WHY keep your food diary hidden?



  • gwynb041109
    gwynb041109 Posts: 85 Member
    When i signed up, it automatically sets your diary to private. I didnt know how to until this week to make it public knowledge to my friends :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am a guy, I eat meat and potatoes and a lot of grilled chicken. You wont see tofu or greek yogurt.... because I cant stand it.

    WHAT?!?! Oh, you are probably going to get booted from the site now. I think greek yogurt is mandatory for membership.
  • CassiHutchings
    CassiHutchings Posts: 98 Member
    I have a key code on mine and a few people can look. I used to have mine public, but some days I'm just not that hungry so I don't eat much and I would get hassled over it. If people wouldn't hassle me on those days, I would make it public. :) Seems to just be easier to keep it private now. :)
  • ckkh
    ckkh Posts: 35 Member
    Ever since I went maintenance, I don't log like I did when I was actively losing and use the site more for other reasons. When I gain any I will log and get back down and then back to maintenance. By keeping it private it keeps the chatter down.
    Same for me - I don't log everything, everyday like I used to... just when I start creeping up again (like now, post Christmas). I am also lazy, and do a lot of "quick add calories" - reading my diary wouldn't always make a lot of sense :)
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    It is a personal tool. If it works for some people to have it private, that is up to them. They might just be private people. I have mine public but that doesn't suit everyone. It is up to the individual to decide what is best for them. Some people might be hiding something but I know that a lot of people aren't, they just don't want people seeing their diaries, which is fair enough. I have friends who have their diaries private and I don't think anything of it. I think people should stop worrying about what others are doing and concentrate on what is best for themselves. A private diary doesn't mean that person is "cheating" or eating badly, it just means they want their diary private, which is their right!
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    mines open to friends but not to the rest of mfp, guess I'm choosey on who I want looking at my diary lol

    Same here.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I have no idea why anyone would do this. What's the point on being on here? I have friends look at my diary and say things about it that are so useful, and I do the same. Even if it's just to get food ideas! Those people that have their diaries closed will not be as successful or are missing out huge.

    I have a lot of other benefits from this site, which is why I am here.

    My diet is set out for me by my coach. I have few options in my food choices but still use MFP to track my macros. Someone suggesting I eat something different is not going to help me, it is not an option. Nor do I need someone else's opinion on what I am eating.
    Telling me I did a good job on my food is not a motivation for me. I don't care about being under my calories or even being over. There is a bigger picture. On my workouts, which I also track, it is. When I drop a pound, I like sharing and getting feedback. I am also motivated by watching my friends' progress. Being under my calories, I don't care. I was successful in weight loss with other tracking apps without sharing with people prior to coming to MFP, I will continue to be successful with a closed diary.

    Others have their own very legitimate reasons for having a private diary, many of which have been expressed. What works for YOU does not mean it works for ME. Just because we don't do things the same doesn't mean I will be less successful. I resent that theme in this topic.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I think some people don't like the idea of disclosing something so personal; it's a way to avoid judgement (which of course wouldn't happen here, but it's a valid concern). Some people probably don't know how to make their diary public.

    lol it totally happens here. And how sad is that??? My diary was open for the two years I was losing, and for about 6 months of maintaining, But after daily questions about " Is that all you are eating," Why are you still eating 1200 calories" blah blah blah, I got sick of defending what my DOCTOR and I have agreed on. My body is happy with eating only 1200 calories , even still. I wanted to decrease my workouts ( from 10 hours a week to about 6) and for me to be able to do THAT, I have to keep my calories on the lower side still. And that is what I choose to do to maintain, and I do not feel like typing that answer out every time I am asked. So therefor.....

    I keep my diary closed :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,712 Member
    I have no idea why anyone would do this. What's the point on being on here? I have friends look at my diary and say things about it that are so useful, and I do the same. Even if it's just to get food ideas! Those people that have their diaries closed will not be as successful or are missing out huge.
    My point of being on here and using the food diary is to plan my meals before I eat them. I know what I'm doing and am not looking for ideas. I will be successful whether or not my food diary is public. Mine happens to be public, but that's not why I've been successful.
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    I have nice friends but maybe there are people who are just a bit too nosey and like to pick on people. Honestly, I don't look at anybody's diary, I'm too concerned with my own. But sometimes people might give lousy criticism. There are some people who just think everything should be done their way and they have no problem pestering others about it. If I had a friend like that, I guess I would unfriend them, but that might make me shut down my diary after that to save myself a hassle.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Mine was private for a while because I didn't know that was the default
    I changed it to public for a bit and didn't like people telling me "oh you shouldn't have eaten that" when it still fell within my net calorie range. I found it really irritating to feel judged, I'm here to get healthier, and I think keeping a diary helps me to be more aware and make better choices, but you know...if I want a chocolate bar or a piece of cake or a bag of chips, and it fits within my calories, i'm going to have it. And if every now and then I want a burger and fries or some nachos with friends, or to go out for a nice dinner with my bf ....but it puts me over for the day, i'm still going to do it. I'm going to enjoy it and then be right back on track the next day, and I don't need people to judge me for it.
    My diary is now set to "friends only" and I haven't yet run into any serious problems.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,712 Member
    I have nice friends but maybe there are people who are just a bit too nosey and like to pick on people. Honestly, I don't look at anybody's diary, I'm too concerned with my own. But sometimes people might give lousy criticism. There are some people who just think everything should be done their way and they have no problem pestering others about it. If I had a friend like that, I guess I would unfriend them, but that might make me shut down my diary after that to save myself a hassle.
    Great point. Just because people offer suggestions doesn't mean they know what the bleep they're talking about. I see that a lot.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I think some people don't like the idea of disclosing something so personal; it's a way to avoid judgement (which of course wouldn't happen here, but it's a valid concern). Some people probably don't know how to make their diary public.

    lol it totally happens here. And how sad is that??? My diary was open for the two years I was losing, and for about 6 months of maintaining, But after daily questions about " Is that all you are eating," Why are you still eating 1200 calories" blah blah blah, I got sick of defending what my DOCTOR and I have agreed on. My body is happy with eating only 1200 calories , even still. I wanted to decrease my workouts ( from 10 hours a week to about 6) and for me to be able to do THAT, I have to keep my calories on the lower side still. And that is what I choose to do to maintain, and I do not feel like typing that answer out every time I am asked. So therefor.....

    I keep my diary closed :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

  • tilda_g
    tilda_g Posts: 19
    Mine's closed because in the notes I talk about issues I'm having with my gut and...er... that's not really something other people want to see...
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    I think some people don't like the idea of disclosing something so personal; it's a way to avoid judgement (which of course wouldn't happen here, but it's a valid concern). Some people probably don't know how to make their diary public.

    sorry, yes it DOES happen here, over and over and over. . .
  • jackswife1207
    jackswife1207 Posts: 59 Member
    Mine is hidden and I agree that it would make me more accountable. I've tried to figure out how to share it and couldn't.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,712 Member
    Mine is hidden and I agree that it would make me more accountable. I've tried to figure out how to share it and couldn't.
  • christinajohnson
    christinajohnson Posts: 102 Member
    When I have a bad day with food I feel ashamed and don't want to share it because I feel embarrassed.
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    Why not? If someone is not looking for feedback, just wants to be able to keep track of your eating habits. It's not wrong... it's a personal choice!:flowerforyou:
  • merrick7871
    I keep mine private because I don't hold the same beliefs as some people on here and dont want nor need their judgement. I have seen some people be down right rude and mean because someone had McDonalds for lunch! I used the site for logging my food and exercise, and have made some friends along the way, but I do not need to be held accountable by anyone, especially people I dont know. And, if I was hiding something, why would I even be on this site? People are just nosey. They need to worry about themselves and not everybody else.