals -

    Do not eat anything that is not diet approved.
    Drink all 8 glasses of water
    Clean my house before 12 and exercise before RAVENS game
    Get Christmas Cards done :O)

    Okay, wish everyone a very happy Sunday! Now its off to sleep before the baby wakes up to eat. Family Fun Day TOMORROW and I cant wait.

    Best Wishes to everyone!
  • Logging in for Sat- day 6
    483/ 560 oz water
    2/7 days stay with in my calories - no over 138
    25/28 serv fruits & vegs
    255/200 work out mins
    74,562/70,000 steps
    6/7 days log in everyday good or bad.

    Still working it. The most consistent I have been keep track for the longest time.

    elimay Go get em!!! :drinker:
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Elimay you are such an inspiration. You are AMAZING!!!. Hawkeye you are also an inspiration. Okay, Okay everyone in the challenge inspires me. I love reading everything about all of you.
    Today is a new day. I have three weeks to get something going here. I do not want to run in a marathon however, maybe someday. Was never much of an athlete. I just want to be able to walk, and walk, and walk. I think all of the snow has put a damper on my mood. I know I said no more excuses and here I go again. SHEESH!!!

    THANK YOU ALL! What a great bunch of people.

    Day has begun. Going to get going and start my day.

    Talk to you all later.
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Wow Elimay - jogging for 58 minutes, that is awesome well done

    Didn't manage to get my workout done again this morning but I'm trying not to stress about it, too many other pressures at the moment. Have had a couple of naughty snacks today but just had the best dinner ever - fish finger sandwiches with tomato ketchup and fries - yum yum. Would this be something that you eat in the US? In the UK fish fingers are usually just eaten by kiddies but every now and then I just have to eat some!

    Got to go, Elf is about to start on tv and it is my most favourite Xmas film - definitely not acting my age today but who cares!! :laugh:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Hello all, just checking in.

    Log Calories - yes
    Eat less than burn - yes
    Exercise - yes - step aerobics at home and walked my dog and my husband! (When I go, he goes; if I don't go, he doesn't) :laugh:
    Enjoy holiday - Took my daughter, 12, to do her Christmas shopping. We got along ok - I try to overlook the preteen attitude.

    Beautiful sunny Sunday morning 38*. Colorado at it's best!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    :bigsmile: Goodmorning !!!!!!!!!!

    Clover good job !!!! you are doing well on your goals. I have raised 7 teens on my last :noway: totaly understand the attitude, cant wait to be done with teens Love this child but he is my hardest attitude wise, I got him when he was 3 . He is getting a little better, I can tell he likes me again he bought me a stuffed angry bird yesterday and threw it at me :laugh:

    Dont stress Sammy have a fun day being a kid. We have chicken nuggets I think we may have chicken fingers yummy. Glad you are having a fun day !!!!!!! Thank you It felt amazing !!!!!!!!

    DeeBear you are so sweet :happy: I love seeing you on here too you are so kind . We all have different goals I want to run a marathon with my girls it probably never would have been a thought if my girls had not started doing it, but I seriously love it !!!! You can do it one step at a time (reach your goals ) Sorry about the snow I have to say I am envious we get mostly rain :frown: Have you thought about videos there are lots of different ones .

    You are doing amazing Jenergy and good job on tracking consistancy . Thank you for your encouragement :happy:

    So glad your computer is fixed penny :wink: that is awesome that you still have did great :bigsmile: ahve fun with inlaws sounds like a great family.

    I did 30 mins of excersize today, hubby wants me to do the lake before we go to dinner at sisters . My girls suggested go in oppisite directions so I dont get discouraged when he passes me, so we will try that today :laugh:

    I agree with our sweet DeeBear everyone inspires me too !!!!!!!!!! have a great day :flowerforyou: I will check back latter
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Hey Gang!

    First....I cooked. that's twice this month! I made beef and broccoli which was surprisingly not too bad. Have left overs for the three more meals. Stayed in the green on my calories again today.

    Worked out for a couple of hours between the bike and a walk. I also did a bunch of push ups, sit ups, etc for my strength training.

    The scale is still not moving....except for going up. I'm trying to not let it bug me but it does annoy me.

    I was good and got all my gifts wrapped and ready to be shipped out. Now I need to tackle the cards and the family letter. I have about 150 cards to write out as I send to all of my consumers along with family/friends. Guess I should work on that for a bit tonight.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend! Keep up the good work!
  • Everyone is doing so well! I'm so proud of all of you!

    My day went well. I was too chicken to go outside for a run. It was cold out. It's okay though. I stayed in the green for my calories, although just barely. I also got plenty of water. I'm beginning to get more consistent in my healthy habits. I'm very glad.

    I hope everyone has a terrific Monday!
  • It was a great day with the fam, Im so blessed with my family and my inlaw family! Ravens Feast was a breeze - not once did I feel like I needed that JUNK. I was able to get my house cleaned and workout in before the game today :O)

    Glad everyone is doing so well!!!!! This GROUP ROCKS!!!!

    Tomorrow I have the following goals.

    WATER 8x - Still cant seem to get that last one in I feel like im floating already have 1/2 of my seventh one left. I do drink organic green tea 3x a day as well (for the diet Im on) so I think that pushes me over board.

    Exercise - Bump up to 20 this week - I am running all day long but a solid workout is needed. Plus baby is starting to get on a better schedule so that will help me increase my workouts.

    Gather photos to send to video man - who is puttig final touches on our video from almost a year ago.

    Have a wonderful day everyone and great start to a new week!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello everyone I just realised I didnt log a few things today and it will put me over :grumble: oh well It was over all a good day .

    1. Excersized 60 mins Goal 30 : >
    2. Water not done yet dont think i will make it today we will see.
    3. over calories ,I went to my sisters for dinner. I tried to log everything but forgot what I ate before my run .

    Tommorow is a new day :happy:

    I thought of something fun .we are all from different places ,if you send me an email with a pic of where you walk ,run ect.... I will compile them into an email and send them to everyone . I walk, run a beautiful manmade lake with 2 fountains it is 3.5/8 around it is manicured with a path and bridges ........ How about you :bigsmile:

    Everyone is doing good !!!!!!!! see you all tommorow .
  • Hey everyone hope you all had a good weekend. I had a pretty good weekend saturday I worked til 4:30 then sunday I was off and did abouslty nothing the whole day it was wonderful.

    I my goals for this week
    1. Exercise at least 2 times this week (kinda fell off that)
    2.not to eat over my calories or be like hundred off
    3. Lose at least 1lb
  • Logging in for Sun- day 7
    566/ 560 oz water
    2/7 days stay with in my calories :huh:
    29.5/28 serv fruits & vegs
    300/200 work out mins
    86338/70,000 steps
    7/7 days log in everyday good or bad.

    Lost it and stopped counting went way over on my cals with PNB and crackers.
  • Same goals for this week, I upped my workout mins.
    0/ 560 oz water
    0/7 days stay with in my calories
    0/28 serv fruits and vegs
    0/280 work out mins
    0/70,000 steps
    0/7 days log in everyday good or bad.

    A new week... were ALL gonna make it a successful one :flowerforyou:

    My biggest challenge this week... staying with in my calories.

    elimay I added a pic of our place to my ticker.
  • Hello everyone,

    I have found my solution to my not hungry problem and not wanting to not eat something. I have had in my house for a while some slim fast and right size smoothie mixes and decided when i am not hungry i am going to just drink one of them so i at least get some nutrition in me. And they are both chocolate and taste great! :happy:

    So i had a bit of a break down with food this weekend though. I had season fries and Mott sticks and almost a whole small pizza. :sad: i really will have to work to get back into my normal good work out schedule.

    This weeks goals are:
    1. Water water water...lots of water!
    2. More fruits and veggies
    3. Work out harder and longer
    4. No junk food

    Confidence and determination...that is key! Must stay focused on the goal at hand! :smile:

    Best of luck everyone! :happy: