The rudest thing anyone said to you about your weight?



  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    when is your baby due? as well as a hair-stylist telling me to never grow out my bangs on my head because I have such a round face it would make me look fat! never went to see her again.
  • scribe313
    scribe313 Posts: 103 Member
    On my first meeting with my new doctor, he mentioned that I needed to lose some weight. I agreed, so I didn't take it so bad. On the second meeting with him, a month later, he said,"Your blood pressure would be better if you would just lose weight". I said, "I HAVE BEEN LOSING WEIGHT!" I had lost fifthteen pounds between the two meeting but he hadn't looked on my chart and noticed. To make it worst he was almost as heavy as I was.
  • twotoforty73
    twotoforty73 Posts: 28 Member
    I had random people (teenage boys) in a van once yell to me "FATASS!". There were other people around (it was at the entrance to a mall). Sigh....
  • MissbusyLizzie
    MissbusyLizzie Posts: 326 Member
    An old (totally psychotic) roommate once told me: "You would be soooo cute if you just lost 40 pounds!"
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    En route to the university I worked in, I annoyed a young man who was driving the other way (I believe he felt the entire road was his and that my mere presence was offensive to him)... He rolled down his window and, purple faced with animation yelled 'you fat cow. you fat ugly cow. you fat, fat cow'. Eloquent, it was.

    Anyway, later the same day, I walked in to teach a class I hadn't taught previously. And there, three or four rows from the front, was this young man....

    It was a truly delicious moment. The look on his face. Fabulous.
  • twotoforty73
    twotoforty73 Posts: 28 Member
    I've also been called hippo and elephant.....
  • gigiangelique
    gigiangelique Posts: 233 Member
    In Yoga my teacher asked when I was "expecting" I have belly issues im always bloated
  • LowCarbsHighHopes
    LowCarbsHighHopes Posts: 15 Member
    :laugh: I love this!! Darn kids! LOL
    I used to work as a preschool teacher, and one morning one of my little 3 year old students asked me "teacher how'd you get so fat? I just ignored his question and went about serving them breakfast. He just keep on an on saying... "teacher, you are as big as a big huge tree" and of course all of the other children would burst out laughing, because he was so funny. I let it go on a little bit longer, then I went to his side and nelt down beside him an said.. "Matthew you want to know how I got so big? I got so big by eating rude little boy's like you for breakfast!", I then rubbed my tummy and said " I sure am HUNGRY TODAY, so you better be nice or i'll eat you for breakfast!" lol That was the last time he ever said anything about teacher being fat! :smile: :smile:
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    My mother told me if I got any bigger then a size 16 she would not make my clothes anymore and I would have to get a job to buy my own and fat people clothes are more expensive. I was 18 . I got and job and started starving myself. :(
    When I was in my 20's and only gained a little weight back (I was a size 12) a guy I dated told me when we were breaking up I was really pretty and I could be a plus size model but to forget my dreams of straight modeling because I liked to eat too much and I was only eating one meal a day around that time. (it was all junk food)
    People are mean
  • lamotz76
    lamotz76 Posts: 3 Member
    you're the biggest vegetarian i ever saw : /
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Don't recall anyone very saying anything all that rude when I was heavier, but now that I've lost some weight a very close friend has taken to calling me anorexic! I am far from being that thin, I'm 5'2" and 129lbs. Sometimes I think she is just jealous, but really shouldn't a friend be happy for you? She claims it was the clothes that I was wearing, but she's made that comment on other occasions. Another insulting one is "When are you going to stop?"
  • leezanicole
    A customer said 'damn you fat' :noway:

    Another customer once asked when my baby was due... :sad:

    But now.. its all good!
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    My ex dumped me because I'm fat. You can imagine how it could break one's confidence and self esteem. It was the most painful one for me.

    Are you serious?? what an AssH**e!!!

    Yup, But it kinda jump started my weightloss journey. I dropped nearly half the amount of weight I want to and I ran into him recently. His reaction?? His jaws hit the floor and he said "You look really pretty". He's been texting and I is the best dish served!
    He did you a huge favor.
    Too often we kill each other with too much kindness.

    My Doctor just told me all the medications I needed or I could drop 50lbs and take no medication.
    I acted like I didn't quite know what he meant, and he blurted out "you're too fat!"

    We need more of this and less fat acceptance.

    I agree that we need less fat acceptance. I wish I had owned 1) a bathroom scales 2) a tape measure and 3) a full length mirror the whole way through college and I wouldn't have put the weight on in the first place. I never realised I was putting on weight. It took me a while to realise I was overweight and by then I was getting the rude comments.


    i disagree- this all just shows if you are rude, mean and cruel enough to a person- they might change themselves to look more pleasant to you/who ever said it. How many of these posts are people going on just fine and even happy with their day and all of a sudden someone feels is appropriate to be mean to them/ hurt thier feelings because they do not like the way they look.

    I don't call it fat acceptance. its called keep your personal opinions about a persons body to yourself.

    I agree with the above post. It's not fair to be cruel and mean to overweight people just because they do not fit into society's expectations! It's ok to have opinion but if its not positive, it's better not to be shared! Come on, people could obese for several reasons from being lazy to fatal hormone conditions. It's not fair judge anyone without knowing their story.

    I think there's two sides in this chain of quotes. One: Yes, we need to be considerate o other people's feelings, no matter the size. Don't say rude stuff. It's not "fat acceptance" it's common decency.
    Two: Doctors need to not be afraid of telling someone when they need to lose weight. Doesn't mean they have to be rude (like some of the examples on this -- wow, it's no wonder people hate their doctors!!) but it is their job to point out health risks they see - that's why we go to checkups - and I think too many of them are afraid to. They also need to help set their patients up for success by understanding weight loss or knowing who to refer patients to (because a lot of doctors are a bit dumb when it comes to helping patients with weight issues!)
  • StrongerJess
    StrongerJess Posts: 185 Member
    Wow - that's horrible. I had a stranger tell me that I could go buy some lawn furniture in the store because it was sturdy enough to hold my size.
  • sailondearsailor
    "Are you pregnant again? Every time I see you, you look fatter and fatter."
  • scribe313
    scribe313 Posts: 103 Member
    this Christmas one of my aunts noticed that I lost weight and was complementing me about it. She pointed out to my other aunt who snared and went, "Oh really? how much? 2lbs?". In reality it was closer to 30...

    There was the time an overweight friend of mine told I didnt have to worry about creepy guys hitting on me because no guy would ever want to.

    not a violent person in general, but some people just ask to be punch!
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    About a month ago (baring in mind im trying to recover from an ED) , a guy that regularly comes in my shop and talks to me on this occasion came in, looked me up and down and goes "you've put it on havnt u". I said "aww cheers, im actually recovering from an eating disorder". It annoyed me sooo much, thats the sort of comment that could easily set me back again.
  • MrsPeavley
    MrsPeavley Posts: 143 Member
    Working in a nursing home for the last 4 years was fun... I got asked bluntly Girl why you so fat... you due any day... You having twins? I had one lil lady tell me I was sinning bc I was so fat that it was a abomination!!! Yea so much for that sweet lil ole lady!!! lol All I did was laugh it off bc most of our workers were overweight!
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    About a month ago (baring in mind im trying to recover from an ED) , a guy that regularly comes in my shop and talks to me on this occasion came in, looked me up and down and goes "you've put it on havnt u". I said "aww cheers, im actually recovering from an eating disorder". It annoyed me sooo much, thats the sort of comment that could easily set me back again.

    :/ That's no good! I'm glad you're on the road to recovery. :)
  • LittleVikki
    LittleVikki Posts: 88 Member
    I think the word fat in general has to be one of the most horrible words ever! It can be used in so many ways to hurt people, I've heard just about all of them!