Any "Last Stubborn 20 pounders" out there?



  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Sounds like you got the exercise part down. I haven't read this entire thread so maybe you described your eating habits already. I have struggled with the last few pounds as well and have recently been told a few suggestions to try and they seem to be working.

    Eat 6 meals a day.
    Lots of lean protein (Chicken, Fish, lean beef)
    Have good carbs (wheat toast, oatmeal...) for breakfast and lunch (sweet potato...)
    After lunch only have carbs that come in veggies ( salad, squash, spinach...)
    Cutting back on the carbs after lunch helps your body get rid of those carbs the rest of the day and allows your body to burn fat while you sleep!

    I'm regularly a good eater...but I do have by moments! I think my biggest problem is eating snacks, healthy or not, later inthe evening. I also tend to sabotage myself once I start getting close to my goal. That's definitely a psyhcological thing, I know, but I'm still not quite sure why I do this to myself. I think once I figure that out, nothing will ever stop me from being successful in anything I do. have recently started going to the 6 smaller meals a we'll see if that works, I'm certan ly less starving by the time I eat again. I like the idea of low-to no carbs after that's an idea, because that's what I'm drawn to during the afternoon. I think I will try that next week after my weigh in, and see what happens.

    PS: Thanks for the great "side info on the PX90" :smile:

    April-Thank you!!! That's a good ballpark figure to consider. :smile:

    I noticed the comment about being senstive to know that's what I think my body is doing too. It seems like if I eat seafood or fish, I lose, lose, lose...but beef, chicken, pork I gain, gain, gain! And I do NOT eat a big portion of it. I truly keep it about the size of a deck of cards. My problem is that my family is not big on fish, and with two teenage boys, I cannot afford to eat seafood every night. Anyone else noticing something similar???
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I'm doing P90X though so I'm just doing the slimming thing and not watching the weight as much as I am the photos, hehe. I have one in my profile that shows me at Day 1 and Day 25 with only a 2 lb difference. But what a difference!

    What a difference is right, ghanie!! I'm more and more convinced to try P90X all the time. I'm kind of similar, in that I'm close to my goal weight, so I'd rather focus on toning than on the number on the scale. I might have to bite the bullet and go for it, if I could get similar results.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I'm doing P90X though so I'm just doing the slimming thing and not watching the weight as much as I am the photos, hehe. I have one in my profile that shows me at Day 1 and Day 25 with only a 2 lb difference. But what a difference!

    What a difference is right, ghanie!! I'm more and more convinced to try P90X all the time. I'm kind of similar, in that I'm close to my goal weight, so I'd rather focus on toning than on the number on the scale. I might have to bite the bullet and go for it, if I could get similar results.

    Most people who go through one round end up wanting to do it again. I know I plan to do this once a year, though probably around September so I don't have to finish in the summer like this round, hehe. Some continue to do it all year round.

    My point is, it's definitely worth it, whether you get it strait off the website or find a deal on eBay. You wont see the scale budge much (at least not at first) because of all the new muscles you're activating but you lose fat everywhere and tighten areas you didn't realize needed tightening. And those muscles love feasting on fat as long as you keep them fueled.

    Definitely don't bother if you have trouble and/or are not willing to eat ALL your exercise calories. Sometimes you have to eat that and then some to see results.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    I have about 10 more before I hit my driver's license weight, though it's 12 before I'm in the "healthy" range.

    I'm doing P90X though so I'm just doing the slimming thing and not watching the weight as much as I am the photos, hehe. I have one in my profile that shows me at Day 1 and Day 25 with only a 2 lb difference. But what a difference!

    Hey april, what did you do to your photos? I don't see any in your profile.

    ghanie- as I've said before, I'm technologically illiterate! When I get my husband to help me, I'll post a face pic and my 30 day (too disgusted to take "before" pics:laugh: ) and 60 days pics. I start phase 3 tomorrow!:drinker:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    P.S. ghanie- your progress is amazing!!!!! Good for you!:flowerforyou:
  • benw
    benw Posts: 211 Member
    I think I have hit the 20 lbs area. The scale does not go down much. I have been trying to workout harder.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Good morning all.

    I have started reading "Naturally Thin". I read what Mickie wrote above about sabotaging herself when she gets closer to goal. That is definitely me.

    Lately, I have eaten sugar sugar sugar and I have no clue why. I guess because it's a chain reaction.

    I've also been obsessing about everything. Eating. Not eating. What to eat. When to eat. It's driving me crazy.

    This book has inspired me to take a break from calorie counting for a while. I'm going to try to eat protein and complex carbs at every meal. This morning I had oatmeal with a half a cup of strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. And a protein shake made with low carb whey protein and a scoop of natural peanut butter.

    I brought a banana for a snack and I'm having tuna and a salad for lunch.

    For a snack after work, before my workout I am going to have some almonds and cheese.

    Then for dinner I am going to have veggies and chicken.

    And I'm going to eat till I feel satisfied, not full.

    I will be continuing my workouts of weight lifting and running and playing basketball.

    I am giving this a try for a month. We'll see how it goes. I was just going nuts with all this calorie counting. And I've actually gained a few more pounds.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Good morning all.

    I have started reading "Naturally Thin". I read what Mickie wrote above about sabotaging herself when she gets closer to goal. That is definitely me.

    Lately, I have eaten sugar sugar sugar and I have no clue why. I guess because it's a chain reaction.

    I've also been obsessing about everything. Eating. Not eating. What to eat. When to eat. It's driving me crazy.

    This book has inspired me to take a break from calorie counting for a while. I'm going to try to eat protein and complex carbs at every meal. This morning I had oatmeal with a half a cup of strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. And a protein shake made with low carb whey protein and a scoop of natural peanut butter.

    I brought a banana for a snack and I'm having tuna and a salad for lunch.

    For a snack after work, before my workout I am going to have some almonds and cheese.

    Then for dinner I am going to have veggies and chicken.

    And I'm going to eat till I feel satisfied, not full.

    I will be continuing my workouts of weight lifting and running and playing basketball.

    I am giving this a try for a month. We'll see how it goes. I was just going nuts with all this calorie counting. And I've actually gained a few more pounds.

    Sounds like a good plan! Good luck- keep us posted!:flowerforyou:
  • fjtcjt
    fjtcjt Posts: 199
    Good morning all.

    I have started reading "Naturally Thin". I read what Mickie wrote above about sabotaging herself when she gets closer to goal. That is definitely me.

    Lately, I have eaten sugar sugar sugar and I have no clue why. I guess because it's a chain reaction.

    I've also been obsessing about everything. Eating. Not eating. What to eat. When to eat. It's driving me crazy.

    This book has inspired me to take a break from calorie counting for a while. I'm going to try to eat protein and complex carbs at every meal. This morning I had oatmeal with a half a cup of strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. And a protein shake made with low carb whey protein and a scoop of natural peanut butter.

    I brought a banana for a snack and I'm having tuna and a salad for lunch.

    For a snack after work, before my workout I am going to have some almonds and cheese.

    Then for dinner I am going to have veggies and chicken.

    And I'm going to eat till I feel satisfied, not full.

    I will be continuing my workouts of weight lifting and running and playing basketball.

    I am giving this a try for a month. We'll see how it goes. I was just going nuts with all this calorie counting. And I've actually gained a few more pounds.

    If you are successful at sticking to this plan, you will definitely be headed in the right direction.
  • IUChelle423
    IUChelle423 Posts: 197
    Good morning all.

    I have started reading "Naturally Thin". I read what Mickie wrote above about sabotaging herself when she gets closer to goal. That is definitely me.

    Lately, I have eaten sugar sugar sugar and I have no clue why. I guess because it's a chain reaction.

    I've also been obsessing about everything. Eating. Not eating. What to eat. When to eat. It's driving me crazy.

    This book has inspired me to take a break from calorie counting for a while. I'm going to try to eat protein and complex carbs at every meal. This morning I had oatmeal with a half a cup of strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. And a protein shake made with low carb whey protein and a scoop of natural peanut butter.

    I brought a banana for a snack and I'm having tuna and a salad for lunch.

    For a snack after work, before my workout I am going to have some almonds and cheese.

    Then for dinner I am going to have veggies and chicken.

    And I'm going to eat till I feel satisfied, not full.

    I will be continuing my workouts of weight lifting and running and playing basketball.

    I am giving this a try for a month. We'll see how it goes. I was just going nuts with all this calorie counting. And I've actually gained a few more pounds.

    I've been obsessing too and I found the same thing - it backfires! When I deprive myself one day, it seems like the next day, I go completely overboard eating when I'm not even hungry.

    Yesterday was one of the scariest moments. I was in a restaurant and couldn't figure out what to order - even the salads were bad for you! The waiter came over and I wasn't ready but I ordered anyways one of the things I had been thinking about. I wasn't sure if I had ordered the right thing and then I spent the rest of the time there obsessing about the calories in the meal (even though I only ate half). I didn't even enjoy it and it put me in a bad mood to the extent that I hardly talked to my friend who was in town visiting!

    What is wrong with me?!? So then (unfortunately), instead of coming home and logging it or exercising (like I was planning to), I proceeded to have some pizza and 1/2 a box of Thin Mints! 1/2 A BOX! That "oh well - today is shot anyways" mentality that I have kept at bay the last 3 weeks came back with a vengeance!

    I wasn't about to let that attitude carry over, so I logged it this morning and the sad part is that if I hadn't been such a pig at the end, I would have been within my calories (with my exercise calories). As it is, I was only about 225 over, so I'm not going to sweat it that much, but BOY DO I FEEL LIKE A LUNATIC for the way I was acting yesterday! Today is a new day and I'm back on track with a positive attitude.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I am stuck myself, I am getting so discouraged..:cry: I have lost 2lbs in the last 8weeks. I keep trying differnet things, but nothing is working. I just gave up last night too.... I had too much dinner and dessert, and didn't log in anything. At least my dessert was angel food cake with pineapple/strawberries @ too much (whipcream.:sad: )
    I'm betting I wasn't that far over, but i felt horrible and I have been so cranky lately too.. I just wish I could get my weightloss moving again.. I wish to stop this behavior and get motivated again.:yawn:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I also meant to say earlier that I am putting the scale away until June 8th. That is when my next weigh in will be. This is going to be really hard for me, because I have this fear if I don't weigh even if I am staying on track with my nutrition and fitness, that I will magically gain 20 pounds. haha.

    But, I am NOT getting on the scale until 4 weeks from now!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I am stuck myself, I am getting so discouraged..:cry: I have lost 2lbs in the last 8weeks.

    Don't forget to take photos and/or measurements. That photo in my profile shows only a 3 lb difference.

    I heard from someone who was getting disappointed about not losing any weight but she lost over 5 inches off the waist.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I am stuck myself, I am getting so discouraged..:cry: I have lost 2lbs in the last 8weeks.

    Don't forget to take photos and/or measurements. That photo in my profile shows only a 3 lb difference.

    I heard from someone who was getting disappointed about not losing any weight but she lost over 5 inches off the waist.

    I have taken measurements, I've lost 2 inches around my waist,and 3/4 on my legs and arms and hips. yes I look leaner and I stand taller, but the stubborn stomach from having a baby just sits there. I am just going to take a break and try to relax this week. I hope it works
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I am stuck myself, I am getting so discouraged..:cry: I have lost 2lbs in the last 8weeks.

    Don't forget to take photos and/or measurements. That photo in my profile shows only a 3 lb difference.

    I heard from someone who was getting disappointed about not losing any weight but she lost over 5 inches off the waist.

    I have taken measurements, I've lost 2 inches around my waist,and 3/4 on my legs and arms and hips. yes I look leaner and I stand taller, but the stubborn stomach from having a baby just sits there. I am just going to take a break and try to relax this week. I hope it works

    Kimss, great job on the inches lost!

    I have to say that since I've not been logging and really trying to follow some of the tips I'm reading in this book, I already feel so much better.

    I was thinking this morning about the times I've lost weight and not really meant to. People would say, You look smaller - have you lost weight? and I was so, I don't think so. Maybe?

    So, I think it's a great idea to take a break and relax. :smile: I feel so much more calm right now.
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