Getting hit on by freaks



  • Gwen7121
    Gwen7121 Posts: 126 Member
    I think it's funny that several of the guys on here (ahem Scott613, msf74 and others) are complaining about men being lumped into the "creeper" category (because according to some of you, EVERYONE is a creeper in our eyes), but they have basically lumped all women into the b*tch category based on a few catty people.

    You want to be the pot or the kettle, guys?

    Nice strawman argument. I've seen better though...

    Now I would be most grateful if you didn't cast insidious aspersions about my decision making ability using an idiom referencing skin colour (I am clearly brown rather than black in any event) to cast doubts in the reader's mind *

    (* see what I did there?)

    I like the way you think. :)

    Oh, wait. Does that make me a creeper?
  • paulaGetshealthy
    I'd be lying if I said I read all of the replies to this, because no matter what I post, someone is going to be offended. So, whatevaaaaah. :)
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    What I got from this thread is just don't hit on women!?!?!? Why the hell am I working out then??

    You can hit on women. So long as you are physically attractive to her. Otherwise you are creepy. ;)

    Hey now, the man with the baby teething ring around his neck is seriously creepy no matter what, the security guard straight up told me he didn't pass psych evaluation and the Native guys always hang around the gas station Downtown picking up that IS major creepy.

    Even if a guy is butt ugly I try to be nice to him if he's nice to me. If he's leering at my chest, then no....I won't be.

    I've been cut down by guys before and so I know it sucks to be told to eff off. I've been on both sides of the fence.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    It's very rare that I think someone isn't good enough to flirt with me. I don't know how to flirt even when I want to, but I'm chilled out with everyone, even the hobos. I talked to one outside of Starbucks once. He was upset 'cause someone turned the sprinklers on him when he was sleeping. I'm not even kidding. People are interesting as hell.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    on a visit to Chicago with four of my friends, we were waiting on a train platform when the local homeless guy picked me out of the crowd and started hitting on me. It always happens to me, and always when I'm with a group of women. I must have one of those kind faces that attract those misfortunate men. I'm always polite with my "please leave me alone", but I'm getting paranoid about it
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Did anyone actually read the threads before just lumping them together as women not appreciating compliments? With the exception of a couple of posts that were about looks, the vast majority were about guys who either said things that were inappropriate or refused to take know for an answer.

    There are plenty of guys who intentionally creep on girls for sport because they get amusement out of it, and frankly, I'm sick of more men not standing up and calling BS on it. The truth is, whether you're attractive or not, nothing makes it acceptable to harass a girl. Most of the men in these stories knew full that their behavior was inappropriate, but they did it anyway because they thought they could get away with it. I don't have any problem with women reacting negatively to this type of behavior.

    It's easy as a guy to say "oh, well I would be flattered no matter who hit on me," but we living in a country where 1 in 6 women is a victim of sexual assault in her lifetime. We have a lot less reason to be cautious than your average women does. So I don't blame women for being guarded or abrupt when strangers come up and approach them in random and inappropriate situations.
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    This one isn't about a man But a boy. when I was 16, I was baby sitting for a lady who had just moved to town, and the little Boy always had a crush on me, I didn't think much of it til one night, I was tucking him into bed and he asked if he could ask me a question. and I was like um Okay. He then asked if he could have sex with me. I was all weired out but asked where he learned about that. he claimed his old babysitter in saskatoon used to do it. I left him in his room and called his mom asap.
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    This one isn't about a man But a boy. when I was 16, I was baby sitting for a lady who had just moved to town, and the little Boy always had a crush on me, I didn't think much of it til one night, I was tucking him into bed and he asked if he could ask me a question. and I was like um Okay. He then asked if he could have sex with me. I was all weired out but asked where he learned about that. he claimed his old babysitter in saskatoon used to do it. I left him in his room and called his mom asap.
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    damn double post.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    i must be invisable, i havent been hit on for years. im not countin the old boys on site who are looking for a bit on the side. cheating *kitten*. i never want to be the other woman or a home wrecker.

    Mind you i do work away so my opportunity to meet people is serverely retarded, but if someone has the balls to come up & start a convo, or ask me out then id at least meet them somewhere public for coffee

    this is also my problem! lol

    although...I went to a concert a couple weekends ago and some guy about half my age copped a feel...I don't look as old as I am apparently (or he's looking for a mom)
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Now I have to ask what is the best way to approach a woman?

    *Guys take notes!*

    I have to say this thread was really bothering me until I saw your response to some of these stories. What makes these guys creepers? they're unattractive? socially awkward? maybe they have a mental illness? - To me a creep is not a guy with bad teeth and cheesy pick up lines, a creep is a cocky chauvinist guy who makes inappropriate comments

    Thanks for your refreshing responses
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Aw.. there, there.. maybe someday an attractive person might hit on you. Have hope.

    I'm taking this one to heart. :)
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I had a 40-year-old double amputee hit on me once. That was weird and just awkward.

    The nerve of him. Daring to speak to you as if he were a whole person.

    Some ladies shouldn't be hit on period. They aren't worth it.

    Agreed man, that guy must have had balls of stone, he probably knew he would be ridiculed but tried anyways, you gotta keep living life, wish I could buy him a beer.

    there's a guy like this in my social circle...I see him out at a lot of shows. He gets turned down not because he's 40 something and he uses a wheelchair, but because he's a raging drunk and when he's hitting on people he's slurring and dropping his beer on them...I've never seen him sober so I don't know what he's like then...but drinking, not a pretty picture.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    What's the difference between a creepy guy and a not-creepy guy?

    A: If the woman wants you to hit on them, you're not creepy. Otherwise... you are creepy.

    To some people: please get over yourself. I'd hate it for you if life threw you a curve ball where your physical looks were altered in a way that going to the gym and losing weight couldn't help you. You would be screwed.

    This happened to me over the weekend. I've been told that I should approach more women because I'm introverted and because I don't go out of my way to talk to strangers, that this impedes my ability to date.

    This sounds fairly reasonable. So I gave it a try. Even MFP says that the gym is a good place to meet women because you have similar fitness goals right? Well this goes beyond what I would normally do... but I see a woman who I thought was attractive working out. I was next to her. I said "hey how's it going?"

    Her answer? "**** off"


    Women are just as physical-minded as men are.

    aw...if you said hi to me at the gym I'd probably drop my weights on my foot out of shock...but when I recovered I'd at least say hi. :embarassed:
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Only creeper that bugged me was someone who wouldn't take no for an answer. One day, I drove past him and he FOLLOWED me!! I pulled into the local grocery store and ducked into the womens room and waited until he left. I even called my dad to let him know what was going on and he offered to meet me there and drive back with me, but I was so close to home, i declined and hightailed it home. :noway:

    I don't care what a guy looks like, or how awkward they might seem, if they asked me out, even though I would say no, I would thank them for asking. Maybe cause I was fat and awkward (in my head) and thought no guy would ever pay attention to me, so I thought even though I didn't want to go out, i would make sure they didn't feel bad about asking....maybe in hindsight, I shouldn't have been nice to the one creeper I met.:ohwell:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Many of my friends are guys and so when I'm out at a show or whatever with them, I suspect I don't get hit on because people think we're "together." I also tend to get hit on by married men who try to lie about being married--the last guy who seriously hit on me AGES ago was married, tried to tell me he was separated (although he was still wearing a ring) and did not realize that he and I have mutual friends who KNEW he was still married (and his wife was at the show!) and gave me the heads up. And that behavior made him a total creeper in my eyes, even though he's very attractive and a successful musician in the local scene...and I still take photographs of his band so I occasionally see him...I just try not to make eye contact lol...:ohwell:
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    This thread is hilarious. I agree with a couple of the posters who say people are being nitpick. Maybe I just love attention, but I get hit on pretty regularly (from both sexes) and even if I don't find the person attractive, I still flirt back. It's fun to me. If they try to take it too far, I'll let them know I'm not interested. I'd never categorize them as "freaks". That's just me though.:blushing:
  • greg331
    Makes me fearful for my daughters...bad behavior by men, involving them if I'm around, will probably get me locked up someday...hopefully not. They are more sheltered than I was growing up, but very capable and strong. My brother is a therapist who has seen too many young woman date-raped in college. It really disgusts me.
  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    This thread is hilarious. I agree with a couple of the posters who say people are being nitpick. Maybe I just love attention, but I get hit on pretty regularly (from both sexes) and even if I don't find the person attractive, I still flirt back. It's fun to me. If they try to take it too far, I'll let them know I'm not interested. I'd never categorize them as "freaks". That's just me though.:blushing:

    Exactly! I think it is so hilarious and endearing when guys use cheesy pick up lines. It always makes me laugh/smile and... well, isn't that the whole idea of a bad pick up line?

    It must be so stressful to hit on a girl, I mean look at this thread! Poor guys, they must need balls of steel to approach us. Generally though, I think most of them are alright. My only bad experience was when a customer I had only talked to twice randomly started stroking my hair, haha.
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    What happened to clubbing the girl over the head and drag her to your cave?