deleting facebook???



  • KMSForLife
    Facebook is great for staying connected. I have family from the East Coast to the West Coast. It's great to have the opportunity to see pictures of my relatives and to hear stories. I'm sure I know much more about them now then I would if I did not use Facebook. I also belong to groups on Facebook such as my kids soccer league, so it also serves as a great resource for staying informed of events.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Facebook cost me my marriage. The now Ex-Wife reconnected with an old friend there and thought the grass was greener on that side of the fence. It wasn't facebook's fault that she left, so I'm keeping it, but I only use it to stay connected with close friends and family and do not play any games on it.

    I'm so sorry! But I bet the grass will be greener for you when you find someone (or have you already?) who appreciates what she has.
  • alapoint89
    Facebook cost me my marriage. The now Ex-Wife reconnected with an old friend there and thought the grass was greener on that side of the fence. It wasn't facebook's fault that she left, so I'm keeping it, but I only use it to stay connected with close friends and family and do not play any games on it.

    I'm so sorry! But I bet the grass will be greener for you when you find someone (or have you already?) who appreciates what she has.
  • Jermisha
    Same here..................... I think it's a waste of time and I have never had a fb page. But then again I think it's what you make of it.
  • alapoint89
    you know what is messed up i dont think that i asked if any of you kept your facebook i was wondering how if helped you when you deleted it
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I'm actually strongly considering it.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I really don't want to get rid of my FB page. I keep up with my family, which is rather large, and a lot of my long-distance friends there. I don't post much though.
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 381 Member
    when I had myspace way back when! lol.. deleting it was the best thing I ever did.... When I had facebook deleting it was ALSO the best thing I ever did... sometimes it does stir up drama in relationships.. it did for me... because before DH (hubby) I hung out with a lot of guys... just as friends but some of them liked me.... and the hubbs well he had psycho ex's and all GIRL - friends before me as well... when we got together I guess we were each others GAME CHANGER hehe! so to speak... Networking sites are always drama even if u try to avoid it.
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    I still have mine but I am on here far more often than on there. I'm an RA in the dorms at my college and it just helps me connect with my residents, and friends and family back at home. I am not crazy about email or everyone having my phone number ha. So, Facebook it is.
  • gigiwaterloo
    gigiwaterloo Posts: 102 Member
    how many of you have deleted your facebook and how many of you have had better results in life by doing so

    I LOVE FB and delete any drama or BS that I don't need! It's the PEOPLE not FB causing it. And ONLY if you LET it cause you problems! I have ALL of my famiily & friends and have reconnected with SOOO many of my classmates on here. Have gotten to attend reunions that I would have otherwise never known about or been able to attend! I love sharing my photos & seeing other's as well! I have also as of late HELPED a LOT of my friends with quitting smoking, dieting, quitting drinking & so on. Been an inspiration (or so I have been told) to many with my statuses and attitude and that alone tells me that it has a LOT of good & works FOR the good if you LET IT! Nope, will never delete it, b/c I know how to use it and know how to use that beautiful BLOCK button as well as the DELETE & IGNORE! lol
  • gaylelynnbell
    gaylelynnbell Posts: 248 Member
    if i didn't have some many family members on it that i only see maybe once or twice a year...or ones that i haven't seen in years cause they have moved out West... I would have gotten rid of it months ago !!!!

    This is my reason for staying on FB too. My family is scattered all over the country and some I haven't seen in several years. FB keeps us a part of each others' lives.
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    if i didn't have some many family members on it that i only see maybe once or twice a year...or ones that i haven't seen in years cause they have moved out West... I would have gotten rid of it months ago !!!!

    ^^ This for me too!
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    I feel sorry for people without FB or for those who deleted it. We are living in a modern world and social media is at its strongest! Its so much more that keeping in touch with old friends and seeing pics. Its also evolved far from stupid games and such. Its an online portfolio of your life. If you only post stupid stuff and friend strangers than it will be pointless. I have made friends, job connections, get coupons, etc. You csn easily start Spotify and Pinterest accounts with FB. I use it for email etc. I know people (in the media world) who put their FB link on resumes. You can for groups and party plan. You can send invites and plan events. FB can cause no more drama than email, the phone, or talking in person. Those who feel its pointless or drama filled are not using it the way its meant to be!
  • aurie024
    aurie024 Posts: 63 Member
    I have not deleted it yet but I have been highly considering it lately for the following reasons:
    1. DRAMA!!!
    2. I recently read that 1/3 of divorce filings mention fb
    3. FB ruined my relationship with my ex boyfriends... it made cheating and saying things that cross the line a lot easier
    4. It comes between my current bf and me bc every time I turn around he is on his phone checking fb
    5... The list can go on and on but honestly, I think it does more harm then good. 90% of the people on there are not my friends so we shouldn't care about every detail. The ones who are my friends I will stay in touch with.
    6. MFP is so much more fun. Nothing but support on here :)
  • TidoWyla
    TidoWyla Posts: 72 Member
    Never started. I'm 30, and honestly I'd rather spend time with my family then on facebook. The people I want to see or talk too I do anyway.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,255 Member
    It is what you make it I think.

    I HATED FB said I would never join but just last year I did and it was the best thing ever for my business!
    I don't play games at all...I have another site for that ;) I use it daily but to me it is business. I am in direct sales and we are not allowed tp promote our personal sales to the general public so FB allows me to add people and share my deals with them, without it being "public".

    If you find yourself too dependent on it time to say good bye only you can decide when and if it is too much :)
  • tonyciaravino
    I did!!!! Twice!!

    I was a member in Oct 2008 to Aug 2009 (DELETED)
    Then I joined again cause a cousin told me it would be good for business. I deleted again after 1 month!! I am a big opponent of FB and think it is the anti-social network. My biggest peave with it is the people that make it the only way they communicate....

    Out at a bar one night....
    Tony: Hi Jim what are you doing here? I called an left you a message to call me about meeting up but you didn't call me back.

    Jim: What do you mean? I posted it on FB

    (end example)

    The whole world has lost its personal skills. It is all about FB and texting to each other. I am a big proponent of FaceTime however. It is the next best substitute for a face to face meeting. My choices of communication are 1. Face to Face meet/hangout 2. FaceTime 3. Phone call 4. Text (only when calling is not possible i.e. meeting) and it has to be a quick text, no conversational texts. Face book is a waste of time and I despise the fact that it is the only way some companies prefer to market with customers. Its despicable.
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    I kinda get bored fast with facebook. So I'm not really on it that often except to check on friends and family. A lot of people I went to school with have moved to all corners of the country and it's nice to be able to keep up with them!
  • judykritikos
    I first gave up YoVille because I had Fish World and Farmville. Then I gave up Fish World because I had TWO farms - USA and UK. When I realized I was sitting for EIGHT hours on a Saturday on the Farmville farm - and my own yard was neglected - I cut it off cold turkey. Haven't played a game on FB since last summer. I got so much more done and felt better not sitting for HOURS.
    As to deleting FB - I'm a political junkie - so I'm not ready to cut the cord. I do more posting here on MFP than regular comments on FB, but I do keep up with the family and friends via FB - so I'll keep it. Not happy about the constant changes, but it is what it is and my time has been cut about 75% on FB - so they have to notice the FB internet highway isn't as congested as it once was.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    you know what is messed up i dont think that i asked if any of you kept your facebook i was wondering how if helped you when you deleted it

    Have you ever in your life had a real life conversation that stayed entirely and exactly on topic and never veered at all?