Are you going to log Christmas day?



  • I'm fecking working nightshift on a busy ward. So aye, I'll be logging it. No xmas dinner for me this year at all. Sad chops. Although, never having worked xmas before - my band 6 tells me it's "order pizza" night on such festivities. And I'll be taking in some treats for all of us. I don't break on nights, so I can keep moving and burning, ha!
  • Juliealittle
    Juliealittle Posts: 22 Member
    You bet I'll be logging on Christmas day! Why wouldn't I? Do my weight loss goals change that day? Hell, no! Just because it's a holiday, doesn't give me a reason to stop working towards my goal. I will eat a nice Christmas dinner and have some treats, but I will log it and probably go ride my bike trainer later in the day. Christmas is a time to celebrate special times with family, not a reason for a feeding frenzy.
  • loved1
    loved1 Posts: 206 Member
    Yes, I want logging to be a daily habit & it will help me create an honest picture as I work towards my 12/31 goal. I'm going to eat what I want & bust through my calorie budget:tongue: but since my body is counting it, I might as well.

    I will probably add a significant amount of extra calories to that day in advance so that I can work around it.
    I have done the same thing for a once a year steakhouse dinner that I will be attending this month.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Yes I will log in. I might want to cry when its all over, but Ill be honest.
  • LOL yes I have NO intentions of eating like a cow :( I don't think that I should because I eat a little sweet almost everyday LOL
  • Lanna74
    Lanna74 Posts: 203 Member
    Yes. On the new p.c. I'm asking for! This one is old and slllloooowww....