please tell me i'm not the only one.



  • savannahgro
    savannahgro Posts: 113 Member
    Apparently you have not experienced living in another Cuba or Mexico....why do you think they are all risking their lives to come here????

    i really just want to move to canada. it's nice and cold and there's lots of hockey and health care.

    While the health care system is nice, i've heard it takes forever to be seen for primary care.

    Maybe if you live in the sticks? My boyfriend is Canadian and he can see his primary about as quickly as I can see mine.
    With my insurance now, I can't even go to an urgent care center without shelling out $250 just to see a doctor. The last time I ended up in the ER (not even a full day) I had to pay around $1000. Ridiculous!
  • thesmellofapples
    thesmellofapples Posts: 287 Member
    I'm somewhat tempted to jump ship to Canada.
    On the other hand it feels wrong to just give up instead of fight to make things better here.

    i've been contemplating canada. but the way things are turning out - it seems to me like OWS protesters are going to start being beaten or arrested for trying to change anything. the same thing going on in syria and what happened in egypt this past january. and they've BEEN fighting to no avail.

    You do realize the Occupy people are breaking THOUSANDS of laws not the least of which is tresspassing and destruction of propery.. they have been asked to leave hundreds of times. They are lucky they are just getting tear gassed and arrested. They are PART of the problem.. not the solution.

    I'm guessing you don't vote, so you're not voicing your opinion...

    you guessed wrong. i vote every year and am very active on politics when i can be. i'm just pessimistic i guess. just don't feel like my opinion counts much.
  • gem975
    gem975 Posts: 29
    No matter where you go you won't be as well off as you are here in the USA.

    I'm sorry but LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    The answer is not to get out of the country. The solution to the problem is to take a stand, get active in politics, vote, DO SOMETHING to better the country.

    funny thing is i do. i vote and i've gone to a couple city council meetings. and i went to the gulf to help clean up the oil spill. i do clean up projects for my city and i have gone to 18 protests. i recycle and i rescue abandoned animals. i make differences here and there but nothing that can make a sufficient change to the government.

    I hope you enjoy Canada... It isn't uncommon for your generation to not appreciate the gifts this country has to offer. Just the fact that you can speak negatively of your country without consequence is a gift provided to you by the very country you speak poorly of - ironic...
  • Tiffrachelle
    I couldn't agree more. A friend of mine tried to warn me of this happening LAST year and I brushed it off as him being well, crazy...Now everything that he said is basically coming true. Kind of scary. =/
  • Runner_mick
    Runner_mick Posts: 115 Member
    Ask someone from Canada how much milk cost. They drive here to Michigan for groceries.
    Thats a genius idea! Those smart Canadians
  • thesmellofapples
    thesmellofapples Posts: 287 Member
    The answer is not to get out of the country. The solution to the problem is to take a stand, get active in politics, vote, DO SOMETHING to better the country.

    funny thing is i do. i vote and i've gone to a couple city council meetings. and i went to the gulf to help clean up the oil spill. i do clean up projects for my city and i have gone to 18 protests. i recycle and i rescue abandoned animals. i make differences here and there but nothing that can make a sufficient change to the government.

    I hope you enjoy Canada... It isn't uncommon for your generation to not appreciate the gifts this country has to offer. Just the fact that you can speak negatively of your country without consequence is a gift provided to you by the very country you speak poorly of - ironic...

    except the fact that they're passing a bill to censor any negative comments about said government. freedom of speech ftw.
  • jbosey
    jbosey Posts: 119 Member
    Ive been there and it is nice. I enjoyed the stay. But the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. There are no perfect countries.
  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    The answer is not to get out of the country. The solution to the problem is to take a stand, get active in politics, vote, DO SOMETHING to better the country.

    funny thing is i do. i vote and i've gone to a couple city council meetings. and i went to the gulf to help clean up the oil spill. i do clean up projects for my city and i have gone to 18 protests. i recycle and i rescue abandoned animals. i make differences here and there but nothing that can make a sufficient change to the government.

    I hope you enjoy Canada... It isn't uncommon for your generation to not appreciate the gifts this country has to offer. Just the fact that you can speak negatively of your country without consequence is a gift provided to you by the very country you speak poorly of - ironic...

    except the fact that they're passing a bill to censor any negative comments about said government. freedom of speech ftw.

    I would love to see your reputable source of information...
  • CrystalMarie253
    Personally I try not to get too paranoid about what the media hypes up. And as bad as things may seem here I try to be happy for the good things and not focus on what I don't like. My last comment is this:

    "You can judge the greatness of a country by how many people are trying to get in vs how many people are trying to get out."

    There is a reason so many people wanna come to America, and the majority of those leaving are the ones law enforcement is trying to hunt down. So I love this country for the good and the bad and I can't imagine living anywhere else :)
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    So when the going gets tough you are going to run? Why not just stay here and try to help improve the current sittuation? And if you are exposing yourself to the news a lot it will amplify all negative things as someone said earlier. Focus in on your own life and see what really is important. If you are actually legitimately suffering and your life will be ruined by living here for any longer you then maybe might consider moving... Think about your family, fellow citizens, and the fact that most countries save for like 5 are way worse then this country. Plus unless your grandparents are born in another country you will have an awful time getting full benefits in other countries. And Canada might have a general health care system but getting top quality care or specific surgeries done isn't a given right. You are put on a waiting list and the government will decide what you need. Obviously both types of health care have their pros and cons... Also Canada is suffering more then we are economically. I just saw that today in the currency exchange... theirs sucks compared to ours.
  • Runner_mick
    Runner_mick Posts: 115 Member
    Guess there are American's and their are fair weather Americans...

    I'm proud to say I am an American :heart: - In good times and in bad, this is the best country in the world! I wholeheartedly welcome all those that don't agree to find happiness elsewhere - Maybe it's the lack of faith that is half the problem...
    Completely agree! I love my country and all those who have fought and continue to fight for us. Wouldn't want to live anywhere else
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    There's health care in the USA.

    Here you either pay for it when you need it or get an employer to pay for you, or accept the limited care the government hands out.

    In Canada you pay for it with your taxes and accept the limited care the government hands out.

    I don't see much benefit of theirs over ours.

    speaking for myself, my employer doesn't offer healthcare (well, they will, starting in february, but that is an entirely new thing for them), and i make too much money to qualify for the government stuff, at least the stuff i was provided information for at a clinic where they help you register for all that stuff. and i do periodically search for pay-them-myself plans, but they are RIDICULOUS... like, impossibly bad and/or expensive. so, for me, limited, wait-forever, comes-out-of-my-taxes healthcare would be better than what i have now, which is not a damned thing.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Apparently you have not experienced living in another Cuba or Mexico....why do you think they are all risking their lives to come here????

    i really just want to move to canada. it's nice and cold and there's lots of hockey and health care.

    While the health care system is nice, i've heard it takes forever to be seen for primary care.

  • stevechelf
    Have a nice stay, write when you can.
  • gunmetalsunrise
    Apparently you have not experienced living in another Cuba or Mexico....why do you think they are all risking their lives to come here????

    i really just want to move to canada. it's nice and cold and there's lots of hockey and health care.

    While the health care system is nice, i've heard it takes forever to be seen for primary care.

    People are fleeing Cuba and Mexico because they're told the US is the "best place in the world" to make money to send back home to the families. Little do they know of the rampant racism that runs amok against "foreigners".

    And it doesn't take "forever". If it's critical, you'll be seen really, really soon. But we still lack enough doctors and nurses for the free part of our health care. But if you have enough money, you can always go somewhere else to pay to be seen sooner.
  • CrystalMarie253
    Ive been there and it is nice. I enjoyed the stay. But the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. There are no perfect countries.

    This is so true! I appreciate our freedoms. I think many don't understand how very valuable they are until you go to another country who doesn't have them and see how they live and see what life could be like. I will keep the grass here on this side! :)
  • weightofyourskin
    It always makes me laugh when Americans complain about the Canadian health care system... Someone in this thread said something about people in the US getting insurance through their jobs - yeah, because most jobs just THROW benefits at their employees, right? And people without jobs can obviously afford to pay out of pocket for their medical fees. There certainly haven't been numerous reports of people going bankrupt because they or a close relative had a medical condition that required a lot of expensive care...

    The "limited government healthcare" in Canada goes a much longer way than the "limited government healthcare" in the US. It's not perfect by any means, but come on. Yes, sometimes you have to wait a while to see a doctor, but I think never having to pay for it more than makes up for it.
  • thesmellofapples
    thesmellofapples Posts: 287 Member
    The answer is not to get out of the country. The solution to the problem is to take a stand, get active in politics, vote, DO SOMETHING to better the country.

    funny thing is i do. i vote and i've gone to a couple city council meetings. and i went to the gulf to help clean up the oil spill. i do clean up projects for my city and i have gone to 18 protests. i recycle and i rescue abandoned animals. i make differences here and there but nothing that can make a sufficient change to the government.

    I hope you enjoy Canada... It isn't uncommon for your generation to not appreciate the gifts this country has to offer. Just the fact that you can speak negatively of your country without consequence is a gift provided to you by the very country you speak poorly of - ironic...

    except the fact that they're passing a bill to censor any negative comments about said government. freedom of speech ftw.

    I would love to see your reputable source of information...

    try searching SOPA. it's mainly to shut down any websites that use links to other websites or any information that isn't genuinesly theirs but they've already started censoring anything to do with OWS on twitter. any talk about meeting up to protest is not allowed to be published or it's deleted.
  • AussieNikki
    AussieNikki Posts: 168 Member
    It always makes me laugh when Americans complain about the Canadian health care system... Someone in this thread said something about people in the US getting insurance through their jobs - yeah, because most jobs just THROW benefits at their employees, right? And people without jobs can obviously afford to pay out of pocket for their medical fees. There certainly haven't been numerous reports of people going bankrupt because they or a close relative had a medical condition that required a lot of expensive care...

    The "limited government healthcare" in Canada goes a much longer way than the "limited government healthcare" in the US. It's not perfect by any means, but come on. Yes, sometimes you have to wait a while to see a doctor, but I think never having to pay for it more than makes up for it.

    I can't speak for Canada, but Australia's "Free" healthcare isn't free. The taxes are INSANE!