please tell me i'm not the only one.



  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    At this time next year it won't matter...the whole world is ending 1 year from today according to the Mayans. Not even worth packing up and moving somewhere just for the 12 months we've got left.
  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 162 Member
    At this time next year it won't matter...the whole world is ending 1 year from today according to the Mayans. Not even worth packing up and moving somewhere just for the 12 months we've got left.

    I'm sorry....I don't mean to be rude, but.... BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
  • Babaloo53
    Babaloo53 Posts: 3 Member
    I hear you. As a Canadian "visiting" your USA - I see the problems... the "uber-rich" politicians that "pay" to have their guy in the gov't office... where is the "voting for the best guy??? I digress... Canada has it's problems too... BUT - our health care is 200% better than your "non-health care" .. our banking system is definately better... but we still have our problems. I am frustrated every day watching the US and Canadian news... it's very sad all round!!! Don't know what the answer is. Wish I did.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I don't think you should move to another country because of the government....

    I am living in my 3rd country (4th hopefully next year), and most places are pretty similar in many aspects -- including government problems.

    People are people are people, and the government was made and is run by people. Each country has its own issues, but I would not rank the U.S. as a worrying country as far as personal safety due to government is concerned. I mean, wherever you go you will eventually notice flaws. I think it is easier to see the flaws of places, people, and things we are used to than those we are presented with rose colored glasses.

    If you want to go to Canada because it fulfills you on a personal level, I would say that is a great reason to go...

    One issue is immigrating. I would not give up my U.S. is too powerful a world player (even now).
  • Babaloo53
    Babaloo53 Posts: 3 Member
    give me a break - the world isn't going to end anytime soon... the Mayans have been saying those things for 100's of years.. then they just change the calendar...
  • GoCanada
    GoCanada Posts: 92 Member
    Apparently you have not experienced living in another Cuba or Mexico....why do you think they are all risking their lives to come here????

    i really just want to move to canada. it's nice and cold and there's lots of hockey and health care.

    Socialized Healthcare is not the answer. Talk to someone from Canada before you believe this...

    I am from Canada. It works great from where I sit. You're welcome :)

    Heh. Been in Canada all my life, and don't have much to go on besides my experiences here and what I have heard from others. Our wait times can get a little bit ridiculous...including the emergency room. I don't know that I would trade the free health care, but definitely something I ponder. Would sometimes love to be able to pay a doctor to see us faster than having absolutely no choice.

    But... include signing the bill for indefinite detainment without trial I would never trade Canada for the USA (sorry guys).
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    i really want to move out of the country before the government takes away all of my rights completely. with all of the new laws being passed to censor people's opinions in the media, increasing the taxes, and rick perry trying to run for president, i want to get out asap. people think i'm joking but i just have this feeling that things are going to take a turn for the worse very shortly. anybody else in america feeling this way right now?

    People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.

    If you feel your government is not best serving you and your fellow citizens rights, stand up to your government. This country was founded on the ideals of standing up to authority, rising up and challeging oppression, and fighting for what we believe in. If you dont feel the American government is allowing you to experience the freedoms that our (not their, remember it is ours, the people) constitution and bill of rights guarantee us, then you need to make the changes you want to see in this country.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Apparently you have not experienced living in another Cuba or Mexico....why do you think they are all risking their lives to come here????

    i really just want to move to canada. it's nice and cold and there's lots of hockey and health care.

    Socialized Healthcare is not the answer. Talk to someone from Canada before you believe this...

    I am from Canada. It works great from where I sit. You're welcome :)

    Heh. Been in Canada all my life, and don't have much to go on besides my experiences here and what I have heard from others. Our wait times can get a little bit ridiculous...including the emergency room. I don't know that I would trade the free health care, but definitely something I ponder. Would sometimes love to be able to pay a doctor to see us faster than having absolutely no choice.

    But... include signing the bill for indefinite detainment without trial I would never trade Canada for the USA (sorry guys).

    I've spoken to friends in the States and they have ER wait times that rival ours. Luckily I've only ever been to the ER for relatively minor issues (but serious enough to go in), so I understand if the 60 year old with a heart attack is seen before I am. They have to prioritize according to the severity of the emergency, it's not a first come first serve situation (and shouldn't be).
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    NHS for the win. :)
  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    Ive noticed most of the disallusioned here seem to be young people (men and women under 30 or so). I wonder why that is? Could it be they were brought up in the world where they were entertained most of their childhood and teen years? My kids were always going somewhere, doing something with someone, spending money here and there, every night they were somewhere having fun. To grow up that way and then have the reality of the real cold world hit you in the face is very hard and frightening. To be expected to take care of yourself just doesnt seem fair. That is why so many think that it is the governments business to support or take care of them. That is why this uprising of the groups wanting the rich and the Corporations to share their wealth with them. It doenst matter about all the years and years of hard study, work, and late nights went into making that money, they simply want it now. This is not to insult anyone, its just my view as I see it from my experiences.

    Sadly I grew up very fast because my family was poor growing up. We got a lot of things second hand, we lived in a ****ty apartment complex where I got molested by other neighborhood boys that their parents didn't give two cents about them (no sympathy needed) and we ate a LOT of ramen, peanut butter or tuna sandwiches. We got free lunch, never had health care as children and I didn't go to the dentist until I HAD to have a root canal at the age of 23. Nothing was EVER handed to me, and I worked as soon as I was old enough to baby sit. But yet I see how our government treats people like (read my previous post about healthcare). I was told I could not get food stamps to help me through college because as a college student I am required to work 20 hours on top of my school load. As I am trying to get into veterinary school i don't have to time work AND mantain a 3.72 gpa. But yet the government doesn't care about my aspirations. But if i got knocked up I could get medicaid, food stamps, housing and even emergency 1000 bucks of cash!

    Poor you - I work, attend NURSING school and provide insurance for myself and my two children... It CAN be done, and it isn't the governments job to make it easy on you. PS... I also carry at 3.8 GPA and will graduate in May.

    For some of us it doesn't come easy. I am not very good at memorizing things and wind up spending a ton of time studying...much more than most of my classmates with the same gpa. I only ask for some help while I try to get through school instead of trying to bury myself in student loan debt. My POINT was that people who get knocked up and have children as a career to use the government get away with it. There are so many housing projects here where people drive brand new escalades and have 60 inch flat screen tvs while theyre baby daddy makes 4k a month and it isnt claimed on their housing status. I am merely pissed that the system is so screwed up because I see people who really need the help struggle and get turned away more times than not, but I see welfare housing full of prosperity. I'm glad you have it as well as you do, most of us are not that lucky. I do work part time (19 hrs) as a tutor, I help run a non profit animal rescue which relies on me heavily for a lot of things, i go to school full time and I work during any break delivering pizza. No one can say I'm not doing the best I can, which is what seems to be the case here.

    Interesting that you think I have it "as well as I do" at what point did I say anything I was doing was easy, or that I had it well? Don't assume that just because I'm succeeding that I'm not suffering and sacrificing everyday to do it... I would say give up the volunteer work so you can work full time and get health insurance, but that would just be my priority, if you CHOOSE to put time into something besides working that is YOUR choice and the government shouldn't have to supplement your income because of it... It does suck to see others getting the help when they don't deserve it, or by trickery, and the welfare system is a mess... BUT as long as God gave me will and ability I will succeed - helping hand or not. Their lies and deceit are on them and they will be judged.

    In all honesty the way in which you are writing is coming off as very pretentious. Essentially you're first delineating that you have a very difficult amount of coursework but are still able to care for your children. Good, I'm glad your kids are well taken care of. That doesn't mean that everyone who doesn't have what you have aren't working hard. If that's not what you're trying to say, fine, but that's how it's reading to everyone else.

    I think the reason you're getting the kind of response you did is because of the way you emphasize "NURSING" school, like that's so much more difficult. That you are able to maintain a 3.8 GPA, and etc. Do you think that makes you a better person? Do you think that people who are maybe working as hard if not harder as you are undeserving of help from a government system that you admit is not working properly? Welfare isn't perfect, you're right. That doesn't mean everyone who is on it doesn't need it, and it doesn't mean that those who need it are being provided for in every case.

    It's a little scary to see you suggest that someone give up volunteering. Maybe your idea of success in life, and what is rewarding, is different than others. I think if she chooses to volunteer she's doing it because she wants to. Don't think you're coming to a magnanimous conclusion to suggest something like giving that up for better grades. It's possible that doing this kind of work could help someone feel better about themselves as well as take stress away. That's worth something to me.

    I don't personally think most people "choose" their situations. If you were lucky (yes LUCKY) enough to have gotten yourself into a situation where you can afford healthcare and go to school, awesome. That doesn't mean people who go to school and work and aren't able to afford health care aren't trying as hard.

    As for me, I have no kids. I have a college degree, and I still have to live at home with my parents. I put out plenty of job applications every day and I'm working full time. I can't afford rent, let alone health care and I am having trouble finding a job that will put me above the poverty line. Would you say I was lazy? That I was not working as hard as I should be? I'm doing the best I can as are many people. Again, if you're fortunate enough to be in the situation where you can make things work (regardless of how much struggling is involved) that's good for you but it's really unfair to call people out and tell them they're not entitled to help when you don't know the first or second thing about their situation.

    Lastly, I really don't understand why you started to mention God because last I checked this was not a religious discussion. There are groups for that here and on other sites on the internet, and I suggest you go air your grievances in the company of those with similar beliefs. It's a little bit disrespectful to talk about God judging people and punishing them and etc. just as I'm sure you would feel the same way if someone who followed Buddhism told you that you'd be reincarnated as a less fortunate human being. Put it into perspective. Have your beliefs and follow them to your hearts content but try to keep that to yourself or put it in an appropriate location.

    1st: I never called anyone lazy or intended to give that impression. I brought up my situation only in an effort to show the poster that you can work full time and go to school (which is what she was saying she couldn't do). Lots of people HAVE to do exactly that but I never said anyone was lazy or not trying hard enough.

    2nd: I think it's wonderful that she chooses to volunteer, but if you choose that over working full time then take responsibility for your choice - if you need more income that might be necessary to cut back on... Just trying to be realistic.

    3rd: Please take your own advice: "Have your beliefs and follow them to your hearts content but try to keep that to yourself or put it in an appropriate location." I have a feeling for you that advice only applies to people who's opinions you don't agree with. Is MFP an appropriate place for any of this conversation? why not? Those are rhetorical questions because I will not longer be following this thread.
  • lcpurser
    lcpurser Posts: 109 Member
    Haha, my feelings. Plus, all family is here!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Apparently you have not experienced living in another Cuba or Mexico....why do you think they are all risking their lives to come here????

    i really just want to move to canada. it's nice and cold and there's lots of hockey and health care.

    While the health care system is nice, i've heard it takes forever to be seen for primary care.

    Maybe if you live in the sticks? My boyfriend is Canadian and he can see his primary about as quickly as I can see mine.
    With my insurance now, I can't even go to an urgent care center without shelling out $250 just to see a doctor. The last time I ended up in the ER (not even a full day) I had to pay around $1000. Ridiculous!

    I can't get my head around having to pay MONEY to go to the emergency room ):
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    NHS for the win. :)

    -big thumbs up-
  • My fiance hates all things government and would want to do the same, but there is no way we can afford that.

    He also said there was a bill trying to get passed that could imprision people without trial or evidence, but I don't know if that's true.

    I believe you're talking about the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that Obama just signed into action. It gives the government authorization to detain people for an indefinite amount of time without trial or evidence if they are suspected of terrorism or some BS.
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    But where would you go? I supposedly live in the best country on earth (Australia) and it has been RUINED!!!! Bleeding hearts have ruined this wonderful country as I knew it. Sooooo, there is nowhere for us to go now. Unless we go to the empty s^%tholes because all of those people are here living it up!!!!

    The eff?!?!?! Wow......
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    My fiance hates all things government and would want to do the same, but there is no way we can afford that.

    He also said there was a bill trying to get passed that could imprision people without trial or evidence, but I don't know if that's true.

    They do that here. I'm in Switzerland and they can put you in prison and keep you there until proven innoccent. A friend of ours was in prison for a year out here (he is an expat too) before they realised that he was innoccent and then it was kind of 'oh sorry, no hard feeling eh' kind of affair!
  • The answer is not to get out of the country. The solution to the problem is to take a stand, get active in politics, vote, DO SOMETHING to better the country.

    funny thing is i do. i vote and i've gone to a couple city council meetings. and i went to the gulf to help clean up the oil spill. i do clean up projects for my city and i have gone to 18 protests. i recycle and i rescue abandoned animals. i make differences here and there but nothing that can make a sufficient change to the government.

    I hope you enjoy Canada... It isn't uncommon for your generation to not appreciate the gifts this country has to offer. Just the fact that you can speak negatively of your country without consequence is a gift provided to you by the very country you speak poorly of - ironic...

    The way things are going, we might not be able to speak freely of our country and it's top notch leaders anymore (heavy sarcasm intended here). There was an act signed into place that allows people to be detained by the government indefinitely without a trial if they are suspected of terrorism.

    I'm not saying it's going to happen...but that's the making of something very terrible. Say something about a government official or the government itself that someone higher up doesn't like? see where I'm going with this.

    Don't get me wrong, I love this country. I'm glad to be an American city for the most part. But I fear the way things are going.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    People get the government they deserve. America is full of lazy, entitled crybabies, hence the poor excuses for "leaders" we have in Washington these days.

    I wish that just one of these people who claim they're going to move to another country would actually grow a pair and do it. The fewer whiners, the better.

    Except for you though, right? America is full of lazy entitled crybabies, except for you. You're the 1 American who is hard working and never complains (aside from what you're complaining about in this post).

    I'm sorry - I don't usually like to call individuals out for their statements but I had to in this case.

    Don't make generalizations about a group of people (especially one that you're a part of). The inherent laziness of some people has pretty much nothing to do with the election process and the choosing of political candidates. Laziness of the American citizen is also not to blame for an economic crisis - that is not happening only to the United States. It's rather widespread.

    Again, take a few minutes to think about what you're actually saying before you post something. If you have a differing opinion from other people that's fine, but you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Make your point. Say something intellectual and factual.

    I just think it's ironic that you wrote a post like this, which is quite whiny in my opinion, about Americans, while you are one.

    Developing some reading comprehension skills will do you a lot of favors. At no point in your incoherent rambling do you appear to be cognizant of the fact that I never claimed to be the only hard-working person in America, which makes the rest of your "argument" completely pointless.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Have a safe trip.
  • sendit
    sendit Posts: 28
    NDAA. It already passed. SOPA/PIPA will destroy the internet.