please tell me i'm not the only one.



  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    We were warned by our own government over 50 years ago.
  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 162 Member
    I live in Wisconsin, and I am with a majority of my state that is trying to recall my Governor. Along this process, he has been and is still trying to continue to pass laws that are making a recall near impossible. So basically, the laws have been in place for years, but now suddenly when he is getting recalled, they must be changed. Can we all say CORRUPTION!! So if my governor in my little state is this corrupt, how bad do you people think the rest of the countries politicians are??? If you believe that they aren't, then you are fooling yourselves.
    I have voted in every election (and not just presidential ones, thank you). I am thankful for our military (my brother served 12 years....HooRah!). But to say that I am proud of our country? No, not all the time, and certainly not a lot lately. I love how the anti-OWS people keep saying that what they are doing is so wrong and that we are getting misinformation. HAHAHAHAHA!!! What information? The mianstream media has stripped it down so much. And why? MONEY $$$$$$!!! Who do you think owns them? The 1%!! Duh!!!
    Here's to break it down: (And I say "we" as our country)
    We don't particularly care for foreigners. We continue to tell everyone that governized health care just cannot work here, and show how 'horrible' it is in other countries. We feel that our religian (Christianity) is the ONLY religion to be. We do not want people to protest against governmental and big business wrong doings.
    Scares the poop out of me! It's all a little too, dare I say, Hitler-esque for me!!!
    As for the answer to the topic poster: No honey you aren't the only one. Will I move out of our country? No, probably not. That is what they the country can be filled with only "like" people. No, I'm gonna cause as much trouble as I can. And I'm sure I just did. :laugh:
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    I live in Wisconsin, and I am with a majority of my state that is trying to recall my Governor. Along this process, he has been and is still trying to continue to pass laws that are making a recall near impossible. So basically, the laws have been in place for years, but now suddenly when he is getting recalled, they must be changed. Can we all say CORRUPTION!! So if my governor in my little state is this corrupt, how bad do you people think the rest of the countries politicians are??? If you believe that they aren't, then you are fooling yourselves.
    I have voted in every election (and not just presidential ones, thank you). I am thankful for our military (my brother served 12 years....HooRah!). But to say that I am proud of our country? No, not all the time, and certainly not a lot lately. I love how the anti-OWS people keep saying that what they are doing is so wrong and that we are getting misinformation. HAHAHAHAHA!!! What information? The mianstream media has stripped it down so much. And why? MONEY $$$$$$!!! Who do you think owns them? The 1%!! Duh!!!
    Here's to break it down: (And I say "we" as our country)
    We don't particularly care for foreigners. We continue to tell everyone that governized health care just cannot work here, and show how 'horrible' it is in other countries. We feel that our religian (Christianity) is the ONLY religion to be. We do not want people to protest against governmental and big business wrong doings.
    Scares the poop out of me! It's all a little too, dare I say, Hitler-esque for me!!!
    As for the answer to the topic poster: No honey you aren't the only one. Will I move out of our country? No, probably not. That is what they the country can be filled with only "like" people. No, I'm gonna cause as much trouble as I can. And I'm sure I just did. :laugh:

    yet another amazing opinion i agree with. I was going to say something about the government controlling media but there are so many people who are naive and think that freedom of speech keeps that from happening. Ugh. I really think this nation is nowhere near the ideal that our founding fathers had for us. At all.
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    You people seem to be suffering from overexposure to Fox News, lol.

    The sky will not fall.
    The seas will not swallow us whole.
    The sun will rise again.

  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    ^^LOL^^ Sky isn't going to fall!

    Well, since you mention it! Going to go look at some land in Mexico. It may be my future home. So I'm looking forward to moving there in the future and stop working for a job that is just sticking it to me every year. Sure things can be worse... but they can also be much better... and very likely in another country!
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Some of you youngsters may want to Google "Y2K".
    That was only 11 years ago but I realize some of you were only in grade school and may not have really paid attention to what was going on in Current Events.

    The world was gonna end. There was going to be rioting in the streets. People stockpiled food and weapons.
    Nothign happened, except a bunch of hucksters made a bunch of money selling survival supplies to people who believed them.
  • The answer is not to get out of the country. The solution to the problem is to take a stand, get active in politics, vote, DO SOMETHING to better the country.

    funny thing is i do. i vote and i've gone to a couple city council meetings. and i went to the gulf to help clean up the oil spill. i do clean up projects for my city and i have gone to 18 protests. i recycle and i rescue abandoned animals. i make differences here and there but nothing that can make a sufficient change to the government.

    I hope you enjoy Canada... It isn't uncommon for your generation to not appreciate the gifts this country has to offer. Just the fact that you can speak negatively of your country without consequence is a gift provided to you by the very country you speak poorly of - ironic...
    Well said.
    My husband fought for everyone in this country and is diasabled now for it.
    If you don't like it here, feel free to move. :explode:
  • Guess there are American's and their are fair weather Americans...

    I'm proud to say I am an American :heart: - In good times and in bad, this is the best country in the world! I wholeheartedly welcome all those that don't agree to find happiness elsewhere - Maybe it's the lack of faith that is half the problem...

    I love this quote and I totally agree. :)
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    There is no better place to live. there is no "real" freedom anywhere. You have to create your own little bubble and live in it. Stop reading the news.
    I have come to realize that is the only way to be happy in this world. Besides coming on MFP!!
  • The answer is not to get out of the country. The solution to the problem is to take a stand, get active in politics, vote, DO SOMETHING to better the country.

    funny thing is i do. i vote and i've gone to a couple city council meetings. and i went to the gulf to help clean up the oil spill. i do clean up projects for my city and i have gone to 18 protests. i recycle and i rescue abandoned animals. i make differences here and there but nothing that can make a sufficient change to the government.

    I hope you enjoy Canada... It isn't uncommon for your generation to not appreciate the gifts this country has to offer. Just the fact that you can speak negatively of your country without consequence is a gift provided to you by the very country you speak poorly of - ironic...
    Well said.
    My husband fought for everyone in this country and is diasabled now for it.
    If you don't like it here, feel free to move. :explode:

    All VERY well said. And thank your husband for fighing for our country :)
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    People get the government they deserve. America is full of lazy, entitled crybabies, hence the poor excuses for "leaders" we have in Washington these days.

    I wish that just one of these people who claim they're going to move to another country would actually grow a pair and do it. The fewer whiners, the better.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    "Well said.
    My husband fought for everyone in this country and is diasabled now for it.
    If you don't like it here, feel free to move. :explode:"

    I thank him from the bottom of my heart. He is a true hero!
  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 162 Member
    Some of you youngsters may want to Google "Y2K".
    That was only 11 years ago but I realize some of you were only in grade school and may not have really paid attention to what was going on in Current Events.

    The world was gonna end. There was going to be rioting in the streets. People stockpiled food and weapons.
    Nothign happened, except a bunch of hucksters made a bunch of money selling survival supplies to people who believed them.

    Yes there was Y2K and there was the whole stupid thing earlier in the year that the world was going to end. And you have the crazies that think 2012 is the end as well.
    But I don't think that we are talking about a "fad" type of thing here. We're are talking about a downward slide that has been happening for a long time.
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I'm a lawyer, and I feel that way. I've watched the PATRIOT ACT get passed without any serious debate right before I passed the bar. Has anyone actually read this legislation? It's scarier then hell. Secret courts, secret judges, "sneak and peek" warrants that don't even have "probable cause" as a standard to invade your privacy--without you ever knowing it happened. They can even monitor the library books you check out. OWS protesters getting beaten up. Government officials having a priest, yes a priest, escorted out of a public town meeting for criticizing the local government when political speech is supposed to be the most protected speech there is. Add to it a completely ineffective Congress and President. Republicans who will stand in the way of anything passing that will benefit the American people just to thwart a second Obama term--pure treason in my opinion. No health care for so many of us. For those of us who have it, it's cost prohibitive and awful. A financially and morally bankrupt government hijacked by the Tea Party---people who couldn't pass a bill benefiting the super rich fast enough, but who finally found a tax they like--against the middle class. My husband, also a lawyer, and I both want to leave.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    The fewer lawyers, the better, too.
  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 162 Member
    I wish that everyone could seperate these two things: dislike for government, and respect for people who have served in the military. I am very thankful (like most people) of all that they do. I have family that have served, I have classmates who have served , some who have given their lives. Those that choose to serve in the military are among the bravest.
    A dislike for our goverment (and how it is run) has NOTHING to do with this!!! I am getting really sick and tired of being told that I am disrespectful to our military because I don't like how certain aspects of our government are being run.
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    I live in Wisconsin, and I am with a majority of my state that is trying to recall my Governor. Along this process, he has been and is still trying to continue to pass laws that are making a recall near impossible. So basically, the laws have been in place for years, but now suddenly when he is getting recalled, they must be changed. Can we all say CORRUPTION!! So if my governor in my little state is this corrupt, how bad do you people think the rest of the countries politicians are??? If you believe that they aren't, then you are fooling yourselves.
    I have voted in every election (and not just presidential ones, thank you). I am thankful for our military (my brother served 12 years....HooRah!). But to say that I am proud of our country? No, not all the time, and certainly not a lot lately. I love how the anti-OWS people keep saying that what they are doing is so wrong and that we are getting misinformation. HAHAHAHAHA!!! What information? The mianstream media has stripped it down so much. And why? MONEY $$$$$$!!! Who do you think owns them? The 1%!! Duh!!!
    Here's to break it down: (And I say "we" as our country)
    We don't particularly care for foreigners. We continue to tell everyone that governized health care just cannot work here, and show how 'horrible' it is in other countries. We feel that our religian (Christianity) is the ONLY religion to be. We do not want people to protest against governmental and big business wrong doings.
    Scares the poop out of me! It's all a little too, dare I say, Hitler-esque for me!!!
    As for the answer to the topic poster: No honey you aren't the only one. Will I move out of our country? No, probably not. That is what they the country can be filled with only "like" people. No, I'm gonna cause as much trouble as I can. And I'm sure I just did. :laugh:

    yet another amazing opinion i agree with. I was going to say something about the government controlling media but there are so many people who are naive and think that freedom of speech keeps that from happening. Ugh. I really think this nation is nowhere near the ideal that our founding fathers had for us. At all.

    I completely agree with both of you.
  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    Ive noticed most of the disallusioned here seem to be young people (men and women under 30 or so). I wonder why that is? Could it be they were brought up in the world where they were entertained most of their childhood and teen years? My kids were always going somewhere, doing something with someone, spending money here and there, every night they were somewhere having fun. To grow up that way and then have the reality of the real cold world hit you in the face is very hard and frightening. To be expected to take care of yourself just doesnt seem fair. That is why so many think that it is the governments business to support or take care of them. That is why this uprising of the groups wanting the rich and the Corporations to share their wealth with them. It doenst matter about all the years and years of hard study, work, and late nights went into making that money, they simply want it now. This is not to insult anyone, its just my view as I see it from my experiences.

  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    I wish that everyone could seperate these two things: dislike for government, and respect for people who have served in the military. I am very thankful (like most people) of all that they do. I have family that have served, I have classmates who have served , some who have given their lives. Those that choose to serve in the military are among the bravest.
    A dislike for our goverment (and how it is run) has NOTHING to do with this!!! I am getting really sick and tired of being told that I am disrespectful to our military because I don't like how certain aspects of our government are being run.

    I was going to say this but afraid I would get insults! Thanks for being the one to say it. =)
  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    Ive noticed most of the disallusioned here seem to be young people (men and women under 30 or so). I wonder why that is? Could it be they were brought up in the world where they were entertained most of their childhood and teen years? My kids were always going somewhere, doing something with someone, spending money here and there, every night they were somewhere having fun. To grow up that way and then have the reality of the real cold world hit you in the face is very hard and frightening. To be expected to take care of yourself just doesnt seem fair. That is why so many think that it is the governments business to support or take care of them. That is why this uprising of the groups wanting the rich and the Corporations to share their wealth with them. It doenst matter about all the years and years of hard study, work, and late nights went into making that money, they simply want it now. This is not to insult anyone, its just my view as I see it from my experiences.

    Sadly I grew up very fast because my family was poor growing up. We got a lot of things second hand, we lived in a ****ty apartment complex where I got molested by other neighborhood boys that their parents didn't give two cents about them (no sympathy needed) and we ate a LOT of ramen, peanut butter or tuna sandwiches. We got free lunch, never had health care as children and I didn't go to the dentist until I HAD to have a root canal at the age of 23. Nothing was EVER handed to me, and I worked as soon as I was old enough to baby sit. But yet I see how our government treats people like (read my previous post about healthcare). I was told I could not get food stamps to help me through college because as a college student I am required to work 20 hours on top of my school load. As I am trying to get into veterinary school i don't have to time work AND mantain a 3.72 gpa. But yet the government doesn't care about my aspirations. But if i got knocked up I could get medicaid, food stamps, housing and even emergency 1000 bucks of cash!

    Poor you - I work, attend NURSING school and provide insurance for myself and my two children... It CAN be done, and it isn't the governments job to make it easy on you. PS... I also carry at 3.8 GPA and will graduate in May.