December-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN GROUP!!!



  • Met one of my three goals yesterday (YIKES!!!) ...

    My Wednesday Goals are:

    1. Continue 8k Training, including upper body strength training;
    2. Burn over 1,000 calories; and
    3. Drink 13 glasses of water.
  • Hello all! My name is Kelly. I started attending a Zumba class about 16 months ago and have been a Cardio Dance instructor since July. I'm not skinny by any means and worry that might hinder my class size. But then I figure that working out with an instructor who is on the same path as you and works out as hard or harder than you, could be a great incentive. :) I decided around Thanksgiving to just maintain through the holidays and I've gained a few or 10 pounds since then. I'm outta control. Wanting to get my control back and not completely sabotage all I have accomplished so far. I started out at 300 pounds, lost around 20 pounds before MFP and I'm down 35 pounds all together. My ultimate goal is to get to either 150 poundsor a size 7/8....I'm good with either :).

    1.Great Cardio workout tonight
    2. Drink my 8-10 glasses of water today
    3. Stay within calorie range

    I burned over 800 calories in class, then went upstairs and did some ab work.
    Drank 8 glasses of water.
    Thank God I worked out and had some extra calories to eat last night :)
  • Three goals for this loverly Hump Day:

    1. Going to workout, even though it's not a teaching day for me
    2. Staying away from Soda
    3. Drink my 8-10 glasses of water today.
  • annemama
    annemama Posts: 245 Member
    Goals for December 15th:

    1. Use my juicer to make something yummy!
    2. Eat no more than 1/2 of my exercise calories
    3. drink the dang water!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    My name is Cana. I've lost just over 50 lbs and am in maintenance mode, but I would like to lose 6% more body fat and to get toned. So that gets me to my goals:
    1. Work out for 15-20 minutes daily. I am gone to work/commute from 7:30 am - 11:30 pm, so this is doable for me.
    2. Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day. (Not a water drinker.)
    3. Don't eat after 9 pm. (I always crave a late night salty snack.)

    I will see how it goes when I check in tomorrow. :) Good luck everyone!:smile:
  • RosalindaP
    RosalindaP Posts: 31 Member
    So I failed at 2 out of 3 goals for yesterday! I didn't exercise and I didn't remain here I go again Same goals:

    1. Stay within my calorie allottment
    2. At least 30 mins of Cardio
    3. Keep my BP down, remain calm!

    Wish me luck!:wink:
  • AmyinMD
    AmyinMD Posts: 33 Member
    I did great on my goals til late last night I ate a sandwich that put me over my calorie allotment. booo

    Wed 12/15 goals
    get in to work early
    take lunch to work
    spirometer at least 3 times

    Have a great day everyone.
  • This sounds like a great idea! It reminds me of how we would set daily goals when I was in hospital earlier this year and evaluate them at the end of the day. I think it would do me some good to get back in the habit. I am 36 years old and to date have lost about 35 to 40 pounds this year. I am really excited about my husband's recent increase in motivation to take care of himself and work on his eating and exercise too! He has lost 39 pounds this year...many thanks to my fitness pal. In fact it was my husband who got me to start using my fitness pal and to start exercising again. I work with teenagers at an alternative learning school. I am a therapist with a community mental health agency that provides mental health services in the school. My husband and I have been married almost 12 years (in February). We don't have any human children, but do have an 11 year old australian shepherd and two cats, 13 years and 15 years. I just joined our local Rush...has anyone else had any experience at the Rush? good or bad? so that brings me to my goals for tomorrow...
    1. Get up before 8 am... technically I should be at work by 8 am...but I have a hard time waking up...and we really don't have any kids until 9am...but still I need to get better about getting there up before 8 am...(and I don't mean 7:59 am)
    2. Drink some water - at least one fill of my large water bottle...about a liter...(I know i need to drink more than this...but I need to start somewhere.)
    3. Go to the company Christmas party...stay under my calorie goal...then go to the gym for my first workout with my personal trainer!!!
    Okay...enough already...hope everyone else has a great night and wonderful day tomorrow!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    So I am a little late rejoining! I will catch up shortly!
    My goals for December 15 are

    1. Drink 10-12 glasses of water
    2. Snack healthy!
    3. Limit my cookies to no more than three!
    number 4 should have been to finish laundry, but managed that over night in between sleeping!

    Have a wonderful day!!!!! Remember smile!!
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    Good Morning All!


    Workouts were kept in pace with my 30 day challenge!
    WATER was off yesterday
    My numbers were WAYYYY OFFF
    I DID NOT LOG....:blushing:

    I lost at the party and left overs are at work today! Somebody HELP! I didnt even eat for the rest of the day after the party. Today I have lucnh planned as left over partyy food which does include salad. But there are all kinds of cakes, pies and cookies, left too....

    December Goals will remain the same all month.....

    1. Workout Schedule consisting to no less than 5 workouts a week. If I get more that is a plus!
    2. WATER WATER and more WATER! The life juice....12 or more glasses a day :drinker:
    3. Calorie and CARB count under required daily allotments (HARD FOR THIS SEASON)

    Have a blessed day and Good Luck on your goals! :bigsmile:

  • Look who found you guys..!!/???... ME!!! That's right!!!! Jessie Mae! How are you all??????? I need to come back so bad!!!!!!! For those of you who don't know me..... Here we go!
    My name is Jessica, Jessie, Jess--whatever you want to call me! I will be 30 in January and right now I weigh more than I ever have in my life (minus pregnancies). August before last I started on MFP and lost 20 lbs!! Long story short--I got cocky and went out of control!!! I am very disappointed with myself. I was looking good and feeling awesome!!! Now I hate myself! Nothing fits and I see my gut on my lap, I see my face is pudgier than EVER!!!!! OK no time to dwell on my mistakes!!! I'm going to start like I've never started before!
    I am a mom of two- a 7 year old girl and a 4 year old boy. I have a WONDERFULLY amazing and supportive husband!!! ANYTHING I do he is there to support me!!! Weight Loss, My Mary Kay Business (which by the way if anyone wants any info on buying or selling yell at me!!), ANYTHING! I couldn't be luckier! My goal with my MK job is to quit my secretary job so I need to feel good about myself so that I can promote my business and also have the energy to do so!!!
    They way I'm feeling right now I could type for DAYS! But instead I will just post my goals!

    2.)GET everything done that I want to get done on my desk at my dayjob
    3.) clean up the house as soon as I get home to make a spot for my new stationary bike!
    4.)Use the stationary bike
    5.)come in BELOW CALORIES!

    feels good to be back!!!
  • I love this idea. I think it'll help me meet my end weight goal by the end of this year or end of January 2012 at the latest. I am 42 years old and have officially lost 16 pounds since August. My ticker says 20 because that's what I lost when I included the dieter's tea loss before Thanksgiving -- that loss was temporary (water weight I figured out). :ohwell: I just don't feel like changing it back to reflect the 16. Instead, the 20 gives me motivation to work towards it and when I hit goal then I will log it.

    Anyway, my three goals for today (December 14) are:

    1: Drink 12 glasses of water.
    2: Log each morsel I eat and stay under calorie goal.
    3: Exercise with hubby after work for 30 minutes on the treadmill.

    Looking forward to posting my accomplishments and new goals tomorrow.

    WOO HOO! I was successful in accomplishing these goals yesterday.
    Today (December 15), my three goals are similar.
    1: Drink 12 glasses (or more) of water. May up this to 15 after one week.
    2: Log each meal and stay under calorie goal (includes taking taking daily vitamins)
    3: Attend Zumba class for a 60-minute workout.
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    AH! Just saw this open group and would LOVE to join! My goals for today are:

    1. Drink 3L of water
    2. Jump on elliptical for 30 minutes
    3. Stay slightly under or right at my appropriate caloric intake

    WOO HOO! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! :flowerforyou:
  • I think I met my goals yesterday. I was up early and rode the stationary bike, walked 9082 steps. read my bible. I said no to sugar yesterday and took home the 1 piece of fudge to my husband.

    Today, give two compliments, must buy my bosses their christmas presents since I am off next week, say no to sugar, I work at a hospital, sugar is everywhere. Make my 10,000 steps.....Oh my.....Diana:flowerforyou:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    just saw this challenge....for today: no sweets in the evening,....stay within my calorie range, on my studies:flowerforyou:
  • M77308
    M77308 Posts: 183
    1) Stay within calories - we have a work Christmas party tonight, so it'll be hard!!
    2) Do the 30 Day Shred, Day 2 workout
    3) Drink my 8 glasses of water.

    I did accomplish goal #3 yesterday. Our work Christmas party destroyed goal #1 and the party lasted longer than expected, so there went goal #2. Back to the grind today, though...

    Today's goals:
    1) Drink at least 8 glasses of water.
    2) 30 Day Shred workout
    3) Turn the TV off tonight, and have strictly family time.
  • AmyinMD
    AmyinMD Posts: 33 Member
    I did great on my goals til late last night I ate a sandwich that put me over my calorie allotment. booo

    Wed 12/15 goals
    get in to work early
    take lunch to work
    spirometer at least 3 times

    Have a great day everyone.

    I have gotten my days so mixed up this week. The goals above were for today (Thursday, the 15) and I completed all three. Yeahhhhhhh, Amy

    Friday's goals 12/16/11:

    Get to work by 9 am
    do not go over calorie limit

    Success to Everyone!

  • 1. Get up before 8 am... technically I should be at work by 8 am...but I have a hard time waking up...and we really don't have any kids until 9am...but still I need to get better about getting there up before 8 am...(and I don't mean 7:59 am)
    2. Drink some water - at least one fill of my large water bottle...about a liter...(I know i need to drink more than this...but I need to start somewhere.)
    3. Go to the company Christmas party...stay under my calorie goal...then go to the gym for my first workout with my personal trainer!!!
    Okay...enough already...hope everyone else has a great night and wonderful day tomorrow!

    Well I didn't quite make it up until right at 8 I didn't make that one...but I did drink more water today than I usually do, and I made it to the Christmas party, stayed under my calorie goal and made it to the gym...for an awesome workout...well...a kick *kitten* workout...literally...i fell on my butt at least twice... I have no balance and no coordination...Core I come...

    Goals for tomorrow...

    1. Get up before 8 am...(i know I'll keep trying until I get it.)
    2. Drink at least three 20 ounce bottles of water..
    3. do a 30 minute workout with wii fit...

    Have a great night all!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • [/quote]
    WOO HOO! I was successful in accomplishing these goals yesterday.
    Today (December 15), my three goals are similar.
    1: Drink 12 glasses (or more) of water. May up this to 15 after one week.
    2: Log each meal and stay under calorie goal (includes taking taking daily vitamins)
    3: Attend Zumba class for a 60-minute workout.

    And yes, I did it again!! YAAAYYYY!!!! I actually drank 15 cups of water. :bigsmile:
    Today (December 16), my three goals are:
    1: Drink 12 glasses (or more) of water. May up this to 15 after one week.
    2: Be mindful of what I eat today at the company "Service Awards" celebration -- small portions of meat/dairy/pasta/desserts; large portions of greens/veggies.
    3: Exercise 30 minutes (already done this morning).
  • dchienku
    dchienku Posts: 625 Member
    Hi there
    My name is Denise and I am a stay at home mom of two very beautiful children. I would love to be part of this group.

    1. go to bed by 11pm not 1 am
    2.stay away from refined sugars
    3.drink 8 glasses of water
