whats the craziest request a customer has given you?



  • Gemini_1980
    Gemini_1980 Posts: 349 Member
    I worked retail in the lingerie department for awhile after highschool- a male customer asked me could I try on a bra and panty set and show him how it looked on me because he stated that his girlfriend was the same size as me and he wanted to make sure it fit...huuuuuuhhhhh??? I kindly explained our return and exchange policy:ohwell:
  • caitmcwill
    A hotel guest wanted his bathtub filled with cherry jell-o.

    thats normal...
  • tishytaylor
    tishytaylor Posts: 10 Member
    I work for a small, independent coffee shop and nothing comes to mind as far as "crazy" requests, but there are a few things that just drive me up the wall, such as ordering a 20oz cappuccino and complaining that there's too much foam! I get that not everyone can be a coffee expert, but if you're not sure what the drink is, please ask! Or when someone orders a drink off the Starbucks menu. It's kind of like walking into a burger joint and ordering a Big Mac, not to mention that many of their drinks are inaccurately named. Like a Caramel Macchiato is nowhere near what a real, true macchiato is. I hate having to clarify with a customer every time a macchiato is ordered that they want the Starbucks drink and not a REAL macchiato. Ugh. And the other day I had someone order a "blended mocha latte frappuccino." That's like three different drinks in one request.

    Sorry, I don't mean to sound like a coffee snob, I've just been working there for like four years and I have a lot of work peeves. And I can't tell THEM.

    Are you kidding me? That gargantuan mound of foam is the best part! Smear it on your mouth and voila, instant rabies :D

    This made me laugh out loud, great stuff.
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    Im sure red robin hates me.... we like to do b-days and other extended family things there.. I order the guacamole bacon burger but here is what I ask for.. be prepared and don't hate on me LMAO

    guacamole bacon burger... wheat bun instead of white, 1 slice of cheese instead of 2, roman lettuce instead of iceberg, turkey patty instead of beef, no bacon, guacamole on the side .. so I can put on as much or little as I want, and I ask for it cut in half and a box brought with my meal ( that way I only eat half of the burger.. the other half is out of sight out of mind LOL) ... I KNOW I KNOW picky right... well I try to make very good choices even when we eat out. not to mention it take a regularly 1046 calorie burger to a 774calorie burger.. but I only eat half of that so its really only 387calories .. and yes I eat a small amount of fries hehehehe
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    LOL thats okay, imagine a few of these situations.

    My first job was a Pizza Hut server/cook. One night I had this mute come in and he would try to order by pointing at pictures, but want to change things. I was smart, I handed him some paper and a pen. When I got the paper back it was asking me for my phone number so he could text (of course we couldn't talk!). Somebody didn't have many girlfriends!

    I have a food cart now, it has about 70 toppings to put onto burgers and sausages. Well I've made a Bacon Cheeseburger with Mac & Cheese, Hashbrown, Parmesan cheese and ketchup. I've made a sausage with Broken up butterfinger bits and grilled sauerkraut! A pb & j smoked sausage with deep fried chocolate muffin covered in powdered sugar. Cheesy fries with spaggettios!

    Thats what my food cart does... on top of some of my best sellers :D Bacon Wrapped Chicken Wings, Bacon wrapped Corn Dogs. A double patty cheeseburger with bratwurst on it...

    Its pretty crazy!
  • SilverStar18
    SilverStar18 Posts: 53 Member
    Im sure red robin hates me.... we like to do b-days and other extended family things there.. I order the guacamole bacon burger but here is what I ask for.. be prepared and don't hate on me LMAO

    guacamole bacon burger... wheat bun instead of white, 1 slice of cheese instead of 2, roman lettuce instead of iceberg, turkey patty instead of beef, no bacon, guacamole on the side .. so I can put on as much or little as I want, and I ask for it cut in half and a box brought with my meal ( that way I only eat half of the burger.. the other half is out of sight out of mind LOL) ... I KNOW I KNOW picky right... well I try to make very good choices even when we eat out. not to mention it take a regularly 1046 calorie burger to a 774calorie burger.. but I only eat half of that so its really only 387calories .. and yes I eat a small amount of fries hehehehe

    Hahahah Ana, I work part time at red robin (in Kelowna, BC)! I see people like you everyday!!!! But honestly, it doesnt bother me because I like it when people order healthier choices, but most servers arent like that haha :P
    Its funny because i do the EXACT same thing when I go in there on my day off. My favourite is: Teriyaki chicken burger, lettuce wrapped instead of a bun, no may, easy teriyaki sauce, and one slice of cheese instead of 2. Sometimes sub broccoli instead of fries if im feeling extra good :)
  • SilverStar18
    SilverStar18 Posts: 53 Member
    Im sure red robin hates me.... we like to do b-days and other extended family things there.. I order the guacamole bacon burger but here is what I ask for.. be prepared and don't hate on me LMAO

    guacamole bacon burger... wheat bun instead of white, 1 slice of cheese instead of 2, roman lettuce instead of iceberg, turkey patty instead of beef, no bacon, guacamole on the side .. so I can put on as much or little as I want, and I ask for it cut in half and a box brought with my meal ( that way I only eat half of the burger.. the other half is out of sight out of mind LOL) ... I KNOW I KNOW picky right... well I try to make very good choices even when we eat out. not to mention it take a regularly 1046 calorie burger to a 774calorie burger.. but I only eat half of that so its really only 387calories .. and yes I eat a small amount of fries hehehehe

    Hahahah Ana, I work part time at red robin (in Kelowna, BC)! I see people like you all the time!!!! But honestly, it doesnt bother me because I like it when people order healthier choices, but most servers arent like that haha :P
    Its funny because i do the EXACT same thing when I go in there on my day off. My favourite is: Teriyaki chicken burger, lettuce wrapped instead of a bun, no may, easy teriyaki sauce, and one slice of cheese instead of 2. Sometimes sub broccoli instead of fries if im feeling extra good :)
  • SilverStar18
    SilverStar18 Posts: 53 Member
    I sold shoes throughout college. I have had the request to put shoes on the NASTIEST feet ever. I had to put shoes on an old lady that had no bladder control and her pants were soaked. I also had a lady who always wanted to buy 2 pair of shoes because her feet were different sizes, but she wanted a discount because she couldn't wear half the shoes she bought. I actually found another lady that had the opposite feet. I introduced the 2 ladies and they became shoe buying friends. They were happy that their shoes were not going to waste, they got great fitting shoes and they saved money.

    Urine lady, that is nasty. But congrats on the brilliant matchmaking with the Jack Sprat of shoes!

    Omg this actually just made me laugh so hard.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    Slightly off topic but here is my "odd" request, well i dont think its odd but i always got comments.

    In the bad old days my favourite butty shop order would be beef with cheese and a bit of ketchup.

    Cant remember how many times ive been looked at like a freak or they ask me if im serious etc.

    In my mind, its just a cold cheeseburger?
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I was an LMT about 23 years ago. (Licensed Massage Technician) Had a guy come in for a massage. Worked on his back for half and hour and then asked him to roll over so I could work on the front. When he rolled over, he was visibly "excited" and asked me for a "happy ending".

    That was the end all right. Don't think he was very happy. That was one of the downsides of massage. On the other hand, that's how I met my wife, so it wasn't all bad.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I design and build machinery. Custom built equipment. For chemical engineers. In many cases they do not really live in the physical world and they do not understand machinery at all. I am frequently asked to violate the laws of safety, the laws of the state of Ohio, and sometimes the laws of physics. I'm about 75% successful. :laugh:
  • StoneColdLiger
    StoneColdLiger Posts: 29 Member
    I've never worked with customers, I'm a behind the scenes kinda guy. but I did want to comment on this,
    ...i had a friend tell me when she worked at a fast food place,someone came and placed an order for a cheeseburger with no cheese!...
    I did that once because I had a coupon for a free cheeseburger but at the time, didn't like cheese on my burgers.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I work for a small family owned oil company... My favorite is when they say "Do you know what oil is going to cost next week?"... It is always hard not to roll my eyes and say "Lemme consult my crystal ball...":laugh:
    OR when I say that oil is $3.50 per gallon and they say "How much for 100 gallons then?".... I know, it's hard to figure out... :huh:
  • Kristy1214
    I work for a disposal company, one morning, we have a call from someone behind one of our trucks, the flashing light on it is annoying him and he wants me to contact the driver and have him shut it off, he's behind this truck almost every day and it's annoying.

    I explain that the flashing lights are saftey features and can't be shut off, if the truck is running, then they are on. his reply...well what if I was an epileptic, that would cause a seizures. Sir, I don't think you should be driving if you have seizures, in fact, they take your license until you are seizures free for 6 months...

    well umm how about you leave 5 minutes eariler...just sayin.
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    This woman opened the box of butter in the dairy aisle, and brought ONE STICK up to my register...then got pissy when I told her NO i cant ring up a SINGLE STICK OF BUTTER. She then told me to go get the rest of the box AND THEN ring her up. ARE YOU KIDDING ME????

    *deep breath*

    It still digs at me...

    I used to work grocery back many, many years ago and in some stores this was common practice.

    At the same store, back when you sent film off-site for processing, I had a customer who got UP IN MY FACE screaming at the top of his lungs about his pictures because the sky wasn't as blue in the pictures as it was on his trip. Seriously, a 40+ year old man screaming at a 19 year old girl who simply puts envelopes in a big envelope to send them to an off-site processor, has nothing to do with your film other than filing it alphabetically. If he was that talented of a photographer he should have taken it to a real Photo lab. Doofus.
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    Slightly off topic but here is my "odd" request, well i dont think its odd but i always got comments.

    In the bad old days my favourite butty shop order would be beef with cheese and a bit of ketchup.

    Cant remember how many times ive been looked at like a freak or they ask me if im serious etc.

    In my mind, its just a cold cheeseburger?

    Everything goes with cheese! But I get the same looks from people who HAVE NEVER TRIED toasted cheese with strawberry jam. Mmmm....
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    Cheese and jam sandwiches are epic, cheese and jam toasties more so, if you can avoid 3rd degree burns eating it!
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    Lol,thnx for sharing everyone,some of these are pretty crazy!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I work for a small, independent coffee shop and nothing comes to mind as far as "crazy" requests, but there are a few things that just drive me up the wall, such as ordering a 20oz cappuccino and complaining that there's too much foam! I get that not everyone can be a coffee expert, but if you're not sure what the drink is, please ask! Or when someone orders a drink off the Starbucks menu. It's kind of like walking into a burger joint and ordering a Big Mac, not to mention that many of their drinks are inaccurately named. Like a Caramel Macchiato is nowhere near what a real, true macchiato is. I hate having to clarify with a customer every time a macchiato is ordered that they want the Starbucks drink and not a REAL macchiato. Ugh. And the other day I had someone order a "blended mocha latte frappuccino." That's like three different drinks in one request.

    Sorry, I don't mean to sound like a coffee snob, I've just been working there for like four years and I have a lot of work peeves. And I can't tell THEM.

    I was a barista for about 6 years at 2 different shops and these kinds of requests drove me crazy! Or you give them their macchiato or cappuccino and it's "too strong" haha... if you want gas station coffee, go to a gas station.
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    So when I worked at a supermarket in in the service desk one guy gave me his essays on how to stop drinking and how to study better along with the movie TOP GUN.-> I still have the movie.... the papers went to management because he was a little off his rocker and wanted evidence if he turned into a stalker.