deleting facebook???



  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    I deleted my account almost two years ago. I can't see adding people I don't normally talk to on at least a monthly basis. The phone works both ways, plus there is still email. People from church would send me a request, even if they never spoke to me and yet, they wouldn't talk to me as they walked past me in the halls. Other people would get mad if I didn't accept them. It was just lame. I don't have time to listen to everyone's drama. It's like high school online.

    To answer how it helped me, I am less stressed and I don't have to worry if someone is saying something about me or my family. I don't have to wonder if 'so and so' wants to be 'friends' and if they really like me. I am free from having to 'hide' my information from people I don't like. In one word, I call it freedom. I'm not attached to anything or anyone on there. *Whew!*
    CAKEDOC Posts: 110 Member
  • TidoWyla
    TidoWyla Posts: 72 Member
    I did!!!! Twice!!

    I was a member in Oct 2008 to Aug 2009 (DELETED)
    Then I joined again cause a cousin told me it would be good for business. I deleted again after 1 month!! I am a big opponent of FB and think it is the anti-social network. My biggest peave with it is the people that make it the only way they communicate....

    Out at a bar one night....
    Tony: Hi Jim what are you doing here? I called an left you a message to call me about meeting up but you didn't call me back.

    Jim: What do you mean? I posted it on FB

    (end example)

    The whole world has lost its personal skills. It is all about FB and texting to each other. I am a big proponent of FaceTime however. It is the next best substitute for a face to face meeting. My choices of communication are 1. Face to Face meet/hangout 2. FaceTime 3. Phone call 4. Text (only when calling is not possible i.e. meeting) and it has to be a quick text, no conversational texts. Face book is a waste of time and I despise the fact that it is the only way some companies prefer to market with customers. Its despicable.

    Completely agree....people email at work vs. picking up the phone and calling. The world has lost to many personl skills for sure!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    To me it's like anything else in life; it's great when you use it the right way. I never play any games on there. I don't accept friend requests from people I don't know or haven't seen since high school. I don't chat with anyone live there.

    But it helps me keep up with my family and friends that live far away. And I love being able to see pictures of my cousin's kids, etc.

    Plus I have "liked" several fitness pages (ie, Fit Sugar, Cathe Friedrich) that help keep me motivated.

    So to me, those that say it's a waste of time just don't use it properly. It can be great tool. Um, just like MFP----I've read several comments from people saying they "waste" hours on here every day.
    Same exact thing for me; I don't play the games, and subscribe to various financial and fitness pages for new info/tips/techniques to daily better my health and finances. Most of my "friends" are geographically separated family (we've got lots of family!) and really close HS/college friends & coworkers (keeping in touch w/people you meet in the military can pay huge dividends later). If any of my friends/family bring too much drama, I first "hide all posts" by that person before I delete so I don't have to see all their "spam".
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    nope. i love it. luckily i don't play games really and i don't have drama. so it serves as a great tool for me to keep in touch with my friends, since i live away from where i was raised and went to school. it also keeps me up to date with community events, etc.

    i'm on here WAY more than facebook. :laugh: love that too! :love:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    My FB page is a drama-free zone. Anyone who starts drama gets kicked to the curb.

    I also don't play the games or install many apps.
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    I'm thinking about it, I really don't go on it that often any more.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I was never in FB, nor I plan to be. The MFP website is addictive enough. I keep in touch with my kids, family, and friends by e-mail or by phone (Skype!!).

    I am not interested in finding old friends or school mates, and I don't care about the little things going on in people's life. I get enough information in their yearly "Christmas letters."
  • mudya
    mudya Posts: 128 Member
    I don't intend on deleting facebook, I use it to keep in touch with my friends and i mean friends, not someone who I once knew. As I'm in uni now and away from home, i need it more than ever, its a cheap and simple way to keep in touch with my family. It also helps with uni in general as my subject's society have made a facebook group which is used to help everyone out, especially when assignments and exams are due, so definetly won't be leaving facebook any time soon, that facebook group has helped me out on more than one occasion!
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    FB free for almost a thing I ever did!
  • fitaliciag
    I am not on mine much, spend more time here :-) but I can't get rid of it because I am nosy :-)
  • lialuck13
    Ohhh yeah. I deleted my Facebook a couple of months ago and at first it was really difficult for me - but my life is SO much more relaxing now. I'm concentrating on my own life....and if I don't want someone in my business, they simply have no way to be. (Unless we were friends on here - ha) I'd highly recommend it!!
  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
    To me it's like anything else in life; it's great when you use it the right way. I never play any games on there. I don't accept friend requests from people I don't know or haven't seen since high school. I don't chat with anyone live there.

    But it helps me keep up with my family and friends that live far away. And I love being able to see pictures of my cousin's kids, etc.

    Plus I have "liked" several fitness pages (ie, Fit Sugar, Cathe Friedrich) that help keep me motivated.

    So to me, those that say it's a waste of time just don't use it properly. It can be great tool. Um, just like MFP----I've read several comments from people saying they "waste" hours on here every day.

    Exactly :) I used to spend my life playing games like Farmville and Mystery Manor... now those are weekend "treats" when I'm done my workouts. It's nice to see what my friends in AL and FL are doing, while keeping motivated by the "Likes" on fitness sites... and the "likes" on all the cat sites *blush* I liek teh kitteh.....

  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I love Facebook. It allows me to stay updated on a large extended family - and keep them updated too. I have re-connected with childhood friends, college friends and enhanced my friendship with my circle of current friends and aquaintances. It gives me talking points for when I see people in person, and I use the messaging feature to contact people whose number / email I don't have. It's proven to be an ideal way to stay in contact.
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    I've thought about (deleting) it, because ever since I joined MFP I am rarely on FB...but I do have people that I message if I need to, or family that I rarely get to see...other than that, I only hear about the "did you see so and so's post about blah blah blah" when I talk to friends, family, or
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    I wouldn't delete my FB account. I like being able to be in touch with family that I don't see that often and old friends from high school and college. However, since starting MFP this is where I am mostly and I don't spend too much time on FB.

    I agree... I am not on it much, but I reconnected with a lot of old high school acquaintenances. What is funny - was the ONE friend I sought to talk to, I never heard from. He friended me but hasn't answered any emails or have I heard word one from him. So I just flirt with his HOTTIE sister! LMAO
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    I also have become facebook friends with about 5 MFPeeps. Why? Because it is nice to be able to instant message or see when someone is online. So we chat thru facebook!
  • carlye14
    how many of you have deleted your facebook and how many of you have had better results in life by doing so

    I deleted mine in September. I was on it way too much. Now I have more time for everything! I am definitely more productive now. Why would I want to sit around and read about what other people are doing when I could be out doing things myself?? Also, it's just a place to brag, gossip, and cause drama. If someone wants to talk to me, they can call, text, or email. Funny story, I deleted it in Sept. and my birthday is in November. Usually all of my FB 'friends' wish me happy birthday....I received 8 "happy birthdays" on my birthday...even family didn't know!!! Crazy.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    Got rid of mine at 9pm last night.. never felt better.. sometimes i had the URGE to post something... so dumb... now i can focus on my husband and starting a family. best choice ever - sia bevis
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    I realised that the time I spent on Mafia Wars was time that I could have spent on the gym - gave up the game but still miss the social aspect of it. Only play Scrabble and words with friends now. It's a tool that I have in the background - but it is very handy for my dissertation as I posted the link to the online survey and lots of friends hosted it and passed it on so got recruitment from snowball effect - so it can serve a purpose.

    At the moment I am working my way through my friends list and deleting off all the people I only had on for Mafia Wars - but I had over 1100 friends so only on the E's at the moment lol.

    It has it's place but I check in MFP before I go onto facebook now.