breastfeeding in public



  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    Although breast feeding has proven to be better for a child there are children out there who have not breast feed and turned out to be brilliant.

    I breast feed, but that was me. I think as a parent though I did it because I felt obligated to. The nurses/doctors/family members scared me into believing that if i didnt something would be wrong with my child. All the "risks".

    I think I would do it again if I had another however, to women who chose not to I dont think its fair to look down upon them if they make they choice. Its about whats doing whats right for you.

    And as far as bonding goes a child who breast feeds still has a chance to bond with their father(without feeding) My daughters father used to take his shirt off and offer a pacifier to my daughter so they could have the skin to skin bond without feeding and more for relaxing.

    And for that matter there are adopted children everywhere who dont breast feed but connect very closely to their adoptive parents.


    back to breast feeding in public....

    I really don't care who breastfeeds or not. I just wish people would not spew ignorant nonsense about the so called downsides when they've either never experienced it themselves or have not completely researched the subject. Just feed your kid is my motto LOL
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    feed in the bathroom.......yeah, I'll feed my baby in the bathroom when you feed your toddler in there! When you flush a toilet all kinds of nastiness flies in the want that all over your boobies for your baby to suck in?


    Were the hell are you supposed to feed in the bathroom anyway? On an open toilet? Standing up? On the nasty floor? All sounds like great place for a good letdown yeah!
  • seehawkmomma
    feed in the bathroom.......yeah, I'll feed my baby in the bathroom when you feed your toddler in there! When you flush a toilet all kinds of nastiness flies in the want that all over your boobies for your baby to suck in?


    Were the hell are you supposed to feed in the bathroom anyway? On an open toilet? Standing up? On the nasty floor? All sounds like great place for a good letdown yeah!

    LOL what kind of bathrooms have you ladies been in?! Maybe I'm sheltered but I know of so many nice bathrooms....they look like they could be a resort. I mean I have been to a random few in a walmart but hey dont get me started in walmart.

    I get that breast feeding in a public restroom is gross.....but seriously I mean I lot of restrooms I've been in have like a "lobby" like a different area with the mirrors and such.

    But if your at target why not hit up the dressing room?
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    wow..this thread..really to each their kiddos yet, we want them but are suffering with infertility, but if a baby is hungry let him/her eat..whether with bottle or breast...we are not to's a choice, the way a guy chooses boxers or briefs :)
    It should be simple..
  • CharityEaton
    EXACTLY! who cares breast or bottle, babies have to eat! Cover yourself a bit if you are the breastfeeder....turn your head if you are not!
    Move on about your bussiness. People are just so dang offended by everything anymore.
    Everyone wants to throw around the whole "it's my right" thing. Whatever. It's your right to feed your baby, its your right to be offended by a boobie, its your right to be offended by the moon shining in your window every night!
    Lighten up and get over it...its a boob for goodness you start a forum discussion if you see a cow feeding her calf as you drive down the road NOPE, just a part of nature and I BET you point it out to your kids too!
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    feed in the bathroom.......yeah, I'll feed my baby in the bathroom when you feed your toddler in there! When you flush a toilet all kinds of nastiness flies in the want that all over your boobies for your baby to suck in?


    Were the hell are you supposed to feed in the bathroom anyway? On an open toilet? Standing up? On the nasty floor? All sounds like great place for a good letdown yeah!

    LOL what kind of bathrooms have you ladies been in?! Maybe I'm sheltered but I know of so many nice bathrooms....they look like they could be a resort. I mean I have been to a random few in a walmart but hey dont get me started in walmart.

    I get that breast feeding in a public restroom is gross.....but seriously I mean I lot of restrooms I've been in have like a "lobby" like a different area with the mirrors and such.

    But if your at target why not hit up the dressing room?

    Our mall bathroom has a "nursing" room with rocking chairs :)
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member

    For a nurse in training you sure don't know what you're talking about. Not that I'm surprised considering the medical community is so used to pushing formula onto new mothers. You can get clogged ducts, mastitis, uneven breasts, and leaking whether you breastfeed or not. It's just the nature of bearing a child. Did you also know that women who do not breastfeed have a higher incidence of PPD because their body basically thinks the baby has died? It's your choice but please be well informed upon what you're talking about. Because right about now you sound pretty ignorant about the whole thing.

    As a nursing mom of two I've personally never had mastitis, plugged ducts, or leaking accidents. The only time I pumped was when my daughter was in the NICU to help establish a milk supply when she couldn't latch, the first time around the soreness went away within a week (you're going to get sore/ engorged anyway ya know), and it was a lot easier to just roll over and pop a boob in the kid's mouth in the middle of the night instead of getting up and perparing a bottle. But hey, who wants more sleep?

    Oh I know you can get those conditions without breastfeeding, but like in the case of mastitis, most cases occur in breastfeeding women. Your risk increases when you breastfeed. However, that's not the only reason I won't breastfeeding, it is just one of many.

    Agreed. BUT she is talking about her choice to formula feed. Not that she tried breastfeeding and was unsuccessful or didn't have support.

    I know I would be unhappy if I breastfed. I don't need to try it to realize the fact.

    Being a good parent means taking good care of yourself. If she chose to breast feed and became stressed and upset what good would that do for a child???

    A happy healthy parent makes a happy healthy baby :)

    Thank you for saying this, I agree!
  • CharityEaton
    feed in the bathroom.......yeah, I'll feed my baby in the bathroom when you feed your toddler in there! When you flush a toilet all kinds of nastiness flies in the want that all over your boobies for your baby to suck in?


    Were the hell are you supposed to feed in the bathroom anyway? On an open toilet? Standing up? On the nasty floor? All sounds like great place for a good letdown yeah!

    LOL what kind of bathrooms have you ladies been in?! Maybe I'm sheltered but I know of so many nice bathrooms....they look like they could be a resort. I mean I have been to a random few in a walmart but hey dont get me started in walmart.

    I get that breast feeding in a public restroom is gross.....but seriously I mean I lot of restrooms I've been in have like a "lobby" like a different area with the mirrors and such.

    But if your at target why not hit up the dressing room?

    When a baby wants to eat you are not always in the most desireable locations! It happens! I've had to pull over on the side of the road befroe because the screaming baby was making me a nervous wreck!
  • iamnotashley
    iamnotashley Posts: 26 Member
    You've missed what several people have said. Not everyone can pump. Not every woman's body responds to a pump because it acts differently than a baby does, and then there are women like me who have an excess of the enzyme lipase in their milk which makes the milk taste soapy after more than a few minutes outside the body. It's gross. My children wouldn't drink it, and I wouldn't blame them.

    Breastfeeding is not covered under public nudity laws. Breastfeeding mothers are allowed to nurse in any federal building IN PUBLIC without being asked to leave or cover up. Because it's not the same as just being naked in public. It's feeding a baby.
    I haven't missed anything. I'm speaking in general. What I stated was a general fact. I'm not a parent, nor do I keep up with what enzyme's do what, so therefore I did not speak about it. I'm sorry for anyone that has to deal with that, but a pump is honestly the second best things.

    I wasn't speaking about legality, public nudity is what it is, nudity in public. Which I also stated is something I wouldn't want to see, lol.
    Wow really WE need to work on OUR argument skills? Honey, you haven't made a valid point yet. Breastfeeding in a bathroom is nasty. The stink, the sounds, the germs. Yuck, seriously when I see you eat your big mac in the bathroom I'll happily breastfeed in one. Eeeew....

    When you become a parent, good ones normally put their children's needs first. It's just a fact. Although I breastfed for purely selfish reasons: less dishes.

    Not everyone can let down enough for a pump. I know I sure couldn't. I pumped while my daughter was in the NICU and that's it. It's a pain in the butt to pump to begin with, not to mention if you feed baby with a bottle while you're out you have to pump to make up for that feeding. That means double the time spent on feeding.

    I'm sure glad people like you don't make the laws.
    I gave several valid points, I'm sorry you missed them. They were quite on point. I'm not sure what kind of bathrooms you have been in, but ones I have been in have been pretty tolerable. Big Mac? Wow, good one. But yeah, I would have no problem eating in one, but you can't honestly give me this argument and expect me to say anything of the less to it, since I have no problem eating and looking at 'gross' things. I didn't even once say you had to breastfeed in a toilet or toilet area. In my personal opinion, although I don't want to see it at all, I won't mind as long as the person is covered up. So you're barkin' up the wrong tree, I'm not even against it. While I am not a parent, I still feel that one does not need to abandon their needs just because they have children. That is all I meant. I'm also glad people like you don't make the laws either, I guess, just for arguments sake.
  • Mama_CAEI
    As far as I know, my breastmilk has never been recalled:
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    feed in the bathroom.......yeah, I'll feed my baby in the bathroom when you feed your toddler in there! When you flush a toilet all kinds of nastiness flies in the want that all over your boobies for your baby to suck in?


    Were the hell are you supposed to feed in the bathroom anyway? On an open toilet? Standing up? On the nasty floor? All sounds like great place for a good letdown yeah!

    LOL what kind of bathrooms have you ladies been in?! Maybe I'm sheltered but I know of so many nice bathrooms....they look like they could be a resort. I mean I have been to a random few in a walmart but hey dont get me started in walmart.

    I get that breast feeding in a public restroom is gross.....but seriously I mean I lot of restrooms I've been in have like a "lobby" like a different area with the mirrors and such.

    But if your at target why not hit up the dressing room?

    We don't go nice places often LOL. The times I've normally had to breastfeed at a resturant it's like an Applebees or something. We save the nice places for when we don't have children to inturrupt us. Most public bathrooms I've been in are just the bathroom, with stalls, toilets without tops, and a tile floor. Not necessarily nasty but if still you have feces and stuff shooting up in the air from the toilets. If there was a seperate lobby I'd probably utilize it.

    I wouldn't have issues hitting up a dressing room if I didn't have another child with me. I just personally find it easier to nurse in a sling because that's normally where my daughter would be anyway. Most people don't realize I'm nursing to being with unless they're litteraly looking down my shirt.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    As far as I know, my breastmilk has never been recalled:

    A woman can also pass on infections or medications that are being taken to her child through breastmilk, so they both have their negatives/downsides as well.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    You've missed what several people have said. Not everyone can pump. Not every woman's body responds to a pump because it acts differently than a baby does, and then there are women like me who have an excess of the enzyme lipase in their milk which makes the milk taste soapy after more than a few minutes outside the body. It's gross. My children wouldn't drink it, and I wouldn't blame them.

    Breastfeeding is not covered under public nudity laws. Breastfeeding mothers are allowed to nurse in any federal building IN PUBLIC without being asked to leave or cover up. Because it's not the same as just being naked in public. It's feeding a baby.
    I haven't missed anything. I'm speaking in general. What I stated was a general fact. I'm not a parent, nor do I keep up with what enzyme's do what, so therefore I did not speak about it. I'm sorry for anyone that has to deal with that, but a pump is honestly the second best things.

    I wasn't speaking about legality, public nudity is what it is, nudity in public. Which I also stated is something I wouldn't want to see, lol.
    Wow really WE need to work on OUR argument skills? Honey, you haven't made a valid point yet. Breastfeeding in a bathroom is nasty. The stink, the sounds, the germs. Yuck, seriously when I see you eat your big mac in the bathroom I'll happily breastfeed in one. Eeeew....

    When you become a parent, good ones normally put their children's needs first. It's just a fact. Although I breastfed for purely selfish reasons: less dishes.

    Not everyone can let down enough for a pump. I know I sure couldn't. I pumped while my daughter was in the NICU and that's it. It's a pain in the butt to pump to begin with, not to mention if you feed baby with a bottle while you're out you have to pump to make up for that feeding. That means double the time spent on feeding.

    I'm sure glad people like you don't make the laws.
    I gave several valid points, I'm sorry you missed them. They were quite on point. I'm not sure what kind of bathrooms you have been in, but ones I have been in have been pretty tolerable. Big Mac? Wow, good one. But yeah, I would have no problem eating in one, but you can't honestly give me this argument and expect me to say anything of the less to it, since I have no problem eating and looking at 'gross' things. I didn't even once say you had to breastfeed in a toilet or toilet area. In my personal opinion, although I don't want to see it at all, I won't mind as long as the person is covered up. So you're barkin' up the wrong tree, I'm not even against it. While I am not a parent, I still feel that one does not need to abandon their needs just because they have children. That is all I meant. I'm also glad people like you don't make the laws either, I guess, just for arguments sake.

    Nope, pretty sure your points were BS spouted from someone who has little knowledge on the subject (really... expecting every nursing mother to pump? you've obviously never tried it)

    It's been proven that when public toilets flush they spit feces and urine into the air and onto the floor. Not exactly an environment I would want to eat in. If you like poop on your food, be my guest. I'd prefer not to expose my children to that if I can help it. Nor would I personally like to stand in a stall (because, really, how are you supposed to sit on a toilet that has no lid?) and listen to people go about their business.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    The first rule of being a parent is FEED THE BABY. Whenever, wherever. My babies have been breastfed in Target, CVS, Harris Teeter, and various restaurants when needed. I did do my best to try and keep covered, mainly b/c my girls are huge when breastfeeding so it's hard to be discreet otherwise. In fact i had people walk up in target and ask if they could see the 'sleeping baby' and then politely declined when I told them baby isnt sleeping, he's nursing. LOL But I don't begrudge the mom that is just doing her best to meet her baby's needs and isn't in a frame of mind to fidget with a blanket or cover. Some babies just rip the cover off anyway so sometimes it's easier to just try and use the shirt as much as possible and other than that just hope anyone who doesn't want to see a half inch of skin is smart enough to look away. You see a lot more skin on most beaches and underwear commercials. When celebrities have a nip-slip it's an event LOL, so sorry but if mine is visible for 2.5 seconds while I adjust myself and my baby, I apologize but it's natural and I promise I wasn't flashing you on purpose. Many times when a mom is nursing in public you won't even realize it unless you are hyper sensitive to it or just know what you're looking for, normally there isn't an off-duty boob hanging out.

    Personally I find babies screaming while parents aren't tending to them to be much more bothersome than a little possible side-boob. LOL

    Also, in my state there is a law that officially exempts breast exposure during breastfeeding from being considered indecent exposure.

    And finally, I also support a parent's right to formula feed in public. LOL. Seriously, if the baby is hungry, feed the baby however you feed them. The baby is more important than the insecurities or opinions of the random strangers in Target that will never see you again.

    Coincidentally I am nursing my little guy right now. And I'm in a public forum. LOL
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    As far as I know, my breastmilk has never been recalled:

    A woman can also pass on infections or medications that are being taken to her child through breastmilk, so they both have their negatives/downsides as well.

    A woman would KNOW if she had an infection or was taking medication in most cases, though. As for medications they're normally pretty diluted to the point that it's not going to affect the baby. But last year there were beetle larvae found in formula and parents didn't know until it was too late! I'm pretty sure I'm not going to pass insects on to my child from my breast.
  • seehawkmomma
    feed in the bathroom.......yeah, I'll feed my baby in the bathroom when you feed your toddler in there! When you flush a toilet all kinds of nastiness flies in the want that all over your boobies for your baby to suck in?


    Were the hell are you supposed to feed in the bathroom anyway? On an open toilet? Standing up? On the nasty floor? All sounds like great place for a good letdown yeah!

    LOL what kind of bathrooms have you ladies been in?! Maybe I'm sheltered but I know of so many nice bathrooms....they look like they could be a resort. I mean I have been to a random few in a walmart but hey dont get me started in walmart.

    I get that breast feeding in a public restroom is gross.....but seriously I mean I lot of restrooms I've been in have like a "lobby" like a different area with the mirrors and such.

    But if your at target why not hit up the dressing room?

    We don't go nice places often LOL. The times I've normally had to breastfeed at a resturant it's like an Applebees or something. We save the nice places for when we don't have children to inturrupt us. Most public bathrooms I've been in are just the bathroom, with stalls, toilets without tops, and a tile floor. Not necessarily nasty but if still you have feces and stuff shooting up in the air from the toilets. If there was a seperate lobby I'd probably utilize it.

    I wouldn't have issues hitting up a dressing room if I didn't have another child with me. I just personally find it easier to nurse in a sling because that's normally where my daughter would be anyway. Most people don't realize I'm nursing to being with unless they're litteraly looking down my shirt.

    Well okay I see the point of not wanted to breast feed in a restroom.

    I have noticed that women who breast feed in public tend to have another child with them.

    I get the point of it, totally, i mean when it was me It was just me and my daughter so maybe thats why it was easier to find somewhere private to do so. If i had a toddler or another child tagging along it would be more difficult.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    It's been proven that when public toilets flush they spit feces and urine into the air and onto the floor. Not exactly an environment I would want to eat in. If you like poop on your food, be my guest. I'd prefer not to expose my children to that if I can help it. Nor would I personally like to stand in a stall (because, really, how are you supposed to sit on a toilet that has no lid?) and listen to people go about their business.
    I agree with you about toilets. What stemmed this wasn't about a restroom, though, it was a mom not wanting to go to a changing room, and instead wanting to sit on the floor in the aisle at Target, nursing. I don't think you should have to hide, but I don't think it does anyone any good to plop down on the floor of Target to nurse. What's the point? Well, the point is to be the catalyst to a media story, that's what.

    I guess that's what bothers me about "Lactivism." You want to be able to find a comfortable spot to discreetly nurse? I totally defend that. As a mom of 3, I've done that myself a million times (& I've literally never once had someone look at me crossways, frankly BECAUSE I was discreet). But you want to stop in the middle of Target, sit on the floor, and make sure everyone damn well knows your nursing now? WHY?

    Sorry, I didn't BF my babies to make a political statement. And I don't think the FLOOR at Target is so much cleaner than a restroom, so I'm not buying that line, anyway.

    To other posters-- as far as thinking it's YOUR place to tell another mom or potential mom that SHE should be BFing (be she a nurse or any other profession on Earth). Wow. Just wow. Who do people think they are? I hope every single parenting choice you ever made was perfect. Because if you so much as fed your baby jarred babyfood instead of always making your own fresh, or you refused to cloth diaper, or you worked, or you didn't, or whatever-- then hey, maybe it's not your place to make another mom's decisions for her. Fo shizzle. I can't believe people have said that.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    But what about my needs? It is my own choice! I would prefer to be independent and not have to have a baby constantly sucking on my breasts, have medical problems as a result of breastfeeding like uneven breasts, mastitis, plugged ducts, nipple soreness/cracking, time spent pumping, having embarrassing accidents in public like leaking milk, etc. For me, those negatives outweigh the positives. Also, feeding a baby is an important way for a father to bond with the baby as well, and I wouldn't want to deny my husband that opportunity.

    Your needs?? Sorry sweetie, but when you become a parent, your needs take a backseat.

    Amen-- sheesh. You know, coupla years ago a friend of mine got in trouble on here for saying, "Please don't breed," to someone-- so I wouldn't dream of it. But man-- the selfishness just gets you. "What about my needs?" Gaaah!!
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member

    I went out with my girlfriends for dinner and drinks tonight, left my baby (& older kids) with my husband. Know why? Because I wanted to. It was a "WANT," not even a "NEED!" What a selfish b** of a mom I must be. LOL

    Oh, but I BF for 7 years in a row (over the course of 3 kids). Does that make me good enough in some of your eyes?

    Who are you guys to make those decisions for another mom? That is HER choice. NOT YOURS. I'm so sick of the mommy wars. If you want to be a martyr to everything, I guess be my guess, but it's none of your freaking beeswax if someone else decides they don't want to BF.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I agree with you about toilets. What stemmed this wasn't about a restroom, though, it was a mom not wanting to go to a changing room, and instead wanting to sit on the floor in the aisle at Target, nursing. I don't think you should have to hide, but I don't think it does anyone any good to plop down on the floor of Target to nurse. What's the point? Well, the point is to be the catalyst to a media story, that's what.

    I guess that's what bothers me about "Lactivism." You want to be able to find a comfortable spot to discreetly nurse? I totally defend that. As a mom of 3, I've done that myself a million times (& I've literally never once had someone look at me crossways, frankly BECAUSE I was discreet). But you want to stop in the middle of Target, sit on the floor, and make sure everyone damn well knows your nursing now? WHY?

    Sorry, I didn't BF my babies to make a political statement. And I don't think the FLOOR at Target is so much cleaner than a restroom, so I'm not buying that line, anyway.

    I think how a Lactivist thinks is that it should be offered and not forced for a more private area. I'm not one to say where a mother will be most comfortable as comfort is important for let down. Perhaps the mother declined to move because her child was already latched on? The story says she was also covered with a blanket and then harrassed after she chose not to go into the dressing room. I'm not sure of her reasons and I personally wouldn't sit on a floor to nurse but if someone chose to do so it's their perogative and is protected by law. No one should harass someone for feeding their kid covered or not.