What cool fitness related gift did you get?



  • I got a digital food scale
  • glennam1
    glennam1 Posts: 172 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred....whoo hoo!
  • kiwi_dee
    kiwi_dee Posts: 160 Member
    Zumba Exhilarate DVDs. Just tried it out and it's so much fun!
  • A Wii with several games. The Country Dance 2 is a super workout!!
  • cheekyleonie
    cheekyleonie Posts: 140 Member
    Hubby got me a Garmin forerunner HRM/gps now I will know my accurate distance on all of my trail runs!!!
    Hey I got a Garmin Forerunner too!!!! I haven't worked out how to get the calorie tracker working... PM me if you can help!!! :love:
  • smashleymcgee
    smashleymcgee Posts: 135 Member
    New running shoes and Tae Bo videos :)
  • a bottleless water cooler!! yay!! Bottoms-up!!
  • I went combing through the fitness DVDs on Amazon (looking for used DVDs for a 1 penny and such) and got:

    3 Cathe Friedrich (paid full price because those were new releases)
    3 Tracy Mallet
    4 Tae Bo
    3 Core Rhythms
    2 Firm

    Merry Christmas to me!! :bigsmile:
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    Garmin Forerunner 310XT with HRM!
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    I got a nice gym bag with my school colors and school logo! And I also got a new yoga mat and bag to carry it in :)
  • Yes, same idea. www.fitbit.com

    So this was a reply to a question about the fitbit.
  • dippystick
    dippystick Posts: 168 Member
    My daughter and her family got me a ipod nano and they loaded it with a bunch of cool workout music. Just ordered a total gym as a gift to myself, should get to my house shortly after I get home.
  • Chocolate, just what I needed to do everything for it not to be an option to offer me next year.
  • rbbrrmqn
    rbbrrmqn Posts: 132 Member
    A kitchen scale and multi-level resist. cords with handles!! Happy happy!!! I bought them for myself with gift cards!!
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 189 Member
    Not terribly exciting but I'm happy- my honey got me:
    One 8 lb weight to match my other one.
    New Gym bag
    sleeping bag
    camping water bottle
    Plus, I bought myself a new pair of Brooks running shoes from Peachtree Running Co.
  • HRM (that I just used - YEAH), Beautiful bright pink running shoes (that I just used - Double YEAH), New yoga mat and carrier. Momma made out like a bandit :bigsmile:
  • chiera88
    chiera88 Posts: 155
    zumba wii game!:love:
  • I went combing through the fitness DVDs on Amazon (looking for used DVDs for a 1 penny and such) and got:

    3 Cathe Friedrich (paid full price because those were new releases)
    3 Tracy Mallet
    4 Tae Bo
    3 Core Rhythms
    2 Firm

    Merry Christmas to me!! :bigsmile:

  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    I got myself a heart rate monitor to as a present to me! But it was courtesy of my generous aunt sending me $200! :love:

    Also I know i'm getting a great pair of new sneakers- I helped my mom pick them out because i had to try them on but she bought them and i'm STOKED! She's also getting me dumbbells and workout clothes. Who knows what else! :happy:

    (I also got my IPHONE!!!!! My fiancee is beyondn amazing. He sacrificed SO much to get it for me! :blushing: :heart:)

    I'm very lucky this Christmas. In November we lost my aunt to cancer so it's a bittersweet holiday so just being together is the biggest gift. Sounds corny but it has to be said- LOVE my gifts and they come from a place of love but that love is what really matters.

    HAPPY HOLIDAYS, whatever that is to you!!! I hope you all are surrounded with love and joy. I'm grateful for this community that I found in MFP. We can all accomplish so much in 2012, together! :drinker:
  • RisyaLifsheTova
    RisyaLifsheTova Posts: 305 Member
    A gift card to ****s sporting goods so I can purchase a new pair of running shoes!