Biting my tongue at seeing overweight children



  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    Wow...sadly I can tell by reading these comments exactly who has children and who does not.

    I have three kids...10-17....all went through a chunky stage, all were taught how to eat healthy, as best as I knew...and my ignorance took a while to be corrected. Please give parents a break...yes many have bad habits and do contribute to obesity in children, but it's not on purpose.

    I always made sure my kids had three full meals a day, with vegetables, very little processed food, and we sit down together for most dinners. However 2 years ago, both my older two kids were going through puberty and both were growing like crazy, and both looked a little chubby. Since then, my son (17) has streched into his body and doesn't look an ounce overweight. My younger daughter who is 10 is just getting to her chunky stage...this has more to do with lowered outdoor activity than it does with her diet.

    I have in the past year changed our family's diet for the better, and it hasn't helped in the weight department for my kids at all...some weight fluctuation is just going to happen as they grow. Some kids never have an issue at all.

    What scares me after reading this, is how would I be judged (albeit silently) if I took my younger (now slightly chunky) daughter on a day out, and we stopped at McDonalds for a quick lunch???

    Come on...I don't care what's in that stuff...I love it once in a while...and we are all alive.

    To the original poster....I hope you are able to come to grips that things are rarely what they seem before you have your own children. Or you will drive yourself insane wondering what people think of you. And as for that family at the cafe...I am so glad some parents still find time to indulge their children in a dinner out and family time.
  • swatts7622
    swatts7622 Posts: 85 Member
    Seriously...if Im in Target..and my 6 yr old who is 43lbs wants a donut and it keeps him from screaming for the hour Im in the God..hes getting a stinking donut! lol

    I am the exact opposite... either of my boys start going nuts for something NO CHANCE they get it. No matter what it is!

    This my kid acts out Im not going to reward her with a donut hahaha.. she will be having her privlidges at home taken away.
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    I think Gorilla is a mean daddi-o! lol
  • kschhr
    kschhr Posts: 103 Member
    Seriously...if Im in Target..and my 6 yr old who is 43lbs wants a donut and it keeps him from screaming for the hour Im in the God..hes getting a stinking donut! lol

    I am the exact opposite... either of my boys start going nuts for something NO CHANCE they get it. No matter what it is!
    THIS is the way to go! Negative reinforcement, yeeeeahhh!
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    Gorilla and Swatts...I hope your kids thru MASSIVE temper tantrums in Target...on Christmas Eve..and it makes you wanna

    Im kidding in good humor ay know :)
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Yes. I believe you are right to judge. You didn't say anything to anyone so you didn't offend anyone that would cause a scene. People who allow their kids to eat like **** and be fat deserve to be harshly judged. Parents are making their kids fat! Might as well give your 8 year old a loaded gun to play with while they devour their mcnuggets, frosty, fries and brownies.

    Perfectly reasonable statement. Of course giving a kid a loaded weapon is the same as giving them chicken mcnuggets. Why do people think the anti-fast food crowd is full of raving food nazis? They seem so very calm and rational.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I feel the same especially growing up (at about 10yo I started steadily gaining weight) fat. Not so much judgmental but I know the road their going down and it's not easy nor is it fun.

    However, that being said. Not your children, not your money, not your life therefore not your place to judge. You can only take care of you and yours...
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Gorilla and Swatts...I hope your kids thru MASSIVE temper tantrums in Target...on Christmas Eve..and it makes you wanna

    Im kidding in good humor ay know :)

    you should meet my 6 year old! it has not been Target but Walmart. LOL
  • mlemonroe2
    To all of the parents that are defending their kids becasue they are chubby: nothing is wrong with chubby kids, there is, however, a problem with obeese children which is what OP is talking about.
  • JerseyGirlHeart
    JerseyGirlHeart Posts: 133 Member
    Seriously...if Im in Target..and my 6 yr old who is 43lbs wants a donut and it keeps him from screaming for the hour Im in the God..hes getting a stinking donut! lol

    I am the exact opposite... either of my boys start going nuts for something NO CHANCE they get it. No matter what it is!

    I love you for this. I feel like the problem with parents these days is that they just give in for their own convenience. Kids never learn when all you do is reward them for bad behavior. But, to each is own I guess.
  • ilovemyhorse
    I don't have kids- Hell i'm only 19, but your post really bothered me. The fact that you kept watching these kids eat is disturbing. Maybe you should have moved to another section of the cafe. It's their family, not yours, so you shouldn't be so bothered by it. They're 8 years old. They don't need to be worrying about being on a diet, let them be kids and when they're a little older, they will have the choice to lose the weight if they wish.
  • swatts7622
    swatts7622 Posts: 85 Member
    Gorilla and Swatts...I hope your kids thru MASSIVE temper tantrums in Target...on Christmas Eve..and it makes you wanna

    Im kidding in good humor ay know :)

    Not a target or walmart where we live BUT... I have been very blessed to have a very well behaved kid most of the time! I think ive done something right hehe
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Let me tell ya something... LOL! I'd have had the same thoughts! Don't feel bad. Everybody judges everybody. I'm sure big people judge fit people all the time.... "...look at her, she thinks she's all that because she can wear a size 0, pshhhhhhh, she ain't got nothing on my lovely lady LUMPS!"

    It is a SHAME that parents teach their kids to NOT have self control. That kid probably sensed your "disapproval" and made that face because she's been taught, "Eat up, honey! The more the better! Nevermind if you develop juvenile diabetes or are teased by kids, because you can squash them!"

    **IF anybody is offended by what I say, that's too bad. I would think most of us MFP's are ALL for children's health.
    I second this.

    I completely agree.

    Growing up a fat kid my mom never taught us how to eat healthy.
    If she didnt eat it then she didnt buy it, btw my mom HATES fruits and vegtables....
    Sooo when I was no longer in need of her care I struggled BAD to break those habits and till this day I still struggle...
    I now feed my son as healthy as I can and I keep him as healthy as I can and hes only 3...
    All because of the junk crap my mom allowed us to eat.

    As parents we should be role models and we should be concerned with our childrens health BECAUSE of the way we feel about yourselves now or the way we grew up.
    We should want better!
  • Gwen7121
    Gwen7121 Posts: 126 Member
    Wow...sadly I can tell by reading these comments exactly who has children and who does not.

    I have three kids...10-17....all went through a chunky stage, all were taught how to eat healthy, as best as I knew...and my ignorance took a while to be corrected. Please give parents a break...yes many have bad habits and do contribute to obesity in children, but it's not on purpose.

    I always made sure my kids had three full meals a day, with vegetables, very little processed food, and we sit down together for most dinners. However 2 years ago, both my older two kids were going through puberty and both were growing like crazy, and both looked a little chubby. Since then, my son (17) has streched into his body and doesn't look an ounce overweight. My younger daughter who is 10 is just getting to her chunky stage...this has more to do with lowered outdoor activity than it does with her diet.

    I have in the past year changed our family's diet for the better, and it hasn't helped in the weight department for my kids at all...some weight fluctuation is just going to happen as they grow. Some kids never have an issue at all.

    What scares me after reading this, is how would I be judged (albeit silently) if I took my younger (now slightly chunky) daughter on a day out, and we stopped at McDonalds for a quick lunch???

    Come on...I don't care what's in that stuff...I love it once in a while...and we are all alive.

    To the original poster....I hope you are able to come to grips that things are rarely what they seem before you have your own children. Or you will drive yourself insane wondering what people think of you. And as for that family at the cafe...I am so glad some parents still find time to indulge their children in a dinner out and family time.

    ^This. I agree completely.
  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member
    I have a chunky kid, and if you ever approached me and told me he was fat, I'd kick you right in the pee flaps. He isn't chunky because I feed him terribly, he's chunky because he's going to be huge! His dad is 6'6 with a 52" shoulder spance. My son will grow into his body, hopefully you'll grow out of your prejudice. My son plays football, is in the running club, does karate, and is outside more than he's in the house...I feed him nothing but clean meals and the occasional treat. Unless you know the background of the child, how dare you sit in judgement!
    i am LMAO at "pee flaps"
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    oh my gosh. My kids HATE walmart. Its like hell under the brightest lights EVAH! At least Target has those better buggies for them to ride in. Yee-HAW! lol

    And..I wonder...if the OP saw a child...malnourished...what her reaction would be then?
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    If we accept our kids walking around with their pants off their butts, then let them eat as they wish. We will reap what we sow.

    What does how you wear your clothing have to do with how we let our children eat?!
    Pretty sure letting your pants hang off your butt dont cause diabetes or other diseases that are caused from unhealthy eating.
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    Seriously...if Im in Target..and my 6 yr old who is 43lbs wants a donut and it keeps him from screaming for the hour Im in the God..hes getting a stinking donut! lol

    this is just teaching your kid that as long as he/she throws a hissy fit he/she will be able to get whatever he/she wants!!
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    I think Im raising my kids to be pretty damn amazing too. But ALL kids have temper tantrums..even those Jolie-Pitt brats! lol
    It shows independence :)
  • mlemonroe2
    Seriously...if Im in Target..and my 6 yr old who is 43lbs wants a donut and it keeps him from screaming for the hour Im in the God..hes getting a stinking donut! lol

    I am the exact opposite... either of my boys start going nuts for something NO CHANCE they get it. No matter what it is!

    I love you for this. I feel like the problem with parents these days is that they just give in for their own convenience. Kids never learn when all you do is reward them for bad behavior. But, to each is own I guess.

    Have you ever taken a 2 year old to the grocery store???? Let alone two 2 year olds when it's close to their nap time and you are running on 5 hours of sleep and have to finish grocery shopping, run to the bank, make your kids lunch and have about 3 loads of laundry to fold and you don't know what to make for dinner?
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