90 days to a better you challenge... start January 1, 2012



  • ltummonds42
    ltummonds42 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, my name is Laura and I would love to join this challenge!

    Current weight: 246
    Ultimate goal is 150
    Goal for this challenge: 216

    My goal is to drink more water, and only have a cheat meal not a cheat day.
  • Count me in!

    current weight: 185
    90 day goal : 170
    To STOP EATING JUNK FOOD.... I'm an addict!!!
    AND to get back on a regular exercise roiutine: 4 / 5 times per week for 30 - 45 mins.
  • Its_My_Time
    Its_My_Time Posts: 156 Member
    :flowerforyou: Nice to meet you everyone! I need this motivation to help get moving and reach my goal in the New Year! Together we can do it!

    Name: Sandy (Its_My_Time)
    Current Weight: 172
    Goal weight: 145
    What I would like to accompolish in 90 days: loose at least 15 pounds, feel stronger & healthier!
  • jennk221
    jennk221 Posts: 85 Member
    I would love to be part of this challenge!!
    Name: Jennifer
    Current Weight: 167
    Goal Weight: 130
    90 day goal: I would love to start exercising at least 3x per week. EVERY WEEK...
  • bozmo
    bozmo Posts: 177 Member
    This is a perfect way to start out the new year!

    Name: Monique (bozmo)
    Current Weight: 147
    Goal weight: 125
    What I would like to accomplish in 90 days: To fit back into my dirt biking clothes before our vacation in April
    How I'm going to do it: Exercise 4x per week and stick to 1200 calories per day!
  • lmbame905
    lmbame905 Posts: 83 Member
    Name Lauri
    Current weight 180
    Goal weight 140
    What you would like to accomplish in 90 day. GET MARRIED!!! (March 25) Lose 20 lbs! Rock n Roll half Marathon in DC March 17th!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Will do this later
  • JulieB1956
    JulieB1956 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I'm really new to all of this and this sounds like a great idea. But how do I bookmark or find this post thread again? (Technology ins't a strong point for me.)

    Name: Julie
    90 day goals: Log daily; get some exercise or movement every day; finish physical therapy for recent rotator cuff repair surgery; develop better pain management strategy for foot and back pain; lose 10 pounds.
    Thanks for the opportunity.
  • Prettylittlelotus
    Prettylittlelotus Posts: 239 Member
    I'm so in!

    Name: Casey
    Current weight: 126
    Goal weight: 115
    What you would like to accomplish in 90 days: I want to continue my work out routine--1 hour very brisk walk, 5 days a week; Yoga, 2-3 nights a week; 5k race, once a month. I hope to also increase my training for 5k's to 30 minutes, twice a week.
  • oldmanswife
    oldmanswife Posts: 35 Member
    Please add me to this challenge!
    Perfect timing for me. I had our 5th baby on Dec. 6th and have lost 24 pounds since then, but still need to lose 25 more.
    Starting weight: 184.4
    Goal weight: 155-160

    I want to lose 10-12 pounds over the next 90 days. Will be taking it a bit slow to keep up the milk supply for the little one. ;)

    Thanks for starting this challenge!
  • lets give this a whirl!!!!!

    name: felicity
    start weight: 72kg
    goal weight: 60kg
    goal: to be trim and fit for a trip to the states at the end of march 2012

    lets rock this team!!!
  • FitnessBarbie99
    FitnessBarbie99 Posts: 277 Member
    Name: FitnessBarbie99
    Current weight: 205 (darned holidays!)
    Goal weight: 170
    What you would like to accomplish in 90 days:
    Add more time to my workouts and continue to increase my fitness level. I am totally grooving on how wonderful my body is starting to feel after only a few weeks of strength training! There is a specific yoga move I can't do yet because of so much fat on my back so my goal is to be able to do it. Don't know what it's called, but you clasp your fingers together behind your back and then bend forward so that your back is parallel with the floor and your arms are straight up. I also want to be able to sprint up the stairs without being winded.
    I'd like to have a set of low calorie, nice tasting snack options in the house and the high calorie stuff out of it.
    I love Dr. Oz, but never have time to watch the show or videos.
  • puzzlingkirsten
    puzzlingkirsten Posts: 58 Member
    Name : Kirsten (KirstenHits170)
    Current weight : 212.1 lbs (12.26.11)
    Goal weight : 170 lbs
    What you would like to accomplish in 90 days : Healthier eating, as well as a better exercise regimen (since I'm currently doing NOTHING)
    And I will post a "before" photo on the 1st. :)
  • Name- Justfine11
    Current Weight- 132
    Goal Weight-120

    90 day accomplishment will be to lose 12 pounds and improve my diet by eating more fruits and veggies. I also want to build more muscle and lose fat.
  • sandimack
    sandimack Posts: 136 Member

    Name: sandy
    Current weight: 148 lbs,
    Goal weight: 130 lbs

    In 90 days I'd like to stay at goal weight. Come up with a new maintenance plan, add veggies in to daily plan. I'm addicted to booty camp and sports so that is already habit. Just gotta get the food in check!
  • Hi will love to Join

    Current Weight 168.52
    Goal weight 164
    Name: Shirley

    90 days to get my goal weight of 164lbs, reach a healthy BMI of 24, and get fit for life!!
  • I'm in!

    Name: Rebecca (rmsturdy)
    Current weight:165lbs
    Goal weight:150lbs
    Accomplishment: Don't miss a week, lean up, tone up, get moving towards the weight goal.
  • Name : Merlin Kulangara
    Current weight : 132 lbs
    Goal weight 100-110
    What you would like to accomplish in 90 day: At least make it to 110 and try and fit into my once fav dress!

    Thank you so much for thinking of this!!
    It's such a great idea!
  • hollykrumhp
    hollykrumhp Posts: 8 Member
    Name : Holly
    Current weight : ~121 lbs (haven't checked in about 3 weeks so it could possibly be more; scale is broken)
    Goal weight : 110 lbs
    What you would like to accomplish in 90 days : More self-control, more healthy eating and more exercising! I would like to see these last 10 lbs finally disappear.
  • I'm definitely in! Hot bod for spring break anyone?!

    Name: Sky
    Current weight: 125
    Goal weight: 110
    What you would like to accomplish in 90 days: a healthy body and recovery from my eating disorder