Do you still drink milk?



  • lladrido
    Yes, fat free!
  • lladrido
    Yes, fat free!
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    Nope - I'm lactose intolerant. I drink coconut, almond, or soy milk (depending on my mood).

    I can tolerate half and half in small amounts though... and yogurt.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    No, no milk from cows in my household. The idea has always and will always freak me out. I'm not a baby cow therefore I have no business drinking a cow's lactation.

    I do enjoy a good almond milk though!

    You are a baby almond?
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Yes, no, maybe so. Who cares?
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I've been drinking a glass of whole milk just about everyday for the last several weeks. It gives me more protein, keeps me fuller longer, and I love it!
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 403 Member
    Love milk, even skim. I had to stop myself mostly - but I still have it with my cereal and often with lunch and then usually have some Greek yogurt. I love milk. This thread has been full of chuckles but I've got nothing funny to say. darn it.
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    Yes I still drink milk. And I eat honey. Sometimes I mix the two together, try it sometimes!!

    Honey mixed with milk sounds pretty weird to me...but then again, I *used to* make a sandwich of two chocolate chip cookies with a slice of cheese between them, so who am I to talk (lol)? <- I figured it was about time for another tangent.

    Yummm - I used to do this too. Nothing like chocolate chip cookies and cheese.

    My son was recently introduced to honey milk and it is a favourite treat. And yes - treat - I don't believe Milk has anything beneficial to offer besides its taste.
  • iamlegion714
    iamlegion714 Posts: 50 Member
    absolutely, if i want it. skim on the days i eat low fat/high carb and 2% on the days i eat high fat/low carb. and i have heavy cream in my coffee every single morning. milk being for baby cows stuff makes me laugh. i'm not a velociraptor, but i eat dead animals as raw as i like. maybe if the velociraptors were bright enough to figure out they could drink bovine lactation, they'd still be around.
  • purpadillo
    purpadillo Posts: 45 Member
    Well, I missed the reason behind this thread (can't imagine why it's continued!), but yes, I drink skim milk on occasion. I drink more almond milk, though.
  • windsurfski
    windsurfski Posts: 2 Member
    No, no milk from cows in my household. The idea has always and will always freak me out. I'm not a baby cow therefore I have no business drinking a cow's lactation.

    I do enjoy a good almond milk though!

    You are a baby almond?

    That reasoning doesn't stand as ACTUAL baby almonds don't drink almond milk.
  • iamlegion714
    iamlegion714 Posts: 50 Member
    gawd, now i wanna eat a baby cow...mmmmm, veal. with a glass of milk.
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    I drink cow milk sometimes, but I am not crazy about milk. However, I love Silk Vanilla Almond Milk, talk about delicious. I even got my dad buying it now.
  • bs1981
    bs1981 Posts: 36
    Unsweetened almond or soy milk... deliciousness
  • christinajohnson
    christinajohnson Posts: 102 Member
    I prefer Almond Milk. I avoid soy, due to hypothyroidism and I am mildly lactose intolerant. The Almond Milk is creamy, filling and still works for baking and cooking.
  • RunLiftEat
    RunLiftEat Posts: 213 Member
    Yes I still drink milk. And I eat honey. Sometimes I mix the two together, try it sometimes!!

    When I was little, my mom would give me milk, heated up, with some honey and a little bit of butter melted in it. It was delicious! I forgot about that until now. I need some honey now.
  • MiaOrange
    MiaOrange Posts: 151 Member
    Rarely I'll drink a tiny glass of organic chocolate milk but get a stomach ache. Once every yr or two I buy some raw goat milk and turn it into chocolate milk. Feels weird drinking animal baby food though.

    I read in a few places that milk causes the body to get acidic which in older age and actually pulls the calcium and minerals from teeth and bone to balance the pH. But so does a lot of food in this day in age.

    I do sometimes eat raw cheeses and occasionally mozzerella or a little butter. Sometimes I'll eat cereal as a treat and drink it with unsweetened rice milk. I buy dairy for my 12 year old, she has a lot of growing pains and doesn't get minerals/nutrients from foods as much as I do like, wheat grass juice, nuts, spinach etc... She drinks no where near as much as I did as a kid though and I was sick all the time.
  • MiaOrange
    MiaOrange Posts: 151 Member
    Milk was designed for baby cows; so baby cows can go from their birth weight to 300 pounds in the blink of an eye.
    And honey is designed for bee use only. It has absolutely no application among other species.

    Many other species of animals consume honey. It has great benefits to your immunity and is a great 100% natural source of sugar. It is of more use to the species that consume it than it is to the actual bees.
    It seems pretty obvious that in the whole circle of life scheme of things the main reason bees create honey is for the requirement of other species that can consume it and benefit from it.

    I keep honey as a staple in the kitchen...this makes you think though... fruit is actually just a protection and nutrients for the plant to have for the seeds/offspring. Oh so yummy though!
  • MiaOrange
    MiaOrange Posts: 151 Member
    I just wanted to be a part of this amazingly interesting topic. I do not drink milk. ...unless I feel like I want my entire digetive track to explode in slow motion.

    bwahaha. for what it is worth no. lactose intolerant. can't stand milk nor dairy products for that matter.
    Yeah, being lactose intolerant kinda makes milk and other dairy look like street drugs. Everyone's all "Let's go get ice cream! It's just one time. You have your lactase pills, don't you?" and your stomach and intestines start to shut down at the mere thought of it. I say we protest milk! It's clearly evil!! Look how passionate people are about it. I'll make the signs.

    LOL. We recently bought an ice cream maker attachment for our mixer (I recommend this). Now when the family gets the urge for ice cream, we make it ourselves using coconut/almond milk, fruit, honey, crushed nuts, carob, etc.

    This is great, I didn't know you could get an attachment like this. I don't have a mixer yet though. I have been wanting to make my son his own ice cream and actually know what is in it. Although for now he'll get the occasional Alden's organic ice cream. I want to reduce his dairy and the non-dairy stuff at the store has wayyy too much sugar.
  • MarileeP
    MarileeP Posts: 32 Member
    Absolutely. Nothing goes better with chocolate cake....:tongue:

    Seriously, I love milk. Have always loved it. I drink skim now (even with my cake). Osteoporosis runs in my family but when I had my bone density test done I was told my bones are denser than most. Don't know if there's a correlation but it's a good enough reason for me not to give up milk.