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  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,468 Member
    magda - congrats on that grandchild! <singing> I know someone who is going to be spoiled!!! :)

    yellowrose - that runkeeper app sounds great. I'm going to look on my droid to see if there is something like that, if not the same thing. I like that it will tell you how you're doing at certain intervals. Thanks for telling me about this. I had pizza tonight. I got this Tofutti, and its quite good.

    We had some pretty cold days (for NC, anyway) but the last few days have been warm(er), so we got all of the Christmas decorations outside down and in the garage. Now even if it rains, Vince can still do things like roll up the extension cords.

    Nancy - like you, I try to plan the meals for the following week and my exercise in advance so that I can be sure to have all the necessary ingredients. However, without Internet, I wasn't able to look at my recipes that I have stored. I do have a few printed out, so I used those. I still need to find something to have for Wednesday, but at least I have Monday's dinner planned. Next step is to buy the chicken....lol

    Welcome to all the new people

    Personally, I like a sweet wine. The sweeter, the better.

    Susan - hope your husband isn't having serious surgery. Good luck to him. Good idea not to eat in the hosp. cafeteria. Honestly, some of the food that is served! and this is a hospital! I do have to say, tho, that at the hosp in FL the food is pretty decent. they give you a listing of the calories, etc. for all the foods.

    magnolia - congrats on becoming a grandma!

    Our neighbor came by selling Girl Scout cookies. Yes, I got about 9 boxes. But I got the peanut butter patties (which I don't like but Vince does), some of the thin mints for Jessica (as long as I put them in her room out of sight, I'm OK), and one or two boxes of some others. Even tho I like them, hopefully Vince will finish them up fast. I also got 3 boxes from the secretary of our Bowling league, so I need to pay her Wednesday.

    Tia - I like the Rodney Yee burn DVD. He has some really good DVD's

    Why is it that it seems to take practically nothing at all, and I gain two pounds. but try as I might, I can only seem to lose a few ounces at a time??? What a pain!

    Did yoga Sat. then today (Sun) did an hour of training games on the Wii, tomorrow I'll take the extreme pump class. On my way home, I'll probably stop to get the chicken for dinner and a few other things.

    thanks barbie. I do have a HRM, so I might just wind up using that.

    One thing that concerns me about a group is the fact that the title of the post is one thing, but many times it evolves to discussion about something else and people don't change the titles.

    Barb - your talking about how you and dh both bought the pizza, Vince and I have been married for 33 years. On our anniversary this year we got each other the same card!

    Benji - my heart goes out to you with your dog. In a way it might be good that your son went back to school. Any change in schedule has an effect on animals. I know when my family was here for Christmas, I could tell that the cats were somewhat stressed out.

    jaks - I don't like it, either, when the Wii tells me I'm overweight "that's overweight"...yuk

    carole - are the WW guidelines somewhere they can be viewed? I'd be curious to see what I "should" weigh. Probably less than I do weigh.

    amckenna - sounds like a good idea to let your laziness work for you! Wish I could do that. My laziness prevents me from logging the food, but not from eating it! I am trying desperately, tho, not to eat after dinner.

    Robin - welcome to the newest addition to your family! He's so cute.

    Personally, I really like the shiratake tofu noodles. Very much like spaghetti. Some people, tho, find them somewhat "rubbery", but I don't mind that. Plus...they've quite low in calories.

    Our Internet is working, but I want to get this posted before whatever it is goes out again.

    here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi Sherry here. I am glad I found this site and I can download to my phone. Easier to see what you put in your mouth. I am 57 with a 3 yr old grandson and a new grandaughter on the way. I don't want to be the grammie that can't get on the floor and play. I have a few major things to attend this year and Ineed to get this weight off. Started exercising slowly, bought an eliptical for Christmas and started wii fit yesterday. Sucks to have a computer icon say you are obese. Reality check cause in my head im still a size 12/14.:love:
    Hi Sherry! I have 4 grandkids, 3 boys - 1 girl, and one on the way (they don't know what it is yet, but my SIL is buying pink onesies, so we'll all pray it's a girl :bigsmile:

    Getting down on the floor to play is not a problem for me -- it's the getting UP part that sometimes gets me!

    I'm a different size in my head too -- and it sure is a shock when I see myself in pictures lol!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    It was so hard to get out of bed at 5 this morning. I could definitely have done with another hour of being snuggled up.

    My weight has dropped again, but I'm not changing my ticker just yet - I'm trying to maintain rather than lose, so I may have to add a few extra calories.

    Ooh the twins are awake, got to dash.

    Love to all
    Amanda x
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Does anyone have suggestions. I can go without eating, which has stopped my metabolism. I did WW a few years back and had a hard time eating all the points, I do eat breakfast M-F on my way to work, and during the weekend I can go a long time without food, how can I work more food into my day while working 8 hours. Looking at my counts this weekend I have gone over the 1200 calories l listed should I change my goals or????Any help is appreciated

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    i agree with another poster, try a plan or your food plan, but eat regular meals and foods that are nutrution dense....an easy bfast that travels well(i have it everyday)is ....egg whites or eggs if you wish, placed in a tortilla and roll up like a burito...you add some more protein if you like....its under 200 cal..good luck

    oh i almost forgot...i have a question...do any of you log in you days in advance...pre log meals, exercise, etc???thanks
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member

    oh i almost forgot...i have a question...do any of you log in you days in advance...pre log meals, exercise, etc???thanks

    When I was really doing well I planned out my whole week on Sunday. It made it easier for me to just check my log to see what I was supposed to eat rather than deciding on the spot what to eat. I enjoyed it. I need to get back to doing that.:wink:
  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    Well hello again and Happy New Year! It's been a long time since I've logged on (almost a year :ohwell: ) - but it was a long year at that but it is over, so time to start anew and re-vamp the old goals! It is nice to see some familiar faces and lots of new ones as well - I hope to get to know you all again in time.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    thanks robin for the tip...i need to change it up something is not working.....and i know its the food :blushing: anyways off to the gym, today is biking and weights, then lots of paper to clear off and home duties...like beth, i need to limit my time on the computer(its way too much)so starting today i am doing an hour in the mornig or less and then an hour in the evening...well that is my goal for january ...have a lovely day all:flowerforyou:

    BTW...i have reading a magazine called CLEAN EATING and its full of interesting info also their website has great recipes and information as well....CLEANEATING.COM
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    :love: I love the idea of a group!

    rjadams: Looks like Ritter is the best kind of chocolate there is -guilt free :wink:

    :blushing: I too struggle with snacking in the evenings. Besides brushing my teeth, I've found that a cup of hot tea or other low calorie hot beverage helps. If its carb-y things that are calling my name eating a dill pickle instead helps. Nothing sweet tastes good after a pickle!

    :flowerforyou: Sometimes I think we make this so much harder than it really is. Maintaining a healthy weight shouldn't be rocket science. We just need to put quality fuel in our bodies, do something that makes us sweat everyday and get enough rest for our body to repair itself. Problem is few of us do that! Instead we eat fast food or "diet foods" filled with chemicals, avoid physical activity like the plague and burn the candle at both ends. Just sayin....

    :happy: Began reading my new Jillian Michaels book, "Mastering Your Metabolism". Its quite an eye opener, written for the layperson from an endocrinology stand point. In the 2nd chapter she gives the best explanation of what happens in your body when you binge on simple carbs I've ever heard or read. I'm learning that its about so much more than quality food and exercise! Skipping meals and not enough sleep factor in too!

    :drinker: Today I begin my annual detox/cleanse to remove all the holiday sludge and reset my immune system. So for the next 10 days I will only be eating vegetables, fruits, nuts and water. The hardest part is no salt! This is my 3rd year to do it and so far I never get sick when everyone else is passing around tummy flu and upper respiratory crud. An added benefit is I have no problem staying under my calories and usually lose a pound every day or two.

    I usually have fruit and nuts or nut butter for breakfast, eat an avocado and salad for lunch every day, and fix beans or stir fry veggies in evoo for a hot supper. I snack on unsalted nuts and berries. Then I add back in eggs, then chicken, then whole grains. Hubby is actually going to do it with me this year!

    Even though I take raw food vitamins and try to eat well, I've been having some regular energy deficits lately so for the next few weeks I am going to try a new schedule that includes dedicated exercise each morning and a siesta every afternoon. If that doesn't recharge my batteries I am making a drs appointment in a few weeks!

    :flowerforyou: Happy Monday everybody; we can do this one good choice at a time! :drinker:
  • oh i almost forgot...i have a question...do any of you log in you days in advance...pre log meals, exercise, etc???thanks

    Regarding posting ahead of time; I often log my meals and snacks for the next day the night before so I can prepare them for work and then I know how many calories and stuff I have left for the evening. It helps because often the evenings can be difficult. Often when I don't plan ahead I'll get to supper time and not really have enough calories and proteins and stuff to have a decent nutritious meal. I know it's a mind game but it seems to help me.
  • So if you are curious, Ritter is just 7 weeks old. Bodi is completely smitten. It is so fun to watch them together. My heart is just filled with total joy and happiness. I am sure that Kiera is pleased.


    Honestly, that's just the sweetest thing ever :heart: thanks so much for sharing
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Salad Sistas Challenge Week 2! At least one large salad a day, it's as simple as that. 2-3 cups greens topped with chopped fresh vegs & tomato. Add a few nuts or seeds, a little cheese, meat or tuna, mandarin oranges, dried cranberries and feta, hard boiled egg or cooked beans...whatever suits your fancy. I use evoo/balsamic dressing or lite raspberry vinaigrette, and maybe have a cup of soup or half-san on the side. Salad is the Main Course. Let's get those potassium levels up there.

    For potassium info and an excellent chart, check this out: http://www.krispin.com/potassm.html

    SuzyQ, thx for the inspirational post this morn. JM's book sounds like a good one to read.

    I recently read "Eating Well for Optimum Health" by Andrew Weil, M.D. It contains so much great info.

    Cheers to another Monday, ya just gotta love 'em.

    :^) jb
  • Really, really enjoyed my Sunday !! No calorie counting, no 5 mile walk, just a wonderful meal with the family and watching some awesome football !!
    Today I'm back on track, just completed my 5 miles and today we'll have a veggie day!!!
    Have a great Monday,
  • dbutorac
    dbutorac Posts: 120
    I just found out about MFP this week-end, I am 56 & have my weight has yo-yo all my life. I have been successful on Weight Watchers before, & set to join an at work program, however, Weight Watchers has suspended at work programs until they get their computer portal going. So I guess, I will save the money & do it this way. So far I love the ability to track my food & exercise. Believe it or not it was so warm in Minnesota yesterday, I rode my bike 12 miles around the lake. :happy:

    Thanks for starting this blog.
  • I just joined yesterday. My niece told me about the program. Have any of you tried the "salad in a jar" for lunch? I am thinking it may be worth a try to keep me off of salad bars, which lead to trouble!
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    oh i almost forgot...i have a question...do any of you log in you days in advance...pre log meals, exercise, etc???thanks

    Regarding posting ahead of time; I often log my meals and snacks for the next day the night before so I can prepare them for work and then I know how many calories and stuff I have left for the evening. It helps because often the evenings can be difficult. Often when I don't plan ahead I'll get to supper time and not really have enough calories and proteins and stuff to have a decent nutritious meal. I know it's a mind game but it seems to help me.

    I've done this often in restaurants. I have the MFP app on my iPhone. I will make my food choices and then log them to check calories and carbs before I order. (I'm prediabetic and have to watch carbs even more closely than calories.) I'd there is something on the menu that (like carrots) that I can eat only in tiny amounts, I will ask either ask the waiter to have the chef hold the forbidden food, or I will pick it out of a mixed dish before I eat.
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 90 Member
    Well, one week down. I'm back to work today so the temptations of the kitchen will be a daily trial. I am most happy about the fact that I have really upped my exercising in the last month and by doing the food diary, I am more conscious of what I put in my mouth. I will be happy if I maintain this pace of weight loss at 1/1/2 lbs per week, even though my ticker says 2.
  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    yeah - week one is over - weighed in yesterday morning and I'm down 7 pounds.....whooo hooo...:drinker: .thanks to MFP and this group for all your support and ideas....I may not post all the time - but I'm definitely reading and retaining lots! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I too have downloaded the app to my iPhone and it's so easy when it's with you at all times - you don't have to be around your computer to log in and track food and/or exercise.

    My problem that I see happening from my first week is I'm usually over in my proteins and sugars. I eat alot of fruit and yogurt which is why my sugar is high but protein....I like my protein so that's going to be hard to cut back on. I have been under my allowable calories per day (except one:blushing: ) but I was over the protein 4 out of 7 days... oh well....it's coming off so I guess that's the most important part! thanks again everybody :flowerforyou: a.k.a. BethB.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Save, so I can find you tonight. Just got back from our ski vacation. The stairmaster was worth it! I kept up with my boys and kept going after they stopped for the day.
  • workmum39
    workmum39 Posts: 5 Member
    Glad that a co-worker sent me this link. My weight loss is back on goal with a successful back surgery. Can't do what I was doing before for exercise quite yet but walking in the beautiful SC mild winter weather is working out just fine for now.
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Barbie, you recently posted something about wanting people to make their food diaries public, so others could get meal ideas from us. I'm reluctant to open up my food diary, mostly because people probably think I'm weird enough already. So what I'll do instead is post a few selective meals I eat repeatedly and have saved in my food calculator.

    This one is my basic, high protein, low carb, good health, diabetic, hot breakfast breakfast.


    - Combine oat bran, Chia seeds, flax seeds, cinnamon, and orange peel in a one pint, microwaveable bowl.
    - Mix dry ingredients well
    - Add 3/4 cup of water
    - Zap in microwave open 60 seconds. If mixture is too watery (varies according to microwave strength) let it cool 60 seconds and then zap another 60 seconds. Don't try to cook it 120 seconds straight, or it will boil over.
    - Add Greek yogurt and stir thoroughly. sprinkle blueberries, chopped walnuts, and slivered almonds on top, or mix into cereal as you prefer.

    Oat bran and blueberries are both on the top ten list of superfoods for your health. Almonds and walnuts are also superfoods. Chia seeds and milled (ground) flax seeds are high fiber, low carb grains recommended for diabetics. Cinnamon and orange peel are supplements that have been shown in research studies to lower blood glucose in diabetics.

    Breakfast ( Cals Fat Protein Fiber Carbs)
    Navitas Naturals Organic Chia Seeds, 1 tbsp (35 2 2 3 4)
    Quaker Oatmeal Bran (75 1 3 2 14)
    Organic Milled Flax Seeds, 1 tbsp (25 2 1 2 2)
    Blueberries - Raw, 0.25 cup (21 0 0 1 5)
    Chobani - Greek Yogurt Non-Fat Plain, 6 oz (100 0 18 0 7)
    Chopped Walnuts, 1 tbsp (25 2 1 0 0)
    Spices - Cinnamon, ground, 0.5 tbsp (9 0 0 2 3)
    Generic - Orange Peel, Grated, 0.5 tbsp (3 0 0 1 1)
    Generic - Slivered Almonds, 1 Tbsp (53 4 2 4 7)
    Total (346 11 27 15 43)