your screenname - how did you pick it?



  • lucyford22
    lucyford22 Posts: 198 Member
    Lucy Ford comes from the band Atmosphere. I used to be kind of obsessed with them.
  • My first name is Hannah and my middle name is Louise(Luu). The two numbers are my birth year :')
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    It's a combo of my first/last name which became a nickname with friends when I got married. It stuck. And I recently added the Runs13.1 because...well I love running half marathons!
  • I'm a beauty!

    Lol, I got my name from the year I was born. 1989

    LaBelle cause my dad is from the Orleans in the French Republic. Not to mention I am studying, so it was fun at the time.
  • I didn't think about it too much. :laugh:
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I used to look like the Honey Monster...but HMonster was already taken, so just added an X for style =/
  • Yakarobed
    Yakarobed Posts: 13 Member
    My first and middle name spelled backwards.
  • puppywalker
    puppywalker Posts: 109 Member
    I have three little dogs. At the time started MFP, I was trying to give them all a daily walk. That fizzled out, but MFP stayed.
  • "Atomic Punk" is an old Van Halen song, and I love Van Halen. Also, I ski on Atomic skis, and skiing is my passion in life.1974 is the year I was born.
  • Amyeeeeeee
    Amyeeeeeee Posts: 93 Member
    well sungurl23 is from when I was 23 yrs old and I set up my yahoo account. I also got a woman sun tattoo that year as well
  • 3ur3ka
    3ur3ka Posts: 230 Member

    Eureka is a nickname I picked up when I lived with my ex and our 3 room mates. Kind of stuck.
  • TRIMoses59
    TRIMoses59 Posts: 86 Member
    My name is masters- (Christ) girl- (child of the king)!
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    my first name with 18 (is my fav #). the 1820 is part of my email addy
  • yukimiyazawa
    yukimiyazawa Posts: 83 Member
    it's a lyric from "unholy confessions" by avenged sevenfold.

    "when time soaked with blood turns its back
    i know it's hard to fall
    confided in me was your heart
    i know it's hurting you, but it's killing me"
  • PatasDeGallina
    PatasDeGallina Posts: 155 Member
    I used to use other things, but this was the twitter name I settled on when all my old ones were taken. I like it now because no one else uses it.

    It's what my grandma used to call me. Catarina Patas De Gallina. She even sang a little song with it.

    I have skinny ankles, I don't know if that was her inspiration. :smile:
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member
    first name middle name age in roman numerals.
  • Shrinking_Xtina
    Shrinking_Xtina Posts: 478 Member
    As I lose weight I am shrinking and my name is Christina :wink:
  • Justkf
    Justkf Posts: 208 Member
    FatBastard was taken
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    smkcx is my username for everything (literally) ~ its a combo of my initials, my fiance's and our son's. lol
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    Mrs cuz I'm married
    Melly for my nickname
    Mac for a shortened version of my last name

    AND THEN because it sounds like that hand game: Miss Mary Mac lol