Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - December 2011



  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hey there ladies! I've been following along with everyone as much as I possibly can... You all seem to be doing pretty awesome!

    Charlee is napping so I thought I'd pop in really quick and say hello :)

    To the person who mentioned the Bradley Method...Al and I took the classes and we learned so much. I had already been in the frame of mind that I wanted a natural, unmedicated birth, but taking the class I realized that this was the only way I wanted to go. Before I had said "well if it hurts too bad I will get an epidural"...well guess what, of course it hurts "too bad" lol That is why it is called "labor"! At the end of the day I really learned to just listen to my body and do what my body told me to do to get through the pain of it all. Having a supportive husband and nurse was key as well. I had a 9 hour labor from first contraction to baby and only had to push through 3 contractions to deliver her. It was a pretty amazing experience and one that I plan on for baby number two (in a few more years of course!).

    Well I am slowly but surely getting back into some kind of routine. Charlee is a month old today and we are still working out the kinks, but exercise is such an important part of my life and I feel like something is missing when I don't get to do it. Charlee is of course the priority, but finding time and energy to workout has taken some creativity these days. So even though most days you feel drained and you just wanna lay on the couch...I urge you to push past the "lazies" and get in those workouts! Cause when baby comes it will be all but impossible in the beginning and you will be even more tired WITH a baby and having to figure out your workouts. It is hard...but so worth it. I can honestly say I feel like supermom on the days where I can get in a workout and a shower and eat without having a screaming baby! lol

    I hope you all the best and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Keep up the awesome work and take care of yourself and those beautiful babies! :)
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    I've been lurking, and catching up on reading all of the posts. Sounds like all you ladies are doing great!

    This pregnancy has been one heck of an emotional roller coaster. The good news is that I am 4 days away from my last and final trimester. I look back and can't believe that we've made it this far, even after the complications that we have gone through. A few days ago, another one got thrown at us. I have gestational diabetes. Not a big surprise, my mom was a severe type 1 diabetic and I've been borderline since I was a teenager. Heck, I barely passed the early screening they did on me back in the first trimester (failed the 1 hour and barely passed the 3 hour). I go and talk to a nutritionist today in about 3 1/2 hours, hopefully they can give me a diet plan that will help me control my glucose levels. My goal is to remain off of insulin treatments. I've been testing my levels for the past 48 hours and 95% of them are in the green. I did have a high number after dinner last night, but that's because I threw in some candied yams in an effort to try and eat my calories for the day. Big mistake on my part. I've been limiting my carb intake to about 60 per meal and 30 per snack, and that seems to be working for me. Only downside is I have 200-500 calories left over for the day that I can't fill (not to mention a full stomach). I've already lost an entire 3 lbs in the last 48 hours because of it.

    Oh well, roll with the punches, one day at a time, cross bridges as I get to them and work my hardest to make sure that I'm healthy for Kaiden. There are so many more problems I have to worry about with the delivery and birth and also Kaiden's health. Even if all things go smoothly, he could be born with complications now. I do have to say that my husband has been great through all of this, letting me cry on his shoulder when I need the breakdown and being so supportive. He's already told me that I need to cook how I need to and he'll eat it with me. So proud to have him.
  • Demwitted
    Discovered yet another food I am not supposed to have today: parsley. Discovered this over a side of delicious tabouli (which is sometimes made with cilantro, so my tabouli could have been totally fine... but I haven't even checked, but in all likelihood cilantro is also bad for pregnancy). I'm starting to think it might be easier to make a list of foods I am allowed to have. Here are the things I'm told not to eat so far:

    ceasar salad dressing
    lunch meat
    pate (not really a problem on this one)
    soft cheese.. no brie, feta, or blue cheese :(
    herbal tea, but I'm drinking chamomile anyway. I can't find anything that says it's bad. Saying "no herbal tea" is like saying "no soup"
    artificial sweeteners
    bean sprouts
    One site says "do not eat any raw fruits or vegetables" : WHAT? My diet would be so bad without ANY raw fruits and veggies.
    peanuts (although I hear that is just if you have a history of food allergies in your family)

    Have I left anything out? I'm trying to be as cautious as possible since this is my first pregnancy and since I'm already somewhat at risk purely because of my weight. Eating properly is really starting to stress me out.
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    Discovered yet another food I am not supposed to have today: parsley. Discovered this over a side of delicious tabouli (which is sometimes made with cilantro, so my tabouli could have been totally fine... but I haven't even checked, but in all likelihood cilantro is also bad for pregnancy). I'm starting to think it might be easier to make a list of foods I am allowed to have. Here are the things I'm told not to eat so far:

    ceasar salad dressing
    lunch meat
    pate (not really a problem on this one)
    soft cheese.. no brie, feta, or blue cheese :(
    herbal tea, but I'm drinking chamomile anyway. I can't find anything that says it's bad. Saying "no herbal tea" is like saying "no soup"
    artificial sweeteners
    bean sprouts
    One site says "do not eat any raw fruits or vegetables" : WHAT? My diet would be so bad without ANY raw fruits and veggies.
    peanuts (although I hear that is just if you have a history of food allergies in your family)

    Have I left anything out? I'm trying to be as cautious as possible since this is my first pregnancy and since I'm already somewhat at risk purely because of my weight. Eating properly is really starting to stress me out.

    Lunch meat you can still eat, it just has to be heated through to kill any potential bacteria hiding in there. I eat it all the time in my lunch time sandwiches. Seafood you have to be careful with, but you can still eat. Fish is fine as long as it's only a couple of servings a week and it's low mercury (aka not the meaty tasting fishes). Raw is out because of the chance of getting sick and food poisoning. Soft cheeses can still be eaten as long as they are made with pasteurized milk, which most made in the states are. It's the ones made with unpasteurized milk that you can't have. Coffee is actually OK in moderation. You are allowed 200mg of caffeine a day, which is like 2 cups I believe. Herbal tea I have never been told no, it's my night time drink before I go to bed, Might be the caffeine thing though. Raw fruits and veggies just make sure they are washed and clean before eating. Nuts are fine too, I've never heard any different. Some of the rest on that list I'm not sure about, or hadn't heard anything different.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hi mommies,
    We went to the Dr friday, and everything is ok.

    I told the Dr about the BHC & he did a check and told me that the baby's head is down and that could have cause those contractions but everything is ok. TG! We heard her heartbeat again, didn;t get to see her on the sonogram, but her heartbeat makes us melt.

    I will be going every 2 weeks from now until the end of Jan.

    It was so busy at work yesterday that I couldn't respond to the board. Then at night we had a pre birthday dinner out with my guys.
    Today we washed, organized, cleaned the playyard, swing & other items we got for the baby as well as lots of home cleaning and I am pooped.

    We took a 15 min walk last night, it felt good to move these legs. lol

    I'll take more time to respond tomorrow, going to our nephews kiddie party.

    ~Brenda~ 29 wks 4dys
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Had a sneak peek at my 30 week pumpkin today (free). She's looking well, active. Got tons of u/s pictures. The pumpkin turned head down finally, and hopefully she won't turn it back up again. Lately my tummy has been her happy playground, seems like all day/night long. :-)

  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Hey ladies:)

    Wow! I can't believe it is Sunday already!!!
    I drove hubby to a party for his one of his long time buddies who got his PhD on Friday....a kegger. It was over an hour away, and I wasn't looking forward to being the pregnant, bloated girl not drinking at the party, and thought not having a beer with everyone else would be hard. Surprisingly, I had no desire for beer, although I had one small sip of his, and totally didn't miss it. I was really nice to see our friends, but boy, I was tired all day yesterday after getting home at 2 am.
    So, yesterday was a TV marathon, and a little Christmas shopping, then my fav chinese rest. for dinner:)
    I found a Chicco Key Fit 30 travel system brand new in the box at a baby resale store for $120, so I put a $20 deposit on and will go back to pick it up after my Dec 28th sonogram....I didn't want to jinx myself and get it earlier....but sooo excited to get such a great deal on the exact system I wanted:)

    As far as what not to eat -- my doc hasn't said anything. Of course I limit my coffee, but he actually instructed me to keep drinking it since he had read a lot of research on how women drinking coffee have lower chances of Post partum depression.
    I still eat lunch meat occasionally, but it is fresh sliced form the Publix and I eat it that day. From what I understand the pre-packaged lunch meats are the biggest carriers of listeria...but then again what about all of those fruit scares??? I have never been a big fan of sushi, so I am not concerned about that.

    Gotta back later:)
  • gisele246
    gisele246 Posts: 57 Member
    Demwitted- I eat all of those things but artificial sweeteners and I sneak some xylitol which is in Trident every so often since doc said it was ok. Cheese is alright as long as it's from pasteurized milk, which is most of the cheese in US. Don't know where you are though. I heat up cold cuts for 45 seconds in the microwave and that's usually enough to get them steaming. As far as everything else including parsley, never heard any of those problems.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Evening ladies-

    I have my 3rd (and hopfully final) Gestational diabetes exam tomorrow morning. Can't wait to see what the doctor says as I'm now 7 months. Hard to believe.... Hope everyone is doing well and remember this is a new week! New challenges & goals for all of us. :wink:

    My husbands family had their annual Christmas party this weekend. Here is our 2011 Christmas picture. Enjoy!

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    beautiful picture! :)
  • batgirlrox
    Demwitted- Don't be too worried about the "Don'ts" list you find online. Talk to you doctor about it but mine said the only thing that was an absolute no no was alcohol. He said eat everything in moderation. If you want to have fish, have it once every couple of weeks. Have 1 cup of regular coffee or tea a day not 1 pot and things like that. Make sure you are taking these things you find on the internet into your Dr. before you go and get all stressed about them!

    Babeed- awesome picture!

    AFM- My husband and I went to our mutual friends birthday party on Friday and had a blast. It was an ugly sweater party so we made our own sweaters instead of trying to find one. We each had half of Ruldoph on our shirts line up so when we stood together we made a whole.
    I thought I had felt baby move for the first time a few days ago and the sensation occured multiple times in an hour that day. Then the next day I only felt it once and I haven't felt it in 3 days now. I figure I must have just got lucky the first time or I'm crazy and making things up in my head. It's still pretty early for a 1st timer to feel them so I'm trying not to get all worried about it. Have my next pre-natal appointment and I'm very excited to hear the little ducks heartbeat again. Then I'm totally stoked for our 18 week ultrasound on the 3rd :). I really didn't want to find out the sex of the baby before I was pregnant but now I am pregnant I'm absolutely dying to know. SOOOO I hope that we can actually see and my OCD can calm down a little bit.
    I feel my placenta brain has hit with full vengence this week, wholly cow. I felt only slightly better after reading in my What to expect book that you don't just feel like you are getting dumber there is scientific proof you lose intellegence when pregnant. I am not looking forward to another 6 months of scatterbrainedness haha. The organizational freak is freaking out for lack of a better term.
    Well I had an awesome weekend. We went out for supper with my parents yesterday and then to a movie. Then my in-laws came over today for lunch and an afternoon visit. Was nice to see everyone and catch up a little bit before Christmas.
    I hope everyone else had a fantastic weekend!
  • sas6575
    Good morning ladies,
    I hope you've all had a great weekend?
    My turned into a complete food fest! Hubby and I went to a works Christmas party on Friday night - 3 course Christmas dinner which I ended up eating most of hubby's as well as my own! (He's a veg-dodger!) then on Saturday night we had an Indian takeaway (a VERY spicy chicken jalfrezi) and then Sunday was date day so we headed for a meal before the cinema and once again COMPLETELY over-ate on all things naughty (chicken wings, garlic bread, chocolates.....the list goes on and on!) so today is a new day and a fresh 'healthy' start! My hubby doesn't help as he's turned into a 'feeder' overnight! I have to be strong.....I have to be strong....hahaha! I've stocked myself up with fruit to snack on so he can't tempt me with his Christmas selection box of chocolates!
    I had an evening of tummy cramps and sharp pains last night so I got the hot water bottle out and relaxed....all is back to normal today.
    I've got my ankle weights back on and determined to walk 4 miles a day this week (apart from Friday as we're all on half day).
    Have a great week everyone :)
    Sarah xox

    8W 4D
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi everyone. I took a few days away and wow you all move fast! Hope you are all doing well. These last few days have been chaotic. We were in the hospital yesterday. I was contracting every 2 minutes which the nurse said will probably be the closest they come together. My outer part of cervix is dilated to 3 cm and my inner part is only at 1 cm. She said it was like a tunnel. I am 50% effaced and baby is at -2 station. They kept me on the monitor to track contractions and then sent me walking around for about an hour. Unfortunately, nothing happened with change for my cervix so they sent us home. I got a good nights sleep last night and I am going to clean like crazy today and might do some shopping. This afternoon I have a routine ob check so we will see where I am at by then. Hopefully I can start contracting again but stronger to have some more cervical change. Thinking happy baby and delivery thoughts : )

    37 weeks 5 days
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning gals!!

    Quick check in. This is going to be a busy week!!

    Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Sat--Strength/cardio workout
    Wed, Fri--Yoga
    Sun, Mon--off (busy with the holidays)

    Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!!

    Kristin--23 weeks, 5 days
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Today is my estimated due date, no baby yet....
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Nichole and Elizabeth - I hope those babies come soon!

    Quick check in for me before my meetings all morning....

    The weekend was very productive. I squeezed in a walk/run on Friday before dinner with my girlfriends. The running is strangely feeling better again. I'm still doing short intervals, but maybe my body is getting used to it again. Anyways, I had no intentions of a workout so glad I got one in. Saturday I cleaned floors on the 1st and 2nd floors and both bathrooms, kitchen, did laundry, and did some organizing and putting away of stuff in the nursery. That night we had a family party and Sunday I did some more cleaning and got all my Christmas and Thank You card for both showers in envelopes. We also bought our crib and found a cute bedding set on clearance for $75! Our glider should come today and next week Eric should be putting it all together. He will be working on art pieces for his 9 brothers and sisters' Christmas gifts this week so he is super busy. So the nursery should be done soon!

    Here are my goals for the week. I have a ton of dinners and lunches out this week so I'll do my best on smart eating.

    strength 1x
    Cardio (treadmill run/walk and/or dog walk) 4x
    Be sensible in holiday indulgences

    Hope you all have a great day. I'll check back this afternoon.

    34 weeks, 3 days
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    HI everyone. Sorry I have been MIA lately. I have had a LOT of work and been staying late til like 8 o'clock sometimes. :( So needless to say, its just been crazy. Its taken me a few days to read where I left off because this board moves FAST!! HA!
    It will take me forever, to respond to everybody so I'm not going to but know that I have read everyone's blog. :)
    Update on my situation: I had been on restrictions since going into pre term labor the day before Thanksgiving and I was SO over it! I had an appt the 15th last week and was hoping and praying that I could go back to regular exercise and off restrictions! NO can do. I have been put on complete bed rest. WTH! Do you know how aggravating that is. Midwife checked me and said cervix was mushy, etc. and that I needed to be completely down until 36 weeks. :( After arguing with her for a few minutes she put me on half days at work since I have a desk job and I will then be working from home. So I finally said, please clarify bedrest for me. She said, when you get home, you are in bed! I'm like geez, GREAT!! when there is SOOOO much to do. I honestly feel fine. So I guess this is a little weird for me. So, I'm listening to her and hanging on for another 3 weeks until I'm able to get back to normal.
    I think Nkster said she is over being pregnant and I AM TOO!!! This not exercising, being in bed crap just has me very frustrated. She doesn't think I'll get to my due date, Feb 5th. So we'll see. Hubby has been working on the house and getting everything ready. Working on nursery, etc. (this is because he procrastinated) painting the house. Lots of work to be done and I can't even do anything about it!!!
    Besides that, I only gained 1lb so I'm up 24lbs and lets see if this trend will keep going. I hope I will not go over 30lbs. We'll see since my goal was 25lbs and that doesn't look like it'll happen.
    Goals: Drink more water!!! (have not been able to do more than 32 oz a day )
    watch EVERYTHING I put in my mouth!!! since I can't really exercise
    Strech! I feel really soar from not doing anything. :(

    Elce 33W1D (23lb gain)
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Are you feeling at all like baby might come soon? I know you're over this so I'm hoping for you baby comes before the weekend. :)
    Elce 33W1d (23lb gain)
    Today is my estimated due date, no baby yet....
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Today is my estimated due date, no baby yet....

    Praying for ya!! Hang in there toots, we're all rooting for ya!