Time to Tackle P90X - and You Can, Too..! Starting Monday 3/



  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FIFTY-ONE - Core Synergistics

    As tough as this workout is (and it REALLY is), I have to say I do enjoy it. The challenge level is pretty high up there. I'm almost sorry it only comes around during Recovery Week, but once I'm through this first round of P90X, I can start mixing things up a bit and have some fun with it.

    So, what was tough in this? Oh... like ALL OF IT. The real evil one though... is the Plank to Chaturanga Run. Holding that upper body, keeping the core tight, being flexible enough to run with your body that close to the floor... Yikes! Thankfully, this workout has one of my favorites... Superman Banana! If you're not familiar with that move, well... Nah, I won't spoil it for you. You'll just have to try to figure out the visual.

    Kenpo X is next... Seems like just a week's worth of sweat...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FIFTY-TWO - Kenpo X

    I'm beginning to use this workout as a guage for how my cardiovascular fitness is coming along. As near as I can figure, I seem to be able to crank out this workout at about an additional 1/3 or better of the pace that they keep on the DVD, particularly on the punching moves. For example, on the Star Blocks, they do 16 reps (4 passes each direction with 4 star blocks during each), and I can crank out about 24-26 in that same span of time. Where I still move at about their pace is during some of the kicking moves, but that's coming along, too.

    So... progress continues to be made, and as much as I am getting really good at this workout, I still sweat like a water fountain every time I go through it. I'm thinking that's a good thing.

    X Stretch is on-deck for tomorrow... Honestly, I'll be looking forward to it.
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FIFTY-THREE - X Stretch

    Ahh... Now this is what I call a recovery week workout. This workout has the relaxation element of Yoga X without quite as much effort. Mostly, I don't think I really realized how tense I get through the normal workout weeks. This really helps bleed some of that away... thank goodness. Areas where I have definite room for improvement are with Frog (I've never been very flexible through my hips - explains why I don't study Tae Kwon Do) and seated stretches involving bending forward at the waist (my hamstrings have likewise always been tight, but I'm seeing real gains here).

    Tomorrow is get-busy time again... Core Synergistics... Bring it on...
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    hellooo p90ers heres todays workout
    40 50lb leg extensions
    40 50lb leg curls
    40 110lb pulldowns
    40 100 lb curls
    100 situps
    150 pushups
    40 floor leg lifts 15 sec with 10lb ball between ankles
    40 leglifts with 10lb ball between ankles lift to head then back to floor with out touching ground
    10min ellipitcal res 10 last min res15 119 calories
    20 hanging kneelifts
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FIFTY-FOUR - Core Synergistics

    WOO HOO! Here it is again, time to get blasted. This is going to seem like a particularly brilliant comment, but I can't tell which workout is the more intense, CS or Plyo. They are two of the toughest things I've ever done, still after two months of this program! I think my arms must have been rickety for some reason because I was really having to work to get through the Reach High & Under Push-ups today...

    Yoga X is coming next... Good way to finish the week strong...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FIFTY-FIVE - Yoga X

    Today was an excellent yoga day; I was really on top of just about the whole workout, or at least I felt that way. Balance postures looked really good, Royal Dancer in particular. I was finally able to settle into that pose and not be quite so jerky in the feet and ankles. Of course, the toughie continues to be Warrior III and the poses built on that. I really struggle with that entire pose; my feet and glutes feel like they're going to burst into flame! Another first - a full 30 seconds of Crane. That's a pose I've been after since I started this, and I think I needed to develop the better arm strength and lose some weight before I could really hold it.

    Well, one day of actual rest, then Monday starts Phase III - the home stretch.
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Hey - I started a new page... WOOT!
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    whats the crane? ive got the dragon flag down so can you explain it so i could try it thank you :glasses:
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    dude thats cool found it 10sec here on the crane hit head once :mad: new goal found
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FIFTY-SEVEN - Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X (Begin Phase III)

    Well, well... I've apparently missed this little gem of a workout since Phase I - Push-Ups City is the term I think Tony Horton might use for this one. Big move up in intensity today - all pull-ups were done without the benefit of chair except for the last rep only. As I expected, the total number of reps came down some, but they are now "honest" pull-ups, and considering where I started way back at the fit test, I'm doing a helluva job. I also increased my Dive-Bomber Push-Ups by half - very pleased with that result. Things are coming right along...

    Tomorrow is The Mutha (Plyometrics)... Kicks my butt, but I love it..!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    dude thats cool found it 10sec here on the crane hit head once :mad: new goal found
    Eriny... Lol... Yeah, Crane is a challenge bro. I think it has partly to do with arm strength and partly to do with positioning your knees in relation to your arms so you can balance properly. Took me this long to get that baby held tight for that 30 seconds... Whew!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FIFTY-EIGHT - Plyometrics (The Mutha)

    Well, well... is there anything that DOESN'T kill me in this workout..?? What was it today? Ah yes... Run-Stance-Squat Switch Pick-Ups... At one point, I thought my quad came loose from my right leg, it was so on-fire. Rock Star Hops... like, ouch! However, and I can't believe I can say this, but I am all over the Jump-Knee-Tuck. My goal is to get like that Dominick fellow on the DVD when he goes for the full 30 seconds at full tilt. Ohhh... I'm comin' to get you brother..!!

    Shoulders & Arms next, and I have an exciting twist because I received my Select-Tech dumbbells from FedEx yesterday afternoon. S&A tomorrow will be the first resistance workout with "real" handweights instead of bands. This should be interesting...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FIFTY-NINE - Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X

    HEL-LO..!!! Ok, my budy Mike told me I'd notice a difference with dumbbells as opposed to resistance bands. Good lord, he wasn't kidding! My dumbbell weight numbers compared to the "weight" of band I was using came way down. Did a lot of seeking for the right weight to get the "burn" today; it was almost like starting from week one again in that sense. Only one of the moves did not agree with the weights - Crouching Cohen Curls. It was just too difficult to get those where the movement felt comfortable, so I broke out the 40-lb band and shortened up the tension - definitely felt it. I can say this though - I beat all the people on the DVD in Side-Tri-Rise reps. Now that makes ya feel good.

    My old pal Yoga X is next... Time to get after that Warrior III pose...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Ok, I think I've written quite enough for one evening... Heading to bed... Chat with you tomorrow everyone...
  • mosse33
    mosse33 Posts: 69 Member
    hi tony
    just done my first week of p90x and its great so far but very sore lol
    just wondering if i should weigh myself to make sure im not losing too much i was 179lb
    on day one and taking 2200 cals a day .
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    hi tony
    just done my first week of p90x and its great so far but very sore lol
    just wondering if i should weigh myself to make sure im not losing too much i was 179lb
    on day one and taking 2200 cals a day .
    Mosse... Entirely up to you my friend. For me, I only look at a scale on Sunday because, for me, I've found it helpful not to obsess about overall weight and instead look to how my body composition is coming along, how I feel, and how my clothes fit. If you're doing the program right and eating right, you may find that the overall weight number doesn't move too much or sometimes even increases, and that's largely due to changes in body composition (less adipose tissue, more lean tissue).

    I can tell you this. I went to get some new shorts Saturday because all my shorts are falling off of me, and I had to buy a 32" waist short... amazing! I can't remember the last time I put something on my body with a 32" waist that I could actually button and zip... lol.
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY SIXTY - Yoga X

    So here I am... Two-thirds of the way through the program, and I'm feeling better and getting stronger every day it seems. No matter that though, as always, Yoga X is a brutal undertaking that manages to relax and refresh by the time it's all over and done with. At this point, I think my biggest problem continues to be Extended Right Angle Pose. I just cannot seem to get my fingers to meet behind my back while in that lunge. I've tried varying the arm placement, lowering my torso to the level of my forward leg; nothing seems to get it. So, I just get as close as I can and hold the pose. One of these days, I'm gonna figure that one out.

    Legs & Back and ARX are on-deck... The Ouch is a-comin'...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY SIXTY-ONE - Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X

    All I can say today is "Ouch!" I dunno why, but it felt like week 2 or 3 for this workout. My legs were on FIRE through just about this whole rotation. Everything involving a wall was torture, One-Legged Wall Squats in particular. I guess some days you got it, other days, you have to go look for it... lol. Pull-ups were a challenge since I'm only using the chair for the last rep now... 76 total today, but they're all "honest" pull-ups, so that's a good thing.

    Kenpo X is next... Not the most challenging P90X workout at this point, but a good sweat machine...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY SIXTY-ONE - Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X

    All I can say today is "Ouch!" I dunno why, but it felt like week 2 or 3 for this workout. My legs were on FIRE through just about this whole rotation. Everything involving a wall was torture, One-Legged Wall Squats in particular. I guess some days you got it, other days, you have to go look for it... lol. Pull-ups were a challenge since I'm only using the chair for the last rep now... 76 total today, but they're all "honest" pull-ups, so that's a good thing.

    Kenpo X is next... Not the most challenging P90X workout at this point, but a good sweat machine...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY SIXTY-TWO - Kenpo X

    Time for the martial arts sweat factory that is Kenpo X. Good workout today - kept the intensity and the pace high throughout most of the workout although I find I have to maintain pace still on some of the moves involving kicks, and thinking about it, I wonder if that's because of the hurt that Legs & Back puts on me the day before this workout? Coincidence? I think not... In any event, it's a good way to start a day, no doubts there. Blood pumping, sweat pouring, calories burning, endorphins flowing - gotta love that.

    Well earned rest day tomorrow, then the butt-kicking Chest, Shoulders & Triceps on Monday... Yikes!