90 days to a better you challenge... start January 1, 2012



  • MadeToCraveHIM
    MadeToCraveHIM Posts: 213 Member
    Thanks for all your hard work on this too! Great job :bigsmile:
    Okay guys sorry for the wait but here is the “90 days for a better you challenge”
    First and most important make sure that your healthy before you start this challenge, if you have any health issues please consult your doctor and ask for appropriate exercises…Also listen to your body… Don’t hurt yourself!

    Group Challenge: As a group let’s lose 2012 Pounds (or more) all together by the end of 90 Days.

    Main Challenge: Keep working out!!!!
    I’ll post a calendar to follow, but workout schedule for the first 3 weeks is as followed.
    Week One: Exercise 3 times a week for 20 to 30 minutes
    Week Two: Exercise 3 times this week for 30-45 minutes and 1 time 20-30 times this week.
    Week Three: Exercise 3 times this week for 30-45 minutes and 1 time 45-60 times this week.
    (Full 90 day Calendar will be up soon)

    Mini Challenge:
    Week One:
    20 reps - Jumping Jacks
    12 reps - Prisoner Squats
    15 reps - Pushups or Modified Pushups (on knees)
    12 reps per side - Forward Lunges
    10 reps - Stick-ups
    10 reps - Spiderman Climbs

    Prisoner Squat:
    Stand with your hands behind your head, your chest out, and your elbows back. Sit back at your hips and bend your knees to lower your body as far as possible without losing the natural arch of your spine. Squeeze your glutes and push yourself back into the starting position.

    Forward Lunge:
    From a standing position, take a large step forward with one leg. When your front thigh is parallel to the floor and your back knee is off the floor, hold for 1 second. Return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite leg.

    Stand with your back against a wall, feet 6 inches from the wall. Stick your hands up overhead. Keeping your shoulders, elbows, and wrists in contact with the wall, slide your arms down the wall and tuck your elbows into your sides. Return to start.

    Spiderman Climb:
    Start in the top of a pushup position. Keep your abs braced, pick one foot up off the floor, and slowly bring your knee up outside of your shoulder and touch your foot to the ground. Slowly return your leg to the starting position.

    ~Guide lines:
    In order to maximize your results let’s give up or cut back on some of those things we love so much…
    Junk food – Cut out all Junk food but on those rare days that you do need some chips, only eat small portions, nothing bigger than your fist.

    Sodas and sugar drinks – Cut out all sodas and sugary drinks, not only is it empty calories but it not good for you. Drink plenty of water but if love your soda cut it down to one 8oz a day.

    Cut Back on Saturated Fats
    To get on track with a low-fat diet, begin by cutting down on saturated fats, including animal sources such as high-fat dairy and red meats. Eliminate hidden saturated fats such as hydrogenated oils found in processed foods. Eat more chicken and fish.

    Include Low-fat Dairy in Every Meal
    You don't have to cut out dairy entirely. Studies demonstrate that calcium helps to regulate the way fat cells store, build up and break down fat. Subsequently, low-fat dairy sources such as milk, yogurt and cottage cheese help promote weight loss. Choose low-fat (2%), not no-fat dairy.

    Drink your Vitamins.

    ~Extra Dr. Oz’s 3 Breakthrough Belly Blasters
    To help you blast away unwanted belly fat, try these top three super foods. They’re inexpensive and can be eaten any time of day.

    1. Goldenberries
    A bright yellow fruit from Brazil, the goldenberry is loaded with B vitamins that are essential for maintaining a healthy metabolism. While they’re sold fresh, goldenberries are easier to find in dried form and are available at health food stores or online for about $12. Eat ¼ cup daily.

    2. Miso
    Miso, the Japanese staple made from fermented soybeans, rice and/or barley, lowers triglycerides in the blood that contribute to belly fat. You can purchase instant miso soup in supermarkets for about $3 per package. Be sure to purchase the low-sodium variety.

    3. Sauerkraut
    Unprocessed fermented food like sauerkraut contains bacteria that boosts digestion and reduces belly inflammation. Instead of eating it on a hot dog, try sauerkraut with turkey on whole-grain bread. Aim to eat 3 teaspoons daily. Purchase canned sauerkraut for about $1. Be sure to rinse it before eating or buy the low-sodium kind.

    • Pay attention to your body.
    • Keep using your MyFitnesspal calorie counter, keep track of what you eat and don't go over : )
    • If you fall off the wagon or mess up, get back on and keep going. One day of being bad isn’t going to mess everything up.
    • If you need support email or post. We are here to help!
    • And most important Have Fun!

    I'll be putting up a website with all the info and other great info on weight lost.

    Let's start 2012 with a blast!
  • bac46
    bac46 Posts: 1
    sounds good to me, count me in
    Name Barbara
    Current weight 157
    Goal weight 135
    What you would like to accomplish in 90 day. weight loss with an eating plan i can stick to.
  • Salena31
    Salena31 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm interested!
    Name: Salena
    Current weight: 206
    Goal weight: 150
    Goal for 90 days: To exercise more and hopefully to lose 15 lbs!

    So how do I get started on this challenge??
  • ConnieLS
    ConnieLS Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in, it is time to get serious. I have been playing the yo-yo game way too long!
    Starting wt. 169
    Ht. 5' 41/2"
    Goal wt. by March 30th: 140
  • Hwardle
    Hwardle Posts: 233 Member
    Ooooo I really like this challenge!! Thanks so much for putting this together Mayra your pretty awesome!!
  • MamaJo150
    MamaJo150 Posts: 8 Member
    I hope I'm not too late to join!! Thanks for putting this challenge together!

    Starting Weight: 296
    Today's Weight: 228
    My 90 day goals are 1) track all food 2) establish and maintain a exercise routine 3) smaller portions and better food choices 4) weigh 199 or LESS!
  • It's January 1, so it's a perfect time to reply

    My name is Misha, I'm 195 lbs today and would like to be 140-145.

    My goal at the end of 90 days would be to exercise at least 4 days a week for 90 days, and to lose a pound a week
  • I like having someone on line to do this with Name: Nangyjoe wt:197lbs. goal:170lbs
  • sunnyskyjb
    sunnyskyjb Posts: 258 Member
    I'd like to try it.

    SW: 175

    GW: 140
  • kjdeichler
    kjdeichler Posts: 2 Member
    This is a great plan! :)

    Name: Katherine
    Current weight: 172
    Goal weight: 145
    What you would like to accomplish in 90 day: Lose 20 lbs and work out at least 5 days a week.
  • I would love this!! Count me in! I have really fallen off with Christmas candy around the house and need to get back on track immediately.

    Current weight-207.5
    Goal--immediate goal under 200---long term goal 150
    90 day goal is to be around 175 pounds with more energy to play with my kids, especially during baseball and softball season coming up. I would love to exercise withou being winded and tie my shoes without grunting and holding my breath!!
  • mom1520
    mom1520 Posts: 73
    I'd like to join. Right now I weigh 148 and my goal weight is 135. I'd like to be at my goal weight by the end of the challenge. I also started 30 Day Shred 5 days ago and would like to complete that and do Ripped in 30 after I finish that.
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Name: Tannie
    Start weight: 359
    goal weight: 170

    90 day goal: I want to lose 34 lbs in that time, be completely converted to whole foods (this month will be rough and eat what I can when I can and probably very low calorie), I want to have a solid exercise program in place and have soda totally gone from my life.
  • atibrat
    atibrat Posts: 70 Member
    I would love to join.

    Start Weight 204
    Goal Weight 160

    90 day goal - to get in the habit of eating healthy 90% of the time and to exercise 6 days a week. I want to make permanent changes in my life to be healthier and feel better.
  • Name: Melissa Seideman
    Current weight: 172
    Goal weight: 145
    What you would like to accomplish in 90 day. I would like to fit into my old clothes and feel more fit.
  • Dmarten
    Dmarten Posts: 19
    Im in

    current weight 200 lbs
    goal weight 140 lbs

    In this 90 days I would like to stay on a 1-2 lbs per week lose. Continue my 45-90 min workouts 6 days a week. Stay focused and see what I can accomplish before I turn 40 in May. Also hope my back injury heals up so I can go back to Tae Bo
  • Verysalty
    Verysalty Posts: 26 Member
    I'm in!

    my name's Vanessa
    I'm 190 pounds
    my final goal weight is 150 pounds

    in 90 days i would like to reach 170
  • crazydogchick
    crazydogchick Posts: 5 Member
    Count me in!

    Name: JC
    Current: 186
    Final Goal: 150

    In 90 days I want to lose 15 pounds and work out at least 3x/week.
  • Nsdnjbl
    Nsdnjbl Posts: 66 Member
    Name Norma
    Goal after 90days 130lbs and making great choices on foods I eat
  • gklangdon
    gklangdon Posts: 80 Member
    Hi I'm Gina

    I'm 199 today
    My goal weight is 140 by December 29, 2012 (my 40th B-day)

    in 90 days I would like to have a good, consistent exercise routine set up and hoping to lose 1-2 pounds a week.